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413 · Sep 2015
Born Sep 2015
Everything was okay last week, but now it feels like that was ten years ago
412 · Feb 2019
Born Feb 2019
Time is life
Don't waste yours
412 · Sep 2013
The cold walk
Born Sep 2013
a trip down to the memory lane.,
a must not be place,
but the maze and the reasons leave my heart pounding ,
what am i missing!
Why these obsessions.

Maybe am looking for comfort
a  reason to like,
or i just wanna feel better,
was i wrong or right!

Am i inflicting this on,
the confusion,the pain,
why puzzle my heart with this pain!

Am bleeding,screaming,
trying to race away from this torment..!
But sometimes you have to go back to move forwad.

This is a walk on flames,
it hurts! A tragic truth,
each step is a relief and a peek at the future
410 · Jul 2014
Burden II
Born Jul 2014
Ways love,make you do crazy things, ask my shoes.
408 · Jul 2015
Born Jul 2015
I am just a young man
who is dark
like the Graves upon my path

Don't uphold my name
unless I've earned it

I've been cruel and murderous
the darkness made me more violent
a man with no soul
no conscious
407 · Dec 2015
I just can't
Born Dec 2015
You told your lie
Often enough
that you believed it
to be the truth

But I can't have that
I can't have any of that

I can't have desolation
and tots of regrets
© Ibrahim
405 · Apr 2014
Me (10W)
Born Apr 2014
I got lost in this whole world and forgot myself.
405 · Oct 2017
59 am not just a number
Born Oct 2017
He can feel your pulse
beating with life
Your warm smile
your enviable dimples

She  can feel your love
Your sense of adventure
Your unwritten tales

He can feel your heart
Your love
transcending through all galaxies

She can feel your ache
coursing through her body
your innocence taken
your dreams shuttered

He could feel your pulse fading
her heart cluttered
his tears frozen
Dedicated to the 59
Mothers n

59 Las Vegas victims who were gunned down mercilessly
404 · Aug 2017
Born Aug 2017
Staggering pain

Placing your hopes like a new prey

talking to me like your new bait

Thinking about you makes me suffocate



Whatever's left of my cremate(d) heart
403 · Jan 2021
Born Jan 2021
We love to hate them
Politicians who engrave love into our hearts
By promising us promises that we love to be promised

He said, it ain't my fault that am rich
Because your ignorant

He said, your poor
And you love stories about being rich
And am rich
And I have stories for poor, about being rich

So you used to go school get yourself educated
Information is all that matters, but too late for you.
You'd rather be home and watch movies and ****
Impressing nobody,Vibin, old school and ****
Untill one day you wake up, your life wasted
Bulding companies that you'll never own and ****.
You realize your just a laborer in this chain of life
And your the right guy for promises and ****

I like poems that rhyme
A symphony, the ultimate beauty of ryme scheme
Like a sad pathetic story, that suddenly made it
A perfect song that touches the soul, and the  lyrics,
Blend with your everything
From your failing ralations and weight of the universe
Choking your existence
........ And the lyrics, blend with your everything
Except the reality that your probably stuck in a maze,
And humans are always depsrate to be lead.
So we selected an enticing promise and we collectively
Elect it
And we feel happy
And We toast to our independence, or evolution or whatever you call this type of ****
401 · Apr 2016
she said III
Born Apr 2016
She did not die, slowly but surely the wound healed and soon there was only a scab and even that fell in time leaving only a scar - for there always must be something on memory, a little disharmony, a barely visible break from the continuity of the weave of life
398 · Apr 2015
Born Apr 2015
echoes of the days long gone
reminiscing, reminiscing
memories is all you have
before memories is all I had

at 7 I was just a young toddler who enjoyed climbing trees and taking risks

at 15 the world felt more real ,my innocence taken,now am more cautious

at 20 I enjoy studying and hopes to be a doctor are still fresh
but am forced into love, just blinked and am a wife and a mother

here I am crying ,trying to stitch up this broken heart at 27.
Love is not bad but falling in love is horrible,a thought I pondered upon

here i am
Just turned 80
seen enough evil and nasty
experienced love and wonders of this planet
years are lessons
that I tell you
394 · Jul 2014
Born Jul 2014
Soo many lies, still seeking forgiveness
Feeling like am already mad,so I found companionship in fatigue and loneliness

Hoping for  redemption from my dismay,don't judge me-
I done that pillars  ago

Today  i attend my funeral, didn't see myself crying
I only saw a river of dark  cloud  forming over,this is what i created

This is why I left
This is why I never looked back
This is why even in death i never found peace

Don't cry  for this heart
a coal like this,needs no water to shade for it
hatred will never be enough,am still searching

