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Apr 2019 · 709
Aditi Apr 2019
You smile-
And it's like a thousand suns-
Breaking through the clouds,
Like somewhere inside
An eclipse came undone.
Like slowly, but surely,
All the oceans in my lungs
And the sky rushed
To take its stead;
An unsaid prayer being answered.

Your fingers-
They leave a trail
Of goosebumps
Down my neck.
Oh, what a tease!
First ruffle my hair
And tuck at the heartstrings
Only to wrap them again,
Under your fist;
The only order, I'll obey.

Your lap-
Never I thought,
Love could be a landscape.
Or how being crouched
To fit all of me
Into one space
To be held by you -
Would put my spine at ease,
Or your heart will conspire
And beat all these stale
Clichés into my ears;
A welcome isolation.

Groaning up,
I wake,
In a dim room
With your phantom, fleeing presence.
Same teasing smile,
Same chaste eyes
And same flesh
But though he had your face,
He was not you-
Just a projection
Of my brain
To put my aching heart
To rest
Jan 2019 · 1.2k
You're not coming, are you?
Aditi Jan 2019
I bleed in silence, in
Abandoned cathedrals,
Monasteries, and holy Shrines.
I have looked for you,
Begged the grand idols,
Visited crumbling walls
Of burnt out cities,
And antiquities -
All the places they told me
You had been.

My eyes see red
But I'm blue,
And there's a bruise
On my knee-
A blend of both.
My lips no longer move in prayers
My eyes have no tales to tell-
But my poems scream
And I live - on a middle ground
Between the two
-a whimper on nights,
A sad smile during days.

You're not coming for the rescue, are you?

I ache and long, now
More than I can love
But for what? Is it you?
I never could commit suicide,
But I killed myself, every moment,
Till I heard the rhythm of that heavenly call
In your footsteps
And how you filled even the silences between us
With grace
And I was seen, and I could see
And I was loved with a love
That I could accept.

If our love had two colors,
It'd be red and blue
Like any God,
You came with your own set of rules.
Passionate red, that you brought
And the blues that I always carry
Red and blue icy veins -
With the same emotions flowing through.
But you were taken away too.
And now I'm neither red, nor blue
But despondent brown
The color of the dirt, the only thing
Separating me and you.

You're not coming back, are you?

I walk on,
I don't rest and I don't sleep.
How can there be a God if there's no justice?
And the moon is not blue with sadness;
Nor does it cry with me.
And the stars are just as oblivious and distant.
And the sun, well, it never bothered
to shine on any of us.
I see a world now, as it is,
Stripped of meaning
and all its metaphorical use.

If I could be colored,
I'd choose red and blue-
Burning bright
with a frigid determination.
To save the soul,
Sometimes you must
destroy its vessel
And when a world dies, its gods must die along.

None of you came, so I had to come to you.
Dec 2018 · 555
I feel sad pls validate me
Aditi Dec 2018
Sun dissolves
into swirls of hues
All over the sky.
This twilight, I realised
How I feel partly like funerals
And partly like a sunrise
Love child of a story
-Of too soon
And too late.
Maybe I should write a manual
On me, for myself.

Darkness hesitates
At my doorstep-
As if reminding itself
That it has got nothing to lose
But then again,
It is not like I have anything it could take.
So we sit in silence- an impasse
Till darkness becomes me
And its, I become.

Sunlight dances
Upon me-
Shattered all over the floor.
Let's see who wins
This tug of war
My brain -
Or my heart?
As I sit there- casualty of a war
I never did start.

So I break
Every shimmering surface
Of windows, and mirrors In my house
And ducttape the ones
I can't.
Why do they reflect all this light
When not an ounce,
I can soak
I know who I'm
(or do I?)
Can they show me
What I want?
(and how to get there?)
Dec 2018 · 406
Pls don't forget me
Aditi Dec 2018
I may be the monster chasing you in your sleep, now, or all the sea shells that you collected as a kid and eventually lost. I may be just another blurred face in your dreams, or, the first touch of sunlight knocking at your windowpane. Or maybe, I'm just a dusty album thrown carelessly up in your attic- not useless enough to be dismissed, but useless enough for you to no longer know what to do with me. (Or I'm just a jammed door whose key you still keep with you in your pocket, your footsteps halt in front of me once in a while, but the moment passes and so do you)

Or, maybe 10 years from now, in your mind and heart, I no longer register at all.

You and I, we are the children of the same paradox. A fragile thread hung above a horizon-less sea. Could we get what we wanted while being who we are? Do I not belong as much to the thing i left behind as I do to the future that I'm seeking? How to acknowledge your hurt without having to apologize for who I am? Can I ever find home if my heart is always curious about what's beyond? How could it have been love if I had to keep breaking pieces of myself to make some accommodations for you? Why, after all this time, it still feels like it was? Could you really find love in the arms where you lost yourself?

And this is what you're to me. 5 years from then, you're still the headache I get at 2 am and the bloodshot eyes. The thought processes running in circle. You're the human embodiment of my life-i could create something with you, something out of you but I let the idea of it consume me. And sitting underneath the ocean, before oblivion hits me, I imagine asking to your fractured reflection- have you ever wanted to be the universe - something so grand- that you settled down in this abyss- and became nothing.
Jan 2018 · 6.3k
Aditi Jan 2018
My petals were withering,
The butterflies turned into wasps.
An oppressive silence-
Weighing down on my conscience
And the fingertips - used to drawing sunrises
-compelled  to write eulogies instead.
Of Chapped lips and vacant eyes.
And how the autumn had caught up to us.

And I remembered,
With an aching guilt-
How I had not even played in the rain,
Not much, not at all.

My words had rusted,
My voice- cracked, and unfamiliar
Even to my own ears.
The summer long poems that I wrote in love
Were set ablaze,
To help me survive a winter
without you.
Oh, when I said our love would keep us warm
This is not exactly how i had it planned.

And you did not get to read even a word.
One always thinks they have time.
But we did not.
Not then, and definitely not now.

As a child, I grew up wanting a lot from myself
-even the world, if I were to be honest.
Somewhere along the line,
All I wanted was for this all to not hurt.
And somehow the polar opposites are more alike
Than I'd have thought.
'Cause you see, people who want a bit of everything
Are very close to wanting nothing in particular, not much.

And I wish I had learnt to differentiate
Of when to sharpen my sword and when to use my pen
Cause now I'm down to my last petal
And all you have is a blue splotch on your shirt.
Oct 2017 · 788
Boy pt 1
Aditi Oct 2017
To the boy who makes my skin feel like home again,
You held out your hand and stood there patiently while I warily placed my hand in yours and maybe incidentally some part of my heart too. You so gently removed his imprints off me that I did not even notice till I was standing in front of my mirror, glowing, no longer looking away from my reflection but smiling back at it. Thank you. Thank you for having the thoughtfulness to wipe your fingerprints off before leaving too. You know I never could understand how people use standing alone in the rain as a metaphor for sadness, it's not. It's liberating. And that's how I feel about you. You were the drizzle that set me free.

To the boy who does not make butterflies somersault in my veins,
You were smirking at something clever you said at my expanse and I was looking back at you calmly not the least bothered by the slight blush crawling up to my cheeks.  Because that's what you were to me. My anchor. My calmness. My life jacket. Thank you for teaching me that most hurricanes and people are only looking for ways to self destruct and I need not be the one to put myself in their ways in hopes to save them when I myself have been drowning. Thank you for handing me back the anchor. Now I carry it with me and toss it down whenever I feel the flow is too strong for me. You loved me enough to make me love myself, but not enough for me to be yours more than I was mine. I don't know why they don't teach about self love or how we owe ourselves some kindness too.  But you did. I have not been this shade of love in a long while and I don't ever want to be anything else.

