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Jonas Mar 2024
Ligthing my house on fire

I don't want to die
Not really
I wan't to live
So much left in my chest to give

Life is beautiful
It's worth to be experienced
It's society that's bringing me down
Can't look up
Gazed pinned to the ground

Sometimes I just can't see it
Sometimes I don't feel it
Sometimes I don't want to
To get up, go on
What's the point?

Lying here
In my house on fire
I feel warm
Jonas Jun 2023
I smoke cause the hole in my chest can never be filled,
I work out tirelessly cause I can never be enough

So when I go to bed at night
I can beat myself up over smoking to much and lifting to little.
Jonas Sep 2023
can someone just tell me what I'm supposed to do,
where I'm supposed to go.

Just tell me how the world works,
give me something to believe,
it doesn't even have to make total sense.

There is something deeply wrong with me,
tell me what's wrong with me.
Just give me a reason, a story
give me something to hold on to.

So I can move on.

Can someone just care for me please?
Take over,
just for a little while, so I can rest.
Take a break form being an adult,
cause it never seems to stop.

I'm so done
Jonas Oct 2021
you up?

I'm a curious person

I gotta ask, gotta know
you know?

What's it like?

To hug you from behind
smelling your hair.
To hold you and be held
biting your lip in the dark.
To whisper sounds, hear you breathe,
hear you moan?
To trace your curves over and over
up and down.
How soft are your thighs?

The shape of your breast
your hand in my hand.
The shape of us, feet intertwined.
Your skin on my skin.
The light breeze on you, resting.
Would you leave marks on me?

To fall asleep, to wake up with you.
"How was your day" and "I miss you already" 's
To share a cigarette, one coffe in the morning.
Black, no sugar?

Your taste, your smell, your sounds.
Tell me.

What's it like in the night?
Laying next to you?
no regrets
Jonas Aug 2023
I'm 23 now (24,25,...)
and already so tired
Tired of it all
the constant struggle
for sustain, for mediocrity
compromise what makes you you and feel alive

How much longer
Do i have to go on?

How long will you keep believing
what was promised to you?
How long can you wait
for the promised payout
that you're still hoping, wishing, begging for?

I just want to be healthy and happy
in life
why is that so hard to get,
so hard to keep
Am I asking to much?
Shouldn't that be the minimum?

Dear body, dear mind, dear soul
What's the point of survival
without a good reason to stay alive for?

And what's the alternative when dying isn't an option either?
I still do want to go on, my body wants to live
it has an agenda, a mind of it's own

Still hasn't had enough, still isn't fed up,
no energy left to spend,
no  feelings, no anger left to vent
it still holds on, teeth clenched it claws, it crawls on

Just indifference and that little cursed hope
that keeps me from letting go completly,
keeps me holding on.
Jonas Aug 2024
I wrote this back then
Thinking of you
It's not my best work
But I thought I'd try
I don't know

Maybe you'd like it
Jonas Jun 2022
I need you to let go
let go off the " how are you" 's and " how you're doing" 's
stop touching me
all the time, all so casually
It's not okay.
Jonas Jun 2023
I keep running, moving, pushing,
gaslighting myself.
Chased by the fear
that the moment I stop moving
I'll be falling back into that hole.

That grey bottomless pit
Where nothing goes in or out
Where nothing matters anymore
x times gravity to the ground

I'm a ticking time bomb,
implosion is inevitable
A strong urge to lay down,

Just give up
Jonas Sep 2023
One second,

for the broadest smile to shine,
for tears to form, dripping out of your eyes
waterfalls down your cheeks
An exchange of looks, a parting of ways
To shy to try
To say hi and goodbye

Two seconds
It's all it takes

For tires to screech leaving your bike under wheels
For your life to unfold and fade away,
to be changed forever,
a spiral out of control

Three seconds is all it takes,

To say
I love you,
Thank you
Could you help me?
I'm glad you're here.
I woudn't know what to do without you

Imagine what you could do with a day

I believe one day you'll smile again, cry again
One day, you'll bike again
And believe me when I say
it's gonna be worth it, it's gonna be okay.
Jonas Jan 2024
Meeting you
I understand now

Why hands need to be held
And lips urge to be kissed
Jonas Dec 2023
Nights like this
Hundreds of drinks later
Hundreds of people
Shallow like the thick air
You breathe in there

Total ups and downs
Oh what euphoria it is,
Riding out highs to the ground
Past the point of throwing up,
Throwing it all away

When the shakes stop
Your fists still hurting
From punching the door
On your way out
"I'm taking five"
A small number

A couple breaths
Curled up
Next to the toilet
Completly overwhelmed
In and out
Should I just go?

