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432 · Aug 2015
He Stood Still
Skyy Blu Aug 2015
He stood still and heard every word that, she spoke. She didn't use her words to say anything but they conveyed everything. She used her silence to explain all that she knew, all that she was, all that she wanted; and he was able to hear. For once, He was able to hear.... the depth of her soul. He Stood Still..... and heard the depth of her soul.
Skyy Blu Feb 2015
She: I bruise easily... To say it right, I never told you... Your love is my drug; Angel ... You're my sweet escape: Stripe me! You-Know, I'm no good... Love like woe!!!! Wish, I could... behind these hazel eyes; pleading... Please don't leave me: these words spoken all good things comes... to an-end--- beautiful, yet broken. He:Don't... Speak! You're the beautiful one. I adore you, with all that's within me. I'm ready for love... if, Only you knew; You bring me joy! You're like no-one in this world...I give you body-and-soul. She: Have your way with me... I'll be whatever you want me to be. He: Let me taste you... Oh!!!1 Yes! We're making natures body lotion. She: My river... has become an ocean... ride my waves; bring me home: all of me-- you-own!!! All-Of- Meeeeeeeee- You--- Ownnnnnn! Yesssssssssssssssss! I've Been Here Before!
424 · Oct 2013
I Will Always Love You
Skyy Blu Oct 2013
She sat there with no-expression, Never moved, Never shed a tear, Never laughed; Never said a word. He came and across from her he sat; She smiled and all... She could not say, seemed somehow to flow his way. She sat there and without a word, Her heart, Her dreams, Her needs, Were all that he heard. She turned and started to cry, He smiled but didn't ask why; She stood and walked away--- Kissed him gently as if to say; You're the one that got away. He spoke the words, She in her heart all ready knew: They were, I Will Always Love You.
415 · Nov 2015
So-Long- Good- Bye!
Skyy Blu Nov 2015
Mind.... Blown, You're gone. What can I say? Never really liked you anyway. Never really liked having you around but you were always there holding me down. You told me that, We were 2 but we both knew that..... that wasn't true. We were together doing.... our-thing----and you-- yelled-out.... someone else name. No-Way! To explain.... that to me, We finished-up and..... I gave you--- you free! Yeah! We finished, our-thing..... and really you didn't try to explain; Just got-up and asked for my key...... said" I guess that, this is when you leave"? Gave my key, said" Have a good life"!" I'm so-glad that, I didn't make you my wife"! You.... Laughed--- in my face.... and asked" Are you for-real, All the times I caught you cheating------How do you think-- it made me feel?" So- Long..... Good-Bye, I'm giving---- you.... you free. I'm to much woman for're not the man for me. So- Long.... Good-Bye!
413 · Dec 2016
To Be True
Skyy Blu Dec 2016
Find Love In Me...... and let me Find Love in You..... it doesn't matter if, it's the love of a friend or deeper...... I just want it to be true, I just want it to be true. To Be True......
Skyy Blu Sep 2016
I need you.... Like I need a hole in-my-head but here we are again, doing us in my bed. You don't belong to me and I can't deny you, all I want to do is satisfy-ya! Like, Chaka---- you're my sweet-thing---- and it doesn't really matter what tomorrow will bring. I need you---- Like, I need a hole-in-my-head.... I love the way that, you make me feel in-and-out my bed. You make me feel strong.... courageous....even warrior like---- that's why it drives me crazy---- thinking about you and him alone at night. You're his wife and I know that, this is wrong----I can't help-it...With you I feel at home. I Need You----- Like.... I Need A- Hole- In-My- Head!
397 · Oct 2014
Down In The Delta.
Skyy Blu Oct 2014
Didn't mean to ****... Two to the grill, so surreal! Didn't want to take a life... but you just don't sleep... with your best-friend's wife!! That's how we handle it.. down in the delta... Love is stronger than pride and a little lie... might cost you shelter. Well, I wasn't trying to take his life... gassed-up the bed and used a match to start a light. Wow! How, he did burn... He beat me for the last time... He got what he earned. That's how, we do it down in the delta... Cold water runs up, when secrets blow your shelter. Wasn't aiming to take a life... Just didn't know, she was his wife. Girl....! Walked-Up, and slapped the hell-out-of-me... talking bout the man, I had didn't belong to me. I... shot her-- before I knew... then I went across town and shot him too. That's how, we do it down in the delta... Eye for an eye, straight shots...Helter Skelter....Down.... Down in the Delta.