To the boy who makes me smile when I'm with him but does not steal it away when he is gone,
You make me feel things in slow motion like the way a tortoise comes out of its shell, like the blooming of a bud, like a letter hidden among the pages of a history book no one is ever going to bother to read and all the other soft things. Thank you. I'm the love in all those soft things. I've the love i need the most. And so I smile. And I write myself poetry just as much as I write for you. I dance alone when you're gone just as enthusiastically as I do when I'm standing on your feet. I don't understand how I could have ever thought that love was love only when you loved with all the parts of you; saving none for yourselves cause it's not. Love is taking care of yourself and being the sun to your universe but letting him know he is the constellation who you love to read and embrace every night before you fall asleep. Love is hand you want to hold while you're reigning your life.

To the boy who kept his distance while I sulked on the floor but became my backbone when I was teaching myself how to walk,
You told me you fall apart and you think you're done but that's when the work begins. I realised how you don't need people when you're down as much as you do when you're trying to get up after falling down a time too many to count. But you were there. And i needed to understand that not every fragility was breakable. Some relented and preserved. And it's not about how long you stay on the floor but with how much fervor you stand back, again and again after being kicked. Thank you. I'm going to carry my fragile heart like a crown shielded by logic. It's okay to be brilliant and kind. You don't have to rust your shine cause you're blinding someone.

To the boy who makes my skin feel like home again, to the boy who does not make butterflies somersault in my veins, to the boy who makes Me smile when I'm with him but does not steal it away when he is gone, to the boy who was there holding me up when I was trying to be more than I have ever been before

Thank you. ❤
Would it be weird if I told you I wanted to change the boy part to  girl and make it about me cause honestly I have been a great best friend to myself for all these years And I taught myself these stuffs so yaay go me
Oct 2017 · 647
Aditi Oct 2017
The rustling of autumn leaves, the snow dissipating in your palm, the fluttering beats of your heart as he comes close, a hundred Tsunamis clashing in your stomach as he whispers your name and kisses you soft. The first time you realised you were in love.

The faint humming of windchimes, the echoes of the winds amongst the mountain top, the homely smell of your favourite dish, the Handwritten love notes that are never exchanged, the subtle glances, his breath fogging up your spectacles. the feeling of invinciblity. The first time you ever believed.

The rush shimmering down to something warm, something more permanent, like the gentle embrace of your bed after a long way back home, like the  quiet after a chaotic stormy night, the steady way your hand finds his as if out of habit, the ease at which his name rolls of your tongue, all your favourite poetry books piled up on his table, late diary entries with half the words crossed out, mornings with his favorite chocolate shake alongside your espresso. The feeling that nothing could ever go wrong.

The arriving rustle of thunderstorms, the sea wrecking the sand castles we made with so much love, the rain pounding on my window, the shattering sound of glasswares that only I could hear. The first time I realised love was not always beautiful.

Abandoned buildings standing tall, an unplanned nap in wintery afternoon under the sun, the waning of flood slowly from your heart, the first intake of air after you make it to the surface, the sun fighting through the darkness every dawn. Love is not perfect but it will do.

The last murmured I love you before you fall asleep, dust particles dancing to the beat of sunlight, short pecks on cheeks, every thing frighteningly falling into a routine, fingers in my hair unknotting my stress, a comfort so overwhelming it shadows the love we felt, eye contacts and a sudden coming undone, naked souls stripped off all layers like the first time, unravelled by just one gaze. The first time I understood love is both- the grand confessions and the simple act of being there, and neither and so much more, all at the same time.

Spirited laughter playing in the background, the walls full of memories in frame, the breeze slowly singling lullabies, the fading music after the song has ended, a reminiscence of something so old you can't tell if it's a dream, sunlight dancing on the leaves. A book in my lap with you next to me. I still have not figured life out but with you I can finally live it.

Instead of watching the seasons change from behind my window sill, I feel it change within me.
Sep 2017 · 704
Pls try to understand
Aditi Sep 2017
I have these abandoned cities inside of me,
Named on the people that once used to love me.
All the roads and the towers are devoid of company-
No one there remembers my face.

So, pls, understand how hard it is for me to answer your trivial "tell me more about yourself"

I have been held before by a gaze as soft as yours,
He is a stranger now, like you'll be too.
I have been desired to stay, and been pleaded to go-
Both at once.

So, pls, understand if I tune you out sometimes and go whichever way the wind blows.

I have my hands stained in the color of ink,
All these sadness and I don't know what to do with it
I have been both- a sad girl and sadness wearing the face of a girl,
You pick whoever you like more.

But, pls, understand if I can't exactly tell who I'm and what is it that I want.

I have been seen - either on the edge; wary of the fall,
Or playing in the deep end, till I go blue in the face.
Adrenaline is who I court, but I'm married to the caution
Till sadness comes to take its claim, and his I become.

So, pls, understand if most of the times my eyes have layers upon layers of emotions, but my face is blank.

I have made words my eulogy, eulogy my beginnings.
I have so many stories to tell, but they demand to be left alone so stubbornly.
So quiet and out of place, like the last ray of sun in a twilight sky- I stay still to breathe.

So, pls, try to understand this is not poetry but just an attempt to understand my own self?
Feedbacks needed
Sep 2017 · 603
Aditi Sep 2017
You should have heard the things i did not say
  - i read everything you omitted in your poem.
  - you only know as much as i give away.

I know the parts of you you don't  even acknowledge.

You should have held me when i was halfway out the door
  - i would have but i did not know how to.
  - for a moment, i thought i had lost you, too.

I may be lost right now but you know I'll find you.

I might not love you right now,
But you know I'll be in love w you in all my tomorrows.
I might need to get away once in a while,
But you'll always be my way back home.

You cut me open, you sew me back
  - i keep running into the love i am trying to forget.
  - you look like autumn, you taste like dawn.

  You love me, and, then you don't.

Your eyes hold a grudge, your eyes hold warmth
  - the more i give, the less you care.
  - but i know you're in there somewhere.

  You only show your emotions when my eyes are closed.

**I might not love you right now,
But you know I'll be in love with you in all my tomorrows.
Sep 2017 · 563
A mistake.
Aditi Sep 2017
Marinating wounds,
Comfortably numb.
It started with fire,
It ended ice cold.

I was all over him,
He was all over me.
Hazed memories,
I just wanted to not feel.

Worsening things,
Some thing I keep getting better at.
You would not come home,
He would not leave me be.

He said all the right things,
But, oh, i was the wrong girl
So empty without you,
And he was just there.

He was all over me,
I was all over him,
He left a scar on my neck,
Like you gave my heart a dent.

Good intentions,
Ruined by your interpretations.
His eyes were sympathetic,
And i just wanted to be held.

Lost in the translation,
A temporary lapse of judgment.
I wanted to love him,
But i had yet to unlove you.

You were out in the cold,
With someone to keep you warm
His hands were moving,
I laid unfeeling, like a ****** god.

His eyes showed hurt,
He smiled despite it all
Said he knew
I never felt that way about him.

My heart ached,
From the loss of something that could have been
I wanted to rip every thing i loved out of you,
And find it in him.

He said goodbye,
I could not say sorry.
He lingered on the doorway,
I could not get myself to ask him to stay.

I burned down the albums,
I threw away the cards.
I knew i had to run,
Before your monsters caught up to me.

I knew he forgave me,
Like he knew i was willing to forget.
He gave me the grace,
I lost to you.

I am afraid,
No one ever taught you how to love.
You spend the night in one's arms,
And wake with another's name in your thoughts.

I wanted to hurt you,
I wanted to inflict the pain you gave me,
I only hurt myself,
And i am the only one to blame.

I'll look for redemption,
I'll undo what you did.
Sep 2017 · 2.6k
(..And i like you)
Aditi Sep 2017
(... And i like you.)

We never tire
Of trying to fit everyone
Into the shape of voids
Our hearts have carved

And that's fine.

It's still not something I'd do to you.

(..And i like you)

Love has made a ghost
Out of the best of us
And we anchor to the memories
To save our entities.

And honestly who am i to judge?

But you knock new air into my dead, dusty lungs

(..And i like you)

We ache,
And we mould our ache into arts.
Abusing and devouring  love,
Like scorched land tasting the first rain drop.

And I'm one of the many inked hearts.

