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361 · Nov 2014
Born Nov 2014
Mama am in love with a hot girl. They just don't get it, don't get it.
356 · Sep 2017
Confined love
Born Sep 2017
He sat there
Puffed his cigarette, unable to move
He just sat there
Like a compelled dog he stared
He wouldn't or couldn't blink
He gazed like a lost soul seeking salvation

It was her eyes that stopped his heart
blue they were
a blue that he would willingly get lost into
in that moment, he utterly fell in love
without those eyes
he would languish in the wilderness

she had
a soft smile like an angel
her beauty, oh my her beauty
left him wandering like a lonely soul
354 · Jan 2018
Born Jan 2018
Retrospective of days filled with dust
a shelved magic collecting rust
running from your demons
embraced love, hope and guns
thoughts shackled and cuffed
where is the love!

and honor your commitments
a rusty voice echoed
never settle for anything less than greatness
but a conniving planet will alienate your endeavors
deem you terroristic for daring
Where is the love!

Your creativity confined
Coated with uncertainty and brute mediocrity
theories smeared all over
a fatal dream, love and confusion
Paired on an electric chair
hanging on a thread of life
where is the love!

In a planet where love and peace are strangers
Your certainly a voyager
birthed into confusion and irate
Your freedom and originality impoverished
into specks of visions and fallacies
where is the love
354 · May 2016
Muse 'tomb ed soul
Born May 2016
There many longings and fear which can never be put fully into words

Who am I  to peer into the future
353 · Feb 2018
The opening
Born Feb 2018
In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful.
Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds.
The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.
You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.
Guide us on the straight path,
the path of those who have received your grace;
not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray
353 · Sep 2019
Tomorrow is promised
Born Sep 2019
This is to us
The ones who've been broken
Shattered and felt like dying

Pour yourself a drink
Take a long sip
And know that you'll make it
352 · Apr 2014
picking up_
Born Apr 2014
Life as I knew it ain't no more,its  way too  different,i just  woke up to a whole new reality. Am still perplexed,too afraid to embrace the facts.

How long have I been lost in this illusion!!have I been gone for that long or mybe you were dieing for me to be gone

So that you cannot miss me anymore,I bet you never did anyway.

I rely loved us!! But we just couldn't make sense anymore


347 · Jul 2014
Born Jul 2014
I still struggle to remove myself from restraint of destiny
347 · Jun 2017
Born Jun 2017
pain demands to be felt
342 · Jun 2018
Pieces of me
Born Jun 2018
Should this poem ever trend
Then id buy a bottle of jack Daniels
Seal it
and send it to you

Sip it, as you read this poem
and know that
Cause of love
broken stories trend
341 · Sep 2017
Keeping the tides
Born Sep 2017
Am here
Maybe I was here
Writing you a sturdy poem
Screaming about something
Am confused about religion
Religious thoughts, religion beings
That she hates
And I hate that she hates
But why does she hate
Ugh too much hate in gratification
and that pungent smell
Of love
Mostly "loved"
Coated in hypocrisy
Of belief and  change
but for a penny
Or a few dollars
and the perfect orator
For your hearts
For your minds.
For the sake of politics
I'll shred your soul
but only if you don't mind
him being gay
Or lame
Or late for my crucifixion
Of inauguration
That was acquired through
Illegalities of power
She said
I can't love a broke man
that feeds me more lines
on a monsters ink
that you've woven
and left in my bed
for me to fall in love
With your raw
Open heart
that keeps fighting
and equal rights
for women
against elite tyrants
341 · Feb 2015
Born Feb 2015
All I see is familiar faces
Worn out faces
Full of messes

You thought that earth is full of greatness
With amazing kisses
And melodious voices

You can't take it so you numb the pain
You stay high to break from the chains
Your broken heart am praying
that you make it out alive

Shining like stars but screaming
hopeless and scattered in pieces
but you still yarn for his caresses   and kisses
this earth a cruel palace
339 · Dec 2019
Do I truly "loved" you
Born Dec 2019
And am forced to make sense of everything
People cling to emotional stuff
And shove love down our throats

