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Hear the following prayer
in the timbre of gratitude:

I've had enough with all the bags
in which I carry my things,
with bright screens that sting my eyes,
and with the musical strings.

My ears are sore from the machines
that change and amplify the waves;
so bring me the thoughts of poets and
bring me the prayers of saints.

Whisper the wisdom of years gone by,
of life spilled out in the streets.
My heart is weary, the weight of this world
has brought me to my knees.

There's only one thing I ask
for which to dull the pain;
bring me the thoughts of poets and
bring me the prayers of the saints.
A prayer requesting the death of my Christmastime materialism.
Even in mine worries,
        Angst, despair,
                    Don't worry mine Jane;

Mine love is right here.

Even in mine trial's;
          Tribulations I face.

With thee,
       Right next to me;
                There's a smile on
                              Mine face.

Though the sand may
    Be crumbling, and
          The castle's slide to the sea;
  There's the beauty of me
                  Having, thou that
                  Set's me free.

Though mine flesh
   And heart mayest fail,
      And the cloud's shalt roll around;

Mine soul is at ease
          With thee mine queen;
           With thy voice I float
           Off the ground.
©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Angst- a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.
Mine- means my.
Mayest- may.
Just wanna ask everyone for prayers for me and my family, I hope and ask for continued prayer alot for me and family in this time of year. My dad's mom just passed away December 1st my grandma nagley. Stress has overcome me and family as well as Dads overly stressed he's already had two massive heart attacks in the past months back and . And lately I've been dealing with sickness in my body and heart issues. To say I'm not afraid to whatever may come next would be a lie. I'm praying lord takes away this fear/anxiety. *** to be honest this is quite overwhelming ... Alot. Not including me and my family got a note on our door maybe week ago. A note saying we have until the 1st of January to move out and if don't move out by the first then quote ( we will get 3 day eviction at that point. The apts owner as their are two brothers owning tons of apts . I don't hate/ nor dislike the man who's making the decision. He's given us no reason to why were getting this, other than he said for him And the apts best interest. Though we feel for another reason though not sure doesn't make sense dad always pays rent and me and my parents aren't some huge issue to this complex. So we ? What's happening. And even through all these trials/ tribulations we gotta trust God. My healths making it worse for me lately. This burden is heavy. Really begging for prayers. Thank you for all praying for my family-and me. Continue in Christ's love and forgiveness always. Because that's what life's about. LOVE! Never forget that
.God bless.
Brandon nagley...

trees wrapped in
glimmering lights  
shine and sparkle
under moons night
open land so bright
to run
to slide
snow so white and
soft like clouds
absorbs our bodies fall

pines and firs
a canopy
casting gaze on all below
branch tips wrapped in
delicate ice
magic wands
hovering o're our heads
this eve of moonlit glow


Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.

Winter Everywhere!!!!:-)
When it's all said and done
When it rolls around next
Think I'll make a run
For president

From the fiasco I've seen
From Trump and Hillary
They both made it look
Rather easy

I'll promise them this
While giving them that
And never admit
When I leave out the facts

I'll wear an American flag pin
So I'm not penned communist
While promising that
And giving them this

I'll scream at some
At the top of my lungs
And when asked of my past
I'll play it dumb

I will promise to free
Those in poverty
If they would just kindly
Give a donation to me

I will shake all the babies
And kiss a few hands
Wait...can I have a do over
On what I just said?

I will kiss all the babies
And shake a few hands
There...that's more like it
**** you auto correct!

I'll promise it all
Without skipping a beat
The straights will say Yay
While the gays dance in the street

I'll perfect the one liners
Like, it's the economy stupid
Then ship jobs to China
When no one is looking

When asked what I've done
I'll avoid the question
Until eyes start to glaze
And boredom sets in

I'll go to war
If one need be fought
Or take out a loan
If peace can be bought

So in another four years
When all this goes bad
The run for president
I'll throw in my hat

Cause if it can be done
By Hillary or Trump
Then it can be done
By most anyone
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