Searching for the perfect demise while praying for mercy.
394 · Sep 2015
Hope never dies
Born Sep 2015
Even if they didn't care

he made it to the furthest of lands

where hope and light felt more real

and the illusions of a better tomorrow 'laid to rest'
394 · Jul 2015
Work worth
Born Jul 2015
my ink flows like cash
Keep hatin you gonna get smashed

been around the world flying like Jackson
and they still believe that am a mason

You know haters
just idlers
bakers if nothing but envy
393 · Sep 2019
And remember
Born Sep 2019
Old is grey
393 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
If I could tell you
of love stories

if you were never a
the future would have been glorious

if I were to look at you i would see
a wounded soul
a seared heart
regrets and malice
pain,pain and pain

if you're a star then
refuse to be broken
refuse to be shaken
refuse to just exist and start living
393 · Aug 2017
those days V
Born Aug 2017
The smile that suffers
The void that felt heavier
The green eyes filled with craters

The life we wanted wasn't meant for us
The stars we held crushed before us
The love we chased couldn't have us
The dreams we had crippled us
The days we moaned with passion are behind us

The perfect story has been loathed
The yelling and fights has been silenced
The tears has been iced
The bright sky has been covered
The beautiful memories has been devoured

The glaciers covered the heart
The mistakes filled with dirt
The tragic stories that hurt
388 · Sep 2017
When am gone
Born Sep 2017
I am Born
For whatever reasons Born seemed to be the most appropriate name
Camouflage or not, I don't know
Don't  bother asking  where am from
cause earth is round and we are all on it
With different stories
heavenly or earthly, it is what it is

When am gone
I want you to remember me as a friend
a friend who opened up to you
Good  evil, bad or worse
I am a friend who found peace in poetry

when am gone
I want you to say that
He liked to call his poems pieces
Pieces symbolized that it could mean anything
It could be
a piece of art
a Piece of love
a Piece of ache
Or a Piece of life  

When am gone
My words and my heart will be Stapled here
387 · Mar 2015
Its a beautiful day
Born Mar 2015
Smile, breathe,believe
386 · May 2015
I'd say
Born May 2015
In the moment
that exact moment
I'd say
that I like you
rely like you

Then I'd say
my heart pounds for you
your the star that lights my world
but deep down
I just like you

love is a long story
stories if aches
broken hearts
and trusts  

Stories that am afraid of
386 · Nov 2014
It's Me and You
Born Nov 2014
This is gonna sound like more pain
but if you don't like me drink some propane
go write about it

I don't take drugs but only a morphine
trying to runaway from more pain
blessing on top of sins
In your heart I rest in pieces

They just don't get it
In your thoughts I sweat blood
a very torn heart!
I ran into my old flame
***** you broke my heart
but there's no more pain

Its a cold world
You could be my lighter
and we'll all burst into flames

Me and you
Could ride on this road called desire
but I don't want no more old flames
I don't wanna get burned
no more pains!
380 · Jul 2018
Born Jul 2018
Choices regarding life
leaves us scavenging for existence
a carrion limping towards tomorrow
To-morrow, morrow whatever it holds
Whatever it begets

Today crept in
Sagaciously took you over
though a blessing
felt more  like a curse

At the pinnacle of your ignorance
you made choices
the ones with traces of uncertainty
shadowing your day
or is it nadir of life
finally taking shape

Sometimes oblique
Sometimes a painful reality
forcing us into uncertainty
and confusion
So we decide
what will be taken from us  
or benefit us
376 · Apr 2015
i dont know
Born Apr 2015
I've been here
Playing with words
Playing with hearts

I don't know
I don't know
whether to hate you
whether to love you
whether to **** you

I don't know
I don't know
whether to harass you
whether to caress you
whether to kiss you

I don't know
I don't know
what love is made of
why I see stars in your eyes
why am at crossroads
374 · May 2020
If pandemic was a poem
Born May 2020
Then I'll be stuck in the epicenter
Of a very catastrophic outbreak

I'll be exposed
and wonder if technology
Is the cause or savior of my fate

I won't listen
and settle on a very reasonable ignorance

I'll cling to God
Like we always do
And wonder if I'll go back when this is over

I'll blame everyone but myself
Rant and explore probabilities

I'll do what we do best
I'll be human
374 · Jun 2015
Born Jun 2015
Call the stars
and let me sing
just to forget my worries
for  minute
369 · Dec 2015
Born Dec 2015
give me some refuge

All my refuge are lonely

I couldn't get a moment of relief

My loneliness follows me
around like  a shadow
© Ibrahim
369 · Jul 2014
crossroads '3poem'
Born Jul 2014
Dreams can change,but let the spark lead your life
Always bringing  me back on my feet with just a smile
I find the little spark I once
Though I lost it through the stormy times
I lost the stolen and genuine parts of me

i’ve taken bits and fragments
when no one was looking
Still looking longer  and deeper
I've stepped into the light of my dark peril
I need not to divulge on lavish evil

Much is that strong desire,many aspire


That spark is all I need to follow my dream
368 · Feb 2017
Born Feb 2017
I love the illusion earth has to offer
the vanity
the supposed happiness
that I cling to
Forgetting that
Every good thing
Must come to an end
367 · May 2015
epitome of strength
Born May 2015
Since a toddler
i was taught how to carry my own Cross
my own weight