391 · Nov 2016
The Art of Love
Skyy Blu Nov 2016
Love speaks in many languages and has many flavors. There's many colors in a rainbow.... never be afraid to walk in your colors. The art of love......... Speaks in a language that touches the soul and brings peace to ones spirit, it has many flavors-----it's up to you to find the right flavor and language, that speaks to you....that brings out the best in you. Captivating, Mind-Blowing, Healing, Uplifting, Empowering, Real, Honest, and True that's how love flows and that's-what, true love will will captivate while blowing your mind, Empower you as it lifts you up; and it always brings Healing---- even if, it cause you pain. The Art OF Love..... speaks in many languages and has many flavors.... it's up to you to find a language that you understand; and a flavor that's right for you...... therein finding----- The Art Of Love.
391 · Apr 2017
382 · Aug 2015
Loving You so Deeply
Skyy Blu Aug 2015
Loving you so deeply... Takes my breath away. I can feel you when-- you're  not here. I can feel  you moving inside of me, inside my mind, my spirit, my body..... I can feel you moving in the very  soul of me. Loving you so deeply...Frees me. I feel waves of ecstasy in every thought of you. You are my muse.... The reason I'm complete -- within myself;  for you strengthen me; by loving me beyond anyone else.... Loving me beyond yourself. Loving you so deeply.... is just what we do; now you're resting in me.... as I'm dreaming of you. Loving You so Deeply.
379 · Aug 2015
In Your Presence
Skyy Blu Aug 2015
I love it when.... You touch me like this, it frees my soul and makes me... want you even more. Yeah! Sometimes less is more. I'm just feelin' being here alone.... in your presence. In Your Presence.
377 · Jan 2017
Love's Sexy
Skyy Blu Jan 2017
Love's ****..... Lets whisper...... Lets buzz.... Lets-Do--- what comes  natural..... Lets, Do it just because---- Love's- ****!  My- Body.... Your-Body..... Together as one---- Lay-Aside, Our troubles---- come have some fun. Love's- ****! We- Do-We.... On-The-One.... Love's-****!
376 · Sep 2015
I' M Strong Enough
Skyy Blu Sep 2015
I'm strong  enough to be gentle, Bold enough to be meek, Loving enough to be forgiving, Proud enough to be humble, Real enough to be true, Honest enough to admit when I'm wrong, Faithful enough to be transparent, Human enough to acknowledge my divinity, Divine enough to embrace my humanity, Yielded enough to acknowledge.... The All Mighty God, and Open enough to make room in my life..... for those who make room for me in theirs.
363 · Aug 2016
I'm About Pleasing You
Skyy Blu Aug 2016
Tell- Me...... I'm about pleasing you.... Whatever you want.... I'm willing to do.  From-Head-To-Toe.... From-Earth-To-Moon.....***... I'm about pleasing you... Teach-Me---I want to learn.... My -Body is yours and for you----I yearn. I'm about pleasing you... This is for you.... I can wait---- I put you and your needs-- your desires first---- I want you that much---- I Love-YOU..... that much! Tell-Me.... How to please you.....that's all I wanna do! I'm About Pleasing You.....
354 · Oct 2013
The Right To Be
Skyy Blu Oct 2013
Mostly standing still- not moving at all. No, direction, No for-thought, No thoughts of the here-after. Down but not out, Through but not over, Perplexed but not consumed, Empty... Motionless but still here. Someone said as long as you're breathing, there's still hope. You still have a chance... to change, to grow, to live, to love, to experience something new in life; to be. Yeah! You still have a chance to be. Mostly standing still- not moving at all... was how I use to be. Now, I move freely... Honoring my creator for giving me the right... to be.  The Right To Be!
350 · Aug 2015
Beyond My True
Skyy Blu Aug 2015
I hate myself and it's because of you.... all the crazy- mixed-up things, you put me  through. Out-On-A-Limb....You had me standing, You cut it off; yet-you, were still demanding. Demanding that, I stand. Stand firm for we.... When your cloud of gray said, "I give you.... Your-Free"! I hate me.... For loving you,  Beyond my true. The real that, was lost because of you. You made me feel like.....less-than-nothing; You took the me: My worth and substance. Then you set.... Me on the block..... In the heat of the day; stripped me naked....and all you would say----was" bidder-bidder-- what's your price..... You can take this home tonight. Slave, Worthless, Beast-of-Burden; Clown----- I for you.... Fool-If, You wanted me..... to be. Me... I gave to you. My free.... I was slave to you. You did things, I never thought that, you would do. Then you left. You left me.... With-Me! The me..... I hated because of you: because I loved you.... Beyond My True.... Beyond My True.
