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  Dec 2021 Jme Love
I’m sorry you love a damaged heart,
I only know two sides to a story, either heartfelt or torture.
It’s hard to put down my shields that’s been guarding me for years.
I’m sorry I’m the one you wanted,
It’s not too late to walk out.
  Dec 2021 Jme Love
William J Donovan
Wish I could reach back through time
  and touch those gone still remembered.
  I'm pieces of them sewn into a quilt
  keeps me warm in my dreaming slumber.
Jme Love Dec 2021
He loves me
He loves me not

The rose is dead
All the petals have been plucked

Careless with love
Just as with the rose
Its no surprise it whithered and died
It was picked
Thrown to the ground

As for the rose tho....
Well you know how the story goes

He loves me
He loves me not
Its just a dead rose now
Jme Love Dec 2021
5 days.
Wondering if i should cave
But if he loves me?....
maybe hes thinking the same way

Idk what to do
My heart
My mind
Going back and forth
Im beside myself
But if he loves me?...
Maybe hes thinking the same way
But if he loves me?... Maybe hes thinking the same.
Jme Love Oct 2021
I dont want to do this. Not with you. Not with anybody realy. But especially not with you. What is it you said before "I can do bad on my own". Well words of the wise i suppose. Funny thing is i was doing ok solo. I didnt ask for any of this. I sure as hell didnt "sign up" for it. "Its all good". Is what i would love to say. Shrug it off and carry on with my day. We both know tho From your past and mine that this wont get any better. This wont be the last time. You knew what i meant and you lied anyway. You cant leave her alone. You cant walk away.  In there its just a song everyday. But when your free she will be a phone call away. You already know im right. So just save the fight. If i go right now i can do it with my head held high. Because why wait when we already know im "****** for life"
3 broken hearts wasnt enough. I succeeded in making it 4. I realy am ****** 4 life.
Jme Love Oct 2021
Their lips touch
Creating a spark
Igniting the flame
Burning deep within
The ultimate sin
Fires burn
Losing control
Flesh on flesh
Lighting the soul
Flames dance
In rhythm
Fueling the fire
Little ***** of gasoline
Exploding at the perfect time
Opening hells gates
The fire escapes
Flames light the midnight sky
Lighting a cigarette
The fire slowly dies
Until next time
Jme Love Sep 2021
Its 3:33 im sitting here alone. Wondering if you are dreaming of me.
Maybe if your awake you noticed the time.
If so i hope its me that crossed your mind.
This time seems to pass so slow.
These numbers on the clock still glow. 3:33
Not a minute has passed since i missed you last.
With every minute gone gets me further from the past.
The future seems to take its time and the present well i open my eyes.
Not a moment has passed.
I never looked at the clock when he was next to me. The days seem to go in slow motion without him here. Cant wait till hes back beside me where he belongs. Imissmesumfontenot
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