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Born Nov 2015
Money, exaction of reality

life, envying their dreams!! perfections

existence full of theories and vexation

this is my perception

like a beautiful lie theirs no affection

always dreaming the same things, there's no end to this circulations

a nightmare, no strength for confrontation

sometimes the thoughts are good but no relations

always sweating, trying to make this icicles

double checking, mixed up, confused with this feelings of  ambiguation

when will this end, illusions
Born Oct 2015
Past sins
Catching up
still trying to rid them off
but the temptation

But the temptations are just
too greedy
too much
too overwhelming

to be controlled
to be understood
to be unchained
Born Jul 2014
I walk with death on my hands
Constantly thinking about grave as a dooms home or a fragrant palace

In front of me there is heaven and hell

Death my judge and juror
Oh death!  Why you?
The destroyer of illusions,don't be furious

In front of me there's heaven and hell.
I wonder if ive earned a place in paradise
Born Apr 2017
I want to inspire people
I want someone to look at me and say
"because of you i didn't give up"
Born Aug 2014
Don't touch my gold,you know I dont like it
penning about life the way i like it

I sympathize with hoes,and drug addicts
Forced by the lords to circulate it
Even though, they don't matter, they still dislike it
Victims of circumstances where's humanity
We cry blood as tears but nobody gets it

You strive for gold,but can never have it
You beg for storms with low spirits
Why cling to the unknown and be a *******
I know, it's impossible to escape sadists
I feel for you that's why I wrote this
When love was blessed and that's it
this is for those slave girls
a life of no choice but many consequences

inspired by people who love money with so much love
Born Jul 2015
Whatever makes you feel less
constantly reminded of my place


Your not mine to keep but mine to misuse
mine to hate and abuse
mine to just, confuse

be sure not to forget
your just here because of mercy
because I can always use a handy man
because your not Mine, and mine don't tire

I write these words
with tears forming my eleven
miserable years

hoping to find some salvation from this deluded world
Born Aug 2019
Thinking, thinking within the parables of nonsense
Things I do to validate stupidity
Whatever the actual reason for not reasoning
Is the reason we don't reason
Even when the facts are subtle

So what happens if we lost it,
or slowly loose our minds
Would any sane person help
or we'll pin our hopes on a soothing tune

An orchestra
A choir
Maybe a performance by an opera
to show or elavate our insanity

Echoes of eternal silence
but your still breathing
because we Drown in silence
Born Mar 2015
After prayers and fasting, I finally got a job
Our love was great but still we needed money
So I worked more harder, when I got home you were already asleep
No taste on the food, just roasted potatoes
At some point we argued, but that's the life we wanted

To make it worse,I got a transfer to Canada
All along we fought for this life
"Patience is a virtue" that's a lie
our love trembled ,patience never made things better

I still keep calling, but you don't bother to pick up
I try to cook ,but I can't eat
am zero without you,hustle, killed us
but I want to remind you
that I still love you
when love fades
Born Mar 2015
Smile, breathe,believe
Born Feb 2016
We all walk the same path
How far we travel depends only on ourselves
© Ibrahim
Born Jan 2018
               e      r
           y             s

since I joined hello
a larva with a torn soul
Clinging to Whatever's left of life

since I started scratching for light
Peeking at the  deeming tunnel
but still hoping

since I started dinning with poets
eating haiku in the morning
drinking sonnet in the afternoon
feeling the aching agony of the broken in the evening
falling in love with the dreamers at night

Since my heart was pounded
wrecked and left with unspeakable pain

Since Born was birthed
a crawling character that was literally dying
but still screaming for hope, love and dream

Since Ismael Ibrahim aka Born
stopped existing
and started living
I appreciate every single one of you for making this journey possible. In good, bad and worst I poured out my heart to you guys and you showed me nothing but love. Thank you
Born Nov 2014
This is gonna sound like more pain
but if you don't like me drink some propane
go write about it

I don't take drugs but only a morphine
trying to runaway from more pain
blessing on top of sins
In your heart I rest in pieces

They just don't get it
In your thoughts I sweat blood
a very torn heart!
I ran into my old flame
***** you broke my heart
but there's no more pain

Its a cold world
You could be my lighter
and we'll all burst into flames

Me and you
Could ride on this road called desire
but I don't want no more old flames
I don't wanna get burned
no more pains!
Born Feb 2015
I wanna write a poem that is thunderous
'to show that this lion can definitely roar'

