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Shower me in your wisdom and knowledge
Drench me in your love and compassion
Bathe me in your affection and loyalty
Wash me in your thoughtfulness and literature
Saturate me in your hope and trust
Soak me in your heart, mind, and presence
Clean me in your forgiveness and mercy
Rinse me in your faithfulness and desire
Dry me in your strength and willfulness
Apprehend all my mistakes and failures
Tarnish all evil from my soul and future
Separate me from discomfort and judgement
Alleviate all my pain and pessimism
Cast away all my enemies and grudges
Deliver me to sanctuary and utopia
Welcome me to euphoria and bliss
Embrace me in you and around you
Words from or to God, it hasn’t been decided
Humanity i love you
because you would rather black the boots of
success than enquire whose soul dangles from his
watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both

parties and because you
unflinchingly applaud all
songs containing the words country home and
mother when sung at the old howard

Humanity i love you because
when you’re hard up you pawn your
intelligence to buy a drink and when
you’re flush pride keeps

you from the pawn shop and
because you are continually committing
nuisances but more
especially in your own house

Humanity i love you because you
are perpetually putting the secret of
life in your pants and forgetting
it’s there and sitting down

on it
and because you are
forever making poems in the lap
of death Humanity

i hate you
When I look forward I see you, my past
But I’m not looking back
So that shouldn’t be possible
There you are in my mind, a fossil
a pure figment I’ve tried to bury
The weak dirt just flows away all weary
an iceberg with your face just floats there
That I’ve tried to drown
The water always fails to suffice
so it still drifts around
Maybe one day
my conscience won’t be so conscious of you
Maybe someday
Somebody else will replace what you left
Somebody will sweep you away
Maybe it will be a better you instead
So when I look forward, it’s clear
Maybe a better you will be you
I wanna smell that fall air I smelt as a kid
Just got done raking watching the leaves burn as we sit
hoping they don’t catch wind
Fresh cut grass right after on the mower with the messed up seat
Go inside with the doors open watching the birds feed as we sit and eat
Watermelon and salt with a sandwich, no worries just fun innocence  
simple days I didn’t take for granted, wouldn’t have ever wanted something different
Couldn’t ask for better days as a kid
My grandpa
             Words he gave
                            To me once upon a full moon
“Son” he said
            “When you go into this life”
“Remember, that love is a language “
             “So find, my son, find someone”
                     “Who speaks your language “
      “So you don’t have to translate your soul”
Even when you think the world is nothing but butterflies, you can’t help but notice there’s still dark skies
Away from the nonsense we try to arise, more pure with our words and not feeding into the lies
Even when they dim it down it doesn’t seem to change our minds, that a butterfly can fly in a dark sky
Glowing even brighter than it would if the sun were to shine, dodging rain drops in the nick of time
Finding a mate to fly by their side, and sticking it out to enjoy the gloomy days demise 🦋🌦
We can still rise and cherish one another like butterflies even through the darkest dark skies ✨
Every time I look, I don’t always watch
Every time I cook, I don’t always use pots
Anytime it’s too much, I never know how to stop it
Anytime I’m outta luck, I reallign all my options
Now every time I look, I always pay attention
Every time I’m shook, I make sure I stay connected
Now anytime I love, I’m gonna do it the smartest
Now anytime I’m up, I always make sure I go the hardest
Learning from yesterday’s mistakes, growing from yesterday’s pain ✊🏽
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