I would leave my pen though, you make me want to.

(..And i like you)

We all have been loved,
And we all have been lonely,
Some of us feel the presence,
More when it starts to ebb.

And I've always felt myself overstaying my welcome, even before arrival.

But I'd leave my pieces on your door, as an excuse for you to call me.

(..And i like you)

We are always
looking for a replacement.
Disguising our sadness with a new skin
Trading one addiction for another; a vicious cycle.

All these temporary fixes and the perpetual sadness.

But you could be a detour from this dead-end I'm leading to.

(And i like you.)

Fistful of mosaic desires,
Confessions barely held in by my teeth
Future is easier to swallow than salvage
Your intoxicated lips smirk in agreement.

All these loving hearts with eyes askance.

But something tells me if i showed you my palm, you'd understand.

(..And i like you)
Will probably take a while to acknowledge the voice in my head saying (...And i like you) or i can keep ignoring it, even if it's the most obvious thing.
Aug 2017 · 492
Just a dream or two
Aditi Aug 2017
Give me a dream
or two
anything that makes me
wanna wake up.
Reality has left
a bitter taste on my tongue.
no plans, promises,
or prefixes.
take my hand,
and take me away with you.

Give me a dream
Or two.

I have laid for decades, now
on the ocean bed,
a distant looker,
not caring to participate.
be the stronger undercurrent,
carry my hurt away on your
shoulder blades.
I'll take my responsibilities,
I'll thank you with my last breath.

It was a deep cut,
the blow too close to the lungs,
but it will heal,
if you only could give me
a dream or two,
to make the healing worth it.
to try to want to fight
the ghost of who I used to be.

Give me a dream
or two,
and wait
while i turn them into reality.

I was a wild thing too, you know,
till I was tamed, Broken,
out of convenience.
I can always shed this skin,
and begin again,
but I dare not,
trod my heart,
for the grief that might follow.
the shell might not let the light in,
but it sure keeps the memories out.

Give me a dream
or two,
so I can replace
all the unwritten past tragedies,
with a hopeful draft
of future.

Give me a dream or two.
Just for once give me a reason to get out of my bed.
Aug 2017 · 1.3k
It's okay, anyway.
Aditi Aug 2017
Spring faded too soon, yet again.
There's no reason to worry about that.
I would take the forlorn smile of autumn,
Any day, any way.
A soft gentle goodbye is all i hope for now, these days.

Promises have been broken,
I never thought they would last anyway.
After all, every thing i have
came with an expiry date,
and a but Clause
You lose some, some you gain,
But nothing, you own.
And that's okay.

Solitude has opened my eyes,
Destroyed the home company created.
Illusions of belonging,
When all you ever do is run.
Running out of time, bidding goodbyes to life unknowingly,
And that's okay.
It's peaceful here in the oblivion,
You'll know what i mean one day, anyway.

My halo has been crushed,
The weight of these wings were too heavy to bear, anyway.
I miss my home sometimes, but i know I'm never going back.
I see strangers looking out the open doors, their surroundings aged with longing and wait
I hear strangers knocking, on the closed doors,
Their hearts held in their fist, but no one is coming to receive them.
Sometime home is nowhere to be found
So you make one, out of yourself.

You'll build yourself one, if you're lucky.
But it's a fate i would not wish too strongly on anyone.
Aug 2017 · 367
Last night.
Aditi Aug 2017
Last night I stayed up,
Wondering was it someone better
I lost you to?
Was it as effortless as the sun burying its head in the horizon every twilight,
To rest from its woe?

Was it as smooth as the sweet nothings you have been feeding me?
Tell me,  darling,
Was it worth it?

Last night I stayed up,
Writing down all the truths I have been told,
And how in the end, your single "people change"
Struck out every one of them.
My faith was always a slippery pathway,
But I never did not believe in you.

Guess I just never learn.

Last night I saw you with her,
Laughing, talking about things "I would just not get"
And I did not really feel much different,
Just a bit out of breath, and that's the usual for me.
You  should know,
Since you were the one who threw me underwater.

How many more moments before my love for you anchors me down, forever?

Last night, I decided I just did not want to be the words anymore,
But the poet.
Just because my poem of loss,
Reminds you of her, does not make my words some traitor.

You were too lost catching the occasional glances she throws your way to appreciate all the moments we could have created our eternities anyway.

Last night I came upon a conclusion
That it was everyone I lost you to,
And hence no one in particular.
You're a like kid running after a butterfly,
You either crush it, or, let it go when it's in your reach
Never knowing how to hold it,
Or me,
Or her.
Jul 2017 · 412
Aditi Jul 2017
Maybe it was not you, maybe it was me
Setting bridges ablaze
Before crossing
And trying to find  out
What was there on the other side

I'm sorry. I'm sorry you were left there on the other side. If I had only known, if I had only seen, maybe we both would not have been smothered in the fire I had kindled. I swear it was only meant for me.. It's really funny how the fire I had hoped would destroy me just burnt me, it was that one look of anguish in your eyes that reduced me to ashes. Too bad. I'd have taken hundred of those burnings to take away your pain away. Pain that I had unintentionally carved into your flesh.

Maybe I should have said something, maybe you would not have heard it anyway,
But now these silences have become the crime scenes as well as the witnesses*

It's kinda ironical how you've always been the one to  get me down on my knees to pray and the one that had me concluding that both of us had fallen out of God's grace long before we were born. Lucifers in our own hell. Aching from the loss of what we could  have been.

Maybe I should have asked, maybe you should have stayed,
Maybe then we would have something in common other than our parents,
And our disappointments.

I wonder if you too have just gone through your life, uncaring, and, uninterested as if you were stuck in someone else's dream. I wonder which no. Of disappointment it was after which we decided that there was nothing to be salvaged. Not even us. Esp not us. We have gone so long without talking that yesterday when I opened my mouth, no words came out. Whenever I look at us, I wonder if cremation is just going to be a formality? I wonder if they know why I talk so much because I'm afraid if I stop I'd hear the unwanted sounds telling me that I did not talk you out of ruining yourself. I did not say a word, probably, the only time when my words held any significance and I'm sorry, my baby brother. I'm sorry.

Maybe If I had tried harder, maybe if you had not resisted longer
Then maybe we would not be soaked into this rain, permanently
The sky weeping silent poetry that only you and I can feel.

I never played with you. I tried yesterday to get you to but it was too late I guess. You remained seated in the corner of the balcony. I wonder what it is that you see that is interesting enough to keep you looking but not enough to go out and feel it. I wish I could tell you that is how I feel sometimes too. But I just don't know how to. So I stand there awkwardly in the sidelines. I laugh mirthless. Sidelines. That's where I have always been when it came to you. Have not I? I see our neighbor look at us. I wonder if they call it sweet, or, love? Me? I don't dare call it anything.
Jul 2017 · 703
I'm getting by just fine
Aditi Jul 2017
I can't sleep without you tucked up against me,
By my side.
But if you were to ask me how I'm,
I'd tell you I'm getting by,
I'm getting by.

And it's like walking through a door,
Just to find another
It's like watching you look for me,
Through my window,
In a house, with no door.

I can't seem to be able to watch you mourn me.
I want to tell you,
You can't be both the killer and the ambulance,
But you're.
And it's just not fair,
It's just not fair.

And It's like I'm the bullet you want to dodge,
But you can't go far without the adrenaline.
It's like how every flower will wilt for you,
If you love it hard enough,
And boy, did we love

I can't seem to be able to make use of this leftover me,
So in case you're looking for an empty, secluded place to rest from your inconsistencies,
Use my heart,
But you can't, you won't
A heart so tamed is no fun,
My heart is no fun, anymore.

And it's like the whole world is spinning,
Tauntingly, obliviously,
But I can't move,
Unless it's to write,
Somewhere along the line,
Expression was the only time
I was away from self destruction
And it's sad, but kind of funny, don't you agree?
It's sad, but kind of funny.

