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 May 2018 Arte
phoebe fructuoso
Art to me, is a release.
Music keeps the peace when I’m in pieces
I dance to express, not impress
and I write - to destress.

They say poets are either sad or in love
and it’s true, I write poems
about people
who may never even read them.

I write about different stories
and different phases of my life
each one is basically a diary entry
- because this, this is for me.

When I write,
I am honest with myself
it is a form of self-help
it helps me figure out what I feel,
it also helps me heal
I get my emotions out,
and I realize the things
I’m too afraid
 May 2018 Arte
levi eden r
and for a moment,
a day or two,
maybe if i'm lucky a week or two,
the sky opened in two.
deciding that they had to keep me alive just to break me down again,
they let me breathe.
i understood what everyone was talking out,
the flowers, the feeling of the sun's warmth on your skin, the light at the end of the tunnel,
i understood it all.
and in this moment i hugged death and thanked them for  letting me breathe every once in a while.
 May 2018 Arte
 May 2018 Arte
Do you play the piano,
As my hands start sinking low
I need a melody now
Because the keys I don’t know.

I woke up in the nighttime,
To thoughts I wish not to speak
And I wonder possibly
If you can provide to me
Some sort of relief.

I need a tonic,
A strong base note clear.
Loud please.
My ears are weak here.

I don’t want a major,
Or a minor chord chime.
I don’t need your sympathy
A symphony would be fine

Can you play me that melody
To the words I’ve forgotten
You know, “Dum dee da?”
No… This happens often.

Well, just play it.
What? No, whatever you want.
I’ll do it, I’ve had enough.

Do I play the piano?
Years ago, I guess I did.
But my hands don’t know the keys
So I close the keyboard lid.

Do you play the piano?
I ask myself again.
I stopped when?

— The End —