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I paint myself with yellow paint.
Very bright,
very nice.

I run around in the daylight sun,
all bright and happy and cheerful,
all covered in yellow paint.

I see people looking.
I smile,
I wave.

The paint begins to chip.
The dark navy blue paint that is underneath begins to show.
People are looking.

I apply another coat of yellow paint,
along with a smile.
Bright, happy, cheerful.

I keep painting on the yellow paint,
coat upon coat.
The only thing I have to hide is the blue underneath.

At night the people stop looking.
I wash off the yellow.
Dark, sad, forlorn.

I am covered,
head to toe,
in the dark blue paint.

I am always covered by a shield of blue paint.
The yellow paint is washable,
but the blue is permanent.

The sun rises,
the people are looking.
Once again, I cover myself with yellow paint.
She liked to watch the city
from her small bedroom window.
She kept it closed to keep out the draft and the rain,
keeping her from experiencing the elements.

The city was dark, though her bedroom was light.
She had no reason to venture out into the cold.
So she kept to herself, with her small window closed,
only peeking out occasionally to satiate her curiosity.

In her bedroom, nothing made her smile
but nothing made her cry.
It was always warm enough,
though exceedingly empty.

On a night like any other,
a figure appeared outside her window.
He called out to her and even threw pebbles.
She withdrew in terror, closing the curtains against the world.

With curtains drawn and window closed,
the girl knew she was safe.
But she always wondered what could have been,
if she had let that boy come in.
and in place of the love
        that once filled my heart
there is now only glass shards
        tearing my insides apart

and in place of the good
         that once was seen in my eyes
there is now only hatred
          fueling my demise

and in place of the innocence
          that once filled my soul
there is now only memories
         capturing me like a black hole

and in place of the happiness
         that once filled my core
there is now only sadness
        stealing my life forevermore

**brokenness can't be fixed,  
     it's not like it was
Here is a young boy,
His heart has been crushed,
His innocence has already been stolen,
By the gun in his hands.

Here is a teenager,
Death a normality,
Trusting only in hate,
For those he once loved.

Here is a young man,
Believing in revenge,
For a crime he never saw,
Against someone he never knew.

Here is a father,
"Protecting" his daughter,
Showing her the path he chose,
Putting her finger on the trigger.

Here is an old man,
Regretting his life,
Hating himself for all he did,
But all too late.

Now here is a young girl,
Who lives far away,
Who doesn't understand,
But knows she is hated.

People avoid her,
Afraid? Or unsure?
The garment on her head,
Fills her with shame.

This girl never touched a gun.

The boy did not know what he was doing.

His daughter doesn't want to ****.

But it is too late now,
Society has grasped a concept,
And it's claws dig deep,
It won't let go.
When one thinks they are alone,
There's always someone watching in silence.

When one thinks that no one loves them,
There's always someone reaching out with arms wide open.

When one realizes the depths of their sorrow,
There's always someone there to take away the pain.

When one fully blooms from a bud to a Flower,
There's not always someone to bloom along with you.

You may be a simple Daisy amongst a garden of Roses,
But why be like the rest, when it is your own uniqueness,
That makes a Rose wish it were a Daisy?
let me entice you to darker pleasures,
let me ****** you with sashaying hips.
and well placed caress.
flirtation is an awful habit of mine,
but I don't think you mind.
darling, you're a goner and I've barely begun.
I hated
What I thought
I became, but you lied

I loved
Who I thought
I could be and I tried

But I hated
Everything about you
That I couldn't be, then I cried

I loved
Who I thought
You were, but *
you died
Sometimes you die in people's eyes when they learn the truth of your lies.
You love them
With all your heart and soul
Yet, you can't be with them
But you'll never let them go...
And it hurts...
Trust me, I know...
People... Stay strong
Someone better may come along
You're thinking..
"But, they're the one I want"
I've thought this too,
Still do...
"Unrequited Love: Life's way of saying you can do better"
But, even if you never end up together
You can still be there for each other
Sometimes, love can be one sided
Don't let that divide you
If you love someone for selfish reasons
Then you love them not at all
Cause when they don't return the love,
A true love will be there to catch them when they fall
Will care, laugh and respect every wish
Will listen after every date, hit or miss
Will wipe away the tears
And brush off the knees
Stick around through the best and worst years
Be a shoulder, when they need somewhere to lean
They may never love you back
Even when you know they should
Love's not meant to be selfish
It's about doing what's right and good
Inspired by Andrew
If only they knew
That the girl that makes them laugh
Cries herself to sleep
Every.  Single.  Night

If only they knew
Within those quick words
Is a cry for help
But it seems like everyone is deaf or just plain oblivious

It turns out silence can hurt you more than any ill intended words
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