So the hopes
the dreams
I left them on the pillow

In a world where
everyone is battling to tear you apart
love is an illusion

So at lest
let me be somebody
instead of a nobody
that all you crave for

I've been humble
and maintained my own cause
366 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
The period for getting fat is over, about to be replaced by resolutions, dissolutions and delusions. People will resolve to lose weight, the resolution will work for the first five weeks of the year,otherwise known as January,until the smell of fries entice them to a fast food joint and they will momentarily, or forever forget their resolution,which will dissolve. Their fast lives will take them back to the delusive idea that a little indulgence is not that harmful -well until next January
366 · Aug 2017
Born Aug 2017
An epic deception
364 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
I used to give much
I craved for much
I did my best for much

I just don't get what happened
I keep sliding back in the same hole
a place I despise most

now am less
Turned into fake
my existence full of mess
if only you knew my case
362 · Aug 2014
Tell the world
Born Aug 2014
It's about time i appreciate
appreciate things
things that i do have
the ones i don't,and
and the love i get
362 · Oct 2014
Thank you Pamela Rae
Born Oct 2014
I have been suffocating for a long while now,
stepping into the light has been a battle,
i should step into the ocean and let the waves decide my fate.

Its about time i confronted my worst fears
360 · May 2016
Born May 2016
Why do you always sing
Songs from 'unburdened' heart
Soothing us all to a 'painless' sleep
359 · Feb 2017
Born Feb 2017
When the questions remain questions
357 · Apr 2015
Help,they are back
Born Apr 2015
Let's be honest-you love your children and would do anything for them,
but you secretly dread school holidays
because they turn your otherwise calm and orderly life into a chaotic spin.
356 · Jun 2016
Born Jun 2016
Watching her go will be the death of me
354 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
Why is it that she's the one who's up all night waiting

waiting for you to come home
with your vogue words
with your whisked head
with your shameless deeds

why is she waiting in the dark
a very cold bruising night
for long and tortures hours
each hour full of worrying thoughts
thoughts that cut dipper than a two edged sword

Why is she waiting eagerly to be hurt
to be stabbed
to be disappointed
to be depressed
to be degraded
to be dejected again
why cry him a river

why are you up all night waiting?
354 · Oct 2017
Truth behind bars
Born Oct 2017
It is the truth that matters,
my truth or your truth settles it
but a well constructed lie is better than the truth,
it's been woven and embedded in our heads like a tumor seeking prosperity,
or let's just say propaganda motivates people.
Yet here we are all screaming for it.
I am certainly worn out,
clearly struggling to live in such a dichotomous world.
But, let's take a moment to resurrect something valuable.
Care enough to think.
353 · Jun 2017
Born Jun 2017
Without rain nothing grows
351 · Oct 2014
Born Oct 2014
Time is life

don't waste yours
351 · Dec 2016
Under the sun
Born Dec 2016
When I wrote "Muse 'atrocities of the heart"
a friend of mine thought
that was the darkest poem he has ever read

I thought
well, yeah, probably
but that was me opening my heart

Letting go
Moving on

This is how we all heal
hoping for a better tomorrow
351 · Apr 2018
I just don't get it
Born Apr 2018
the logic of pain and love
You poured your soul
And Whatever's left of your heart
and they told you its a beautiful poem
An amazing stunning write

But  Is it truly beautiful
when your heart was left fumbling  on the floor
When dreams grew stale
When you were shaken, tasted beyond scope
When you had to speak, shout, write against tyrants
When you were at your lowest and you just had to mumble some words

I just don't see the beauty in being shredded
I just can't fathom the weight of an ailing heart
I just
get it
350 · Nov 2014
Born Nov 2014
Mama am in love with a hot girl. They just don't get it, don't get it.
349 · Jun 2018
. ° .
Born Jun 2018
I just don't get it
I love it soo much that I hate

I feel torn
Cruising towards reality

I feel written
A poem remembered

I feel loved
Enjoyed and celebrated

I  feel your warmth
On the blankets you left behind

I feel like the moon
always chasing the sun

I feel like a smile
a universal perfect mask
349 · Aug 2017
Born Aug 2017
Is one thing that will survive time and the humans who crave for it
347 · Nov 2015
The void
Born Nov 2015
May the Devils  blessing be upon  you
Curse be upon you

This are the prayers that am left with
It is bad
It was bad, crafted so bad
I couldn't breathe  

It's raining outside
I can't think
I can't see anything

Mine innocence taken
And bullets am given

I have a family
I had a family
am not retreating
am not surrendering

I've  seen people **** people
But i shot her just to save her

If i told you my story
They'll think am a beast
they'll believe that I am the  devil
347 · Feb 2015
Miracles of life
Born Feb 2015
I used to be an infant
Innocent and full of life
Then earth happened

I was a prey
now am a predator
trying to fight for my existence
in a world full of salvages

Only the strongest survive
that was made clear

Some love me
others tremble when am  seen
but if I did ever care about what you think
I would be long gone (dead)

I know am a ticking time bomb
a star waiting to shine
a thief waiting to be crucified
Or just a miracle of life
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