I wanna write a poem that will leave you gaping 'no,he didn't just write that'

I wanna write a poem that explains the reason for my existence

I wanna write a poem about earth
'how its beauty extends from the sky to the land and blue seas

I wanna write a poem that is priceless
'you like it ,reread it,and probably fall in love with it

I wanna write a poem about her
'her beauty is enough to drive you insane

I wanna write a poem about your atrocities
infidels and your toxic relationship

I wanna write a poem that is simple

I wanna write a poem that values love
'explain why true love grows on the basis of mutual respect and reciprocity

I wanna write a poem about who I am

I wanna write a poem of us
'how magical and beautiful our love was

I wanna write a poem that flows like energy

I wanna write a poem about forgiveness
'anger malice and hate shouldn't be your daily meal'

I wanna write a poem about poets
'your brains are vast'

I wanna write a poem that draws wisdom from all cultures
Born May 2017
When poets thought I was dead
When my ashes were  scattered
When I was  running
and my heart was stuck on a barbed wire

When I am  too old to create rhymes
couldn't pull heartstrings with my ink
or color a beautiful city with crayons

When my words were plagiarized
and I fell victim to the inevitable  

When the tsunami tides were approaching
and you sent me a rhythmic piece
to keep me company

When I could barely form words,
that would impress my shadow
When you lighten up my bolt
by commenting a sacred criticism and love for my pieces
Dedicated to all the poets in HP
Born Jul 2014
i never paid much attention
i practice things i'll never say
Still rewriting defination of audacity
Head on the pillow
in my dreams
i never spoke until you died
in my dreams
I feel the earth move beneath me.

I am calm, I am content.
Born Sep 2015
Ugh, **** it
Just forgive him
So that you can move on

Just forgive him
For yourself
So that you can breath

Just forgive him
So that you try to forget him

The stresses of yesteryear will still be there
choose to move on
eat these chocolate I bought  you
it was 70 dollars
I don't walk around plucking money from trees  
the least you can do is freekin  eat them

forgive that idiot already
I need my sleep back
I need my life back
the endless tears  are just killing me

I mean, don't you ever get tired of crying
I mean, why give him your heart and soul
only to be ripped off like that

Just forgive him already
or is it the ***
do you really, miss it that much
I mean, that guy was really good
really great I could give him an A+
he was that great I would cry too if he left

Just forgive him
Cause life goes on
Born Aug 2015
And if I were to fall you would know
from miles they will be warned

without doubt he has fallen (whispers from gossips)

that day
earth will speak with a thunderous voice
winds will freeze
and time will stop

Kings will proclaim it to be a holiday of regret
the one veiled with kisses that hurt
and caresses  that slither
Born Mar 2015
I didn't know I could write
words that are bitter
but sweet like honey

the truth that kills me
but still turns me into an immortal

words that break me into pieces
but i revive like a Phoenix

words that are stuck on my throat
but still scream the loudest

words that sear through skull
but mend hearts
Born Aug 2014
I never believed in fairy tales
Maybe I should
everybody ends up happily ever after

What about now
What about, if you made me all that I was meant to be
Can we see beyond the scars
What about love
what about if it never went away

You were my favorite mistake
you might say you love me,
but you don't love me like you say
second chances,they don't ever matter,
people never change

Your tears turned into rage
us,was a beautiful struggle
sufferings,never got us through the tough
a woman once told me;
your Judas
One day, you will open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears.
Born Apr 2015
After enough heart breaks
I finally found a perfect hypocrite
who loved me "supposedly" unconditionally
our days were full of light
felt like moon was a little closer

like a flower we blossomed
we emitted a heavy fragrance
haters choked on it

each day we fell more and more in love

woow to that love
it was crazy and adventurous
while I bought her guns and bullets
bows and arrows

she got me flowers and chocolates
wrote me heart quenching poems
and at night ,serenaded my heart

I painted her staircase pink
and got her ***** dresses
her walking upstairs
the view I enjoyed