Behind the stick
Pouring promises of a quick escape
No remorse's found here
No moderation cause
"Tonight we go big
Time to forget ourselves"
To let go of all reason

Melting bonds
Together with your people
We've gone through the fire trials
We do it, again and again

When you can't smell the smoke
Any longer
Hovering in the air
When you can't hear the music
A "boom, boom, boom" to the background

When your sweat forms a salty smile
On your shirt
Your face, a pale grimace
Void of any emotion
At this point
Teeth clenched, throat sore
You don't matter anymore

It's us against them
Who will give in first?
Their thirst for more
Or my arms, my legs,
My patience?

They are a constant demand,
For more
Total ignorance,
In pure bliss pure preassure
Ego printed out on paper
Left on the table or thrown at you
On their way out
Pick it up when you clean this mess

When it's over for the night
You come to a stop
As the world wakes up
And comes alive again,

The sun gently lights your face
On your way home
A bit of shelter
Warmth and quiet
A bit of peace

Finally excused,
You hurry home
A couple hours of rest and resignationt
The adrenaline wore off
Put a check behind yesterday
It's over and done

Four, five, six
A quick bite, sleep, repeat
The to do list of today
Already delivered to your pocket

Time's up
You blinked twice
You said you wouldn't do that anymore
Have to get going now, have to get back
Have to function again
Be there in five

Only then it is,
That you realize
You enjoy losing yourself
In the struggle
In this swirl ******* you in
Deeper and deeper

Time passes
Quicker and quicker
Just a little more
And I can give up
I can give in

And leave everything behind
Leave all reason
Leave all trouble
Awake but unconscious
Dead or alive
Night or day

How messed up you have become
For a nicle and a dime
Your life's gone grey, gone grim
Gone bitter

It's after nights like this
That you get the hint of a feeling
That you went wrong somewhere
Togehter with a clear feeling
Of deserving it
You deserve to end here
Jonas May 2024
Walk a mile in my shoes
No, better even
Try running

Borrow my eyes for one evening
To see the world
From my point of view
To see as I do
To see how I see you

Maybe then you'll believe me
How great you really are
I do
I really love you

Maybe then you could see it too
Jonas Apr 2022
To travel the world
and shoot the palces I've seen
the books I've read
and the stories I've visited.
To share them with you
for when I'm gone
you get to see where I've been,
who I've become.
Jonas Jan 2024
Your perfume speaks to me
Through your proximity
You're close to me stranger

It speaks of a smile heavy
With it's years of history
Of struggle and conflict
Ups and downs,
Of beauty and bliss

A smile of familiarity
Of deep understanding
And recognition in another
Your eyes are a mirror of magic
I can see all of you
As I've learned to love you
And yet see myself clearly
Through your point of view

I know that we walk this road together
That we are meant to be
Till the end
From here on out

As the moment passes
Your scent leaves me
I can still feel
The warmth of your hand
Lovingly holding my cheek

I lean into it
As I mouth my last goodbye
To you dear stranger
To another opportunity missed
Of a life
Well lived
Jonas Aug 2023
Things that are meant to be shared

Laughter, good company, time, love, your bed,
quiet night talks, star gazing, creation, art,
one drink too many,
your lips
Music, food, accomplishments
Your tears, pain and struggles
Happy or sad?
The big moments and the small ones
Clothes, stories, experience, travels and your space.

Did I mention the food?
Jonas Jul 2021
To put a time stamp on ones life.
How much are you worth?
What's your number?
Clock out.
Take your break.
Never come back.
Jonas Dec 2021
Who are you
when doors shut close
your friends in another room?
When no one's watching?
Only you and your consciousness remain.