350 · Sep 2015
My Pride Want Let Me
Skyy Blu Sep 2015
I want it back.... You and me. Pride want let me say I'm sorry! I want your touch, your sweet kisses, your kindness, your body--- that made me flip, your honesty that---- always sent me. I want you with me..... I- Know- I- Messed-Up, but my pride.... want let me say I'm sorry. My pride won't let me say I'm sorry!
350 · Oct 2014
Rainbows and Shadows!
Skyy Blu Oct 2014
You be standing here waiting.... I'll be stable and available.  You be loving and kind... I be joy and peace of mind. You be come here--- I'm good for you! I be stand still...I come to see you through.Yeah! I'll be your rainbow after the rain! You be my shadow through all the pain. Rainbows and Shadows. You be sweet and salty... I'll be hot and spicy! You be I ride long and hard... I be hard and long! You be butterfly kisses from head-to- toe... I be deep kisses way below. Rainbows and Shadows. You be one and only...I be faithful  and true. You be if--- This world where mine.... I'd give it to you. I be for you there's nothing... I wouldn't do! Rainbows and Shadows. You be moon and stars... I be sun and thunder. You be all happy thoughts.... I be the thoughts that, you wonder. One plus one equals one. Rainbows and Shadows.There's a shadow behind every rainbow... making it brighter.  { Rainbows and Shadows}
347 · Jan 2016
From The Rising of The Sun
Skyy Blu Jan 2016
From the rising of the sun, to the setting of the moon. I only want to be with you. Lying in your arms.... my head on your chest. I can feel your heart beating inside me.... Giving me peace as we rest. My covering, My strength, and My shield.... You get the best of me, all that is real. From the rising of the sun, to the setting of the moon.... Always and Forever.... I will be one with you.
346 · Aug 2016
I Breath And Release
Skyy Blu Aug 2016
I breath and release..... I release and breath...... All I want is something real to take over me. Something real to make me free.....Something real to be one with me.... Something real to take me---- where I've never gone...... Something  real that, I can Love---- and never feel alone. I breath and release.....I release and breath......Will anyone ever truly hear me? All---- I want... Is all you'll ever need---- I'm pouring out---- come drink of me!!!! I Breath And Release
337 · Jun 2016
Why -Why, Do We Do It!!?
Skyy Blu Jun 2016
The-One.... was not-- who I thought you were, I thought that, you were close to the one. ...The other one that, I wanted but you were not--- and I'm over it..... Are- You? You-Know, How sometimes you think that, you want something or even someone but when you have it--- or get them; it's right at that very moment that: You realize or that it hits you-- like a brick that, you really don't want them....or it at all. Ever, been there? Ever, said that--- You loved someone just to have *** with them--- and after you were done..... You realized that, it was a big mistake; I mean not only was it not good--- but now you feel bad: because they're into you and all--- you want to do is run. I mean, Like run...... Real fast and take a bath..... wash them off--- of you and somehow---- wishing that you could wash them ---and the act right out of your head?Have, You ever told someone that, they looked good in an outfit; that you--- knew that-they....Looked a hot-mess-in....Just because you didn't know how to tell them, that they were jacked-up? Then, a few minutes later someone else comes in and tells them...... Upfront-- that they....looked like a hott-mess; and they go off on you-- for not being {as it were real.....honest?} I'm just wondering...... Why-Why, Do We Do It!!!!!?
329 · Apr 2016
I Like It!
Skyy Blu Apr 2016
OOOOOOOO-U-Kissed Me..... Made me high, now I'm shedding my skin for you--- boy! You got me, My-Ole-My--- I really wanna put-it-on-ya! You said.... You, Knew the way.....gonna take me deeper--- I give you all my lace.....and now I'm bound in leather----- OOOOO-I-Like-It!! Boy.... Come, make it rain..... Taste-It..... Spank-Me..... Call- My-Name! OOOOO- I-Like-It... Do-It- Deeper.... Daddy-Again..... OOOO-I-Like-It...... I- Like-It.
