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 Feb 2015 Aditi
Puppy Love
 Feb 2015 Aditi
She loves me she loves me not
I love her but she loves me not
She has placed my feeling into a bind
I think I deserve it the way I played with her mind
I love her but something made me stop
I became infatuated with another and I think I really love her or maybe not

We have an idea of what love is
We're 2 young souls who barely even knows
Though we are chasing every little thing we see
Like pups who chases after bees not knowing these bees will sting

We play together and lay together
We play fight and we bite
Here comes something better they popped into our sight
Now off with something better we didn't try to fight

I love her she loves me not!
Now she loves me and and now I love her not
Puppy love last forever but it really does not.

-V.v.V. Ds
 Feb 2015 Aditi
chrissy c a
There was this boy, I met 3 years ago.
We went to the movies,
Johnny English, I still remember,
that was what we went to see.

Few months later, I received the news,
That I needed to leave.
Australia bound,
was what I was going to be.
I told him,
goodbyes was what I didn't need.
He made his mission to get everyone that I loved to come and see me.

Occasionally, we would get into contact,
Exchange a few hellos.
And a little bit of goodbyes.
He wrote me letters,
Okay, maybe just one.
But I never wondered why.

I watched him fall for a string of girls,
Who left him feeling high.
While I fell in love with someone else,
Whom I should have just bid goodbye.

Now that the time is right,
None of us are tied,
We keep missing each other,
All these countless of missed chances,
Separated by seas,
Up till today,
You're still my biggest what if.
Its 2am in the morning, I dont know why Im writing this.
you're a terrifying nightmare, you're a beautiful calm dream
you're the reason that i smile & the reason that i scream.
you're bitter black insomnia & my 6am alarm.
you're my gorgeous lullaby & my greatest cause of harm
you're the cold biting winter, you're a blaring summer day
i miss you and i hate you
you're my favourite kind of pain
 Feb 2015 Aditi
Garland Baldwin
i kissed you a kiss of
see you soon
and i'm gonna miss you;
you kissed me goodbye.
i soared away naively,
gliding on metal wings and
the lift from my own lovesick heart.
it took me months
to understand the sadness in your eyes
and that i was the only one who didn't know
i'd never see you again.
 Jan 2015 Aditi
 Jan 2015 Aditi
I've spent years at loves door

With bloodied knuckles I begged

Each time I knock she'd just

bang the door harder.

Imagine my surprise

When it finally opens

And I see you on the other side

Knuckles Bloodied.
Im just so glad I found you.
 Jan 2015 Aditi
Your hands are not sandpaper
You can't round my sharp edges,
Or scratch away the good parts of me.
Your fingers are not cages
Capable of capturing my hopes and dreams
And tucking them into a dark corner
To be forgotten about
Until a rainy day
When I go searching for them
In every cardboard box stacked in the attic.
Your eyes are not black holes
That will **** me in
And spit me back out
In outer space untethered to anything
So that I may float around
Devoid of gravity
And responsibility.
Your hair is not a net
Which will tangle my limbs
And refuse to release me
Until I submit to your commands.
You are not a strong current
Beating me endlessly
Before sweeping me out to sea
Because I am capable of standing
On my own two feet
And walking up the bank
To dry land
And safety.
 Jan 2015 Aditi
It only takes one step to walk over the edge
And if your heart is as cracked as the canyon under your feet,
I suggest you back away from it
Because the split rocks scattered around you
Are not good indicators of
The split seconds it would take
For your hands to reach the heavens and
Your face to connect with the ground beneath
And although your only thought is
Whether you would finally be able to fly
And reach the other side
You are only a human
Standing with your barefeet pressed into sand
And your toes kissing a ledge
And although you can't fly right now
That doesn't mean you never will
But it only takes one step to walk over the edge.
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