I care she said
That's why my tears never dry whenever you are far from here

That's why I die a little
Cause my brother felt sadnes
And my sister stumbled
And suddenly family is everything

But you have to wonder
What happens to family
If greed takes over

And the love for possessions
Takes away the love
And its value increases
And suddenly you care
And you care so much about the earth
And the wealth that blinds
Most if not all

But you don't care about them
Or love
And suddenly they
Ain't everything
But MONEY is everything
you thought
335 · Mar 2018
Born Mar 2018
Its 3:24 am
My mind is still lost in the woods
Or is it the intoxicating reality
shoved down my throat
that blurs my thoughts
from accessing different avenues
of what could have been

324 times he tried calling
But you missed the calls
Missed the love
he longed to pour
Missed the story
that could have been

She tried to forgive you 3 times
but she couldn't almost always
sit around and fret
2 times, she caught you
4 times, you swore never again
your tale is that of oil and water
you couldn't have been
332 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
you've grown weary

the sun hurts a little bit

the moon hurts a little bit

if only i could take your pain
today my granny fell,the pain she's feeling is unspeakable
331 · Nov 2017
A moment
Born Nov 2017
Just a moment of silence
for a moment of sirens
When she was beautiful, happy
but some days were tragic
no no nostalgic
Of those days filled with magic

Just a moment of silence
for a moment of sirens
for  the days he was high
he ****** up her life
Clinging to a lie
escaping his life

Just a moment of silence
for a moment of sirens
When i found love
darling you were the one
kiss me slow
I want this moment forever

Just a moment of silence
for a moment of sirens
For the toddler feels the wrath
of famine and cold nights
of despots Clinging to illusion
of a world with no humanity
331 · Jul 2018
Stray bullets
Born Jul 2018
What about us
Searching for broken answers

What about earth
that it can't let go of disasters

What about love
that it inspires lot of crazy stories

What's up with nostalgic tears
and friends
who left without saying goodbye

What about life
that Is so paradoxical

What's up the truth
it's filled with so much lies

What about reality
that is filled with absurdity

What about humans
and there fixation on power
323 · Mar 2019
This poem VI
Born Mar 2019
Poet aka lower low

Ugh! Here he comes
I should have known that a poem like you
Would wild so much speculations
Drawing big crowds and
Enticing them to decipher your rhetorics

Now I remember
You said it was for "philosophical thinkers"
Such a big word for a mere poem like you
Who for some reason
likes to rule out its readers as nothing but insolent idiots

I thought you traded complexity for gratification
Isn't that your end game afteral
Cause comprehensive analysis of your ideology
Wouldn't delve out any logical meaning
Or let's go a step further and call it a doctrine
A cup of tea for your ego


Listen you muggot , idiot
or whatever you self identify yourself as
I've never felt the need to dumb down my
Unfathomable intelligence to your
Lower low level
but the universe wouldn't have it any other way

I can see the poverty of your lexicon
written  to please your fellow peasants
Look at me, am the multiplicity of a thousand  beings
a thirst that can never be quenched

How dare you grace yourself
With your redundancy
Your quite naive lower low

Here is an imagery for you

I'm smoking Mayan sicars
Most expensive cigars you've never heard of
Cause your too busy being a mediocre

Just for clarification
I wouldn't want to be stopped to your level
People would start talking
Creating assumptions and damaging my reputation
Imagine a poem like me being written by a poet like you
Jeez! I'd rather die
A conversation between a poet and a poem
320 · Nov 2017
Born Nov 2017
Your feeling like that word
torn shredded and dumped into oblivion

He's been wheeling that lie
shackled and duct taped
frightened by casual bullets

You've been living that life
"self loathing"
memories devoured you of existence

They emit that stench
humbled by deceptive characters

She's been lonely
" love"
is what hypocrisy promised
320 · Apr 2018
Born Apr 2018
Am just looking for some morphine
All you ever do is play with me
This love ain't going nowhere
I can't take this pain no more