324 · May 2015
Over Me, Under Me
Skyy Blu May 2015
Over me like a painted rainbow, Under me like the earth... when there's snow. Into me like a knife so deep, One with me like my skin, that weeps...Weeping for a time before -- you came and caused me hurt,  Leaving me shame. Over me.. My Brother, Sister, one time friend.... Under me... My Mother, Father, and so many kin. Like a glove you would wear me...inside-out, tight-fit... you would say, then like a glove toss me away. Over me, Like a heart-a-tack, Killing me so true. Under me like a the midst of me and you. I know how we got here, Don't know why you came; Looking down on my body, that you brought so much shame. Mother don't you cry, Father don't you weep. Brother I want tell a soul, Sister not a peep. Over me, The earth...the cold- cold earth. Under me, The hell that you left me... in--at birth. Over me, Like a rainbow, painted-- I can't see; Lost was the life that, You came and took from me.
Skyy Blu Jan 2017
You.... Stepped-To-Me.... Like you knew me! Oh-Boi.... You-Say.... You wanna get next to me. Tell-Me, Is-Your-Freak-Flag-Free? Are-U..... bout---- eating my-oooooo.... Like groceries? Cause.... If, I give-it--- You-Gotta.... ****-It! Way-Deep..... I wanna feel-it.... Like-Like.... It's Post-To-Be! If, You're..... Not--- A Freak..... Don't Mess With Me! AWWW! Just, Let me be..... If, You're not a freak..... Don't Mess With Me. I'm the girl ....Mama warned you bout..... mess with me and get--- turned-out! I'll take you places you've never been....and if---- you please-me..... I'll take you there again. Down- For-Whatever..... We can kiss to be clover! Leather- Lace, Candle-Wax, Spankings, Ice, Golden- Showers, Mini-Beads, Kisses-Down-Low or whatever--- You-know, I'm down for-sho! If, You're not a freak close the door.... I Be Freak Evermore...... and if-you're not...... Don't Mess With Me!
321 · Oct 2015
Prepare For Greater
Skyy Blu Oct 2015
When people treat you badly and it seems like, they are just trying to hurt you for no-reason. Remember that, an olive has to be crushed before it produces oil. Know-That, It's the pressure that, produces the anointing. Stand-Fast, Keep-Calm, Praise God.... Thank, the ones that, are causing you pain, and let God finish the work. If, God bring you to it.... Know-That, He will bring you through it. Prepare For Greater!
318 · Nov 2014
Jay"s Song
Skyy Blu Nov 2014
Doors open, I can see you from over his shoulders... Your eyes meet mine but you do nothing; You say nothing. Can't you see what's going-on... Don't you understand that, what he's doing is wrong? I know, I'm sorry... I said- something that, you didn't like but must I endure this every-night? Your eyes... I see are filled with tears but we both know that,this has been happening for years. Standing- There... back-against the wall. You hear his moans and you do nothing at all. Help... me!  Do something! All I can not say. He releases inside of me and I see you...turn and go away. My- Mother, My-Mother, all my life where have you been?He's my father... I'm his son but he acts like we're not kin. My- Mother, My-Mother, Eyes wide-open but you don't see;because-- He says {  He loves you}. You, allow him to do this to me. My-Father, My-Father... In your mind this is right; I know, because that's what you tell-me... every-other-night. My-Mother, My-Father.. to you I lay no-blame. This thing that I do... I do because of shame. I've asked God to forgive you and have mercy on me; as I take my last breathe, I'm so glad to be free. { Jay's Song... You will forever be missed and loved.  Jay Lovato{ Jan. 15, 1999- Jan.15 2012}
315 · Oct 2014
Skyy Blu Oct 2014
Her eyes were as warm as a mid-summers day, filled with love and compassion. Her  neck was as stately as the Empire State in all it's glory, adorned with shields of ten thousand heroes. Her breast were like twin lion cubs playing in the beautiful plains of the En-geti, perfect in every-way... they were fierce. Her body ....a living work of art, like the Nile it flowed... every curve magnified it's magnificence.  Her skin was as golden as fresh honey and as smooth as Shea- butter... flawless she was from head-to-toe.  When she spoke it was soft and sweet, like strings playing in a symphony....soothing to the soul. She said.... '' Listen and tell of me.'' ... and I knew that, she wanted me to tell her story. She said.. '' I was born of man... He carried me inside of himself; until the fullness of time. Then, The Great Physician caused him to fall into a deep sleep... in the cool of the day: as he slept I was taken from his side. When, He did wake... he looked upon me.... and called me -- Wo-Man. For he said, " I was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone, made for his pleasure, and to the glory of God!" Woman, to be his help meet, to stand beside him, to encompass him about; and he was my covering. Then, she said..." That, I Am spoke.... and His voice was like the sound of many waters.... and He said," Wonderfully and Fearfully were you made.... One plus One equaling One, for you two who came out of one .... are one again!" I Am Woman the glory of man... made in the image of God and for His honor. Then, it was like... I awaken from a deep sleep as weak as water... but somehow renewed: and I did write ... that which she spoke to me in a vision. She... who is .... Woman.
