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Keiya Tasire Aug 2020
From stardust
We came.
A Divine Spark
To be clothed
Within this glove
We call the body.

To Create
To Give
To receive
To Become
With Divine Love.

United within
The Holy Stream of Life
The Holy Stream of Sound
The Holy Stream of Light.

Oh Eternal Sea
Where the Tree of  Life grows
Upon your shore
All of Creation
All hearts of humanity
Sing in Unity!
In Peace!
In Love!
Both ends of life are a celebration. We celebrate when a child is born. Heaven celebrates when as soul returns.
Keiya Tasire Jul 2020
At times  I find myself blocked.
Stopped, unable to move forward.
Standing still, as the days pass me by.

Lost dreams, lost hopes.
Lost loves, lost friends,
Lost parents, siblings and children.
Lost heart, Lost soul.

Enter, exit, enter again and turn left
Or was it right?
May I go forward? Stop and  await.
Do this! Don't do that!
They are wrong. We are right!
Over manipulated. Over controlled.
Enough!!!! No more!!!

Watching loved ones leave
Never to return again.
Broken hearted,
Longing throbbing pain.

So easily distracted by appetite
The smells and enticing words
"Massaman curry with rice with spring rolls
A slice of cheese, with date or olive
Lost in tasting, numb in feeling....
Eating myself into the land of oblivion
Drifting, floating, never to return.

It came quickly!
The rain fell hard in my summer!
Can you see us?
Everyone in their own storm.
Oh, please be still my restless soul.

Watching "them" drawing up schemes
Complaining maneuvers and attacks
Smiling smugly, together
under their "justified" umbrella.
I turned my energy away.

The wind continues to blow
And the rain continues to fall
Do I give into despair?
Or take courage to persevere?  
Courage my friend.  
A  glorious choice, courage!

Moving gracefully through the storm
Calm stillness begins
Facing the sun
The shadows fell behind me.
"What if I grab the silver lining?
Will my life be forever changed?"

I am not a lone "Black Sheep" in this rain.
Each of us in line, shedding our fleece.
Letting it go, as white feathers
Gracefully floating higher
Upon sunbeams Home.

The storm continued as I built my  new home.
Among the quiet of the fragrant cedars
Maples, birch and pine.

The fragrance of the wind
and the touch of the rain
Now fills  my senses!

Opening, freely.
Spirit Dancing in the Rain!
My senses love the spring,
Summer and the fall rains!!

It was in this moment the clouds parted.
Revealing a flowing rainbow
With  vibrational colors of resonance
A phi ratio within each color
Singing, songs, and connecting
Each strand of my human DNA.

A smile expressing itself
Thousands upon thousands of Colors!
An adventure within each
New sunny and rainy day!!
Oh, how I love, this sweetness in life!!!
Alienation: as I looked for the silver linings within each challenge, I began to transition and move through the countless births, deaths, and rebirths within my current life, as wisdom opens and begins to sprout each day.
Keiya Tasire May 2020
During this mornings climb
Up the hill behind the cabin
Gently walking on a blanket of moss
across the forest floor
Softly caressing the soles of my feet.
New growth sprouting up through the moss
Orchids, Oregon grapes, lupine, and fiddlehead ferns
Rocks and trees wearing
Robes of yellow, green, and light grey lichens.
The water clinging to their tender leaves.
Boughs of the cedar, douglas fir, maple, and mountain ash
Droplets sounding
A song as they kiss the earth.
In the limbs of the trees dance the
Robins, blue jays, chickadees and sparrows
With beautiful resound
The forest greets the morning sun .
The air feels fresh clean
On the breath, in and out
As Coco and Habibie scurry to and fro
up the trail to the old wooden sauna.
It is so beautiful here.
Stroking soft fur,
Purring and purring
Sitting our own little slice of heaven.
A morning walk up the hill for fresh air, listening to life and enjoying the morning sun through the trees. I love our morning walks up the hill behind our house.
Keiya Tasire May 2020
When I was down, You lifted me up.
When I errored , You forgave.
When I was sick, You received me in your arms.
When I was lonely, You reminded me, "I am always with you."
When my broken heart despaired, You healed me with your Love.
When I did all that I could and wanted to quit, You carried me.
Lifting me securely into your arms.
When I learned to see you
I found you in everyone's eyes.

Divine Love, I love you.
Within my heart of hearts,  
As one Love,  never ever will we part.
Oh my beautiful Divine Love
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
The beauty a relationship with an understanding of Divine Love as this love teaches, supports and heals a life.
Keiya Tasire May 2020
Is a Child
A mirror of himself
his father,  and his father's fathers.
All culminating within the palms
Of his own two hands
His newborn babe.

He wonders in awe,
"How can I best teach, support, and love you?"
With ears of compassion
Eyes of love, and a heart of gratitude
His Spirit spoke,

"Allow your light to shine."
Allow your heart to breathe.
Allow your your ego
to slip away into the shadow
Of your Ancient Wise Soul.

He felt it!
As he breathed deeply
Down to the depths of his soles.
A heartfelt love
A love that was only imagined
Until this very moment
The very moment we realize that we are a father, and that another generation has risen through the union of the one we love  to create a new precious loved one to welcome to this world.
Keiya Tasire Apr 2020
The sun, shined warmly this morning.
Yet by noon the rain clouds rolled in.
We donned our sweaters and hats.
Yet off they came and the clouds parted
And the sun began to shine.   

Facing the sun
It warmed our cheeks
Lifted our souls.
Our hearts understood
Even when it rains
The sun continues to shine
Above and between the clouds.

COVID-19 is just like a little rain
In the larger scheme of Life.
When trouble comes
We don our coats
And remove them
The sun shines  hot upon us.

Day after day,
Season after season
Year after year
Looking between the clouds
Lifting our eyes to the Light
Noticing the wheels
Within the wheels
And cycles within cycles

It is the same within
As is above.
The sun in its orbit
With the Earth revolving
And turning upon itself
Inward around the sun.
Season after season
Circling, around
The evolving celestial paths.
Until this too is but a memory of long ago
When the COVID viruses used to roam the earth.
And this too shall one day pass into history. For there is a part of us that will always remain eternal and never die.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2020
At our core is a connection
with a deep “Inner Knowing."

It's abode resides within each of us.
At the point of deep silence.
Between our inhalation and exhalation
A point of stillness
In the quiet of our personal eternal now.

The Dove sitting quietly on her nest.
Do you call her an Angel?
Holy Spirit?
Or the Self Actualizing Higher Self?
Or something else?
What ever you call her, it does not matter
She is a quiet knowing that warms  my heart.
A scream or a shout is never, her tender voice.

She leaves no doubt

Regarding deep nature, deep compassoin.
She is the Ancestor,
The Guru, The Teacher, The Guide, The Witness
The maintainer of life itself.
Lovingly, tending to the questions of your heart.

She comforts the destressed
Tames the racing fears.
Dispels the wild winds of assumptions!
Vigilant, never ceasing
Always enduring to the end.

Raising us up! 
Guiding each back into a unified soul.
Layers upon layers of energies
knit kindly together with Her Love.
Such wings as these!!
Oh Yes!  Take flight!!!
The deep inner knowing goes by different names in different religions and cultures across the world.  Yet this deep inner knowing has the same functions across the cultures.  May we take comfort in a brother/sisterhood  across the globe.  I have been accused of seeing the world through "rose colored glasses" there are times that I absolutely agree.  Let's keep the rose colored glasses on to enjoy each other's company and also to remind us that we are never alone, even in our aloneness there is comfort at the door.
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