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 Jul 2015 zakariya
Angella Joves
Write for me
Like I always write for you
Admiring each other's words scribbled
Ending the pain with every heartache

Write for me
When I'm sad
To those times I'm lonely and afflicted
And cannot even understand myself

Write for me
Like I am the greatest masterpiece ever created
Handle me like a fragile one
And think that you'll never have another me in your life

Write for me
When I'm not with you
Surprise everyone with your words that fluctuate
Even if it means breaking their own hearts

Write for me
During the day -- when you wake up and while having breakfast
And during the night before you sleep
Think of me like I was made of a thousand old prayer

Write for me
Like a repetitive song in your playlist
Listen to the words your heart is saying
And to the words that break silence

Write for me
Like I am your greatest love
Shower me your laughter and your smiles
And take my breathe away

Write for me
Like I am your most memorable past that you want to recover
Reconcile and feel that love
Go back to the times where our love was still the best love

And lastly, Write for me
Like you're going to leave
Feel the sadness of the achingly beautiful love we once had
But never had the chance to continue
Smiling is so overrated
And so is shedding tears

If I smile then I'm fake
If I cry then I'm weak

I will lock away all my emotions
And be the broken shadow no one notices
 Jun 2015 zakariya
jeffrey robin

we are the ........ wise

//           //

we sit by

The holy ..... Waters





if YE don't want to see

Everyone die !

( before your eyes )
(before your eyes )


Upon the Hill

The waters

RUNNING DRY....:: (!!!!)


Waters !


Corpse lover in your arms !

Your .... Broken Heart !

( it was ..... EMPTY ....: from the start )

(  )
(    )





You shall listen or die in shame





Now or never
 Jun 2015 zakariya
You wear a symbol of your religion
And I wear one of mine

But what is yours?
A representation of the torture of your Saviour
Some saviour he was
He couldn’t even save himself.

And what is mine?
Mine is variform
The woman, the moon in all her phases:
Maiden, mother, crone;
Waxing, full, waning;
Gentle and innocent, beautiful and wise,
Severe and ancient, a luminescent She.

Or is it a five-pointed star
Whose meaning is so great, runs so deep
That each point represents something
Many things:
Earth, water, fire, air, spirit

The dark of night, the glint of a blade
The roar of a fire, or perhaps an ocean
The life that rises inside me as I sit
Patiently, for I need not wait
For some saviour to revisit the world
In the guise of a man.

My salvation, my life, my soul is all around me
All I need do is not kneel
Is not pray, is not confess through a grid
To a faceless, nameless monk
Not spell out empty sayings with beads
Or contemplate the haloed face of a woman
Whose head must always be covered
To show her modesty
Her purity
Her virginity.

My god can be a temptress, or a man in the midst
Of a waterfall of pleasure
A cascade of love
For in that there is no shame.

Or she can be a ******, giddy and naive,
Or the young boy who watches her closely,
Blushing when she passes
On the road
For in that there is no shame.

She can be a mother juggling children,
Or one of those children,
Or the light of a single candle flame
For in that there is no shame.

But what she cannot be
She cannot be repressed, or tamed, or halted
(though she can be gentle)
She cannot senselessly abandon those who need her
(though she can harm if she must)

She cannot stand by and do nothing
As innocents are pillaged
Nor can she throw a grubby blanket
Over the heartless slaughter of black and white lambs.

She cannot rip at the seams of despair
Tearing them further still
Proclaiming all the time that despair
Is the only way to the great virtues.
She cannot do that
She cannot be that.

She will not be the one who extinguishes the flame
For in that there is shame.
In that there is shame.
 Jun 2015 zakariya
 Jun 2015 zakariya
Tick Tick Tick
How much longer?
Tick Tick Tick*
I see the sparks dash
Tick Tick Tick
Come back and disable this
Tick Tick Tick
Will you burn with me?
Tick Tick Tick
Our destiny lays at the end of the fuse
Tick Tick Tick
Run for cover
Tick Tick Tick
Leave me to explode
Tick Tick Tick
Save yourself
Wait a minute...
Save me too
 Jun 2015 zakariya
 Jun 2015 zakariya
"i shall bring you stars," she said
and she did
but the pleasure of her company
shone so bright that
it eclipsed them all.
 Jun 2015 zakariya
That girl
 Jun 2015 zakariya
The hair falls, blonde and long:
A cherished doll. Birdsong
Echoes through the dale, as
Twilight casts its gaze and vixens wail.
Sparks driven out as spikes driven in
Places gone, things untold; people she's been.
An openness: the silky vapour
Evaporates, yet cannot escape her
Cocoa eyes, wide as the day they met.
He sees her yet. He hears her yet.
Though she says no words, casts a glance
Over her shoulder, flying askance
Ringlets quiver in the breeze,
Yet in the shadow of the trees,
No man appears. And yet she hears
A pheasant's cry: the yellowest canary
Its song a desperate scream, contrary
Muntjacs dance with target tails,
But the *****, ever hidden, wails.
 Jun 2015 zakariya
the baby next door and i sob in unison;
he because he has felt such love in his small world
and he wants it with him
all the time;
and i because my world is bigger,
and i know that there is too much world,
and too little love.
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