Your hidden sides creep out,
bones aching pulling down,
demons crawling forth,
insects nibbling at your skull
The past comes knocking,
flooding in
with whisperd words

Memories are haunting
you can evade them in company
but you're all alone now.
Can't drown them out now.
Can't look away now.
Do you see?

Is that really me?
Or am I the other person
Jonas Mar 2024
And one day I woke up
Smelling flowers again
In full blossom
A feint scent of almonds walking by
I can't help it
It makes me smile

Squashed sticky between my fingers
I hold hidden flavours
Wet grass and dirt beneath me
Lying down at the river banks
My favourites are alive again

Nostalgia served on a platter
A slight sting to the chest
Watching the light break and curl at the surface
Glittering gold shimmering
Water always finds it's ways

Don't get me wrong
I still feel empty
A hollow shell of a tree
That burned out long ago
Keeping up appearances

But as the sun goes down
The gentle spring night air
Speaks to me of summers warmth
Filling me, holding me up
Making my step a little lighter

I long for somebody
To love me
But for now
Today was a good day
Jonas May 2023
so your mom called
She asked how you were doing

I said I wouldn't know for sure
I think you're doing oka(s)y
If you don't, you will in time
Sometimes it's hard to see what is going on in your mind,
you learned to hide it so well.
Underneath a face , a quick look, a smile
they becomer more real every time.

She seemed worried, tried to hide it, keep it in.
Something you learned from her maybe?
But you could just tell from her voice.
It shook for a second.
Breaking the everyday demeanour.

Then she asked me if her daughter still knows that she's beautiful. If I'd remind her for her.
You haven't visited in a while

I said mam, respectfully
the sun tries every day to shine a little brighter
to witness your daughter's life and warm her in her journey.
The moon puffs up it's chest, and pulls in the ocean over and over again
So your daughter can rest easier at night
And the stars soley come out to listen to her stoies and lift her worries in the dark

She impresses me more and more each day you see.
Your daughter is beautiful whether she wants to or not.
Through her looks, through her acts, her struggles
Her witts, her charm, her little faults her ... her, yes her everthing.
Her silly laugh, I'd recognize everywhere
She is one of the few true things I was ever lucky enough to experience.

Honestly she drives me crazy sometimes.
I admit sometimes, I have to slow down, fall behind and
Take a moment to breathe, to process.
Thinking I can't handle it, thinking I'm to weak, thinking I'm
not good enough.
I'm so scared of the possibility losing her someday.
Losing her trust, her heart, her interest.
I'm so scared of losing my ****. Apologies.
But it's true.

Looking at her, having her in my arms, waking up to her
I now understand
Life can get really scary once you decided to care and commit
As a boy I always pretended not to be scared, to be brave.
Now I feel like a boy again. But I must be a man.
For her.

I can't promise you her happiness,
I can't know if it will last
But I can promise as long as I'm here,
and the world is here,
she will never go alone.
Jonas Mar 2024
Went out
Met her
In a bar
Basil smash that ***
As usual, I talk to much
Smart ***
Quick smack to my face

A little later
We leave together
Off to new horizons
I forgot your bridal *******
Jokes aside
Got no rubbers on me
We gotta improvise

Fast forward a couple of nights
Honey dew on a full moon
Got my ***** out
Hanging out in plain view
We're in it now, deep
Call it a honey moon
I'll call you soon

Call you mine?

Yes I will
Jonas Mar 2024
A family of five one day decided to quit
Packed their bags
Only take what you can carry son
To leave this mess

Hoping to find a better life
Crossing oceans
Off to strange lands
I believe
We can make it
The future is bright

They're just trying to make it
Putting up a fight
Make the best with what they have
If not for them
At least for their children
Can you blame them?

Who needs to know how to swim anyway
Just don't get wet
Close your eyes princess try to sleep and pray
I’ll keep the monsters at bay

An easy mark
Two were shot dead
Both slaughtered
Like cattle in the dark

Another drowned the next day
He panicked, jumped ship
It was a mistake, an accident
They can't charge him twice now
You see?