313 · Apr 2017
Didn't Care Enough
Skyy Blu Apr 2017
Why! Didn't, You just tell the truth.... it would've been so much easier than telling a lie. I would have respected you more, truth warrants respect but a lie just makes you a joke; and not worthy to be respected. I also, would have felt that, you cared a little about me... had you been honest-- that-is, You lying to me hurt much deeper; because by lying to me it let me know-that; you didn't care enough about me to tell me the truth. I would prefer for you to tear my heart-out with the truth, rather-than calming your mind by telling me a lie. You're not a man..... You're a Paper Tiger.... Little Boy Pin-Up, Selfish, Sad, Lier! You-Know, The thing that, hurts the most is the fact, that you didn't care enough about me-- to tell me the truth. You just..... Didn't Care Enough!
313 · Nov 2014
kisses To The Wind
Skyy Blu Nov 2014
I'm not lost without you, in fact I'm glad... you- gone to be true. I didn't cry... didn't shed a tear, I've been so happy since you've left here. Guess, you thought that, I would breakdown or die... Truth-Is , I was glad when you said...Good-Bye! Guess, you that, I would be missing you... Truth-Be-Told; You were the reason... my brown eyes were blue. Kisses-- to the wind... I'm glad we're through. Kisses-- to the wind... I've been long over you. You stepped and I didn't turn around... I'm so glad that, you're someone else's problem now. Kisses-- To-The-Wind.. Baby-- Kisses to the wind!
313 · Jan 2017
The Pages Of My Mind
Skyy Blu Jan 2017
I want someone to make love to my intellect.... Go-Down on my intelligence..... Kiss-Deeply my brilliant mind..... ****-******* the **** of my emotions..... Ram-Deeply inside my thoughts...... Slow-Grind my dreams...... Speak- Sweet-Peace into my soul.....and make my spirit ***..... Completely captivating my body as they sway between the pages of my mind. Between The Pages Of My Mind
300 · Nov 2015
Skyy Blu Nov 2015
Sometimes,  The only thing that you really want to be..... is left alone; to reconnect with yourself.
299 · Nov 2013
U, I, He, and She.
Skyy Blu Nov 2013
I wonder, What you think at night... When in my arms he holds you tight.                                                 I wonder, If you feel my lips... When she kisses below your hips.                                                            ­      I wonder, If you know-- That I cry... because I know that, U live a lie.                                                          I wonder, If he knows you well... When there're many secrets you don't tell.                                              I wonder, If she ever knew... That you sexed-- Him, Me, and Her too.                                                          I wonder, If you could tell... That I'm like you... and wish  you well.                                             I wonder, When I touched your lips... Did you feel my or his finger tips.                                                     I wonder, When I was inside... was it him or you I did ride.                                                            ­                All- Night... within your sugar walls, Songs of passion--- Fire falls.                                                           ­                                                     I wonder, When... You -She does taste... can she see-- His or My face.                                                      How did you think, that I couldn't tell... When on you... their scent I could smell?                                 I wonder, If they knew it too... When we decided to stay with you?                                                          I wonder, If this was meant to be: U- I- He- and She!
298 · Jan 2016
Whisper In The Shadows
Skyy Blu Jan 2016
Whisper in the shadows...... A song of love. See-Me, in your dreams..... my angel from above. Let-Me, walk inside you... find rest for my soul. Shield, me from all danger and make me whole. Whisper in the shadows...... I'm one with you..... Time stands-still as we do- what-we -do! I drink you in..... You swallow me whole. It's a beautiful thing..... Love-Story, that has never been told. For- We..... Whisper in the shadows.
297 · Jun 2016
Skyy Blu Jun 2016
I've caused wars, and rumors thereof.
I've caused men to yield thinking it was love.
