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FinkZ Feb 2019
Her eyes are created from the oceans
Her body is the missing piece of the heaven
Her hair are the important elements for aurora boeralis, the lights that shines around the northern region
Her personalities are the missing piece from the heart of an angel
Her voices are part of a wonderful miracle
Her mind is the 25 percent of the universe
The curve from her warm smile taken from the rainbow, beautiful, colorful and ineffable
And her name is the pieces from the poetry that God ever written

When all the pieces gathered
Carefully mixed together
A winsome woman was created
Aurelia was the name given to her
Aurelia, do you even know what are you made of?
FinkZ Apr 2019
Build me an airport above the surface of your heart
The runway could be hard surfaces
Made out of asphalt
Or soft surfaces
Made of grass
No matter how easy or hard
I will take my chances
To land safely on your heart

Make a radio tower and tell me the radio frequency
So I can tell you how gorgeous is your smile
How I love your sins, flaws and your style
And you can tell me
Clear to do arrival and approach
But if you are not ready, put me on hold
Let me land there sweetie
FinkZ Sep 2018
I pray for thousands of innocents
Who died because of 19 sinners
I wished for the wandering souls in earth
To be accepted on the side of our Creator

Bless the souls who died in Pentagon
Bless the souls who died in World Trade Center
Bless the souls of the hijacked aircraft's passengers
So they will rejoice, in the Land Of Promised

For the ones that lost their family, friends or their siblings
I want you guys to think positive and keep smiling
Because of that incident
They could enjoy their new lifes in Heaven
The place where pain never exist
And known as it's Holy
The place where our heart will never resist
To enjoy the eternal life and live happily

Rest In Peace
And you all will be missed
I hope this type of incident will never happen again. Let us never forget the incident happened 17 years ago.
FinkZ Sep 2018
I sat behind the bars made out of iron
A small room with no ventilation
They covered my vision
So I will be blind for a reason

I’m stuck in a jail with one cell
At the bottom of her heart
Where it simulates hell
And they will cut me apart

I was brainwashed by the leader
And forced me to love her
She used her beauty and body
To hypnotize me
So I serve her while I’m hungry and thirsty

I am the Prisoner Of Her Love
A place where no light glows
The place I will be stuck there forever
The place for my funeral
Stuck in that one special room
The place where I live until doom
And I’m happy to serve her no matter what
FinkZ Aug 2018
Clear mind starts to fade
And kind heart filled with hate
A mind full of blades
And putting people into their graves

Clean brain consumpts darkness
And the eyes become blind
He only seek for vengeance
And drink the blood from the ones he dislike

The evil mind controlled his hands
The anger controlled his legs
He will put your life to an end
And let your soul perish in hell

Stop bullying
And stop putting scars in their heart
When they starts hurting
Don't even ask why they did that
Back when I was in my school, I used to get bullied and everybody hated me. The darkest mind haunts me and I started to think of killing them or suicide. I don't feel hurt anymore but I wrote this to let the others know what I thought in those times
FinkZ Dec 2018
Romantic words wasn’t enough to tell my feelings for you
My poetries wasn’t enough to venting my love for you
Slow songs doesn’t sound right
When you are on my mind
Because you are too special to be described

My blood rushed faster
And my heart applied more pressure

I may have told you I am ready to let go
But the reality, I struggled trying to walk away
The harder I tried, the more my affection grows
And the more I wanted to stay
To be with you until my life passes away

I still want you to fill my heart
In the hollow part
But that would be my own selfishness
Because you already filled somebody else’s
I've said "I love you" once, but it wasn't enough
FinkZ Dec 2018
The way she danced amazed me to my very soul
Stopped me from breathing when she shook the floor
My heart beats starts to increased it's tempo, about to lost it's control
The way she danced, nobody can resist to look or ignore

The ways she moved her arms
The ways she put her feet
The ways she swung her hips
The ways she puts her emotions all over her body
Cannot be written in just one poetry
Because her movements killed the muscle of my lips
As she danced following the beats
I could see nothing but her charms

Her sweat drops from her chin
The breath she took, indicates that it was exhausting
But she kept on dancing and dancing
Without notice the floor was shaking
And my soul was trembling
As she danced like an angel flapped their wings
She dances like there is no tomorrow
FinkZ Feb 2019
Behind my silence
My heart sends a prayers
To our beloved creator
So the both of you will be never seperated

Behind my silence
My eyes kept looking
For troubles coming
That will destroy your relationship together

Behind my silence
I said your name
So I could tame
My monster that only contain evil and violence

Behind my silence
I looked at your picture
To remind myself that this world
Still have the pure beauty living on this earth

