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one thing in life
that i have found
it's easier to live
when you breathe in and out

it's easier to see
when you open your eyes
and to believe
the truth over lies

it's easier to take
adding a smidgen of faith
and a touch of love
to help keep hate at bay

just a few things
i often find
that make it much easier
to make it through life
 Jan 2017 Ann M Johnson
Old story
New trust
What you've seen of me
Was just the crust
Wipe away the grime
Of my old life
The icky part when I went through the motions
Silently, like a mime
But now I feel the need to
Scream and shout
I want to express,
To let it all pour out
I'm like a bomb
Just waiting to explode
Say the wrong thing
Might send me into irrational mode
In my faith I will stand
Firm like a lighthouse on the ocean
Knock me down, scrape me up
And I'll bleed pure emotion
I'm in an invisible army
With me, myself, and I
Tonight we're raiding imagination land
So don't bother to stop by
Sticks and stones will break my bones
But words will hurt me more
They say it's nothing, don't worry about it
But I feel it in my core
All these things, these words
Describe how I exist
Never normal, always a maddening mess
My rant is over, with that you are dismissed
 Jan 2017 Ann M Johnson
Sticks and stones may break her bones
But words will give her doubt
When she stands in front of the mirror,
Wishing her stomach didn't poke out
Sticks and stones may break her bones
But words will give her doubt
When she goes to the gym
And tries working out
Sticks and stones may break her bones
But words will give her doubt
As she begins to stop eating,
And days later, blacks out

Don't play with fire is good advice, they knew
So they played with words
Thought it was okay
Obviously, they had not looked from her point of view
This happens way too often, and it's not okay. Help stop this by standing up for those getting bullied and show kindness.
We used to play Cowboys
We used to play Indians
We used to play Pirates
Sailing swift the Caribbean

Now we play worn out Doctors
Accountants counting others millions
Now we play overworked Business Men
Stuck behind cubicles locked inside buildings

We used to climb mountains
Explore backyard jungles
Always at the ready to take
The adventure set before us

Now we set the alarm
Every morning to wake us
Not ready for the adventure
Or where it will take us

We used to fly high like birds
Not knowing our limits
Along the way take what others would say
Knowing they really meant it

Now all we do is drive
Each other insane
Putting up with lie after lie
Day after day

We used to be kids
We used to have fun
Something we seem to have left behind
The day we grew up
Every time I do wrong
I find this is where I stand
On the corner of forgiveness
Across the street from I'll be ******

I could stay here in confessing
Ask forgiveness or take a loss
I could move in either direction
By way of Judas or Saint Paul

Saint Paul thought him a righteous man
As Judas felt the same
Taking God's law into their own hands
Playing their religious games

Did they do it for right reasons
Or the fame and fortune that it holds
How do you dress up for your seasons
By way of Judas or Saint Paul

While most our lives all read the same
Chapter along with verse
The turn of the page could go either way
As life runs along its course

You could either seek repentance
Or go down with the fall
Its all in how you run your business
By way of Judas or Saint Paul
On a hot August night in Memphis
At the tinder age of forty two
Behind the gates of Graceland
America lost its tune

Gather round the throne room
The king is sadly dead
On the cold linoleum floor
Is where he last laid his weary head

Fought so many battles
In the star filled lonely life he lived
If you're keeping score this is one war
That he lost the battle in

His scepter it was golden
His voice it was the same
He just lost his soul is all
Somewhere along the way

With papers read the words they bled
Out on the written page
Tears that poured as the world all mourned
And still  do to this day

So bow your heads the king is dead
Elvis has left the building after all
Although long gone there is still the song
And he still is the king of rock and roll
Thinking the other day of the exact place I was standing when I heard the news of Elvis's passing August 16, 1977 and this came to mind. Not the hugest Elvis fan in the world but boy could he sing!
 Dec 2016 Ann M Johnson
Rage licked her insides
Until it burst from her
In an almighty inferno,
Tearing apart everything
Unclean in her vicinity.
She demanded that her life be worth something,
And it was.
 Dec 2016 Ann M Johnson
I want to love violently,
Ripping everything to shreds with the power it gives me.
I want to love gently,
Dragging my fingers slowly across your cheek where the sun kisses it good morning.
I want to love adventurously,
With our hair whipping in the wind on the way to a city far away, driving music blaring.
I want to love intentionally,
By grabbing your hand and ditching a party to kiss in the dark because you're the only one I want to be with.
I want to love with overflowing passion,
Running to catch the bus and then our breaths after coffee took too long.
I want to love without thinking,
Dialing your number automatically for the slightest of things.
I want all these things for my love, but most of all
I want to love you,
A poem I wrote on a whim, a commitment to my future and to my love. (A dream of a teenage girl..)
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