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 Oct 2017 Alice
Helsy Flores
When I was young
I used to think
Love was as simple
As that instant "click"

When I was older I met someone
We'd talk for hours
We'd talk about everything
It felt comfortable

But soon enough
Paradise began to slip away
We had plenty of love, but we lacked time
With a heavy heart we parted

And then I met an old man
He told me this, too late
"Regarding love, two things matter:
the man, and the time you both invest"
April 2016
 Oct 2017 Alice
What do you see in me
Do you see a smiling girl?
A smart girl?
A girl who loves to sing?
A girl who always knows how to make you laugh?
Or who knows what your going to say?
A girl you can tell everything to?
A girl who sees the good in the world?
Who sees nature differently?
Who sees purity in the dark?
Someone who knows how to fly?
What if I told you...
I'm the girl who goes on crying for days...
I'm the girl who does school work 6 hours straight,afraid to fail....
I'm the girl who poors out her feelings in song because no one can hear my words...
Who only makes you laugh so she doesn't cry...
Who knows what you will say because she remembers every one of your words afraid they will be your last...
I'm the girl who listens to your problems so she doesn't have to live through hers...
Who sees the good so she can chase away the bad...
Who wishes she could be a bird that way she'd finally be free...
I'm the girl who is the dark so she picks out the purity because she wishes to be that light...
I'm the girl who only knows how to fly because I'm scared to fall...
Do you still see those things in me?
Am I still that never ending joyful person?
 Oct 2017 Alice
Cherdaphne Angel
I wonder
What am I to you?
A human? A thing?
An animal? Or a place?

If I'm a human,
Am I disabled or ugly
That's why you ran away?

Or if a thing,
Am I a toy
That for any ******* reason,
I am built for you to play?

Do you mind?
Do you even care?

If I'm an animal,
Am I wild
For you to just

Or a nice one
That you could just
Take benefit of
Then intentionally betray?

Am I a place? An area?
Just a part of your itinerary
Where you can come
And eventually go?

Am I alive or dead?
Do I even exist?
Even in your dreams?
Even if it is just pretend?

Do you even know me?
Would you even want
To know me?
Answer me!

I want to know
Because maybe
While you're a very
Special something to me
That I could
Just spend
The rest of my life
Finding out why,


So let
Me ask
You again,

 Oct 2017 Alice
Rosemary Porretta
Sleep is a wonderful place.
Sleep takes us to escape on a dreams never ending journey.
Rejuvenates your energy, to a positive start.
Wake up and breath then go to sleep and grieve, cry, meditate, smile, blush or however your day made you feel.
Go to bed with the feeling life gave you, for as it makes you who you are the next day, even if it's negative, give yourself a fresh new start.
They say insomniacs never sleep, but they have to sleep at some point in time.
Sleep is a wonderful place, to be in your warm bed under the blankets.
Go green fabrics.
Sleep is wonderful, I recommend you try it.
Clouds and blue skies, counting sheep jump over the fences, moon and stars, happy feelings, oh darling, don't be afraid of the dark, I promise, it'll take you somewhere special. Dandelions, sunflowers or fields to valleys filled with bright green grass and light with love. Put on your pajamas, sleep naked.
Do what works for you, to make your dream work. To sleep wonderful.
It's your moment to think, reflect on your day. But what will happen the next we won know until we sleep wonderful.
Credits to;
Gourav R Dwivedi, for recommending the title of this poet.
Thank you all for reading.
 Oct 2017 Alice
Rare Flower
 Oct 2017 Alice
There once was a young girl,
Shy and pretty, but unaware of her grace.
On late summer days she gazed up to the sky,
Trying to slow down worlds enormous pace.

She understood there was more outside,
Than poppy fields and hazy clouds,
while most people blindly joined life's crazy ride,
She resolved to walk without the crowd.

On her untapped path she spotted a flower,
Blue and lovely as she has never seen it before.
For flowers blooming in unexpected places she swore,
Are the most beautiful ones holding the greatest power.
 Oct 2017 Alice
Fly, Poet
 Oct 2017 Alice
She who breathes poetry,
make me fly.
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
The earth is a messy place
and the monsters I fear are familiar faces. But no matter how scary the world is, it's bearable because of you.

You are my courage.
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
I wish I could save you from falling apart.
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