The youngest got fished out
Caught in their net
They brought her back
First she got ***** and beaten
Then left to starve
Close to her farther’s land
Chained and bound to familiar ground

The last just got lost
Forget about him
Last he was seen?
When we pushed him back
There's enough space for them
On the ocean
Out of sight in the middle of the night
Missing in action
The actions we don't talk about

No one came back
That means they made it right?
They must have made it out

Momma, momma
Tell me
Where are our neighbours at?
Jonas Mar 2024
Some people are just awful
Rotten to the core
Walking this earth in misery
They try their best to drag everyone around
Down with them

Come join me
In the mud
Let's wallow
Jonas Jul 2024
I have stuffed in front off my pants
A big fat buldge
Skin on stretched out fabric
It is my ****
Rocking it rock hard

At the rear end sits
"The collective history of feminism since 1789"
Its a small book
You could read it in a day
If you chose to

**** me
How poetic is that

Kneel down before my genius baby
Jonas Mar 2023
I grew up loved
yet I feel unworthy of it

I don't deserve,
can't accept the happiness

Mother what heave you done
What am I to make of this?

I just want it to stop ,
stop feeling like this

There's no purpose for this kid
Good times have never lasted long here.
Jonas Sep 2021
Heavy sinks the sailors heart
He pulled through sun, sea and storm on the daily
But this change of course
he could not have forseen

When the sails are singing tales
of loved ones left behind
waves come crashing down on him
His soul is swept away

Being lost at sea, now
sun rays touch his face
Beneath the surface
he rests

happily ever after
Jonas Jun 2023
Hi Dad,

I called to say I'm sorry
sorry for how I treated you growing up.
Sorry for never breaking the ice, never trying to go through your walls,
while putting up mine higher ,
while you were putting up with me,
my behaviour, all your care met with nothing but disrespect.

I dind't feel like I could reach you back then.
Trouble you with my worries and problems.
I didn't think I was allowed, saw no room.
You've never been the emotional available type,

yet you were the most caring nurturing, supporting and reliable person I've met in my life.
You still are.
You were a string of stability in my childhood and after.
You've never been an authority figure. It's a little like you took my moms place ,when she had to put her needs above mine.
But you were hard to reach, so restircted by your parents upbringing.
"Don't act out, behave, keep up your appereance, smile, be polite, and most importantly don't ever bother anyone"

You were working a lot too.
I spend so much time alone.

Can it be? You can't be direct with your emotions,
you don't say I love you,
You say you're very dear to me instead again and again
hoping that the message sticks.
You say "what about going outside for a change?", instead of "Your behaviour is unhealthy son. We're going to change it.

Words aren't your strongest suit, mine neither
so you switch to acts.
Acts of service and quality time.
So easily overlooked. Not apprecciated enough.
Used and taken for granted.

I took it for weakness back than, and yes I used you in so many ways.
Over and over I insulted your kindness.

You're a bit shy too aren't you?
Never been the bravest. We both struggle with that.
You don't take charge you wait till the time is right, till the stars align and things take their natural order.
And if the time doesn't come than it will simply never happen.
In life that means you're often left, left out, left behind with the scraps.
It's unfair. But you endured. You're patient.

How much did others take form you? How much time? You never learned to mark your limits. Hard to say no. People pleasing is a habit that sticks and leaves you vulnurable.

You seem stuck and torn between worlds as well.
Somewhere between working and middle class, between liberal and conservative.
Between the family you grew up with and my mother you choose.
And me in the middle, after the break up.

I'm sorry, Dad, for not valuing what you gave and sacrified for me on the daily.
For washing the pots I left in the sink bruned again and again.
For showing me the islands of the Atlantic ocean every year,
watching dolphines and whales in the sea.
For cleaning the floor and chasing me up and down all of these mountains till evantually I grew to love it.
For cooking me meals after a long day of work. setting the table,
just to wait for me never come to the table and watch the food go cold.
And eat alone.

I was busy hiding away from the world. It was to much for me.
I wasn't welcome anywhere. Singled out from the get go.
Before I could even begin to think.
You wanted to push me into the world, so I fought that.
Trying was to hard and I didn't have much encouragment to fail and try again. The pull of fantasy and untoachable, strong heroes besting every trouble was to strong next to realitys horrors.