Behind my silence
I said "I love you" silently
So quiet until The Lord can't hear me
Because if I said it, I might waste my own prayers
Behind my silence
My feelings ate the entire of me
FinkZ Oct 2019
It's just a little word
But the pain really hurt
Never misjudge it
No matter how small it is

Never underestimate stress
The reason of my unwell rest
My life will be the cost
My soul will be a ghost

When stress is your daily mood
You will know the truth
That the monster is not under your bed
Instead it screams inside your head
**** me :)
FinkZ Feb 2021
Silent sound, as the voice muffled
But for what reason? What’s with the troubles?
I asked the stars, again, that never answered
About the dangers, about the hazard

What made you hold it?
What made you want it?
The red flag reveals, now it’s my favorite color
I left the world, and the dust still lingers

Subconscious, subconscious
Where are you going?
Subconscious, subconscious
When are we leaving?

This land was already taken
So don’t even bother about the gold and diamonds
Even the gravity pushed us away
Command us to go back to space
FinkZ Apr 2018
I took my pocket knife
Hold it firmly
And scratched the surface of my skin
In front of Aurelia's naked eye

Her negative aura could be felt
Squimish and the room feels like hell
Her cold stare
Creeps me and makes me scare

In a split second, her hand holds my knife
She opens the blade and scratch her tigh
But I didn't see her bleed
I exhale in relief

“You could’ve bleed if you do that” I warned her
Again, I have to see the cold stare of her

"Why did you cut yourself?" She asked me
"Stress" I answered. Short straight and solid

“Don’t you cut yourself again!”
“If I don’t, what’s it for me then?”

She paused for 5 seconds

“I will cut my self too Peter”
“What?! How about your lover?!”
“Don’t care about him”
The way she said it, she is serious

I paused for a while
Thinking of her lover that gone wild

“You love me right?”
That question, really hits my mind
How did she finds out I carry the torch for her?
How did she knows my heart have her name written?
I panicked
And wishing God to get me killed

Then she continues her question
“As a friend”
My heart beats goes back to normal
And in a low voice I replied “yes”

By the time, I made a promise with an angel
The angel who saved me from the reaper
The angel who prevents me to be burnt in hell
The angel who prevents my family crying on my funeral
The angel that will do the same if I harm myself
Thank you
I won’t be around if we didn’t made that promise
FinkZ Sep 2018
Why would she wants to be a pilot
When she is already an angel?

Why would she wants to be inside the cockpit
When she can just spread her wings?

Why would she have to struggle asking permission from the radio tower
When she can fly by her own desire?

Why would bothered about fuel consumptions
When she have a gigantic amount of power?

Why would she thinks about the ground speed
When she can fly with her wings in a high velocity?

Why would she thinks about the minutes
When she can travel with just one click?

Why would she thinks of a distance
When she can just do teleportation?

Why would she afraid of an engine failure
When she have the strength of lifting earth?

What kind of heavenly creature
That have something she concerned?
Does she knows she is an angel?
FinkZ Sep 2019
Jittery my heart did when the first time I laid my eyes on her
Oh Sweet Lord, look at my heart beating
Help me please because I stopped breathing
As she move her hands and legs following the music
Nailed my senses, I cannot feel the ground
Noticed my muscles dropped around my mouth
Attracted by her dance, I let my mind imagine further

No, no way it can’t be
Oh my God this can’t be true, ****!
Reality! I need to wake up to reality
I can’t be falling in love by just her beauty
Eye catching, her looks just so eye catching
God Help Me!
Am I in love or it’s just another lust????
Try to guess her name
FinkZ Sep 2018
To my beautiful angel
Please do not looking at my heart for too long
Because everytime you stared at me
You chiseled my heart into stone

To my favorite angel
Please do not hold my hand firmly
Because when you touched my skin
My bones melts into liquid

To my lovely angel
Please do not whisper in my ears
Because when your voice coming in
My mind is not clear

To my strong angel
Please do not hug my body
Because when you put your arms around me
My internal organs turned into chunks of meat

To my sweet angel
Please do not kiss my lips
Because every drops of your saliva contains nicotine
And I will crave for more, so addicting

Our love is forbidden
It will only brings harm and dangers
Our affection blurred our vision
And our dreams started to scattered
Because God won’t allow a sinners to be with the purest creature like you
FinkZ Jun 2018
Part of ‘The Shallow Minded Boy’

She puts her focus on her studies
Her family
and her lover
But little do she knew
That her relationship with her boyfriend maybe in danger

That person is waiting since long times
That person never realize
This is his the 3rd year he spends
Waiting for their relationship comes to an end
He maybe waiting
FinkZ Jun 2018
And his wildest imagination

Slowly making him a horrible creature
A monster
A heartless killer
Or a deranged animal

He lost control of himself
His mind have gone somewhere
The jealousy got him possessed
His common sense was dead

Why does he became crazy and selfish
To hunt her lips?
Is the reason to gain joy of eternal life
Or to fulfill his lust desires?