I can't seem to tuck out the disappointments,
Hiding in the wrinkles of my skin,
Or be a disappointment dressed up in
This messed up body,
But if you were to pass me by, I'd compile all the burnt out suns inside of my heart,
To give you one last warm smile,
Anything to convince you

That I'm getting by,
I'm getting by.
Jul 2017 · 695
Go on.
Aditi Jul 2017
I smiled, I bled,
I carried on and on for you
I crawled, I fell
I got up, bruised and blue, for you
Even though I don't know how,
But I stayed for you.

You stayed, you ran
You carried on and on for you
You cheated, you lied
There was always something else and someone else you'd rather do
Even though i don't know why,
But you did it for you.

You confessed, you sinned,
So many versions of truth,
I did not know what to believe in,
But I believed in you.
I raged on, I waned,
So many goodbyes
I could not fulfil,
But you showed me how to
And you did it for you.

So, just go.
With your hurried goodbyes
And hesitated hellos.

So, just go.
My love will continue
to Bloom.

The sadness that became a part of our love,
Take it with you too.

And just go.

I will smile, I will bleed
I will carry on and on
For myself.

I will love, carve poems out of
another person's name.
Even though I don't know how,

So, I will just go now,
On and on.
Jul 2017 · 746
Where does the good go?
Aditi Jul 2017
Of acoustic sunsets
And quiet nights.
Of the wintery sun
And the guiding starlight.

Of the communicative silence,
And redundant words.
Of the inborn poetry
In ruins and love.

Of the serene sea,
And wailing moon.
Of the sorrowful storms,
And smirking chaos.

Of the blank pages
And the blue-inked heart.
Of the ever flowing poetry
Rejected by my stuttering tongue.

Of the submissive heart,
And a resilient brain.
Of the flighty melancholia
And staying farewells.

Of the paradoxical life,
Run by both, fate and free will.
Of the endless possibilities,
But not a single on of them for you and me.
OK I know the title does not seem related to the poem at all but I was listening to that song while writing this so..
Aditi Jul 2017
I hope you slept well to the  new pillows that have not been imprinted by any essence yet
I hope you woke up startled and longing in a place defiant to show any familiarity
I hope you feel free now that you have burnt down your past to the ashes.
I hope you feel heavy now that the ghosts haunt you for your unbidden goodbyes
I hope the sun shines ever so gently, I will your sunflowers to never wilt
I hope the scorching summer heat reminds you of the spring that faded too soon
I hope the windchimes lull you into a dreamless sleep.
i hope i find my way to you and walk through your resistance even if it is in your dreams

I hope time grants you blissful forgetfulness
I hope you spend your nights trying to remember the feel of my lips against yours but can't
I hope no rain ever takes away your vision of a clear blue sky
I hope no rain is enough for you to drown the softest I love yous you confessed
I hope you now get to write the story you wanted to read, in peace
I hope you can't find a metaphor loving enough that I have not used upon you
I hope we find that we are the sun we were looking to orbit around
*I hope you wistfully say that I was your favorite sky to shine upon
I'd like to say that yes, this poem is on the sadist side. Not all of us have Noble thoughts all the time and I just thought it would be fun because I actually saw my friend interact with her ex who had moved on to a new gf in two days, so yeah.
Jul 2017 · 620
Never again.
Aditi Jul 2017
I remember when I was young
I wrote in my diary- Never to love
All in BLOCKS.
You were warm, And I was not
My mistake, I forgot.
You came in with a face
Of all I knew AND all I should not want.

I remember stolen breaths,
See through excuses,
The adrenaline.
I should have known better..
You were persistent, and so was i
Some nights, I consoled my heart
Some nights the beats would be lullabies
I dared to sleep upon.
(Some nights I consoled my heart
Some nights it was my heart's turn
To become lullabies, I'd lay my head upon)

I remember how it all changed
Small steps, uneasy, nothing to object
Till you were close enough
For so long..
I did not know where i was
When you would go..
If you should go.
Your reassurances that I'll never have to wonder.
Then why?
Do i go through my shelves
Wondering which book and whose story
Are you bringing colors into now?

I remember finding sunrise in your smile
Brightening to grey my blackest hours
That smirk upon your face,
those impish eyes
How could I have not fallen for?
I knew all along my story's end,
A light that bright burns way too soon
(I rather hoped it would not. Another mistake,
I just forget.)
I Hope, because you told me I must.

I remember when I was young,
I promised myself to never love
And how i forgot!
(You made me forget.)
Now I have a bag packed with essentials
Hidden under the bed, my visa renewed
And a courage overfed
You might guess, but you'd never know why.

My morning prayers become a chant
Reciting all the ways it would not last.
Jul 2017 · 583
Aditi Jul 2017
Eyes like a forlorn yet lit pathway on a wintery night,
Leading to an unfamiliar place that unerringly felt like home
Alas, too bad i always kept dying at the doorway,
Every time I looked at my own reflection;
I felt like a stranger to my own self.

A laughter so soft yet carrying the echoes of a hundred distant temple bells,
Holding the murmurs of dying Gods and their fallen grace
Too bad that all of those listening
Lead to a map drawn so wrong
The tune of divine was lost on my mortal ears.

A face like sunlight filtering through the trees,
Playing hide and seek; a perfect escapist,
Her skin is a habitat of all the lost fireflies,
Her hair, a perfect tease daring the wind to stay still
Too bad the wind could not stay, so with itself it carried her away
Never have I wandered before, hoping to get lost so she could find me again.
Jun 2017 · 711
Yeah, well
Aditi Jun 2017
Who ever said I could not write happy poems while my blood dripped all over these pages

Who ever said I could not smile so much that it hurts in the morning, only to cry myself to liberation at night?
Who ever said I could not bring a party to life, just because my insides feel dead?
Who ever said I could not preach self love while loathing myself?

Who ever said I could not care for humanity, even if I don't really love humans all that much individually?
Who ever said I'd shy away from an argument, just because I advocate peace?
Who ever said I can't be complex in my thoughts, while being so simple in my art?
Who ever said I could not be an insomniac, even if I can sleep all day long just fine?

Who ever said I could not be terribly sad while laughing myself to a fit?
Who ever said I could not wear a seat belt just because some nights my thoughts strayed to suicide?
Who ever said I wanted to die just because I could not expect to live?

Who ever said who you're should be neatly labelled into categories others decide?
Jun 2017 · 381
Aditi Jun 2017
I start a poem
I say it's not going to be about you
They say if you lie long enough
It will become your truth
So I'm still waiting for a day
You won't sneak into my poem
As if we were playing hide and seek
Except it's been ages and I gave up
And one day, you suddenly decide to surprise me

"were you just starting to forget me"

I start a poem.
I see you ******* around.
You get to **** around now.
Especially with my mind.
And that's okay.
I try too, to ******* back, but my words don't **** around.
Well, whatever.
Here's another poem you won't get to read

"pls, do you ever miss me too"

I start a poem,
It's 4 am
I think I don't have a choice
In how I get my heart broken anymore
So I write about you
Cause you were the first tragedy I chose
And the only one I am willing to talk about.
It's hard to be ****** at a God you don't believe in
So I stack my "tragedies" together and
Give it your name.
I almost feel bad for doing it to you
But you're warm, and in love
And all I have is these bitter words.

"guess who the joke is on"

I start a poem.
And midway I stop
Not knowing what to do with it
Like the fact that
The only thing separating you and me
Is this 6 feet of earth between us.
I have been making a graveyard inside of me,
In hopes that you would come, visit

"if for some reasons we don't work out, we will  keep each other in memories and move on. There's much more to life. Promise me"

I start a poem
Because what does a broken promise mean
To someone who is long gone
And buried.
******* for dying you *******. Why did u do this
Jun 2017 · 6.9k
Aditi Jun 2017
Don't tell a rose how to grow,
And The birds how to chirp.
Don't tell your daughter to be soft,
Don't tell your son how to hurt.

Don't tell the sky what color to bleed,
And a person, the right way to grieve.
Don't try to tame your daughter's tongue,
Don't tell your son the manly ways to love.

