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 Jun 2017
Abby Lock3
what is this feeling inside me right now? It comes and it goes.
it feels like a anvil on top of my chest, but it comes and it goes.
i try to avoid it, and keep living with it as it comes and it goes.
when i dwell on it longer it grows and it grows, while it comes and it goes.
it takes my smile and turns it around, and it comes and it goes.
i do not remember the cause of it now, for it comes much more than it goes.
how long has it been that I've laid here and thought, When, oh when, will it go?
a minute, an hour, a week, now a year.
come to think, its been here all of my life, and
i do not believe it will ever go.
 Jun 2017
Mara Maxine De Leon
I hope it was not my fault
The wound was deep yet I poured salt
I think I made it worse
So shut me out and close those doors

You may think that I am such a fool
That I am a stupid tool
For even thinking about all these
So just end this

That is not what I truly wish for
My heart will turn sore
The pain just gets too much to bare
But this is rare

I will put up a strong facade for you
Though I wanna be true
Hide all the monsters that I despise
Never let them rise

I will spare you all the gore details
All the crazy tales
They will only scare you away from me
So, let's leave it be

Pale chapped lips and hollow eyes
The mouth release lies
Weak shaky hands reaches for mine
I might lose my mind

I hate the look on your once perfect face
They only count the days
But it is the memories that I will treasure
I'll miss them I'm sure

Just hold my hand for the time being
On your finger is a ring
A promise from me to you for all eternity
A symbol of our destiny

Our time together has come to an end
No more time to spend
So now I bid you farewell for this is it
The finish line of everything.
 Jun 2017
Medicate a generation,
So no one wakes up or asks any questions;
I'll take the pills because the truth doesn't make this worth living,
and I'll take the drugs because I'm tired of living a lie.
 Jun 2017
today i wear lacy
but underneath that i am

today i realise that
destroys and emphasises on

today is the day i learn that
obliterates everything and anything with one swift

today i bare my soul to the
the abyss that steals every last

today i finally open my
to the daunts and despair that life

today, i bleed myself
without an

 Jun 2017
Vale Luna
I'm trapped
Inside the labyrinth
Of my mind
I've lost track
Of the day's gone by
Trying to trace my way back
To the light
But I've gotten so used to the black
That now I just sit in silence

I'm tired
Because before
I would constantly
Stumble my way through
Just to get back to
No progress made
No distance created
So I'd just stare
Into the depth of it
Wondering if I should really care
Or if it doesn't meant ****
So that giving up
Is my only option
The pain
Too impossible to bare
Cuz I'd always
Land somewhere back in Nowhere

I'm tormented
Because every time
I try to stand up
My strength
Is never enough
So I'm forced back down
By the pressure
Falling to the ground
Over and over
And in this maze
The only sound
Is silence.
 Jun 2017
It's a strange feeling,
being too scared to leave your home,
to have to lock the doors,
and keep checking to make sure they stay locked,
to have people come get you if they want to go on a walk,
to have your mom tell you that she doesn't want you walking alone at any hour,
you even have to drive to work.
I'm terrified.
I don't feel safe being home alone,
being outside,
being in my hometown,
being in my county,
being in my state.
I'm terrified of the things she's capable of.
I'm terrified of the means she's willing to go to,
just to make herself feel better.
I'm terrified of the darkness she brings,
the shadow she casts on my happy life.
And the worst part is,
**I'm not the only one who's terrified of her.
The squad is planning a mass suicide tbh
 Jun 2017
You once asked me how I felt about you, and I answered
"I love you, and I always will."
Now as I lay in my misery, plagued by nightmares and haunted by the smell of your perfume. I pour another shot to take the pain away, and repeat those same words to the spiders in my dark, lonely, room.
"I love you, and I always will."
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