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Tomlinsonsgun Sep 2015
I feel caged
These walls try to break me
My own home is scary
Can't you see?

I try to get out
The walls crash in
Under them I am burried
Thats where I've always been
Jellyfish Sep 2015
I don't want to see your name anymore
I hate the way it sounds in my mind
also when it comes out of my mouth
so stop filling up my Facebook's news

Stop poking me and sending me things
on other social medias
Stop texting my now broken phone
and maybe just maybe- leave me alone
I'm so sick of being reminded of the
girl who once went by NotTsundere
the girl that I've kicked out and have
forced to hide
She's already said goodbye
so now it's time for you to.
I'll never make it out of here
In this world of the poems I smear
The life of woe and despair
In a manner of all that is beautiful and rare
I see no more, I just want to disappear
It's the rise of a cancer I can't bear
It's the fall of a depression I'm not allowed to share
All you can do is stop and stare
And all I can say is, even if I dare
I'll never make it out of here
We Are Stories Feb 2015
I have pressed you so hard upon my head
That I don't think I could ever forget
Those pictures floating around like a group of haunting ghosts,
And when I shut my eyes tight I still hear them boast!

I died at the age of thirteen
When someone on MySpace sent me a link
To some page labeled "nudes here: all free",
And my heart, heavy weighted, proceeded to take a peek!
Oh I wish my eyes never got to see!
I wish I never had to know what is out in front of me!
I had gotten all that I'd wanted!
Little did I know that five years down the road I'd give anything to go back.

Sleep sweet!
That's what they tell me!
As if I never was guilty
Of looking at something so filthy!
Oh my eyes knew!
Oh my mind knew too!
The only thing pulling me closer was the desire
To feel that high and the get higher!
I never needed any spark to start my fire!
All I needed was a thought to get me inspired.

I just want to go back to when I still had any kind of innocence!
Before I knew exactly what ******* is!
I'm still trying my best to find some way to live.
Savannah Jane Dec 2014
i wish the memory
of you would go.
you need to leave my head.
there are no vacancies here.
did you hear me?
we're full.
get out of
my head.
nobody asked
you to be here.
Dania Jun 2014
it's 2:24 am
and it's dark out
and it's not yet light
and I'm watching Netflix
and my bed hugs me
and it's 2:25 am now
and you're still on my mind

— The End —