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 Feb 2015 Yesi
Poetry (10W)
 Feb 2015 Yesi


© pax
with it, i understand myself better
with it, i give patience
to understand people better
with it, i learned to accept and love
- myself a little bit better than before
 Feb 2015 Yesi
Forgotten Heart
is that
we search
for true love
in others
without knowing
true love exist
within ourselves
 Feb 2015 Yesi
Silence Screamz
I live in this box of pain
Nothing to see or feel
Embraced by sanctity,
driven by sorrow

Enclosed inside
by life's uncertainties
Taken out of society
by guilt and solitude

You say I am broken,
battered and confused
but it is you,
the normals of mankind

You do not set the rules
of what is right or wrong
You do not tell me
I am the idiot one

For you
are not the ruler of lives
For you
do not control my thoughts

For you
will not get inside me
For you
are not a human being

My pain does not
come from any one thing
It is a multitude
of uncontrollable events

Events that
impact my life not yours
Unseized pressure
from the unconscious world

Pressure that places
the horror of the world in front of us all
Placed there by you
and society's real crazies

This box of pain
will not control me
I will open it
and be stronger than you
Looking out into this crazy world and seeing who is the real crazy ones
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