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 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Star BG
I carve words into bark of vellum
as if tree trunk
standing pristine and tall.

My pen-like tool moves
in moment below blue skies
lightly peppered with orange clouds.

My breath merges with nature
while birds echo in serenades
that color mind with spiraling visions.

I carve as a master
with its title passed on
from generations inside starlit cosmos.

Come, partake in my flourishing garden of verse.
And may you be inspired
to take a bouquet into the heart.
Inspired by Eloise. Thank you for your inspiring poem.
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Our bed is the epitome of careless love
“Blue caress, blue sheets, blue dove”
But creaking like broken bones
And eyes so sleep deprived
This voice was cracking
And failed to verse the final line.
So this is what we call rosy then
A bare thorn without a flower?
Your music transparently
repeats our chilling song
But still you sing,
“Blue promise, blue jay, blue flame”
And with the softest blow
We always fade away
As bells softly chime
A ringing cry,
“Blue dreams, blue freedom, blue winged bird of mine.”
Fifty years ago
to the month
that they laid
you in the ground

Only now
have I found
the words
to make a sound

You came home
closed coffin bound
Not suitable
to be viewed

Only now do I frown
Thinking about
the name in stone
that's hewed

That day you died
I was left to cry
I didn't know
what to do

Two teenage lives
both said goodbye
to be again

One under
21 gun salute
The other
under pain

They are
still burying you
in my mind
my time has been unkind

I've lived through
a thousand deaths
looking for reasons
to find

I am bound
by the truth
of October '69

Dedicated to :
Marine PFC
William Le Grand Dawes
Born 6/24/50
Died 10/19/69
Quang Ngai Province
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Promises get broken
Subconsciously unspoken
After all
You can always say
You were only joking

I'm not afraid anymore
If you're going to leave
Close the cellar door
I've been in your chains
For far too many years
It's prime time for a cure

I peeped the light
Things can only get better
You can keep my coat
Just let go my sweater
Traveler Tim

Plagiarized from;
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
I dreamed about love
so deep I cried

So beautiful and unattainable
Yet still I tried

I tried to hold on
As long as I could

Yet my dreams are so often
Traveler Tim
Is see their ghost again
Silhouttes of past love lost
They are my floating sins

A reminder that I once wore a grin
The smile I wear now is truly paper thin
A forced happiness
Equivalent to a faked second skin

The light in my heart is set to dim
It's sizzling cinders
My future look burned, to ash it has turned
This undead feeling singed to my soul within

Do i sink or swim
Questions refuse to be answered
It's got my tail in a spin

Why can't I just live on a whim

Forget all these toxic feelings
Just pack up and run

Start a new life
Holding hands with the sun

That future seem bright

The truth is, I'm build never to give in
So I'll fight till the death
Till I have life pinned to the floor
Ready to rip of a limb
Looking into my determined eyes, no matter which ghost you throw at me
You will realize that I win.
Sometimes we feel alone
If we just look around, we will realize we not drones
We can unplug from the static
Come together as one
Share experiences and shed our infected skin
It will fill the void within
Left by love lost, at least we experienced love
Allow your mended heart to sing
So forget all bad, remember the good, pick yourself up....let the next round begin
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
my path
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
all of a sudden
i'm walking into a clearing
where my path appears to end

i seem to
know where i am going

without warning
i don't
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
I will speak a thousand words unspoken
Leave a hundred paws unprint
Have dozens of nights awoken
Smell the singular wind

I will see the invisible, and touch the nothing
I shall be irresistable, with what you have to bring

Yours I shall become, your neck is my future
My teeth do no harm, your words are a murmur

Regardez-moi, Tu me vois!
C'est moi tu portes, ma vie, ma joy.
Pourquoi ma vie tu t'en fous pas?
Pourquoi tu choisis quoi je sera?

Regardez-moi, Tu me vois!
Alors, n'ecoute pas

C'est ma vie vous avez pris
Pas des personnes s'entendent mes cris

Qui méconnaît mes pleurs
Qui tue mes freres et soeurs?

Regardez-moi, si tu t'en fous
Je suis la vison autour ta cou.

Maar het doet je niets, je hoort me niet
Je ziet het bloed niet dat je vergiet
Je hoort en spreekt en ziet en luistert
Alle leugens die je voor me verduisterd

Je doet me pijn, weet je dat
Al is het iets dat je snel vergat

Al zie je niets als je me draagt
Al weet je niets als men je vraagt

daremonai ga watashi no gengo wo hanashimasen
demo kono ate watashi no atama ha ten ni iko

to watashi no karada ha anata no issho ni aru darou.
shin ha kowai deshou.

Watashi ha anata no fuku koto ni naranai.
Dakara sore koto ni kawatte shimasu kudasai

Shin ha totemo kowai desu.

Spreche die sprache der toten
Wer hat mich leben angeboten
Von mirh zu stelen?
Ist Daß nicht elend?

neden beni seviyorsun musun?
beni öldürüyorsun
Şans sen veriyorum
sevgi giyebilirsin musun?
beni öldürmüyorsan

For I will speak a thousand words unspoken
Look at me. you see me!
Even though you lie to me
I refuse to be yours!

Speak the language of the dead
You can't wear love to **** it.
I will speak a thousand words unspoken
Leave a hundred paws unprint
Have dozens of nights awoken
Smell the singular wind
I will see the invisible, and touch the nothing
I shall be irresistable, with what you have to bring
Yours I shall become, your neck is my future
My teeth do no harm, your words are a murmur
French part:
Look at me, you see me!
It's me you wear, my life, my joy.
Why don't you care about me?
Why do you choose who I'll become?
Look at me, you see me!
Yet, you don't listen.
It's my life you took,
and nobody hears me cry.
Who will ignore my tears,
who killed my brothers and sisters?
Look at me, even if you don’t care
I am the mink in your neck
Dutch part:
But you don’t care, you don’t listen
You can’t aknowledge the blood you spilled
You hear and speak and see and listen
Only the lies that you kept in the dark for me
You are hurting me, did you know?
Even though you forgot it just so.
Even though you can’t see, if you wear me.
Even though you can’t answer when we plead.
Japanese part:
Nobody speaks my words
But I turn my head to the heavens
And my body will stay with you
Death fears me
I refuse to become your clothing
So please, do something
German part:
Speak the language of the dead
Who offered me this life?
To steal from me?
Isn’t that just miserable?
Turkish part:
Why do you love me?
If you are killing me?
I will give you a chance, but
Is love something you can wear?
Only, if you don’t **** me for it!
For I will speak a thousand words unspoken
Look at me. you see me!
Even though you lie to me
I refuse to be yours!
Speak the language of the dead
You can't wear love to **** it.
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