You were always ready to give me your everything,
to scrape out the last bit of yourself so I could waste it and throw it away.
Your trust in me was infinite.
I only ever used you for it.
Couldn't see all the love and pain behind.

I know loneliness, but know I realize you must have lived it too.
You probably buried your troubles in your work, shouldering it all alone, trying to provide for my every whishes without me giving you many good things to come home to.
Yet you never choose violence or let your anger out on me.
Although I could feel the frustration. I practically bathed in it.

Without thanks or aknowledgement. You did it alone. You fought for your place in my life and you earned it times over.
Thanks to you and Mama I grew up without toxic masculinity.
That's worth a lot. Thank you.

I hope you find someone soon who breaks that shell, who sees and appreciates you fully. Who pushes you further than you've ever been. Shows you things of wonder you can't even imagine yet
Through adventure and life.
I hope you life a long, happy and peaceful life.
You deserve it.
I hope I can be around long enough to witness it and support you for once.
And not to be selfish again and choose to check out. I'm trying

I regret our relationship growing up but it makes sense to me. We we're both stuck in our circumstances and nature. I just hope I can make up for it now,
Show you that you nurtured something worth it all.
Raised someone you can be proud of.

I love you Papa, please take care of yourself.
Jonas Jan 2022
"You know,
I knew I liked you from the momet I first saw you
Did you?"

" No
Back then you were a girl  and I was a fool

You are a women now.
Smart, funny, breathtaking beautiful
I adore you so much it hurts

And I'm still a fool
A fool for you"
Jonas Mar 2024
I don't have my people
Never met someone
Who I felt secure enough with
To fully trust
To connect with
Let's go off script!

Who might understand
Who'd be willing to listen?
I couldn't explain myself anyways
It's been so long I've forgotten

Makes sense tho
I'm not a real person
Just a hollow wind up doll
All lines and make pretend
A walking matryoshka
Layers on layers of crumbling paint
Yet nothings inside to find
Jonas Apr 2022
I don't want to die.
I wanna life.

So why won't you let me?
What is wrong with me?
Jonas May 2024
It takes some salt
Some water and some wheat
To bake up a story
Could be my story
Could be a good stroy
Of a life filled with worry

I took some beatings in my time
You see
I tried and failed
Took some beatings
Crushed again and again
I choose poorly

To be fair
I might have been
An ***
Savory and juciy
Call it a pastry

Still there is some beauty
Left in me
Blooming like a delicate flour
Sorry, I'm a little drunk
It's meant to be "flour"

Then one night it happens
You're out
A she enters the scene
Gets her hands on you
Hot and steaming
"You're so sweet"
Put some sugar on top
Smear it on my mouth
Mouth to mouth
Don't forget to swallow
You're toasted, breathing shallow

3,2,1 time's up
She got bored of you
Bored of your taste
Lost interest and turns away
Another oppurtunity gone
Got your hopes up
Over time you can't help it
You turn sour

I'm tired
Lay me down to rest
I only ever wanted
To live freely
You can only do what you can
With what you have
And try your best

The next day
Another night, another girl
It's late
We are at mine
You have me
For one night
Leave your marks on me
Add scars to my back
Might be to much for me
You crush me a little, make it crack

After you're done with me
You just stand there
Wait and watch
You have time, no rush

Watch me turn and turn
In my sleep, in my dreams
You watch me suffer
Watch me, rise and fall under the heat
I'm under preassure
How I beat myself up
You add to it too
Inflated ego
On the rise
Getting bigger and bigger

Let's wait some more
The moment I cool off
Back at room temp
And let myself fall
Right into your arms
You'll strike
Dig in your nails again
Tear me apart
Pull out my insides for the world to see
See, I told you I was soft there
And warm too
Hot even, just for you

A fair trade
I eat you out, you eat me up
Devour me whole
That's the deal
And yet you're hungry still
For more

The world is your oyster
Tell me now

What's for desert?
Jonas Feb 2021
So you're going then?
Yes I'm leaving
... me behind, again.
For some time, I'm coming back .... I think
Why are you doing this? What are you looking for?
Experience, Purpose, Answers, Determination
 Love, Life, Death,
Memories of the future
and whatever all of that summs up to

It hurts to see you go.
I know,but you know what?
It means it has been real
It means it has been worth it
Getting left hurts, please don't leave me behind
Stay clear of open windows
I'll be seeing you my old friend
Jonas Oct 2022
With every brearth
and every heartbeat

"not good enough"

die trying
or die hiding?
Jonas Mar 2024
How do you go
Find home in another person
Looking for familiarity
When your parents messed you up real good?
What if you can't trust your instincts?