Am just looking for some morphine
Can't take this feeling no more
Falling for you was my mistake
I can't, can't do this again

Am just looking for some morphine
to numb the brokenness
that you left in me
318 · Dec 2014
Born Dec 2014
I hated that feeling
I hated not being in control of my fate
317 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
They say your sweeter
but I know your bitter

like krest
you stormed our chests  
our hearts -just guess

Us,the future holds just a mess
312 · Feb 2015
the currents
Born Feb 2015
Like a poet with words that rhyme and flow, earth always has something to entice you with, be careful
312 · Aug 2014
You Poor Soul
Born Aug 2014
Am afraid of ghosts
I never walked by the cemetery
life has got too heavy on my shoulders
you were the strength that made my heart beat

I don't want you to be that person
a person i despise from the depths of my soul
i've always hoped to tear you into thousands of pieces
but i've learned to keep my enemies closer
even if,rejection is all that i was taught

I will seek the truth
even if its beneath mountains
i know we cannot change destiny
i don't know what I have done
i don't know what's ahead of us
I don't know
310 · Jun 2018
Born Jun 2018
Where do we belong
Tell me what you've seen
a kindred spirit lingers in my mind
at a sound of a touch

How do you do this
Behave like  a hell forgotten song
while trying to concur the sky
a virtual reality horror show
that started
at the sound of a touch

Packing and running for safety
that's what happens
if you trade
strength for weakness
at the sound of a touch

Pictures came with a touch
but we were never attached
you were just a voyeger in my dream
who left footsteps  it seems
at the sound of a touch
306 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
You'll always be who you believe to be
305 · Jun 2019
Blue IV
Born Jun 2019
I've heard stories
Lived some stories
And hated most stories

The regrets of being human
Follows me like a shadow

I've felt everything
now I feel empty

Tired of being
Tied to my own thoughts

I slowly try to crawl away
But to where
to whom
to why
Born Sep 2019
The way of the world is odd in extremes

And no one cares about your dreams
299 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
I've decided to reduce my daily consumption of worldly affairs
295 · May 2018
When your too broken
Born May 2018
Upon thee existence, pain and suffering rested
Patiently waited
For what is life without you being tasted

Weren't you baited into smiling
Apocalyptic laughter
the one we all crave for
an impending void

Its okey to cry
He said;cry my dear ,let it all out
But ,at the back of her mind
She couldn't help that itching thought
Why all this suffering?
Why me?
Where is God
Why am I shaken
Why am I broken

When all hell brakes loose
Is there love
To match the pain
Or do we trade on hope
a desperate move
to meek at the future
Born Apr 2018
Man is a sinner, but judge him not
Even though his character is that of a sinister, weep for him not
For the fake tear, will crust on your heart
A price so dear, to pay as a Saint

As I walked  down the streets, a voice screamed
Placing gamble on help, forgetting humanity is deaf
The drunkard speaks
She wore a provocative cloth, like she's begging me to....!
What about her rights, or fear has consumed them
Like the gays in the shadows
Playing Russian roulette with life

The government is nothing but a facade
Created to keep you under control
Haven't you ever thought the irony of
Being your right

For the meek
Men in suits are nothing
but our hopes and dreams
Of success
Or irate wearing a mask called mentor

But do you have what it takes
To unleash your Pandoras box
On the weak?
For your custom made suit
so that your rights of existence
Are not assumed
293 · Jul 2015
Born Jul 2015
When am gone
have them put up a lane
Just to remember my name

am that guy who used to be here
writing about the Spears
that I've received over the years
293 · Dec 2018
Filtered corpse
Born Dec 2018
I should have written this down long time ago
When it all made sense
When I cared enough
When there were no strings

Some memories
Nostalgic as they may be
don't deserve to exist
to be told or related to
to be listened

Words stuck on my throat and all I can say is nothing
scar embedded on on my heart and all I can say is nothing
love ****** me so bad and all I can say is nothing
Life turned upside down and all I can say is nothing
Stuck on a loop of despair and all I can say is nothing
291 · Aug 2014
The Red Roses
Born Aug 2014
The twigs of tales bound  together
from there
a drop of water turned into a green lively

you heard so many stories about lies
and the truth rebelled
now you hate
barely believing  in anything

