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  Jun 2014 daisies
Don't be scared to write in ink.
Bleed your thoughts,
let it carelessly infuse between the spaces of blank paper.

You see, sweet-heart,
at least one sliver of your soul will not feel so

*e mp ty
Hello there lovely!
  Jun 2014 daisies
«Your life was offered to you;
There is no greater gift.

Forget the gold, forget the time,
from life such things are born.

if your eyes were meant to change the world,
know this:

The moment is now.»
  May 2014 daisies
Dominique Espiritu
And He fetched for my heart
That was beating,
Lub dub
Banging until cracks
into a hole
Around my chest.
No longer
Lub dub
But a panicked
Hop hop,
Leg-less run marathon
Out of my rib cage.
Pumping worry
And jealousy,
Replacing my blood,
Until anxiety rowed
broken sail boats
In my veins.
He grabbed it
Said "Stop."

And that's how the heart learned
How to play the waiting game.
[ uh-rith-mee-uh, ey-rith- ]
noun [Pathology]
1. any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  May 2014 daisies
I understand now.
It's okay to wait.
We're young.
I know you love me & you know I love you.
I know that won't change.
Because everything will be okay at the end.
Loyalty?   Loyalty?
Where have you been?
as I walk down the street,
I see people blend

You are hiding
please come out
many people are byeing
but we cant survive
  May 2014 daisies
Mary Ab
This poem is for the one who made a difference
Who shaped our minds and become a truthful reference

When we look back through the eight months we passed together
Speedy running thoughts flashing with the great memories ever

Hesitation was living in our souls
Stress and worries divided us all

And then our glances caught a shining light
Enchantingly moved our souls and brought us light  

It was your lantern of HOPE ,
Came all along to remove all the mope

With your fascinating outstanding British
Revealed our passion for our dearest English

You gave us the strength to climb up that bright star
To show our hidden powers ,to sparkle so far

You inspired our souls ,
and opened the locked doors

Awakened our blinking ,
and kindled our bright thinking  

To love and  value our goal,
to work hard and answer the call  

And today we're standing here ,
feeling so confident  without a single fear

your students will always remember ,
your precious motivation
For they were our glittering lanterns
To get rid of all the hesitation

you had completely changed our mood
made it better ,shift it into gratitude ...

Thank you for all the deeds you shared ,
they were honest  hints showing how much you cared ...
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