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  Jul 2018 AM
Andres Martinez
Sometimes I sit and wonder why it doesn't work
Sometimes I sit and day dream of another life
And sometimes I sit and try to remember what we were like
the first time
The first line
The rush
from my brain to my throat
to my tongue
to my lips
The exact placement of my hands on your hips
the words I said to get me this far
I snap out of it and realize
this moment never happened
So how can I possibly remember our first kiss?
  Jul 2018 AM
It's in the moments
Before I fall asleep
When my body
Isn't real anymore
And my life
Never really happened
It's in those moments
I find you again
But you never stay
  Jul 2018 AM
Lady RF - Rosalie Fayad
I have been,
And returned,
Whilst they were still blinking,

I have felt,
And reflected,
Whilst they were still thinking.

I have been through the Stars,

I have bypassed Mars.

I have left this world behind,
On more than one occasion,

I have left reality behind --
Each time it froze-over
And became a Hellish abomination.

I have been to Hell
And back,
More times
Than I care to remember,

I have swum deep into my Abyss
And held my breath,
Many times,
Whilst it begged me to surrender.

But I never did...
I always came back!

I always walked through the woods,
Staying clear of the obvious track.

Only so I could return
To the Universes beyond my mind -- Homeward bound!

Beyond the stars,
Where my soul's serenity
I always find --
Where I always felt found!

'Peace' amongst a zillion thoughts
That continually evolve--nonstop!
They speak in vibrant colours...

And Crimson -
Colours superseding
Verbal language;  
Unleashing my Supernatural Powers.

Dreaming, whilst awake,

All for my sanity's sake.

I have...
I do...
I must!

To live...
To be me...
The me, I trust!

Lady R.F. (C)2018
  Jul 2018 AM
Still remember the words he wrote,
"I see my life vanishing in cigarette smoke."
Young, old soul
Ranting about the hearts he had broke

Can't help but see him when it rains,
Standing in the corner of the road -a smiling face

Too many years had passed,
Heard he was fighting in a rehab,
Such a dear friend –but time moves fast

We laid him down to rest,
Six feet under, I know he did his best

A friend is a friend,
When hearts break, you ought to mend
But when they leave,
Make sure love's all you send
In memory of a friend we lost to drug addiction.
  Jul 2018 AM
It was three am and, we were still up talking- laughing at inappropriate jokes with tired voices and sleep blending into the whites of our eyes like paint being mixed before an artist creates her masterpiece. By the window, I sat, staring at the moon and it’s perfect figure, so round and complex with ridges only where meant to be. My mind was searching like a lost child for an answer to my happiness, my mind was searching for a reason to be unhappy, but each time it would fail then try again. By the fifth time searching, I finally realized that this was what it was like to be ok. This was how it felt to be living for more than sleep at night and empty rooms. This is what it feels like when the stars are aligned, and everything is still. Tonight the moon asked me how I was feeling and for the first time in forever I said I was doing quite alright.
What are your conversations with the moon like?
  Jul 2018 AM
You've done this before
and all that came from it
was hurt & regret
in the end
the only place left to go
is home
and you know exactly
where that is
so don't burn the attic
or the walls
the hallway
or the lounge
there is fear
there is stress
but beyond that
is success
so stop
and breathe
there is a mountain of troubles
left to defeat
time isn't your friend
and health isn't mine
so there's no time for games
and no energy left to drain
and so you stop
there's misery where you're running to
there is grief
there is sadness
there is hurt
there is regret
there's a life where you run from
there are troubles
there are solutions
there is happiness
there is love

but if you run
you'll find yourself far enough
to never find the way
that leads back
you've been taught to run
but who showed you to fly
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