Devil's jealousy is so wild these days
the lord of darkness is right here
and you
and you know nothing

You pray to the gods
and you sacrifice lambs
for lost hopes
am not your ghost

*I never was
291 · Apr 2018
Born Apr 2018
Are you
an ash wondering
from cigarettes of long time ago
288 · Sep 2019
Born Sep 2019
and it failed
resuscitated to no avail
281 · May 2018
Born May 2018
Poetic analogy
The barbarity of this universe is frightening
Constantly on verge of damnation
We close our eyes, alluding the reality around us
Running from what ruined us

We plough earth with our truths
Jesus is lord
Allah is God
Lord Shiva is......
Don't dare disagree  I'll shave it down your throat
or chaos rains
until one is deemed superior

So we forgot what love is
And  hated each other
And focused on our sins
And inhaled decriminalization
Of our race
Of our faith
Of humanity
All the while ******* our deeds
On God

Now you are busy cruising through life
Crating facade for justification
Isn't hell too nice a place for you!

A mere mortal betting on division
For loyalty
Or sometimes hope
Is the most heinous deed
Committed on behalf of love
273 · Sep 2019
Born Sep 2019
it flew away,
nothing to hold it back,
never to return
271 · Sep 2019
Born Sep 2019
it is the most effective condition
266 · Aug 2019
Born Aug 2019
With every curve on my well structured, magnificent being, am black
How could a momentary mirage of foreign glitter make me forget that am black?
Even the sun kisses my bronze beautiful skin because am black
With a pure heart and a serene soul, am black
Neither actions nor words can accentuate my color, am simply black.
265 · Jul 2015
Born Jul 2015
There's beauty in sin
264 · Apr 2018
This poem V
Born Apr 2018
There is truth in poetry
If you sit down and slowly decipher the meaning  of that metaphor
But be careful
The truth in poetry is like cyanide
Slowly it will devour you
Your down in the floor
Gasping for air
Your lungs collapsing
Blood coming out of your ears and eyes
Your suddenly screaming, but

But before you go through it all
I want to remind you that poetry has repetition
For your own sake the truth is being screamed at you
In repetition
So that you don't go and knock your head off your neck
Forcing us, to write an emotive eulogy of how
you almost tasted the truth.
Inspiring your progenies to passionately embark on that journey
to sniff the truth in poetry
While all along
Its been smeared right on their faces
264 · May 2018
Born May 2018
Your smile is filled with mare
A mask that you still dare
To wear like nobody cares

I get that life is filled with issues
But living a lie will not dry the tears
or take away your fears

You'll forever wonder why happiness
Is bluntly staring at you deviously
and why your love egregiously
turns the oceans into dust, perilously
263 · Apr 2014
love affairs
Born Apr 2014
pain changes people
260 · Aug 2019
Born Aug 2019
With all the sins I carry with me
Perhaps maybe am a Saint
255 · Oct 2019
Born Oct 2019
She lost the sparkle
cause she remained,
Engraved in pain
250 · Mar 2018
Dear earth
Born Mar 2018
Desires got me losing myself
what I once deemed as principles
are thrown out the window
Slowing gambling my soul
As a means to an end

But still
This question pounds on me ruthlessly
What does it profit a man  
to gain the entire world and lose himself?
247 · Apr 2020
Rest in peace
Born Apr 2020
Life happened
And dust settled on silence
Nothing could be said
Nothing could be heard

But memories
Could be felt
247 · Sep 2019
Born Sep 2019
words written for the times we've had
229 · Nov 2019
she said
Born Nov 2019
tell me how it feels to be an introvert
with all emotions tucked tight
no one to access them

tell me how to sing a song
that slowly tears your soul apart
but you still cover it with hope

yesterday i saw pain in your eyes
and your smile
suddenly changed into sadness  

tell me why you chose to drown
instead of letting my hand hold yours
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