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 Jan 2017
Silence Screamz
My body floats on the still lake water
as if I was a weightless piece of trash.
Nonrecycable and sent out to nature to vanish forever.
Helplessly, the white seagulls would fly over me,
circular in pattern, then the grey skies followed.

I begin to count each white seagull with their black, beady eyes, 1, then 2, then 3,
I lost count as my eyes became lazy with the evening sky.
It burdens me so as to why I started to grace the surface of the water in the first place. I could not fathom a reason or contemplate a thought as to why my fate led me here.

I became a floating vessel of skin, blood and bones, then I began to take on the murky water and sink.

Am I being erased into a watery grave and by the hand of some unknown entity?

I swallowed my last breathe of life. Slowly sinking to the bottom of the lake.
My mind erases the watery scene as I close my eyes forever.

Then I awoke in my own bed!!
 Dec 2016
Silence Screamz
A simple dust covered plastic mistletoe,
that stayed stapled above
the front door all year round
and a carton of Camel smokes wrapped
in red and green wrapping paper,
under the Christmas tree,
with a big silver "store bought" bow on it,
the tag said "Merry Christmas, FROM: SANTA"
is how I remember Christmas.

Ahh!! The Joy of Christmas
and no chestnuts roasting by an open fire.
We did have a real pine tree though.

My highlight of the holidays
was going down to the local VFW
and seeing a "Jolly Old Elf" with a fake beard,
he was really a fat, retired police officer.
But still Saint Nick to an eight year old boy.

You see that was the time when you got
out of the house.
When "he" started downing his
Christmas "spirits" and *******
down those cancer sticks.
The fumes were so thick at times,
I swore I was in LA ,
during rushhour on the 5.

After the frantically ripping open the presents,
us kids would dash off to our bedrooms.
Taking one or two gifts with us,
we created our own
getaway world, our own Christmas of Joy.


It began.

With voices raised,
even the mice scurried away.
I would wrap the pillows over my ears
and I would pray for peace on earth
and good will toward men.

Ghosts of my Christmas past
still seep into my memory at times
they haunt me till this day.
My Christmas past were not all joyful. Have a great holiday, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or joyous time
 Dec 2016
Silence Screamz
Will you come visit my grave
when I die?
I want to say thank you
and die again.
A little quip
 Oct 2016
Silence Screamz
Both heart and mind are
shattered now that you are gone.
For I didn't get a chance to
say goodbye,
But I do have one question to ask of you,
Did it make you proud that I was your son?
My father passed on October 3, I didn't get to see him before he left
 Sep 2016
lili of darkness
Running out of time
Come on tell me a rhyme
See I recently lost my mind
I was wondering around in a wonderland
So tell me if it becomes your find
I really need it so I can listen to my favorite band
I don't get what I've said
I should really go to bed
 Aug 2016
Silence Screamz
Your temper breaks the silence of the air
Ear shattering sounds emit violently toward me
One step, two steps closer ..not another step, please
I become deaf to the time

Rolled up fists, cocked and ready
Eyes bulging red with disdain
I hear the hissing sound of the steam kettle
I become crossed by the pressure inside

Lives are threatened by the pain you toss
Nothing to resort to but angry seams
I am being pushed to the brink by you
I become numb to the edge

I have counted the half seconds to fear itself
They mean nothing to me anymore
I am scared to face the reality of it all
I became the target of your aggression
Very true and dark time... my current mindset ...lost in reality, don't know what to do
 Aug 2016
Silence Screamz
Hello there,
I saw you on the other side of the room.

Run away from it,
the doll that haunted us both.

Sits in the glass case,
She is right there
with cross, faded legs.
She wears a cracked smile
and stares into your shaken heart

Her eyes follow you across the floor,
Listen closely,
A voice whispers through the air.

You sit pale in place,
salt encircles your chair.
Rosary gripped by white, knuckled fingers,
then you close your eyes.

She is no longer there!!
 Aug 2016
Silence Screamz
The stars are like little pills
at the bottom of my cup.
With jagged edges and deadly powder,
I swallow each one slowly..
They fade down deep into the abyss

Eight ounces of the clear gasoline,
on the edge of the glass, rest the lonely lime,
I tilted up the high ball
and chased the stars into the abyss

The piercing tip of the syringe sinks into my bulging vein, tourniquet tightened, ready to push the plunger.
Mix the poison with my blood as
this addiction has adored me into the abyss
 Jul 2016
Silence Screamz
Why do we have to cry a tear?

We bring the feelings to incite our minds


Why do we have to instill the fear?

We bring the fist to bruise our hearts


Why do we have to curse our brothers and sisters?

We bring the words to hurt ourselves


Why do we have to break the world?
Suicide bombers
Work place violence

We bring the gun to silence the crowd


Why can't we just get along

This is a crazy new world
As he watched the skin slowly peel from the bones,
         he remembered his childhood.
   Memories of scraping his knees
         and being fascinated with the blood
      dripping down his leg.
All the times he carefully burned
         each leg off a spider
     and studied it closely
            as it died painfully.
The first birds squawks
        as he plucked out each feather individually
               then cut it open to see it's lungs
  slowly stop taking breaths.
           Practically in awe.
    But it wasn't enough.
     As the man lays,
         barely alive and severely broken,
   on his basement floor,  
      he feels some extreme level of pride
that he's never felt before.

    It's like...
         The more death he can create in the world
    The more alive he can make himself feel.
 Jul 2016
Silence Screamz
A pull of the cord illuminates the neon sign
Invisible gases pass through the glass tubes
They flicker for a split second
Then they begin to glow

It reads, "NO VACANCY"
A glowing symbol for "leave us the **** alone"
or "get lost" .. to which one applied to me
HELL I didnt know.
Each single red letter determined my fate

I needed a place to lay my head down,
to rest the troubles of my life
You know the ones
The torment, the abuse, the bullying, the screams and the pain and those are the easy ones

Pounding on the keymaster's door,
I yelled at the top of my lungs
"Please give me a key"
But still no answer
Then my ears deceived my brain..
Finally, words that interrupted the silence

I waited for more
But silence pursued my mind once again
I pounded harder this time
Slamming my fist into the wooden door, my face turning beet red with anger and the veins pulsating in my neck as if they were about to burst like a balloon

Crash!! The tender glass shattered, breaking into a million pieces, ricocheting off my face as each piece began to dance waltzes on the distant floor

The door creaked open
It was then, just as I was about to ring the bell
My eyes opened wide
I woke up blurry from that nightmare
Strapped tight to an asylum's gurney

I couldn't move, pressured to the bed with ruthless white straps
Imprinting the cold metal buckle onto my forehead
I was trapped insane

That red neon sign glowed once again
This time in plain sight
Only a few feet from my eyes
My sight grew weary and my mind grew numb

The sign was clear and read "NO VACANCY INSIDE MY BRAIN"
Just a crazy little piece
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