I've given birth to nations, and caused them to rise.
I've crossed my legs and caused there demise.
I've made priest go to war...they called it "holy", giving in to the *****.
My lips they would bow to kiss...tasting my nectar and drinking my ****.
Golden showers...were started with this.
I've caused ships to go to sea, Helen knew the power of me.
Cleopatra made Caesar sing even made him want to be a real man and King.
I was the diamond in between your thighs, I was his sun set and i made his sun rise.
I'm a life giver.
I'm fertile and true.
I'm the real comeback and it' time all girls knew.
We are the garden...the givers of life.
Sisters, friends, keeper of wisdom and advice.
Our lips speak and its good that they are tight, for when it rains...everything is right.
In the garden.
295 · Jan 2017
One Of Those Days
Skyy Blu Jan 2017
I'm here and I'm all alone again but I'm not lonely, I guess that I'm  over you. It was a long time coming but I'm whole again and I'm enjoying the day. It's a day of love, It's a day to give all that, you have inside of you; it's a day to hold back, it's a day to keep all the love that, you have to yourself. I'm here and I'm alone but I'm not lonely; I'm on my own and for the first time--- feeling that, I'm complete: I guess that, I don't need you anymore. I'm enjoying the day, It's a day of hope; It's a day of new-beginnings, It's a day of reconciliation, It's a day of my appreciation. I appreciate you for bring me back to myself, I guess that, I needed you for a moment-in-time; to help me find what was there all the time. It was there inside of me but I needed you  to see--- all the things that, I couldn't be. Now, I can truly appreciate me and all that I am; and as for you.... I-Guess that, I don't give a ****. It's one of those days, One of those I'm feeling myself days, I'm happy being me days, I love myself days; I'm amazing days. It's one of those don't bother me days, Don't come at me like-that days, If, You knew what was best for you days. It's a day of love, It's a day of peace, It's a day of sweet release, It's a day of joy, It's a day of pain, It's a day to open-up, It's a day to refrain from opening-up, It's a day for lovers, It's a day to hate all that, you love, It's one of those days. I'm here but I'm not missing you, I guess that, finally we're through; and it's just one of those days. One of those I don't need you days, I can do bad all by myself days, I can make it without you days, I'm tired of trying days, I'm spent days, I am ready to-move-on days, It's my good-by days, I've given all that, I'm willing to give days. I'm here in this big empty room but I'm not lonely, I remember your touch but I'm not longing, I remember the last-time we made love but I'm not craving,I guess that, the memories we made aren't worth saving. It's just one of those days, I'm down for me kind-of-days, I want to be free kind-of-days, I'll make it for me kind-of-days, It was nice knowing-you kind-of-days. Looking- Back, Thinking- Out-Loud, It's just one of those days. One of those days out on my own.... enjoying me and not feeling alone. One Of Those Days.
295 · Oct 2015
I Am Native
Skyy Blu Oct 2015
I am native... I live in America. I am- Strong, Caring, kind, Intelligent, Relevant, Proud, Creative, Relative, I Bleed, and a Mighty- Force to be reckoned with indeed. I am many...... Many am I. Many shades of skin but we are all kin. I am native..... I live in America. We be one..... One we be. I Am Native.
293 · Feb 2015
Starting To Day!
Skyy Blu Feb 2015
I think that, I may just run away and never come back. Ever think about running away... Changing your name and becoming someone... Anyone else? Doing, something that you've never done but always wanted to do. Like going..Sky-Diving or mountain climbing...Ever, just wanted a new beginning? Ever, just wanted a different life--if, only for a moment?A new look, new body type, great wardrobe, the finest cars...Really good- faithful-loving-honest-kind-giving-true--friends. Oh!..and enough money to do whatever you wanted? Oh! Come-On! Have, you ever...just wanted to be free? I mean, to go wherever you wanted, whenever you wanted... Like to Paris in the Spring time, to Rome in the summer, Africa in the fall, and London in the winter? Well-- maybe not in the winter; then it would be to cold? LOL! Yeah! I think that, I'm going to run away, start-over... Live my life a different way...or maybe, I'll stay and just change, how I live... Starting today. Starting- Today!
