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Jason Apr 2014
We used to be in love,
You used to perfer me over anyone.
We used to be close,
We used to always be together.
But now,
You dont talk to me.
But now,
Your not the person you once were.
Your a killer,
Those butterflys i once had?
You killed them.
But truth is,
After everything,
After all this,
I still love you.
thanks for 2.0k:)
Jason Apr 2014
Doors will open,
The doors can be a big oppertunity,
Or a mishap.
Sometimes you open the wrong doors,
So you just have to,
Find the right ones.
its really lame sorry
Jason Apr 2014
My life is split in two,
It always have been.
On one side,
A baloon,
Drifting in the air.
But on the other side,
Im like a delicate crystal,
cracking slowly,
until one day,
it shatters.
Jason Apr 2014
Do you ever just,
Get a dark empty feeling?
Like nobody cares anymore?
Like if tommorow morning,
Your dead,
Nobody would care?
The only people,
You once cared for,
Dont care anymore?
Lately, I havent been caring.
Jason Mar 2014
I used to be happy,
Thats all i felt, happiness.
But then for a long time,
I felt nothing.
But then, i met you.
You made me feel happiness again,
but more importantly,
you made me feel again.
Jason May 2014
You left me,
For what?
You know of my problems,
For what?
You left me suspended in time,
For what?
You know me,
For what?
hey im backk!
Jason Apr 2014
I love being the one,
Who you ask to walk with.
I love being there,
When you leave me for him.
I love when i see,
You two walk away hapily.
I miss,
That being us.
Jason Mar 2014
This pain in my chest,
The feeling of disgust,
I have it all the time.
I cant sleep,
Paranoia the whole night,
I cant have friends,
Or a life.
Im too insane,
and too unworthy.
Jason Apr 2014
Razors cutting skin,
Blood dripping down.
What a waste,
Of a perfectly good wrist,
What a shame,
A perfectly good body,
All gone bad.
Jason Mar 2014
You told me to **** myself,
You dont know im already dead.
You called me names,
You brought me to Life or Death.
You made me use the blades,
You gave me scars,
Physical and Mental.
But i still survived,
Physical and Mental.
Jason Mar 2014
Im tired of suffering this pain,
Counting down the days,
Until i die.
174, yeah. thats it.
Waiting to die,
To end my suffering.

— The End —