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Bardo Nov 2019
It's true I have some regrets in life
The truth is..... I think now..... I should
    have been Zardo and not Bardo
Zardo I think has more of a 'Zing' to it
It's a bit like Zorro
For I too wear a mask, I write hidden
    behind a pseudonym
Moving stealthily like some elusive
    Ninja warrior,
Or like some swashbuckling pirate
    hero yeah!
I descend upon the Site with a
Swinging in like Errol Flynn trailing
    behind me great romance and
I bring my magic, I dazzle with my
    swordplay, my verbal acrobatics
Send all the shadows fleeing,
rescuing the poor damsels, the sad
   heroine grieving
Releasing the downtrodden from
their onerous chains and shackles
Bringing Justice once more to the
I bring them all a gift... the gift of... of
Then as suddenly as I came... I'm gone,
    yea! I vanish
But not before leaving my mark, with
    lightning strokes, my Calling Card
A big "Z" Z for Zardo, written,
     emblazoned with my sword:
The people they all gather around
  just like detectives after a crime
They view my wonderful damage,
   can only stare and marvel
Then someone shouts, he points a
"Look!! The sign! Z!!! It was
    was Zardo!!!"
"Zardo!!!" the whole crowd gasps in
    awed hushed tones,
" was Zardo!!!"

All I need now is a good theme tune
[Song: O! Where do you come from/ Where do you go!]


O! the ladies of an evening, they come
    out onto their balconies to coo
To watch the sun set & the rising of
   the Moon
Secretly they sigh and whisper onto
"O! Zardo, where art thou, my Sweet
    Prince, my Secret Love
How my heart it longs, it yearns for
I can see you, see you almost, upon a
    striking Black Horse galloping
[Song: O!, your brooding
    dark looks, your flashing blade/
Riding through the Glens of Ireland
O! Zardo, in my dreams I walk with
    thee, you hold me in your arms
O! Zardo, can I see it...will you not show it to me....let me touch it, hold it,
   feel it...your... your gleaming sword,
     your flashing blade yea!
Your golden pen from which
   beautiful dreams are made
O! Zardo your golden Excalibur like
Please! O Please! Unsheathe it!"
[Song: O!, with your eyes so soft/ But your arms so strong/
O!, Greatest Lover of them

O! the wind it rustles in the trees, a fleeting shadow flits across the fields
"O! Zardo, is that you ? Is that you ? "
   they cry,
My Darling ! my Sweetness !
My shadowy Knight, my Heart's
[Song:  The Wind it whispers The valleys they echo
    his name]
O! Zardo if only you were here... if


Meantime back in my sanctuary
   hideaway home, safely ensconced
I some insanely brilliant
   criminal mastermind
Here I can be myself, here I can laugh,
Here I can unwind, let my guard
Remove my cape and mask, lay my
   sword aside
Here I can feast in peace & toast my
   Art sublime
And around my fireside wildly dance
   and sing
             "O! they know me,
       Yet they know me not Ha! Ha!"
Like some impish Rumpelstiltskin.....
[Song: O!, Nobody knows from whence he comes/ Or where he goes/ Mysterious Masked stranger/ Fearless Lone Ranger...!]


But now, back here in the real world
I must again resume my humble
   place/ double life
Don my Civy clothes once again
& like a chameleon blend in with the
Just another nameless face...a mere
   office worker by day
[Distant Song: O!]
Here I must play another game,
   maintain my secrecy at all times,
Feeling like a Secret Agent, feeling
   like a spy
I must yes!....I must live a lie
For they must never know my secret
Who l really am... my true identity
Yes! I must be merciful to them &
   mercy show them (& to myself also)
For my sun it would burn too
   brightly for them
They'd all be starstruck, yea! they'd go
   all funny, all wobbly on me
They'd be stuttering and stammering,
   jibbering and jabbering
They'd go all self-conscious on me,
   not know what to say or do
They'd be all staring, they'd be all
"I never knew what Genius would
   ever look like", they'd say,
"And all the time it was sitting there
  right in front of me, right in our
But... but he's so quiet and he looks so
They'd come down from other floors
   just to see me
They'd whisper excitedly "Is that Him?  Is that Him?"
And the others would reply "Yes! that's Him, that's Genius! that's what
      Genius looks like"
Why! it'd be suffocating, I'd find it
   hard to breathe
I'd grow self-conscious too
I'd be just like an exhibit in the zoo.