But sigh!things just changed
its dawn, sun is up and the moon far gone
Medusa turning me into a stone
would have been merciful

maybe I did overdone something's
believing I was cementing our fragile relationship
after all
the road to hell is filled with good intentions
Born Dec 2015
To have  found you
it was like
discovering a vaccine
© Ibrahim
Born Sep 2017
Am here
Maybe I was here
Writing you a sturdy poem
Screaming about something
Am confused about religion
Religious thoughts, religion beings
That she hates
And I hate that she hates
But why does she hate
Ugh too much hate in gratification
and that pungent smell
Of love
Mostly "loved"
Coated in hypocrisy
Of belief and  change
but for a penny
Or a few dollars
and the perfect orator
For your hearts
For your minds.
For the sake of politics
I'll shred your soul
but only if you don't mind
him being gay
Or lame
Or late for my crucifixion
Of inauguration
That was acquired through
Illegalities of power
She said
I can't love a broke man
that feeds me more lines
on a monsters ink
that you've woven
and left in my bed
for me to fall in love
With your raw
Open heart
that keeps fighting
and equal rights
for women
against elite tyrants
Born Sep 2019
words written for the times we've had
Born Mar 2015
They say your sweeter
but I know your bitter

like krest
you stormed our chests  
our hearts -just guess

Us,the future holds just a mess
Born Jun 2015
Some journeys needs to be walked alone
Born Jul 2017
A list of my problems
Sung like an anthem
Your the least to my miseries
Like the fine black berries or red cherries
Succulent and mouth watering

The tales to my secret survivor
Your kind and good behavior
Outnumbered your hypocrisy
By all my strengths still would stretch
All you wanted was to fetch, and leave me for clutches
Those crocodile tears are the least, least to my problems
It’s too late for the reconciliation
Just like you left a ‘fool ‘for humiliation
I was the least to your excuses and my downfalls,
Overshadowing the good deeds, take heed
You're the least to my rise and anxieties, the least to my problems
the voyager
Born Mar 2015
I write my troubled soul's journey
with hopes to feel better
Born Nov 2016
Well, your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
Born Jul 2015
My local is not for the faint hearted. Lovers turned~haters brawl. People get poisoned, cops are beaten and a reveller once fell and died after a nonsensical fight with a friend he had been boozing with

It is the sort of place you keep one eye open. Your wallet could be swiped from your hind pocket, carjackers could trail you and work on  you right at your gate

Anyway due to all this shenanigans, security is paramount. The first line of defence are watchmen who spend the whole night preventing people who are too drunk to fight, from attempting to make a nuisance of themselves.

Then we have bouncer the clubs elite commandos. When idiots start clobbering each with broken beer bottles, it's their duty to raid that corner of the pub and fling the villains out

But you know what the bouncer does. Every morning, without fail, irrespective of whatever time he eaves the pub tired like a dog, he holds his little girls hand and walks her to the bus stop to catch the school bus

Every morning, without fail.......
Born Apr 2017
High on words
Escaping a life that was never mine
Once upon a time
I was in love
Born Sep 2014
If my memories  were  that ravishing,
i wouldn't worry about the future
life is short
but it feels too long sometimes ...

If only a voice could whisper in the depths of my soul and comfort me!
Born Nov 2014
Eventually the pain will go away

And you'll still have a shot at surviving
Born Aug 2018
So what
If you had your heart punched out
I know
It may have been too drastic
But still, call it love for a change
Born Sep 2015
you don't even know me
you rely wanna know me
do you rely wanna know me

am full of potentials
we were in love
I can't stop thinking about us
why do you  **** my days

am just a hypocrite
am bright
but with a **** heart  
So, do you rely wanna know me

am just an artist
my brain is full of maze
tales impossible to understand
Born Aug 2018
Ring ring
Hello, Linda

Hello cate, you've hit my attention
I hope you got love and *****
Some pills for the oozing heart
Some illusion for the nostalgic memories

"Linda was diagnosed with broken heart syndrome
She rarely breathed
her heart was dragging her through most days
it was giving up
She  couldn't feel it at times"

Noo, today I've got cards
Maybe we can play tricks on your heart
Remind it how it feels to be alive  

What would you tell Linda

Write a poem

Born Sep 2014
You chose a high life
and we paid for every dollar
it didn't matter if we crawled in the mad
your joy was our price to pay

Over the years i tried to love
or maybe just reason with you
but you were already in too deep
a life without bottle, is no life for you*

My father is. a drunkard and i sincerely hate him
Born Oct 2017
Hate is a strong word when your surrounded by lunacy
that crippling mentality that's  been woven to entertain us
or you, who's entire existence relies on fantasy
created to suffocate your intelligence
with a programmed 'urge' that'll always be there

Goals and dreams have been replaced by dalliance
do you know the meaning of dalliance
probably not cause your brain is too confined
to notice that it has lost control of its own self
but still, reluctantly have to ask you to
Care enough to think

