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Hamilton, NJ    Born, raised and educated in Trenton, NJ, one of 7 children from a family of Italian-American heritage. Received BA in English in 1976 with a ...
Cayley Raven
27/F/Czech Republic    Hi, I am a Czech unpublished author and I´m very honored to be a member of this community. My poems are often very personal, but ...
23/M/USA    To be sure, I am a forest, and a night of dark trees; but she who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks ...
Butch Decatoria
47/M/Las Vegas, Nevada, USA    "The thing about love is that we come alive in bodies not our own" - Colum McCann (Let The Great World Spin). The beautiful contradictions ...
New Zealand   
Carson Alexander Defelice
18/M/GA    I'm not poetic I'm permanently apathic and this is my only way to make you see the way I do
26    I write to ease my anguished heart, and put out the fire of my mind.
Prerna Singh
19/F    🌻
19/F/Earth and skies    Ink stains are all that is left.
15/F/here    Hello, I hope you had a great day/night. Please leave a like if you actually like me poems, and share them! If you have any ...
Opilo Enock
18/M/Nairobi    A poet by blood,a writer by passion.Poetry in the winds.Lives to whirl though dull like
Logan Robertson
Anchorage    If a person isn't endowed with riches, beauty and such it's best that person stretch what he does have
21/F/Hell    Amore, amore, amore. “Love is a serious mental illness”
anna burns
just a girl with no shortage in an abundance of feelings
20/M/Wherever I May Roam    Just some dumb kid who likes to write
Sanders Maurice Foulke III AAS
31/M/Long Island, New York    "For you the sun will no longer be a light by day, nor will the shining of the moon give you light, for Jehovah will ...
Tabitha Lee
18/Gender Fluid/Nowhere but everywhere    ----------------------------"my tongue is the pen of a ready writer"-------------------------- For one may never know if they are happy till they are dead but will know ...
M/South Africa    Cape of Good hope nature reserve The most Southwestern point of Africa
Wandering and wondering, around and about.
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