Don't tell the wind which way to blow
Or the clouds how hard to rain.  
Don't teach your daughter how to soak,
Don't show your son how to easily reject.

Don't tell the sun to adjust its light
Or the truth how to show itself.
Don't tell your daughter it's feminine to shy,
Don't teach your son how to reign with fists held high.

Don't tell a heart how to beat
Or the mind how not to soar.
Don't clip off your daughter's  wings,
To make them a foundation for your son to grow.

Don't tell a rose how to grow,
Lest it decides to turn its petal into thorns.
Don't tell the birds how to chirp
And have their voices turn into rebellious growls.
Finally, one of my many poems was chosen as a daily.
Just been a 5 years.

I still can't believe it.

Also, thank you for all your reviews and love. I still don't think I'm a poet, I just usually ramble. But I'm so glad you guys gave this poem such love.
Means a lot.

Again, thank you very very much.
Aditi Jun 2017
I had long realised that I like to make poems out of people I care about. I have loved words. I have loved how insignificant they're alone, how contradictory. How the same words can be framed and hung upon  someone's darkest sky like a thousand glittering stars or be burnt into the corners of our minds getting us to wonder if heaven and hell both exist inside us.

How words are the cage and how they can be the wings.

How they label you sometimes and sometimes let you free.

And how sometimes with all their infiniteness they are not enough.

I had long realised that loving rarely ever equalled to understanding. And I found it to be one of the saddest things. Like how we all have so much love to give, and we all keep giving it away the way we would want to receive it. But it does not work that way, does it? You can't explain to a tone dead person  how talking to them felt like finally being introduced to a melody they had heard so long ago it felt world's away, in another birth except the melody decided to stick with them.

And since then I have been trying to understand more, but sometimes I can't tell if I'm getting better at it or I just stop caring. Or if it's possible to try to walk in someone's shoe and still find a fault with him?

I had long realised that my poems one way or another turn out to be a goodbye to people I love. It's like my hands know they're going to have to wave good bye so they do the only thing they can. They write, as if to convey that they, my heart, will remember them long after they have been let go. I almost did not want to write this for you.


You are the one who points at my wings when I make cage out of my words and get trapped in my mind.

You are the one I call at 2 am when I'm too tired to rebel against yet another label I earned for myself.

It's the mixed sound of our laughter echoing in my ribcage that makes me create my own spheres of infiniteness in few ephemeral minutes.

You understand that you don't always understand, and you accept.

I did not want to write this for you because all my poems turn into a eulogy no one stays long enough to hear.


I think you'd listen.
Aditi Jun 2017
But have you ever wondered that maybe the ******* moon is just waiting for the day the sky/gravity lets it free so it can float away to another sky where it is not so scarred and where it does not have to be the witness of all the lovers' sighs. Maybe moon hopes to be the sun in another horizon.

But have you ever wondered that maybe the ******* sun is tired of never having a loving gaze upon itself when it's shining so happily, brighter than ever . Maybe it goes and comes just to get the attention it never could when he is happiest. Why does one need to lose its shine just to blend in? Maybe the sun envies the lovers' longing gaze on the moon. Maybe the sun sets daily wishing it was the moon.

But have you ever wondered that maybe the stars are so **** tired of being left out. Like most of the people can't even differentiate between them and there they rest, looking warily upon us, trying to be content with being mentioned In plurals. Always as a part of the group, not as a distinct identity. They watch wistfully as the sun and moon long to be each other, but not them. Never them. Because who would want to give up who they're just to be the fading background for others to outshine them.
Jun 2017 · 1.4k
You and I. I and you.
Aditi Jun 2017
I find the glass to be half empty,
He finds the glass half filled,
It's the same thing,
Except it is not literally,

Each one of us forgets, conveniently
That the glass can be refilled
Just as easily as it can be drained empty

And it's up to us
But we are too busy clanking the empty glasses together
Till they shatter,
Or, try to drown ourselves,
When they overflow.

I take a step in,
He repeats,
We both try to co exist in a way,
That neither of us are actually leaning,
Both trying to be friends,
With strangers' acceptance of how one is
I like to chatter, he wears a cloak of silence,
Except there's not much difference between either.

And it's up to us,
But we are too busy screaming to override the unwelcome words,
Or try to dance our imagination on the tune of silence,
Away from the cruel intentions, camouflaged with soft words
Except there's not much difference between either,
We both are shaped by our hurt, and undone by happiness.

I find the life to be a continuation of misery,
Add in some whining and self deprecating poems
Different faces, worn by the same ghosts
Different paths, same dead ends
Pursuit of ever evasive happiness,
Life is never changing.
You think every thing changes,
It's just me who is always going to look the same
To you at least

And it's up to us,
Whether we remain the same or not,
To grow up and grow apart,
Or to Shrink in and fade away
Except I look around,
And I know for you, it's always me
And you look back
And know I'm the one who has always been there

I find the glass half empty,
You find it half filled,
It's the same thing
Except it's not literally.
May 2017 · 1.1k
Like me, but happy.
Aditi May 2017
Like you,
But with no filters around your mouth
Not stopping midway when you reach out for me.
Like you but before my demons got to you.

Like me,
But with my heart not swelling and crashing,
My lungs not elating with hope and deflating with reality
Like me, but before i fell in love with you.

Like you,
But with strong hands that feel like fluttering of butterflies against my skin when they touch me
Your footsteps sometimes syncing with my heart beats,
Like you but when I could read your eyes the way I read poetry, never getting enough of either

Like me,
But me talking to you, rather than bringing up your name as the room quietens and my friends look anywhere but in my eyes
Like me but when I had you, instead of these metaphors, and hyperbole, smilies and allegories, arranged in the shape of you so I could still have some souvenir of you.
Like me but with our names that you scratched on my back not faded.

Like you,
But not thinking that you have had me figured out now, so you could casually go down your library and put me on a shelf
Like you
But not finding me to be a waste of breath.
Like you but when you thought my light was worth the long period of eclipses it comes with

Like me,
But going on walks with you to the beach
Instead of me going on and on trying to kiss the horizon or the bottom of the sea,
It depends on the mood actually.
Like me but happy.

Like us,
But when we knew exactly who it was that we wanted us to be,
Instead of clinging to whatever vague ideas our mind comes up,
Doing anything to distract us from the aching hollow heart we carved ourselves out of
May 2017 · 411
Aditi May 2017
You look like a reason to try to want to wake up
A reason to try again
You look like the shameless shade autumn wears,
Not apologising for all the goodbyes it brings.

You look like a reason to want to die a little less,
A reason to play dressing up in front of the mirror
You look like this rebellious pen of mine,
Taking a break from the blues and writing about  the red in your cheeks
Clichés be ******, it yells.

You look like a liberation death could bring, but only sweeter,
The light filtering through the curtains, but softer
You look like the face of a stranger I confessed my miseries to long ago and wished never to see his face again when I was done
Except I could never run away from you, pls don't make me ever wanna

You look like the adrenaline rushed first kiss,
But with more finesse
You look like all the warning signs I have ever ignored when I ran past them,
Except this time I want to stay and discover why.

You look like all the poems I have ever sat on fire, except you fire never burns you into Ashes, it somehow compliments and coexists w your halo
You look a lot like humming bird, except you're humming in my heart, fuzzily flowing into my veins
Aditi May 2017
I buried myself in my own body so don't ask me why the words on my lips taste like tombstones or why I wake up in the middle of the night startled as if I can listen to the rattled ache of old bones colliding against one other inside my self because the muscles have decayed off long ago.

2. I have swallowed enough tears and choked on enough words to create a sea inside of me so don't ask me why I walk sometimes as any moment I might collapse under my own weight if you don't know how it feels like to have your organs soak water and later drown in it. Don't tell me pressure gets to you too sometimes if you don't know how it feels to have your insides fight your own skeleton and skin to get out.