Learning and creativity has been distracted by entertainment
a society that is willingly slaving their way to
a chained ignorance
so yeah, before I sleep I better check my fantasies
seeking instant gratification of some kind

Do you ever wonder what keeps you in mediocrity
is it the job that you hate, which your stuck on
Is it your failed relationships
is it because you cannot desert distraction
is it your inability to be creative
or is it because you don't know what to do
Born Sep 2014
I'm  heartless, the world has made me that way
only the strong survive feel me its a dog eat dog world kid
Born Mar 2015
Your good with words
words that are full of hope

words that remind us
life isn't that terrible after all

Words that are thunderous
yet they calm the heart

Words that **** the venom
life has inflicted on us

Your words are glorious
don't put down your pen
On behalf of us
I thank God for gifting us you
Born May 2015
Am slowly fading into the background
a place I know
I might feel better
I am probably safer

I've finally awoken
from this deep slumber
no,I mean deep illusion
I can see clearly
but am still blinded by dreams

my future
my destiny
my fate

why can't I stop worrying

dear God just let me peek at my future
dear God just let me sleep with a big smile
instead of tears that run down miles
wanting to know the unknown
dear God just let me mingle with my fate
Born Jul 2014
I know i matter most
Born Aug 2017
An epic deception
Born Apr 2014
pain changes people
Born Nov 2014
I honestly hate this exaggerated  poems of love

Some people write about this persons in really crazy way.

It's as if they wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for them.

I don't know if they wanna worship them, I just don't get it.
Born Mar 2017
I reckon the ages when the fogies
did ,that which wasn't bogey
and reasons why seasons did sizzle
a past never altered to past tense
for this is my utterance

Lost had nothing to post
just a gaze ,giring me a phrase
this is now the boat of amazement
bloated ;though it towed it lagged my bragging heart to fuse

I beckon with ease but not bliss
though to find peace but just please
jammed on.....
crumbled thoughts ,crumpled mind forth with a wrinkled ****** looks.
It was nothing special!

it took no nook,cranny not all the kin
all in all I found myself on the book

Something felt to be great ,
with the magnitude of the concocted ideas
the amazing grace 'song' just leveled to the latitude
those were the days ,no longer the same
Blame the game

Curtain drawn ,not yet certain
the pain is gone but still torn
born a new but just with some cling on

I obliged to lean on a clean page
For the idea is no longer oblivious
Various scenes but not the obvious
Born Jun 2017
Blessings are for the one who controls his tongue from vicious and useless talks
Born Oct 2014
They say the truth will set you free

but sometimes the truth is the last thing we need
Born Jun 2016
Watching her go will be the death of me
Born Apr 2014
I got lost in this whole world and forgot myself.
Born Mar 2020
Took a break from writing
Been enveloped in what seems to be a
Confusing reality,
And the repercussions of everything

Been arguing or discussing
With a friend about world  economy
And how the world has become a global village.
And the warning signs of how this could be devastating than 2009 recession
And the devastating consequences of our ignorance when it comes to politics

Been 8 months, since I truly sat down and wrote something
Something like a poem, a shade of reality or a rant, as I famously call them

Been awhile since I wrote about what I believe
My perception on our cultural activities, societal uh-uhm "clings"
All that ticks with our behavioral patterns
Religions, last I checked I was reviewing lord Shiva ( Hinduism) and Buddhism
Intresting stuff

Isolation and social distancing

Got me thinking of how we live our lives
Wondering if social media has been isolating us and the governments are just making it official?
How we are dependent on virtual reality!
How lonely one can be!
What and who matters, me, you, us, them, vanity!
Why we fear death and never live our lives preparing for it!


I don’t have a certain answer to the big questions of why and how to live, but my best guess is that life is a playful act best guided by curiosity.
Children intuitively know this, of course, but the rest of us become rigid over time
We harden ourselves to deal with change and uncertainty. We forget how to play, and we get so busy making plans that we no longer know what it takes to lose ourselves in simple moments without always being bound to a clear purpose.
This is the problem of seriousness — an entirely passionless state that gets mistaken for maturity

That's it

I don't know whether to call this a come back, or a faltered decision inspired by humans or the current events. But nonetheless, I'll be writing and sharing my perception of certain or uncertain realities. This is the best way to share myself with the world.
Zat Rana inspired life
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