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 Aug 2017 Angharad
Pagan Paul
I see her beautiful shape
laying still and quiet in our bed,
sleeping form curled around the pillow
on which I left my scent.
But I am a self made Ghost
and I saw her cry all day.
I am a shadow and feel nothing
and I left her because I loved her.

So I died,
by my own hands,
maybe soon,
she will understand.

I never deserved her, she deserved more,
so I showed myself to the leaving door.
Inside the darkness had begun to call,
step over the edge and start to fall.

Bereft of life, she found my shell,
screamed at me from the depths of Hell.
Tears streamed in gushing torrent
expressing a grief I did not warrant.

So in the ether I pen this note,
words can no longer leave my throat.
I left my love to set her free,
I couldn't keep her bound to me.

And whilst she gazes at my picture on the shelf,
may the Universe bless her not to blame herself.

© Pagan Paul (18/08/17)
A Note From The Ghost of a Successful Suicide
 Aug 2017 Angharad
Michael Briefs
I desire your lips in all unruly abandon.
I hunger for the nectar on your tongue.
I burn for the fire of our transfigured union.
I see the shimmer of your eyes
And hear the sound of our song, as yet unsung.
Lover...tear me apart.
I am your next victim.
You are my unbridled obsession.
You are my wanton *****.
Sometimes, you just have to put it out there. Sometimes I feel like if I can't have passion in my life at least I can write my desire down on paper and send it out into the world. Sometimes, all you can do is drop a pebble and watch the ripples expand. Perhaps...
 Aug 2017 Angharad
Zio Reyes
Love sick and stricken so gravely with grief, I reared back my arm and I pulled out his teeth.

The blood in my eyes that tells pages of truth, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Kicking the body that lay on the ground, Satan's imps cheered as they all gathered 'round.

Telling of evil so sweet and so wild, I leave behind peace so tender and mild.

The magnificence of nature
Makes me fall to my knees.

Such breathtaking beauty
Brings me to overwhelming tears,

As it captures my heart,
Embraces my soul,
And strips me
Of my anxiety and fears.


Serene, soulful nature
Vividly alive in my dreams.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Aug 2017 Angharad
Lora Lee
the tectonic plates
in me
are shifting
     as our continents
approach collide
my ocean is
getting closer
to the mountains
on your landscape
  tallest grasses blowing
         in wild demon dance,
                shaking their
          heads as heated
storm approaches
oven-baked air crackling
    with its own
         electric currents
Nothing can stop it
it's a magnetic force
              one to be
                   reckoned with
               surrendered to
as dust foams
like ocean froth
around our heads
clinging to us in tiny
starlit fragments
and soon will come
        the slick dive into
             wordless waters,
                    just skin on skin
        slippery mouth muscles
like entwined snakes
flick-flicking, shiny
in eye-lit cherry moons
Take my hand.
Just pull me in.
Enfold me,
          without talking
watch as my aura
rushes into you,
first a delicate whisk
             of cool light
to slake the thirst
of coal-licked caverns
then sparks
and bubbling oxidation
turning into liquid brushfire
Hold your palm
to my chest,
as if to keep
    my heart steady,
        my glowing flare of halo
  pressed into your
clavicle, taking in
the embryonic beats
soothing my torrid ache,
infusing minerals
in vitamin-laced libation
It is time to simply bask
in the new
crispness of radical
shake off
           the silt and salt
and rise up
into the spheres
      of memory
      of soulspeak
of collapsed time zones
budded breath
spiraling up
in curls,
dark mist

enough words
sometimes ..just breath and skin
( a wish sent out to the stars)
 Aug 2017 Angharad
Grind it up
Roll it up
Spark it up
Smoke it

Inhale, Exhale
Don't waste it
Inhale until you feel it in your eyes, your mind and your chest
As you exhale, let your worries leave as well as your stress

Inhale, Exhale
Don't be so serious
Have a little fun
Play with your smoke
Round your mouth and blow some o's
Inhale through the right pipe and Make the smoke leave through your nose

Inhale, Exhale
Don't stand up, Just sit down
Sink back, Lay back
Close your eyes, Relax your mind

Inhale, Exhale
Enjoy the temporary serenity
Enjoy the temporary silence
Cause after it has ran it's course
It always comes back
 Aug 2017 Angharad
Lora Lee
knee-deep in forest,
a wellspring of
multi-colored liquid
joy, bubbling
in frothy
my inner eye open wide
at the sacred wonder
of it all
glory of divine
earth water fire
wind in my soul
sunlit scarlet on
leafveins in this
garden feast of the senses
If heaven were imprinted
upon the runes of my body
a soulmind, shimmering
crystals in heart
then this
is it
nothing less
than spirit
coursing through blood
in untamed rush
a wild creek
teeming with freshness
and trout
deer peeping in shyness
and I am all
      lit up from within
as the hues of life
run through me
pulsing energy
filling me up
in deepest
of trees
of mountain
even the stars
seem to call out
my name
and, in ever-depth
in focus of heartwave,
I listen
Being in the mountains has been a wonderfully, spiritually renewing experience.
Being home, in the U.S.A., has been amazing in general, and my heart stays
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