3. I sleep a lot or not at all. My sleeping pattern is a perfect symbolism of how I feel things. Either I'm overwhelmed or numbed except no one ever notices cause my lights are always on. My friend once joked that I'm too old to be afraid of monsters. God bless her sweet, innocent heart. She did not need to know that I carry the monster with myself to my bed, that sometimes the monster walks around her wearing my face but guess that's okay. To them I'm a happy girl who likes to write sad poems. As if sadness is a persona I'm trying to adopt cause it's a trend. But ignorance is Bliss. I'm counting on them to always deny that things are worse than they look when the signs are glaring them in the eyes. Their ignorance is not just their Bliss, but my liberty.

4. One of my friend while reading about someone's suicide asks me why would you want to trade all that's out there for an oblivion. I looked her in the eye and told her that it's cause they notice no difference except for the extra pressure that life brings, the constant reminder that you should be out there just doing something.. You know, living the life and all and knowing that you're supposed to want to feel something but you don't, don't want to at all, is tiring. Existing is tiring. Or so they think. It's not like I'd know, I add lamely to differentiate myself from them.

5. I'm always sad but I have never let that prevent me from being happy. It's really sad, and it's really funny that I have never been truly happy and never been truly sad. A hopeful present always brings me a smile, or death. Depends really. And the regretful present is enough to sober me at my happiest moments.

6. Sometimes my days feel like a continued extension of night, my life a silent movie but with the sad bg music where I'm the only character that does not know its role or which scene is going on. Sometimes it feels like I have long exhaled my last breath and my mind has not just caught up to the fact that I might be dead
May 2017 · 617
Me and my OCD
Aditi May 2017
***** hands, mine
Always *****
Scrap and scratch,
Always nagging
Layer by layer,
Digging out the dirt
Layers gone, but dirt remains.

***** hands, mine
Ever so intrusive,
Clenched fist, jaws clamped shut,
Still they find a crack,
And in they barge, authoritatively,
To my heart
With blood, the dirt gets pumped out, everywhere,
Drop by drop, the blood falls,
While the dirt sits there, a vicious smirk,
"you can't get me till you have drained your life out "

***** hands mine,
A seductress, in her ripe age,
Traps, their hold growing stronger,
With each show of your resistance
Oh ***** hands of mine,
You play your cards so well
But let me go wash my hands
Before we begin again.

-Written by someone with a constant compulsive desire to wash her hands, and that too at most bizarre moments
May 2017 · 879
Poet and his art
Aditi May 2017
"sometimes, the poem has more friends than the poet."

And I kind of find it beautiful and I kind of find it sad
But at least the poet has his pen.
When all else has left
He can look across all these version of himself
Scattered on the floor,
Across all these pages.
Maybe that's why he writes,
To give tribute to all parts of himself,
All the damage he has endured,
Or maybe he just writes to feel less lonely,
Or he writes because he just has to,
Like one has to breathe.

Whatever the reason may be,
I'm kind of glad,
That when all else has left,
An artist still has his art,
And it may not be much,
But it's at least not nothing at all,
Maybe his works are a result of all his pain,
A consolation price for losing more than he has gained.

A pen might might not always be mightier than a sword,
But sometimes it's all you need to get through.
May 2017 · 777
Pls let me hold you.
Aditi May 2017
The infinite gap between I don't want to live and I want to die and how sometimes they can be covered in a flicker of your eyes.

The infinite gap between who you are and who  time wants you to be and how a whole life can be covered trying to find a balance between these two.

The infinite gap between where you're and where your heart lies and how sometimes the hollow heart beats remind you you're better off without your heart trying to break through the ribs that enclose it, for its own safety.

The infinite gap between your lips and the name you want to chant like some unheard prayer.

The infinite gap between the fingers on your hands and how they're used to holding air in an attempt to fill the spaces where his hair you held.

The infinite lapse between the first step you take towards him and the next.

The infinite hesitation between feeling too much and never acting on it.

The infinite times I watch my palm open and close reaching out and running away from you.

The infinite gap between I love you and let's be together.

In these infinite gaps, somewhere, we both are lost
May 2017 · 360
Aditi May 2017
I felt the wind whisper to me, as my mother's tears fell on the earth, unobserved
I heard it say that the clouds are sad too of course, that's why they cry as they could form no words.

I felt the ruin beneath my foot, trying to reach out to me,
I ran my hand along what was left of the monuments and felt their abandonment try to console me,
They said they were beautiful once, but now they stand there, majestically, for they witnessed pain and survived through it when most could not.
There's art in resilience.

I felt the echo of the words, my father once said to me, today, again
"you take care of yourself and do what makes you happy and run if you have to, away from my miseries" I remember having my knee bone crack under the implications of the emotions he left hanging in the air and have them choke me. My heart has been in my throat ever since. No emotion could  ever overshadow it. Like a broken deck, I keep hearing the same thing again and again. I'm sorry I could not fix it. I'm sorry for adding more woes to your miseries.

I felt the bitter resignation of the words crossed with black ink, no longer wanted by the poet that carved them. I can still feel them laughing maniacally, talking about their uselessness. I can get the disappointment an arrow feels when it misses the mark. They say there will be a judgment passed on all of us. But why did God give up on me the moment I was born? Why does every church I have ever been to seem to abandon me when I need it most

I felt the sun drain away my energy as I held my sickly brother in my arms, I felt it shrink away in shame because it was trying to **** his illness away instead. I felt things fail one by one as I sat on my kneees there praying. with my knees bruised and my knuckles gone ******, I stood up and decided no one was coming. And there were other ways to harm myself while still healing, find help with no feet approaching. I decided to write honest words, and have them cut my skin brutally with their tenderness.

I don't know when my words became my redemption, I don't know when they became my sin.
May 2017 · 1.9k
Sun, stars and the moon.
Aditi May 2017
Collapsing under its own gravity,
The sun dies a little every day.
Every morning is a reminder,
Of its resilience,
Every night a tale of its loss.

A star shines brightest,
The more closer to death it gets,
Every constellation is a reminder,
that art wears melancholy the best.

Leaning in for a kiss,
The moon creates ripples in the sea's heart
Always reaching out, but never touching,
Every full moon is a reminder,
That it's possible to find contentment
While still longing.
Apr 2017 · 756
What have I done
Aditi Apr 2017
A million shade of hues,
Blending into one another,
Then why did I decide,
That these various shades of blue
Are what i look good in.

A hundred feelings I could have felt
But I decided to dwell deeply in
This self loathing
When did this sadness take me over,
Its grip so tight that
It's not even poetic anymore

All these words I could have used,
All these topics I could have penned,
But why does everything I write,
Seems to speak words,
That only I can hear-
Save me, save me, pls save me from myself.

A Hundred jewellery
To adorn
Then why did I decide to take
the blade in my hands
And carve these rubies out,
What a terrible contrast
Against my pale skin!

A hundred people
I could have talked to,
A dozen whom I call my friends
Then why is it that at 3pm
I'm scrolling down my tl,
Longing for a connection
I'm not sure exists.

A hundred cemeteries,
For all these ghosts to live in,
And yet they decide to haunt me instead
And why is it that when they're gone,
I almost crave their company?

What have I done to myself?
Apr 2017 · 511
A note to myself.
Aditi Apr 2017
I might be sad but I'll never let that become a vulnerability that some one else might exploit.
I might be sad but I'll never expect anyone else to make me feel better about myself.
I might be sad and not do anything to conceal it but I'll never let that sadness become me or my most prominent feature.
I might be sad but I'll never use a person as a replacement for the happiness I could never feel.

I might be in love but I'll never expect that love to heal the wounds that run too deep.
I might be in love but I'll (not still there but I'm trying to be) never make it a point around which my universe balances.
I might be in love, but I'll never let it be the prime focus of all my passions.
I might be in love but I'll never forget how to love myself in the process.

I might be standing too close to the edge but I'll never jump
I might be tempted to the shiny blades but I'll never carve the first cut
I might be  inherently attracted to lonely, dark roads but I'll never shy away from the light
I might be waiting to be found at the moment, but I'm no longer looking at you to map my steps in case I want to find my way back.

I might have never been your priority but really how can I have let it bother me when I was never my own?

