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The greatest of poets probably went unnoticed,
so when you are out there exploring with your words--
when those people never come to give you praise.
Take some pride in knowing that they probably haven't found you yet
just keep writing because eventually you'll write a master piece.
That your children's children will be able to find in their history books--
Until that day comes, write until those hands fall off,
So history can look back at how you never stopped
and how prideful you were of your work.
That even when people didn't acknowledge your poetry to be poetry--
You kept on writing the hooplas and sweeneytoons until you could not.
Because those hands of yours are the only ones that will ever exist.
The lines that you wrote, today, will be ones to live tomorrow.
That when your life ends, your writing can begin to live for you.
Your voice unlike many others will be unable to die;
secretly you may wish to be found
just like many others before and after you will be found
just remember that some lost treasures are forever lost--
but they are the treasure that everyone is still seeking.
I just know that I myself feel rather defeated when my poetry is not recognized in some formats, but when I show it to people they fall in love.  So know that sometimes your words may not find the people, but there are people that will find your words.
I imagine a man--
a strong, independent, pack leading figure
Who will always have the strength to carry his own family.
That on his wedding day he will carry his wife to bed
as he is expected to carry his children to theirs every night.

A man will be stern, and respected by those around him
every part of his being will be drawn to our attention.
He will have the heart of lion, the one bearing burdens, as he should
his shoulders will always stand firm, as the red woods have taught him well.

The voice of a man is deeper than the sounds of a bear,
being woken from hibernation.
His cave echos the triumphant's of experience,
as well as the wisdom's of manhood.

Truly a man is the best of his crafts
building treetop castles made of lumber and supplies
never needing instructions as he has it all inside
fixing all that he can fix, forever and always.

Emotionally, unknown--
his tempers sway, a brief signal in the sky, before it is wisped away.
Half grins yearning to resemble his wife and child
tightly holding those he loves in a lingering way--
unspoken is how it goes for a man.
The way I feel in my culture and many/most culture try to regard what a man should be like.  If you put this imagine to be the guideline for how a person should be, there is no possible way for people to be happy then.  We need to broaden our ideas and not limit people to some box.
 Mar 2015 BertJane Perez
When your words sting through my heart and leave me broken
- I love you

When the distance between us feels like miles even though we're near
- I love you

When I think of how many fights we've been through
- I love you

When you can't control your anger and burst it all out
- I love you

When the volume of your voice increases and reprimands me
- I love you

When you speak of words of love  and gentleness is in your voice
- I love you  

When you make me feel the luckiest girl in the world
- I love you

When you give me hope and encouragement
- I love you

When I'm wrong and you set me right
- I love you                

When you love me
- I love you
 Mar 2015 BertJane Perez
You were my greatest and worst love,
my high and low, my summer and winter,
my day and night, my pain and relief.
You were both an exaggeration and an understatement.
You were everything at once and nothing at all at the same time.
I walked along the hallway
Quiet and shy
Nobody ever saw me
They often averted their eyes

Though it made me happy
To finally be noticed
By someone unexpected
And willing to listen

But it only lasted
For a few days
You finally gave up
And went another way

I walked along the hallway
Hopeful that you would smile
But instead you looked away
And pretend we're apart for a mile

Now it's time for me to realize
To break this sad flowing stream
It was never a reality
It was only a dream
The moment when you thought someone truly cared for you, but only ended up the one who will drag you down further.

I used to think men
should be more like books
Both you cannot
judge by looks...

If I didn't want to finish reading
I put it down... no heart was bleeding

A book will never fuss or fight
It will stay with you
through the night...

It doesn't smoke. It doesn't drink.
It won't leave toothpaste
in the sink!

It doesn't binge... it don't eat...
It won't leave up the toilet seat!

It don't forget. It doesn't mope.
It won't hog the TV remote!

It doesn't have to have
The last say...
It doesn't have legs

to walk away.

But it's not soft. It isn't warm.
It doesn't keep you
safe from harm.

Even though it makes no fuss
It can't think. It can't discuss.

Even though it has its charms
it can't hold you in its arms.

It doesn't pine. It doesn't miss.
It can't hug and it can't kiss.

So now I think on it again...
... I think BOOKS should be
             more like MEN!!!

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