292 · Apr 2017
Didn't Care Enough
Skyy Blu Apr 2017
Why! Didn't, You just tell the truth.....It would've been so much easier than telling a lie. I would have respected you more, truth warrants respect but  a lie just makes you a joke; and not worthy to be respected. I also, would feel as though you cared a little about me..... had you been honest that-is; You lying to me hurt much deeper, because by lying to me it let me know that ;you didn't care enough about me to tell me the truth! I would prefer you to tear my heart-Out-with  the truth, rather-than, calming your mind by telling me a lie. You're not a man..... You're a paper tiger...... Little-Boy-Pin-Up, Selfish- Sad- Lier!  You-Know, The thing that, hurts the most is the fact, that you didn't care enough about me to tell me the truth.
292 · Sep 2015
Pieces Of Me
Skyy Blu Sep 2015
Pieces of me....... In color.... In order to see me, you must open your mind. In- Order- To Hear- Me, You open your spirit; In-Order..... to Understand- Me--- You must open your soul. In-Order- To- Feel- Me.... You must be comfortable within yourself..... In-Order, to know me..... You must release your passion! Live-With Purpose, Laugh-Out-Loud, and Love- Beyond Words!Gather...... The pieces of me.
291 · Oct 2015
Skyy Blu Oct 2015
A flower but not a rose, the sun but no light flows... through. Hurt but you caused the pain, alone but you chose that lane; You were the one that, gave up on you. Now, you're locked down like an animal in the zoo. I've heard it all before, Now.... You with your complaining has become-- the bore. You made decisions, You made the choice, No-One... forced you, Now.... stay your course. You act-- as though life owes you....but we both know that's not true.... you owe life-- it doesn't owe you! You chose to lie, sell dope,run the streets.... now behind bar--- no-need to weep: Hey! You sowed now you reap. You sold yourself, betrayed your life and now.....You wonder- why! Nothing's right. You left your friends and family too, Why! Should, they suffer because of you? You made the choice that.... got you in--- so stop blaming your family.... and your friends: when it was you-- who did sin. Even-Now, You haven't changed..... it's all about you; still playing games. It's so sad cause we cared for you but that's, something that you never learned to do. Life moves-on, Life's to short..... whatever this is I must abort. Yeah! I like you and I think that you're cool, but to except what you offer.... I would have to a fool. We make choices..... be-they good or bad. We must stand-by them .... even-if, because of them we are sad. I'm just, a flame.... a candle in the wind; trying to kick-some-knowledge; to a so called friend. Life doesn't owe you, You owe it. You were man enough to make choice... now be man enough to live with it. Man-Up.... Change for the best-- do what's right and God will do the rest. Man-Up!
291 · Apr 2016
Ole To Prince
Skyy Blu Apr 2016
Think.... I'm a nasty girl? I'm the one-- who rocks ya-world! U.... can call me Bambi..... yea---- I'll flip ya-mommy! I'm down.... You'll never be lonely....I'll be your private joy----into you only. Still-Waiting..... You want the best; I Wanna Be Your Lover---- from cover-to-cover, I'll take you uptown....then you can go downtown. Head... OOOOO! We gone get-it. No-Really, All I want is a kiss....and all night long--- you can get-up-on-this! I got, a ***** mind.... It gets me sometimes; you-know that, it's true cause--- you got one too! Controversy....that's what they say of we..... All, I know is make me free.Do Me Baby.... Call My Name, It's gonna be scandalous..... I have no shame. My life is with you.... Under The Cherry Moon.
290 · Apr 2017
I Want A Love
Skyy Blu Apr 2017
I want a love that transcends time..... A Lover that, makes love to my mind .....and kisses my soul.... that holds me tight day and night even when, they're not next to me---- they carry me within them-self and I feel them in my skin..... being one---- from the outside-in..... Submerged in love from the inside-out..... Flowing together no-matter the cost. I want a love that's real to me.... that sees me through the storm and runs to me--- we be dancing in the rain, and making love with laughter.... Rolling- Like- Thunder: Making nature wonder..... at the depth of our sounds.I want a love that, sets me free.... and holds me captive at the same time..... that speaks life into my spirit and motivates my soul.... that heals my emotions and loves me whole. I want a love.... that loves me back ----in-and-out-of-seasons-....with-or-without-reasons.....One that transcends time. I Want A Love!
