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  Mar 2016 Blue Angel
Dennise K
she has a fire in her heart so bright you can see it in her eyes.
The golden fire draws you in and keeps you warm.
She holds the world on her shoulders with her head held high
with every stride the earth rumbles under her wake.
infectious in all that she does, attracting bystanders with a smile
She loves with every once of her soul.
When you find her take hold and never let go
With the blink of an eye she is gone.
she walks one foot in front of the other and never looks back
because the images are actually smaller than they appear the farther you walk.
She has cracks in her skin and cracks on her heart
but her fault lines show that she lasted the quakes.
Because when the fire in your heart burns so bright that you can see it in your eyes
the world seems to be a little lighter.
  Mar 2016 Blue Angel
Ree Bunch
Your lies were dipped in bittersweet chocolate;
with a heaping amount of caramel sauce drizzled on top.
I gobbled up more than I care to openly admit;
in fear of what others will think and say.
After enjoying your momentary treats;
came the truth;
with so much salt, it was baffling to eat.


(10 w)

The lies I ate, but
the truth I couldn’t take.
Blue Angel Mar 2016
People ask me how I maintain a smile everyday, how I am still going strong with the one I love, how I hold it in. To be honest, I don't know. I listen to music, draw, and write, sometimes that doesn't cure the need of a hug. Life experience carries me to the full potential of what I know. I have people of all ages asking me for advice, and I tell them to be patient. Let the wave ride out and resume life, don't give your love to someone who doesn't deserve it.
Someone asked me for advice today and I guess I give good feedback, I don't know.
  Mar 2016 Blue Angel
It's dangerous to go alone, take this
He says as he carves out his own heart
And hands it to me
I place it in a golden chest
Surrounded by countless other
******, beaten, broken
I've done this countless times
Smile, rip out a heart, and keep it
Smile, tear out a heart, and keep it
I suppose I'm like a dragon
In the same way they horde gold and jewels
I horde hearts and love
I thrive on love
I need it to survive
My beautiful box of hearts displayed
Gold and shining
Covered in jewels with a heart shaped lock

I love you she says
Carving out her heart and placing it in my hands still beating
I smile and place it in a box
My beautiful golden chest of hearts
Hers the latest addition, ****** and bruised
She cries
He cries
They all cry
But their hearts,
Their hearts are still mine.
This is a prompt off of a sticky note my friend gave me on which it said its dangerous to go alone, take this and it had a heart drawn in the middle.
  Mar 2016 Blue Angel
Marisa Lu Makil
She is gray outside.
But her heart is blue.
She loves to smile
But she forgot how

He is black outside
But his mind is yellow
He loves to sing
But they tell him he can't

She is white on the outside
But her thoughts are red
She is a genius
And they hate her for it

He is brown outside
But on the inside, he is pink
He loves to dance
But they tell him he is girly for it

We all have our own colors
We are all different on the inside
We are all beautiful
No one is ugly
Discriminating against someone because they look different, sound different, or are less fortunate than you is not funny. It's just mean.
Blue Angel Mar 2016
I've tried to please everyone I know, but I just kept pushing my issues aside. I didn't hurt to let go of my mistakes the first time, bu know, feels like everything I say has a bigger impact that I thought. I have this amazing ability to sense when something is wrong with someone, a maybe because I have been down that path. I see fear in their eyes and they try to hide it, but once I see it, I latch on whether they like me or not. I've been told that I should be a therapists. I don't know, I can just sense some amazing things though
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