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 Aug 2020 Survived
This is serious
I’ll be gone in a few more days
And we become closer to each other everyday
We need to stop
Before the attachment is permanent
We are both still young
We might be seeing us as more than it really is
I mean
I hope so
Because once I’m gone
You’ll still be with me
And I’ll still be with you
Except I’ll be in a different place
A place that has no memories of us
While you’re in the place where it all started
I sorry
I don’t want to leave
Just because of you
But at the same time
I miss home
I hate everyone else here
You might be worth a longer stay
But that’s just a thought
A thought that comforts me when I think about
The pain I’ll be forced to feel
Once I’m gone
And we’re not together
I'll really miss him.
 Aug 2020 Survived
I don't know you
But you make me curious
I want under your skin
I want to get trapped inside your eyes

I don't know you
But I wish I could list off
All of your favorites
All of your dreams
All of your fears

One single glimpse
And a story of us unfolds
Inside my mind a playback of a possible life
But, I don't know you
I'm only curious
 Aug 2020 Survived
Hazel grey
If only i had known it was the last time, would we have made the goodbyes any better?
If only i had known it was the last time, would we have stayed a little longer?
If only i had known it was the last time, would we have made out in the last seat of the theatre?
If only i had known it was the last time,
would i have watched you closer?
If only i had known it was the last time, would i have listened carefully to your constant blabber?
If only i had known it was the last time, would i have stared right into your eyes and made you change your decision?
If only i had known it was the last time, would our little infinity have lasted forever?
 Aug 2020 Survived
Part Time Poet
I've fallen in love with a girl
That cannot love me back
She's everything I want
Yet a love for me she lacks

She's perfect in every way
There isn't a flaw about her
I just wish that things were different
That way I could have her

I don't want to seem selfish
Her life and feelings matter too
But I pray and I wish day after day
That she'll come to love me soon

I've fallen for a girl
Fallen oh so very deep
She tells me it will never work out
And for this reason I weep

I feel the tears come to my eyes
As I face this truth in my mind
My tears begin to dampen the page
Where I am writing these rhymes

I will never have her to myself
At some point I'll have to give her up
This isn't a truth I want to confess
That she won't be mine when we're grown up

I talk to her day after day
And each day I get pulled in more
I want to take her far away with me
For she is the only one I adore

I've fallen in love with a girl
That never leaves my mind
I think about her throughout the day
And dream about her at night

I want to give her the world
That is what she deserves
For she is a queen, a girl of royalty
For her only the best should be reserved

I could talk about her for hours
And not for a second get bored
When I think about her I can't help but be happy
Her effect on me is something I adore

I enjoy every moment
I get to spend in her presence
For she's an angel, a girl of beauty
She came down to Earth from the heavens

No matter what happens to the both of us
In our future lives
I will never forget her or stop thinking about her
My love for her will never die

I've fallen for this girl
And I want her to be mine
But I know that I can't have her
So I'll love her to the end of time
L.R.  I wish we could be together forever
 Aug 2020 Survived
Part Time Poet
I want to run far away with you
I want to go where we can be happy
Somewhere that we'll both enjoy
Together without a care in the world

I want to take good care of you
I want to keep you safe and warm
I won't let anything hurt you
I'll be your safe haven, your home

I want to stay by your side forever
I'll never leave you alone
Through thick and thin and dark of night
My loyalty will be shown

I want to explore the world with you
I want to go traveling and see the sights
See all the beauty the world holds
Although I see most of it in you

I want you in all of my memories
I want you forever on my mind
When I look back to thing I've done
I want to see you there by my side

I want to make you feel special
Like you're a queen because you are
You're my queen and that will never change
You are forever my golden heart

I want to love you more than anything
You'll be all I care about in the world
My love for you will never dwindle
Because you are my life

I want to wake up with you beside me
All the days that I'm alive
Kiss you good morning every morning
Because that's what you'd like

I want to write you poems, sing you songs
More than I already do
We can write together, create together
Something great and new

Our love will make a masterpiece
We are the canvas, our lips the paint
I want to kiss you until together we make
Something more beautiful than Van Gogh could create

I want you as a part of my life
Until my last breath is done
Because I need you forever
Like the Earth needs the Sun
L.R.  You mean the world to me...I hope we stay in touch forever.
 Aug 2020 Survived
Part Time Poet
Legs intertwined
At the end of the night
Arms holding on tight
This feels so right
You say you're cold
So tighter I hold
I'll keep you safe and warm
Even through the darkest storm

I kiss your cheek
It makes you weak
You kiss my hand
Every moment so grand
No space between us
But I'm not making a fuss
I could fall asleep with you
Nothing would be better, it's true

Neither of us wants to go
Because we both know
That at moments like these
We want time to freeze
Moments like these
Are pleasing to you and me
And you're bringing the heat
Because **** you are hot
Stop staring?  I cannot
You're truly a sight to see
That's merely what I believe
I could admire you for hours
You're more beautiful than a flower
That blooms in the spring
You make me want to sing
And you radiate like the sun
And you're so much fun
And you've improved my like
And you're sharper than a knife
Will you be my wife
Through toils and strife?
Because I love you so
And that love will only grow
And that makes two
Because I know you love me too

I'm such a fortunate guy
That at the end of the night
I'm lying here with you
Because there are very few
Who get to experience this,
Who comprehend this bliss
But I'm one of those lucky few
And for that reason I thank you
 Aug 2020 Survived
She was different than the rest,  A Sunflower facing the moon.
Trying to grow taller than the rest, to have a voice in a windless field, to be what she is meant to be, when everyone is just the same.
Her roots were the strongest but she was the weakest
How can you blame her when she is just a sunflower facing the moon.
A wild wind took her off, now she is lonley like never before.
All she wanted was to be heard but she was just a sunflower facing the moon.
 Aug 2020 Survived
 Aug 2020 Survived
i know that i don’t know you

but i feel like i do

after watching the stars

how impressive is it

that of all the planets

you’re right next to me
deep talks and stargazing at 9pm on tennis courts
 Aug 2020 Survived
Never tell someone you love them
Don't give them the advantage of knowing.

Once they know,
they'll use it against you

they'll use you as a second option
as a fall back plan

because they know,
no matter what they do,
you'll always be there for them.
loving them
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