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Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
I don’t want to do,
What the whole world does.
I hear my call,
Don’t care about the buzz.

I am going to hear ,
What my heart says.
Following it ensures,
Where my happiness lays.

I don’t want to see,
Through someone else’s eyes.
Else you’ll hear,
Me say my good byes.

I don’t want to feel,
Unless it’s in my soul’s embrace.
It’s only the truth,
That my heart will grace.

I won't accept,
If its against my will.
I am not taking,
This boulder uphill.

I won't just agree,
If its to be an argument.
I am not brittle,
Or that easily bent.

I don’t want to be,
What you want me to.
I’ll follow what,
I truly want to do.

I don’t want to do,
What the whole world does.
I hear my call,
Don’t care about the buzz.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Powers absolute annihilate
In a single drop
Sparkles thy soul
Pure and immaculate
Bound by thy spirit
Infused with a dash of tender joy
Life is ambrosia
A state of harmony
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Life’s vivid expressions,
Touch upon and feel,
Walk through the forests,
Feel the wilderness drift by,
Wander the lush gardens,
Sweet fragrance enthrall senses,
Return home and lay down,
A crimson bed of roses greets.

Thoughts of sweet moments felt,
Chirpy smiles and silent talks,
Happiness fills the heart to its core,
Like a movie on the silver screen,
Visions of happy beginnings fly by,
Lie down and repose,
A crimson bed of roses embraces.

Senses healed and wisdom flows,
Life is so much more,
Unfold the soul’s mystery,
A listener awaits the priceless tale,
Material earnings in exchange for love,
Aladdin’s Genie awaits a truthful order,
Think and thank the gains,
A crimson bed of roses invites.

Happily I do my daily chores,
Thank the stars for I am content,
Breathing in more life each day,
Time has been beautiful with you,
I am sure what the future holds,
I return home with a sense of joy,
Open the doors and I see,
A crimson bed of roses welcomes.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Ignorance has put me away,
I do my chores and return,
And Sit idle thinking for long.
Thoughts hinder my will,
As I try hard to remember,
My heart’s unsung song.

Doubtful of my existence,
I seek the resolute truth,
Reach the land of no return.
Core that emanates energy,
Has lost its soul from within,
Left with anger and scorn.

A void embeds itself inside,
I sit with my mouth agape,
Petrified at my own state.
Will and humor battle it out,
As I talk to myself aloud,
Emotions blinded are the bait.

Destroy my reason again,
No more do I wish to think,
Upon my forlorn state I pine.
It bleeds my eyes ,
No more do I wish to see
Still waiting for the sign.

Life has put me away,
I am still clenched to it,
The phase shall pass.
Balance my will and reason,
As I stand on my feet,
I hold on to my mass.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Undress the soul, pure;
Caress the senses, chaste;
Wash the eyes off the haze.
Sleep and rest to unwind;
Cleanse the heart, empty;
Look into the mirrors gaze.

Webs of remorse, found;
Oceans of screams, bound;
Try again! the sweet one.
Feel blessed, God's own child;
Meet again, the divine soul;
Chaos synchronized, plays aloud.

Split the dream, open;
Bolt the thoughts, shut;
Live the moments, unsought.
Embrace the revelation, tight;
Play the chords of your soul;
Quench oneself off the drought.

Drink the misery, complete;
Butcher the pain, obsolete;
Embellish the good for once.
Solve the mystery unsought;
Lifeless remains and ashes;
Deserve not a single glance.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Lost all that there was,
No courage to build new.
Sweet Remorse!
Shadows cast do follow,
Guided by a source.
Fades away!

Being insane a cancer,
Sorrows feed on blissful memories,
Chokes the respect for life,
Death deceives laughter,
I am a doomed ******.

Sorrows imperishable bind the soul,
Graveness Despair rules my world,
Tearing Blades of animosity,
bleeds me to death,
I am a doomed ******.

Scary unholiness destructs all wisdom,
Melancholy songs strangle all smiles,
A streak of lightening burns the mast,
A single thought unsettles the mind,
I am a doomed ******.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
On wings of phoenix, I ride,
Burn and fall to ashes,
Born from the same.
Unsung rhymes of the past,
Lie buried beneath,
A new life yet again to tame.

Ember eyed look from above,
To the earthly and mundane,
Curious, but all in vain.
Memories yet again eclipsed,
Time's war against youth realised,
A hope grounded insane.

Ignorance- the blissful art,
I follow throughout,
Inadvertent and intentionally.
Washed of all impurities,
Chaste and innocent,
A feeling so saintly.

New memories lived,
Some I survive,
And some wage a war.
Celebrated years of youth,
A new learning,
Steadily, I move to the distant star.

On wings of phoenix, I ride
Absolutely blissful,
And eternally blessed.
I rise again,
The freshness of the waves,
Yet again loved and caressed.
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