290 · Jun 2016
Make Me Go
Skyy Blu Jun 2016
I like being alone..... I also like your hands all-over-my-body. I can't breath-- thinking about you touching me....OOO--- I get so high thinking about what you do--- when I--- Give into you. The stars are all aligned..... I want you-- give it to me..... Lets grind. I want to taste you---- I want you to taste mine.... Strawberry Shortcake so divine. Drink-It.... Move your face deeper into it... Let your tongue find the **** ****--- kiss- go deep on it..... OOOO! I'm about to go---- no! Bring the depth---- yes.... ram  deep in it..... That's what it's made-for... make me scream.....Pull, My hair....I'm a rider... I'm--- about to take you there. OOOOOOOOO! Make-Me-Go....... OOOOOOOO! Make-Me-Go!
287 · Jan 2017
My Father's Eyes
Skyy Blu Jan 2017
I'm a beautiful mess.....not perfect yet---- Perfectly Blessed. Tattered-and-Torn..... Abused-and-Misused.....Talked about and misunderstood .....Yet-I-Rise! For.... I'm the apple of my father's eyes. I've been rejected..... Lied-On..... Put-Down.....and Played. Yet-I-Rise! For..... I'm the apple of my father's eyes! I've had much and lost it all.....I've been on the mountain----I've even had to crawl. I have cried because of hurt---cause by family and friends----yet....I rise because of him. I'm a beautiful mess...... not perfect-- yet..... Perfectly Blessed. I tell you not surprise--- For I am the apple of my father's eyes! My Father's Eyes.
287 · Oct 2014
Nothing... More To Say!
Skyy Blu Oct 2014
I ran but you didn't follow. Right into the pouring rain... I thought, you would come running after; but you left me hanging once again. How could you love me and see me hurting... and just turn and walk away? Why! Did you run--out in the rain? Is- That, all you have to say?!!  No! I tried... to love you but you hurt me. Had a baby with that, chick!  Then, tried to make me feel bad... Boy--- I ain't tryin' to hear this.... sh--! -- How could I, Love you and see -- you hurting; and just turn... and walk away? Just like this... and there's nothing more to say. No! Really, there's nothing more to say!
286 · Jun 2016
This is My Good-Bye
Skyy Blu Jun 2016
Riddle- Me- This.... How can I be your forever--- as well as your good-bye? How can I be sweet kisses and you be all-the-things that, makes me cry? How can I be sun to your rain and you be love--- the kind that, gives one pain? How could you allow me to love you--- beyond myself....and keep me at casual--- like everyone else. Riddle- Me-This.... Why, Should I stay with you.... When, There's someone else..... Someone, Who loves me greater than--- them-self? I'm empty for you.... I have nothing else. This is my good-bye.
285 · Nov 2015
Skyy Blu Nov 2015
Sometimes,  The only thing that you really want to be..... is left alone; to reconnect with yourself.
284 · Jan 2016
I Got That---- Come-Back
Skyy Blu Jan 2016
I got that.... Come-Back--- and you be liken' it like that; I'm all about that bass. Straight-Up..... Leather-and-Lacy, start your engine---- get into the race. I- Be-Waiting..... Make haste. I'm bringing the heat..... You bring the bass. I'm throwing it-at-ya..... Tell-Me, can you catch-it? Let me work the stick in your ride...... put you on cruise- control and glide. Let's explode together in time.... wood surfing----then 69. I got that come-back....That's why you're mine. I Got That Come-Back.
283 · May 2016
Think I'm Nasty
Skyy Blu May 2016
Think..... I'm a nasty girl? I'm the one who rocks ya-world! U..... Can call me Bambi..... Yea---- I'll flip ya-- mommy!I'm down.... You'll never be lonely..... I'll be your private joy----- into you only. Still Waiting...... You want the best;  I Wanna Be Your Lover----- from cover-to-cover; I'll take you-- Uptown..... then you can go down town. Head! OOOO... We gonna-get-it! No- Really, All, I want is a Kiss.... and all night long---- you can Get-Up-On-This! I got, A ***** Mind..... It gets me sometimes, you know that it's true---- cause you got one too! Controversy....that's what they say of we.....All, I-Know, is that you make me free. Do Me Baby.... Call My Name, It's Gonna Scandalous..... I have no shame. My life is with you.....Under The Cherry Moon.
283 · Dec 2015
Better Think Again
Skyy Blu Dec 2015
If, You think,that I want be able to go on-without you.... You better think again. If, You think that, I'm going to fall apart--without you.... You better think again. If, You think that,I'm going to lie down and die without- you..... You better think again. If, You think that, I won't replace you--- lover or friend...... You better think again. You Better Think Again.
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