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The night weighs on me...
Its hands intwined in deepest parts of mine.
Choking crushing madness.
Seemingly screaming,
Dreaming of monstrous delights.
From the corner... dark.
All yellowed teeth,
 leering eye.
A thing designed..
to steal your mind,
And break it all to shards.
Then take what once was you,
and feast upon your pieces.
Don't fret over the dross my boy,
Its been there an age.
Cluttered boxes filled with spare time,
yet none of it brought anymore time than was wasted.
all the things that keep the dark at bay,
And the mind quite and safe
Twas me fadder
he sat nigh me
Hummin a low tune
To mah wee mind
its sounded ov scorn
As well as fog cross de Moore
Twere de first time I cam to it
Dat grim Epiphany
that thar was nothing but hate for me
In the heart of me fadder
If time is a face on the water
and we are a ripple in the ocean
We kiss the earth
We swim in strange waters
We wash up on blood stained sheets
and with a wail we walk again
The willow is weeping,
Its Sonorous melody,
plays the gallows tune.
where all are still and silent.
At the end of the rope
the place we find
When all the dancing is done
Sadly the man said
In a casual tone
"The mind is a funny thing.
It can produce wonders beyond my conception. Yet as with all things the scale slides both ways. If given a knife and a hand to hold, the mind will surely consume the soul."
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