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I pop all the buttons open on my chest
Step outside myself, and peel off my skin
And as I look around, I become obsessed
I'm lost inside my mind, I spin, spin, spin

I wander in my mind, out from my body
Just hoping I can find the source of sounds
The voices in my head make me so naughty
I must find them so I can finally take them down

In my brain, I'm lost in thoughts so very sticky
Like quicksand, they absorb my feet and shoes
And getting out of my mind may be rather tricky
All the ideas around me flow and ooze

The scream gets louder as I remember it's screaming
I'd forgotten there was screaming in my head
I had pushed it out except the times I'm dreaming
So I'd thought that maybe the screaming was dead

This journey through my mind has been misleading
I thought that I would learn a thing or two
But instead, I'm left with my eardrums bleeding
Trying to button my chest back up, for you
I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch you *deny the truth

I never really loved you
I only ever felt affection
For all the abuse
That I knew I deserved
You may think it absurd
But how could I possibly
Love someone else
When I have yet to learn
How to love myself?
Or even live with myself?

Show a smile based on a lie,
Or a frown based on the truth,
Which would you prefer?
I'd like to smile
Once in a while
But I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch the truth die
In the soulless eyes
I see in my mirror
That girl whispers to me
But I cannot hear her
So she fades away

Yet, I know
This cannot be my destiny
Lies of smiles
Truths of frowns
It's bringing me down
I could think of a million lies
But only six eyes
To help me smile
More than just
Once in awhile
I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch you steal my smiles
My truths
My everything

I will stare in your eyes
While you spout all your lies
And watch you crumble
And Fall
While I smile
Standing tall
Staring down at your frown
Wishing you knew the truth
That I cannot tell a lie
And **I never really loved you
This is about my ex, who's currently keeping my three beautiful children away from me illegally.  I know you've all seen this already but if you could please click the link, read my story and do what you can to help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You.
 Apr 2015 A K Krueger
Passing through this illusion of reality
Far beyond the perception of logic and past
The barrier that limits knowing
I can see my quantum soul
Here the emptiness is no longer empty
The nothingness is actually something-ness
Here the building blocks of objectivity
Spring forth from subjectivity, holding no conclusion
Just endless whole parts expanding eternally!
God is a never-ending creation...
Sitting for hours in the dark
even all night long

Two days didn't eat
I'll have that black coffee now

Days turned to weeks
Forty pounds gone , still no sleep

My mind's stuck , like an LP skip
Saying over and over . . . over and over

Inside the black is dimimg fast
Shivering my skin is as cold as ice

More coffee , my how fine instant tastes
Spins the wheels on mental race

The sun sets once more upon the stage
I bow acknowledging the audience

Thunderous applause inside my head
 Apr 2015 A K Krueger
Welcome the new day
As night lifted her screen
The sun had brought its palette
Boasting of colours never before I've seen

Rays like paintbrushes
As they dove into the water
Light explosively burst into emeralds
Ripple and eddies would sparkle and shimmer

Bolts from the orange orb
Speared the tops of trees and sprawling ground
Tinting their leaves with green of olives
And grass with freshness abound

Its wand touched the tip of the distant lighthouse
Turning it the brightest green
It brought life back to my surrounding
Layered my eyes with the greenest of sheens

Such beauty laid bare
The difference was literally night and day
But my heart is also green
To readily accept what my mind has to say

As if a child
Or yet still a greenhorn
I should ignore the stains of yellow
And enjoy this new day that had just been born
 Apr 2015 A K Krueger
Jason Cole
fools come, fools go

poets cry and lovers dream

children die and soldiers scream

takers take, givers give
good men lie, bad men try
teachers teach, some learn
preachers preach, some turn

fools they come, fools they go
He is a fool
who, when the sky is lit
in the morning dew,
scowls at Spring
and shrugs.
She is immutable.
Brimming with chances
and hard won charm,
not a tremor in her voice.
She is singing.
Always singing
that honeysuckle song.
He is a fool
who misconstrues his gravity.
Ignorant of his orbit,
trying to tilt the world.
She is unruffled,
and he will roll off her back,
smooth as the mallard,
washing his face
in the sunrise pond.
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