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  Mar 2020 nora
In a great fountain garden,
tulips and lovely flowers bloom,
vibrant colours give life
to the Hampton Court Palace

Catherine of Aragon sat with grace,
watching the tranquil sky
as the bird sends sweet greetings
She slowly wipe the sadness coming
from her eyes

The Roman Catholic fell down from King Henry's hand
as the pope opposed his wish
Tyranny started to rule,
20 years of love and struggles come to an end

'Oh father, my heart is in pieces. Spare me the light, make me alive.'
Catherine whispered an agonized cry
begging for mercy in the Heaven's above,
she stood up and smiled in so much pain
Then slowly, she walked away
knowing Henry and Anne Boleyn is in a happy place.*

Inspired by some medieval palace stories. One of them is the Hampton Court Palace in England, where King Henry VIII once ruled together with his strange love stories with six wives including the first, Catherine of Aragon. He asked for annulment when he fell in love to "The Great *****", Anne Boleyn. Interesting.
  Feb 2020 nora
Josephine Wilea
But I guess it wasn't all bad,

because now I have a journal full of

poorly written breakup poetry.
nora Feb 2020

don’t mourn for me.
don’t grieve for me.
don’t clasp your hands and pray for me.

i am not the one you wanted me to be.
i am not the one you thought i’d become.

i don’t need your comfort.
i don’t need your concern.
i don’t need your stares.
i don’t need your pity.

i don’t need your help.
nora Feb 2020
i'm suffocating

an instant, an instant
the curtain closes
only a memory

you once promised me until the end of time
you once promised me forever
you once promised me infinity

i'm suffocating
nora Feb 2020
she’s running, but
she’s not exactly sure what she’s running
the wind in her hair keeps her mind
off of
the way her
heart is beating
she doesn’t know why
she’s so scared
and that fact,
scares her.
nora Feb 2020
maybe dreams are just realities
stuck into the heads of people stuck at work until five
the little whispers of futures and pasts,
the disconnected strands that our mind ties together
in a messy knot,
hoping we can make sense of the
whys and whos and whats and
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