Uncontrolled hate
The lost of faith
His hunger over love
And his thirst from the one he adore

Nothing can stop him
Until his goals is fulfilled,
The death angel cut his throat open
Or find a new prey
That one day will brighten his day
He is just lost
FinkZ Sep 2019
When I'm going for my new adventure
I want you to hold the key
That will grant you an access to my treasure
So no one will steal it from me
And you will be the only one to enjoy it
My treasure will forever be yours. (Im giving this to my future love one day)
FinkZ Jun 2021
When our stars collide then this heart shall blossom
Let's forget the past, for the present, have another set of problem
If the universe breaks when we are hold hands together
Then let us bind our lips, and rule the galaxy forever
FinkZ May 2018
A shallow minded boy sat down on the balcony
With his heart filled with tons of melancholy
He lights up his cigars
And let the smoke melt his cold heart
His head has been occupied by that one person
A girl. That slowly grows into a woman
The wonderful human being
The rare celestial being
The angel without wings
So prepossessing
The way she sings
Is the only way to calms his feelings

He never thought of letting her go
Because she is the only one. He thought so
Little do he know
There are still millions of stars in the galaxy
There are still millions of fish in the sea
But he can’t think of that. His mind were too shallow

3 Year’s he carried the same affection
To that same person
The same beautiful name
That if someone mentions her name, he could go insane

The shallow minded boy have been wasting his times
Those precious seconds flies
To focus only on his depression
With no action taken
He just can’t imagine the world without her presence
FinkZ Mar 2019
If only forgetting you are like smoking
My dreams and memories are the tobacco burning
Watch each of the tobacco leafs turning into ashes
Then put the ashes on my ashtray
Throw them away so I could see them goes away

If only to end my love for you by smoking
Using the poisonous carbon monoxide to weaken my heart’s desire to keep you with me,
**** the butterflies inside my belly
And the cancer cells will eat the remaining feelings inside me

Sometimes I wished smoking helps
But reality, every inhaler I took, my life slowly ends
Every cigarettes I burnt doesn’t lead me one step further
Most likely I slowly make myself to be dead in one spot
I smoked too much I guess
FinkZ Aug 2022
Through the fall, I saw a bliss
I saw the light between the mist
Even when my guts dont dare
I wished she would tangled me around her hair

Should I take the shot
Or left my desire to rot?
I'll let the time decide
Wether to reveal the torch
Or kept the fire out of sight
FinkZ Sep 2018
To the luckiest man on earth
Since you catched her first
I'm willing to let my heart shattered
Crumbled into dust and carried away by the winds
Following the moving air until it can't be seen

To the luckiest man
Her protector
Take care of her
And never let her to get hurt
Or else I will press your skull against a fast moving propeller

To that luckiest man
Or more likely her favourite man
I can guarantee your bondings will be forever
Because I sent your relationship with my prayers
So the both of you will always be together
And I trust you I swear
FinkZ Aug 2019
I never really know what’s behind my heart
Is it a simple crush
Or love
Maybe lust
Could be obsession
I never knew

Whatever the feeling is
Deep inside it still says
I’m crazy for Aurelia
FinkZ Jan 2019
When I laid my eyes on her

The skies feels different
But the colours still blue however it doesn't feels the same

The grounds where I stood starts to tremble
But I didn't realize it was my legs shaking nervous
Shut my other senses, I was amazed

She takes me to the world behind her eyes
The world where the stars always shines
The world where there is only beauty and happiness

My blood starts to dancing
Following my heart beats rhythm
As it goes faster and faster

When I laid my eyes on her
I asked myself again and again
Deep inside my brain
"If only I revealed my love towards her
Will she feel the same like when I laid my eyes on her?"
Should I try?
FinkZ Sep 2019
If only I can be careless
Walk in without thinking the risks
Push my way to my surroundings
And feel innocent like a baby

If only I can be reckless
Barge in with my fist
Killing all of my guilty feelings
Before I end up hurting my buddy

If only I can be thoughtless
Acting like I didn’t do any troubles I did
Closes my eyes when the ones who cares bleeding
Shut my logics and follows the word of my feelings

But is it worth it to be that
Just so you know I have burning desires for her?
If only

— The End —