When you don't want to end up with resemblense
Just another version of them
In your bed the next morning
Their mantra stuck in another sack of flesh
Sweat on the sheets, bad skin
Eating, *******, all consuming
They'd be so proud
Cheers to  our tradition

Your words raise red to the wind
Sounds like landmines and pitfalls to me
But what can you do
That's alawys been my colour
Painted as a cross across my chest
It suits me best
Just what I'm deserving

Let's get married
Can't wait for our honeymoon honey
Can't wait to mess up our kids
Let's raise our glasses
A toast
Cheers to our heritage
Jonas Aug 2023
What a funy description
of walking the edge

waiting for the fall
Jonas Feb 5
Dear cold

Please take me in
Cool me down and brush my skin
Sending shivers down, down
All the way
In this moment I feel I am

Remind me where
And who I've been
Old pains
Turned friendly over time
Now only the wind bites down
Cutting deep

Sometimes numbness can be merciful
Jonas Sep 2023
Although most people are quite nice to me
I'm still always expecting them to be mean
to hurt me
like they used to do
fulfill my expectations

It's kinda funny

I get nervous when I have to meet someone
Why is that?
I'm shaking, heart is racing, hands are sweating
I can't get anything done beforehand
but have to keep myself busy
so I won't go crazy

Killing time till the time comes
to be late
to be nervous
can't be myself,
to scared to be bold
let the akwardness unfold
Jonas Jun 2023
Today I created liquid poerty,
that no one understands
or cares for, no one asked.

Still it made the news,
which made a spot on my mothers fridge,
which made my day.

Once this menu is gone
my creations will be forgotten forever
or worse reinvented under a false name
by another, ignorance chasing originallity.

I poured my all out for nothing,
gave it all away for some recognition, basic respect
and now I'm all used up,
I've served my purpose.

Time to go, to be replaced and left behind
with nothing
but some blurry bittersweet memories
of lost bonds and time wasted,
and a bit of  sad leftover pride.

Oh to do it all again, and lose yourself
in the service of others.
Back than when my energy was infinite,
to move without bounds is magical.
Jonas Jun 2022
If energies are transformed and preserved,
not lost
Where did mine go to?
Nothing's left for the simplest of tasks
I used to have a seemingly infinite amount
Where did it all go?
Jonas May 2024
Wenn Kinder auf Panzern spielen
Noch nicht lange still gelegt
Ist es ein gutes oder ein schlechtes Zeichen?

Touristenattraktion Nummer drei
Liegt auf dem Weg
Wir kommen vorbei
Mach mal ein Foto

Eine friedvolle Szene?
Oder nur die Feuerpause
Zwischen Blitz und Gewitter?
Wo schlägt er diesmal ein?
Wie weit ist entfernt?
Sind wir hier sicher?

Helden der letzten Generation
Zu Bette dort unten in der Erde
Hört nicht hin
Lasst eure Augen geschlossen
Ruhet in Frieden
Ihr habt genug gelitten

Ich will noch nicht nach Hause
Papa nimmst du mich auf den Arm?
Mama kann ich ein Eis haben?
Die Sonne *******noch
Noch ist es warm
Jonas Oct 2023
Go down,
lay down
stay down,
grovel at the ground

Give up
dont try
to get up, again
it's not worth it

Hardship doesn't go away when you turn from it
and not when you face it either,
just for a little time
you can avoid the confrontation
or earn you a break
you'll need it then

Maybe it just never goes away
no end in it's design

Clingy *****
Jonas Oct 2023
My inner child
is still here
with me

Staring blankly into space
his eyes tired, arms drooping
yet his legs still dangling in the air

Looking up
a quick flash of a sad smile, crooked
he looks so thin, so weak
it's hard for me to bear

He's beaten
but still here
with me
still has hope

Waiting for a better future
that's yet to come
to make it all worth it

I'm telling him,
telling you, really
to give up,
look away
this part isn't for you to see

This part of my life
has  lost all it's innocence
what has choosing to stay kind
really given us in the end?
What have we gained?