I might want you to stay but I'm not bending out of shape to make spaces for you,
I might love you but really for how long can love be used as an excuse to tolerate disrespect
I might want you to remain happy but I'm no longer trading my happiness with the devil to catch your smile
I might want to give you my all, but I would not.

I might be sad now but that does not mean I'll never be happy
Apr 2017 · 554
Late night musings
Aditi Apr 2017
When was the last time something reminded you of me and other questions i ask myself till sleep decides to leave me. And then in a circle my thoughts run.

1. Are we holding hands because we are in love or is it because my hands are used to holding on to yours? Is it because the tenderness of the moment warms me to the core or is it just because my hand is no longer familiar with what it was like to be held by emptiness?

2. I don't know if it's in my head or if it is just a phase of love? Maybe if it's a phase, it will be where after days of anticipation and waging war, we get to meet and I start waving my hands cheerily at you and you wave yours back, just to have you walk past me. Like how in a dream every thing remains unfamiliar till our eyes focus on something we know. Maybe I'm all those moments before you find your clarity.

3. It's sad how the prolonged absence of something makes us incapable of enjoying it sometimes. I've got so used to not having your undivided attention that on the rare moments that I do have your eyes accidentally meet mine, I fluster and stutter. I used to think it was the slight nervousness that love causes except it does not feel like love at all.

4.  We made a promise that we won't hesitate to ask for help if any one of us needs it. Then why is it that lately I can't get myself to ask anything of you? Maybe, maybe it's because once I get something I want, I rarely ever know what to do with it? And I don't want the same to happen to you. Or maybe it's because you can't ask what broke you to fix you back. If they could fix you, they would not have broken you in the first place.

5. I have always been more darkness and need than I was ever light and love and I thought you knew that  about me. I thought you knew that despite all my limitations, my love for you knew no limits. I loved you like any moment an apocalyptic thunderstorm would strike us and that would be the end of this opportunity to feel. Then why is it now that I want to curl into myself? Why does being near you makes me feel like I'm corrupting you? Why is it that I shrink away from your touch choosing the shelter numbness has given me, graciously

6. There's a point before the storm wrecks you where you can feel it stirring already. A point where you realise you're abandoned even before the bed sheet goes cold.
Pls leave me alone and walk away. Then I can mourn you properly
Apr 2017 · 905
All these
Aditi Apr 2017
All these pieces and not enough space to hold them all
All these guilts and no one to confess them to
All these words and no poet around to marvel
All these potentials and no motivation to fulfill them.

All these sadness and not enough time to carve them into art
All these emptiness and this 5-9 job
All these numbness and this full blown party
All these familiar faces and not a single friend.

All these laughter and no echo of happiness from within
All these glorification and anticlimatic reality
All these walls and no windows and door to get in
All these things to hold on to and there's your memories.

All these raining and you're still caught up in a draught,
All these homes, and you'd rather lay on the road
All these pretty things, and the raw, unadulterated you
All these lingering silences, and no peace.

All these blooms and the graveyards' laments,
All these flutters of heart and the outrageous mess it makes.
Apr 2017 · 10.8k
Aditi Apr 2017
OCD is not all about remembering the freckles on her cheeks or telling her I love you repetitively
OCD is waking up at 2 in the morning after you have spent hours trying to delude yourself into thinking that your hands are clean only to end up in your washroom trying to rub your skin off.

(all because a stranger touched me on the sidewalk a month ago)

OCD is being in an abusive relationship with yourself. Your logic won't let you give in, but like a desperate lover, your OCD won't let you go. So you keep swinging, tick tock, to and fro, like the broken clock in the store room you can't get yourself to throw out because it belonged to your nana.

OCD is not finally finding a peace of moment when he looks at you but it is biting your teeth into your lips trying to hold in the cringe when he carelessly wipes his greasy hands on the napkin. "Don't complain, don't complain" you mutter to yourself as you throw a hand sanitiser his way.

(please don't leave me)

OCD is rearranging the pictures frame on the shelf for the fifteenth time a day because last time your brother interrupted you and so you might as well start again. OCD is the worry in your mum's eyes as she invites the guests to show them your room while she keeps throwing you cautious glances as someone touches your books.

(I'm sorry, ma. I can't help it)

OCD is reading the same line again and again, a part of  your brain asks you why since you got it right the first time. You don't know why, but you keep doing it just to be sure. Check the door if it's locked properly before sleeping. Once, twice, thrice till it's morning already and it's time to wake up.

(another sleepless night, ******* it)

OCD is all these fuzzy voices mixed around with the signals from your brain telling you that your life will fall apart, if, just for  this once, you do anything different.
Apr 2017 · 408
Aditi Apr 2017
Sometimes I find myself getting overwhelmed,
By the intensity of fear that ripples through me,
When anyone suggests me to love anyone else,
I ask myself
Could I ever go down a path like that?

I guess, I can.
Love someone else, I mean, in some ways.
But I'll love you with all the loves,
In all the ways,
Forever and
Because most of the poems I have written
Can be broken down,
Into a simple word: love.

And love has never been a feeling to me,
It is a person,
And it's you.
And if someone finds it twisted,
I am sorry,
But I'm not going to apologise,
For the way I feel.

So, for this once,
I decide to cave into my selfishness
And hope the stars align right now,
To make a wish for us.

Because every day without you,
Is like going to a war zone,
Where I'm the only soldier,
And I still end up losing,
With my blood on my hands.

And this war will only stop,
When we have found,
The missing pieces of ourselves,
In each other.
It's too late for my poems to make sense. I'll edit it in the morning.
Apr 2017 · 738
A videochat.
Aditi Apr 2017
The way you looked at me made me feel beautiful in a way I have never felt before. The kind where I could feel the sunlight seeping in from all the cracks in my skin and warming me up and I realised love is the glow on your skin when he looks up at you. I have been playing this memory all night and I can't wait to have those pair of eyes look at me that way again. Even though I won't manage an eye contact for long and trust me, every time after you go, I curse myself for not looking at you. But the moment is so intense, so fleeting. That I do what I do best when I'm unsure of something . I remove myself from the equations. But this time I did not. The silence in between was not oppressing, it was soft. The silence that says we have said all there was to be known. A silence of familiarity that comes from knowing each other for so long. But your longing eyes. Something about them make me nervous, the good nervous. Like the time I was trusted with my baby brother and I cradled him in my arms. I was so scared that I might drop him but the fear passed and I was left with this inexplicable feeling. That is the memory that came in my mind when I looked up yesterday and caught you looking at me like that.
I wanted to write about it. You know how I like to have souvenirs of all my favorite moments. But I could not..there was no metaphor I could come up with to explain the warmth I felt when your eyes held mine. I have always thought you were biased when you called me beautiful but today, I felt it too. Thank you for having that look on your eyes that made me believe the words I have been hearing for so long.

Thank you. You never once told me how I looked pretty and I'm so thankful for that because your eyes told me all there was to be known. Your thoughts, finally set free. "She is beautiful, and she is all mine
Apr 2017 · 517
A date with sky
Aditi Apr 2017
I went to the terrace and looked up,
The sky blushed and tore itself open.
I stood close to the edge,
To get a better view of the town,
It was the playfulness of the wind,
That finally took away my breath.

It was in the silence,
That I heard the branches talk to the wind,
And saw the leaves, swaying gently,
To the music the sky sang for the earth.

I closed my eyes,
To take in the smell,
To hang these pictures,
On the walls of my brain.
So that I could revisit this lane of memory,
Whenever it gets a little lonely,
So that I could have a little of symphony,
In my otherwise tuneless journey

I looked at the horizon,
And saw the sun wave a good bye,
The sky bled, hoping it could get it to stay.
The sun, in turn, left a million stars,
As a promise and as a reminder, that it would return.

With a reluctance will,
I saw the sun,
Blend into the sky,
Splitting itself, into pretty colors,
Maybe that's why, the sky can do this every day,
It knows that even when the sun is gone,
It remains a part of herself.

I pondered for a minute, how nice it would be to made up of the sunsets. A hopeful kind of goodbye.

I looked up at the sky, and saw the moon wink at me,
Despite myself, I felt a smile tugging on my lips.
It was a moment or an hr later
When the moon told me, it's not conscious of the scars on its face,
That they're beyond self pity.
(take it people, moon does not give a **** about your idea of beauty. *******)

It was with a much better spirit, that I left the terrace,
With a cheer in my footsteps and a new poem on my finger tips.
Apr 2017 · 900
Get this straight.
Aditi Apr 2017
silently whispers

You're not the allegation of any guy who blames you for leading him on because you have two fatty sacs on your chest.

silently whispers

Your tears don't absolve you of your masculinity, nor your gentleness is something to mock about. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

silently whispers

You are not the lustful touches they give, or the hungry stares. If a man finds you ***** after he has touched you, tell him to look at his own hand.

silently whispers

You're not entitled to give it to someone, or enjoy what has been forced upon you, cause it is a sick imagination of someone else. Your gender does not determine if you're a victim or the culprit, deserving the punishment.

Please don't ever think you're supposed to sit still when someone's hand over stays their welcome, and stray to other places, where they were not invited because everyone says your gender Is supposed to enjoy any ****** act.

silently whispers*
You're not the intentions or the ***** implications of someone who compliments you, neither you accept their unsaid offer when you say thank you.

And when you talk of things like that, you're not supposed to stagger, when they speak out loud-" but I have never done that". Not you, maybe, buy definitely someone else.

speaks out loud
A crime does not stop because you refuse to participate in it, or if you decide to close your eyes. You can't dismiss a problem because you never had it happen to you.
It's not a girl or a boy, who is sexually abused.
It's a person.
Please, proceed onwards after you have this understood
Sexism works both ways
Apr 2017 · 765
Aditi Apr 2017
And when they come for me, they'll find a book titled all the ways I felt but was not supposed to.
I want you to cremate the book with me.

The world is strange, the people are stranger,
Everyone has a notion of how things should be,
And everyone knows how it should not
But maybe some things just are,
The sun rises, and it sets on its own accord
Maybe the way we need to be loved, is not within our control.

And how hard I tried to control my desires
But how do you escape what is trapped beneath your skin

People are strange, feelings are stranger,
I have spent my whole life trying not to need,
Until I stumbled upon you,
And I hope you understand it's not easy
To tear myself open for you to see,
In all the few glories I have had, and in my all vulnerabilities

And how hard I tried to not  let my coldness touch you,
While trying to remain unaffected by your warmth.

Pls, don't let these I love yous become the saddest words I uttered.
Mar 2017 · 752
When feelings take over
Aditi Mar 2017
I can feel a poem rising at the tip of my fingers tonight. I can feel them revolting, buzzing with anger; demanding to be heard.
And so I tie my hair back, pick up my pen, ever the docile servant to my emotions.
What do you wanna talk about, I ask them?
The buzzing stopped short, for the first time with some hesitancy, they answer we don't know.
And so we sat in companionable silence, with pen held. A hundred fluttering thoughts, but none I can connect to form a poem.
Write down, they say, write what we have always wanted to say, and so I let my emotions glide my fingers over the page, scribbling my brain out of the story, letting heart play to its fullest content.
And so heart wrote the softest words,
And in silence my brain slept.
Aditi Mar 2017
I realised I loved you
When I realised
That you're much more than the softest words,
Stitched together in smoothest cursive,
To produce the most beautiful poem.

You're much more than any word I could use to paint you with and though, the playfulness in your innocent smile deserves a chapter written all about it, you'll always be much more and nothing like the comparisons I use. And I admit it.

And when your decision to never write about me, slowly started making sense, that was when I realised I loved you.

I realised I loved you,
When you taught me
That most of the things I found romantic, are not really love. When you made me question the way I looked at you and through the crumbling foundations, I realised, that what they call love, is usually endless needing. And love does not always need, but love always  wants.

And love chooses. Love chooses to work hard for oneself, and for each other. Love decides to uplift itself. Love does not need you to be its walking stick or support. And I realised I loved you, when I decided to be what I needed from you, so you can see that I want you to stay around, for all your charms and wit and not because I'm a paralysed mess when you're gone.

I realised I loved you,
When I found that no people you love are supposed to be answers, or a destination to a long quest, no. You're not my favorite poetry, or my home, or a problem. But a person who I want to share these with. No, You're not the sun light filtering through the leaves, or the sound the water makes as it falls down a lake. You're not calmness personified and no, you're not some superhero looking for a maiden to help.

You're a human being. All sweat and farts, skin and bones, perfect moments and flaws. You're a human. And not a word I could twist around to shape any way I want.

You're messy handwriting, and heart beating for itself. I realised I love you, when I realised that my heart wanted to beat for itself too. And maybe, just maybe sometimes when we are together, our heart will beat in sync. Or not. It really does not matter. Cause we are much more than all of this.
I just love you, mahn
Mar 2017 · 671
To live, is to battle.
Aditi Mar 2017
They told me,
The curse of a functioning heart is,
You don't get to choose what fades,
And what stays
A couple years ago,
I believed the same

But now I know better,
I don't think there is anything passive about a survival.

You wake up, you look into the worn eyes of your reflection
Devoid of the shine, you used to be complimented at
You sigh and then force a smile,
For yourself.
there is no one else
Whom you owe a smile,

And every minute is a battle;
A choice,
To succumb and be a victim of circumstances
Fight, to have what you deserve.

There is nothing passive about living, and that's how it should be maintained
Mar 2017 · 576
Aditi Mar 2017
I have loved you still,
When I could no longer turn you into poetry.
I have loved you from afar,
When you needed space to spread your wings and navigate.
I have loved you freely,
Because labeling things usually restrict their growth
I have loved you in silence,
And you still heard every confession I never uttered.

I have loved you, unabashedly,
Let my words rage on,
I have loved you gently,
The way moon sings lullabies to a kid.
I have loved you in hues,
Both crimson and blue,
And so when the winter comes,
And your hands are cold,
I'd still be holding you.

I have loved you when you were a poem,
I have loved you when you were spiteful words thrown away, casually.
I have loved you at your best,
I have loved you when you yourself could not.
Aditi Mar 2017
He will  call you beautiful and you'll feel something stir within you, a feeling that makes you realise with a warm surprise that you believe that that's how he feels and that will be your first cue. Your first warning. An omen asking you to turn your back and run away as fast as you can.

You're sitting with him watching the sun set and you'll look at him and catch him looking at you and that moment will take your breath away and you'll ask yourself how come you never noticed how strikingly beautiful he is. And that's  your second warning.  Tell yourself it's not him and it's the sunset's ability to turn everything it touches into an art. Do whatever it takes you to convince yourself of that. And whatever you do, don't spend your nights away looking for metaphors to fit him.

And soon enough you'll find his name trembling on your lips and these unknown feelings bouncing in your tummy trying their best to announce themselves to the world and have them acknowledged. And this my darling is a very dangerous stage. Choke on them if you have to. Bite your lips till you bleed out and hold on your breath till you're blue in the face but whatever you do, don't let your emotions be known. Because they're little fire who might burn you from inside if you don't allow them to see the light but know, once they get out, they'll set everything you love on fire starting with the little brown eyed boy you seem to love so much.

It's been few days and you see his gaze lingering on you for longer than ever before and his mouth opening and closing as if it intends to tell you something and this, my baby, is your last chance to save your life. After all, you should have known by now that you're perfectly capable of breaking yourself without any lending hand. Then why **** the thing you have put so much faith in? Let the one thing you love remain untouched by your miseries. After all, you have still not learnt how to fly and why would you be willing to clip off your own wings?

And don't try denying that you would not. Because you know you will.

And if there is one thing worse than a guy you love, it's a guy who loves you.

Because the same rush you're feeling; the gentle caress of wind thar uplifts your mood and soothes your qualms can also rage against you and uproot the very foundation of your being. And you, my darling, are not ready for it.

Insecurities and a need to be needed don't get along so beautifully. So do yourself a favor, darling and leave.
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