It's not a pretty sight,
quite emberassing really
I don't believe yet here I am
still holding on,
to something

Survival isn't supposed to be pretty
Jonas May 2024
I'm a lonely cup of coffe
A quick takeout
Left in the metro
Just standing there
No one'a paying particular mind
No one is noticing me

Long gone cold
Still remembering the soft lips I once have hold
Take a sip to test the heat
Than chug me down
Till I'm all empty
I've served my purpose
And got left behind

Waiting to be picked up
And thrown to the trash
Where I belong

Gotta keep the streets clean
Jonas Sep 2023
The lesser know holy trinity

and Foolishness
Jonas Sep 2022
I was gonna keep this side hidden
but now I'd like you to see
Jonas Mar 2024
Let me feel the pain
I'll take it on fully
Let me cry rivers on end
And I'm talking ugly crying

Wheezing, shaking, rocking, howling
Whiping snort away
I'm way past overdue
For so long I've held it together
Kept it up
I've unlearned how to let it all go

Allow me right now
To let it out
You'll have to excuse me for the display
And for the sobbing you see
I've never had a place
Where I felt safe
I've never found my people
And I've been losing my ground
Jonas May 2021
Beliving in something
actualy caring about something
is hard
cause you're riskig of losig it
and you lost it before
and you can't be disappointed again
can you?
Jonas Mar 2021
"Yeah I know, I know.

It's okay to show emotion,
to let it out sometimes.
I'll be careful yes.
I'll ask for help if I need any.
Onions and garlic to the oil for more fragnance, right?
I forgot the lasagne recipe tho.
I got skinnier? You think?
Swalloing food isn't easy at the moment, I'm trying.
Hm? Ah stain, where?
I just washed it tho.
How do you get ink stains out?
And red wine?
Yes I will go easy on the alcohol.
Work has been rough. I'm not good with...
I said work has been rough lately.
No you're not deaf. I just mumble you know that.
My teeth are in fact not stuck together. See? grrrr
At least the stuttering got better.
I actually managed to ask out a women the other day.
Yes she is cute.
That's why I never tell you anything.
I'm getting a bit cold here.
Hope you don't mind that I borrowed your coat.
It just fits me so much better than you.
No but the colour brings out my pretty eyes so much better.
Yeah I know I got your eyes, you kept telling me.
Better get going or I'll miss the train.
I'll see you then.
Bye Mom."

rests flowers on her grave
Just because I'm strong, selfsufficent and an adult and stuff doesn't mean I don't need you.
Jonas Jun 2022
Und du gibst und gibst und gibst und gibst und gibst und gibst
Und du gibst und gibst und gibst und und gibst du gibst,
gibst und nimmst.
Und du gibst und gibst und gibst und gibst
und kriegst nichts zurück
Und du gibst und gibst und gibst
und sprichst, doch sie verstehen dich nicht, einfach wieder nicht, einfach widerlich.
Und du gibst und gibst
und so gibt es für dich, schon wieder nichts.
Und du gibst noch mehr,
und du verlierst dich,
findest dich nicht mehr,
Du existierst kaum noch,
Wie lange ist es schon her?
Es muss ein neues Kapitel her,
denkst du und gibst ihnen mehr.
Und sie erwarten es von dir,
Und danken es dir nicht,
ja verdammt siehst du es denn nicht?
So, so nutzen sie dich.
Jonas Apr 2022
Ready your tea cups and bring out the biscuits,
it's time for gossip.
Jonas Feb 2022
No matter how cold I shower,
I can't freeze my thoughts

No matter how hot,
I can't chase them out

No matter how hard I scrub, it's stll my skin,
that I am living in
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