And yet, y'know, there's this girl at
   work, she's really sweet
She always has a lovely smile just for
So quiet and so graceful
O! how I wish... how I wish sometimes
I could just tell her, reveal myself to
   her, the real me
Silently I call out to her, "No! this isn't the real me you see before you
No! I'm not this dithering Klark Kent
   type office mouse
Look!!! (ripping off my shirt and tie revealing my Superman/Zardo vest)
Me! I'm Superman! Yes! I'm Zardo!!!"
[Music strikes up: O!! So
  strong, so gallant, so bold!]
And she'd start to say almost afraid
" You, you're Zardo" and she'd start to
   swoon, to feel faint
But I'd grab her and take her in my
   arms, my strong embrace
"No!" I'd assure her, "don't be afraid,
    no harm will come to thee
Fear not, you won't go aflame
Look! I'm just another human being,
   just like yourself"
"But you, you're Zardo", she'd protest,
" Look! " I'd say smiling, "touch me
   and see, pinch me if you like
I'm just flesh and blood, no different
   than you",
"Come!" I'd say, "take my hand, climb up here onto my horse, Let me take you to the stars and beyond
Yea! Let me take you home, home to my place"
And she'd take my hand and off we'd go
Galloping away together into the moonlit night.
[Song: O! don't go, don't leave us here all alone.... They call him].

And his legend, it goes on....
                    ­                                                              "Z"
A bit of fun. I couldn't resist it, it just popped into my head. This is about Fame, hero worship, stardom, pseudonyms, anonymity etc all that nonsense. We"re all human yea! we all got to go to the toilet sometime, even the big stars. Ireland has had a lot of heroes. But then, then there was!
Saša D Lović Apr 2015
zar si bajkom mojom
čedo zadojila
o sumorna jeseni
zar si u srce
seme kataklizme moje duše
zar ćeš kandžama svojim
lice moje još grditi
pesmom mojom pogan svoju brisati
zar ćeš i to sumorna učiniti
Harry Gione Jul 2019
Its unfair that I spend my whole life being poor
And that the idea of money follows me around even into deep sleep
Every day has a monetary value because time is money my friend
Zar hovers over me and hides in the corners of my eyes
he tied himself to my ankles when I was born and as a consequence I'm forced to drag him along with me as I climb the account balance ladder
never able to reach the top because of the weight bonded to my feet
I drag you around, you are now my shadow
Oh lord zar who resides in the house of wallet
The more of you I have the more I want
So I'll spend my whole life being poor
Ashlagh Naighlim Jul 2010
Pe cand noaptea se lasa si nimanui nu-i pasa,
Pe cand ceata-ndeasa si acum far-de-prefata,
Pe cand lumina piere si se lasa cu durere,
Masca eu o pui deoparte si ma definesc aparte.

Caci ma vezi ziua schimbator,pe emotii trecator,mijlocitor
Sad sau merg,vorbesc sau tac,dar sunt tot un...liliac.
Caci doar eu ma inteleg si fluier mut,caut coleg...
Dar de unde sa gasesc,noaptea zbor,ziua zabovesc.

Stau si plang,stele de stele,indurerat,companie-mi tin doar ele.
Luna nu o mai suport,imi strica lumea ce mi-o port...
Indoliat mereu,dar nu se vede,caci doliu-mi tot...cine ma crede?
Nimeni,caci imi scriu doar mie;Sa ma cunosti?!...e Blasfemie.

Hai sa-ncerc sa ma arat...usor,sa nu dau indarat.
Schimbat in singur,deci cu timpu,trecutau anii,schimband grupu,
Cutand mereu fata far-de-zar,siguranta pura,dar e in zadar;
vesnic adaptiv,renuntator,am invatat constant *** e sa mor.

Trecutau anii,evoluand,am luat cu mine tot,furand,culegand.
Tarziu mi-am dat seama *** de izbutesc...In invizibil eu traiesc
Domino eu mesteresc si involuntar,mereu,eu il pornesc;
Toate piesele-mi cad in sac,se evapora...plang si tac
Munca,alinare o secunda,dau masca jos,da sa se-ascunda
Urlu,magai,simt,gandesc si mereu ma pacalesc.

Cautand mereu ambrosie,dar nectaru tot ma chinuie...
Trec prin sange si prin sentiment cu idealu-mi stimulent
Dau de-o ea si dau de mine,dara EA nu da sa vie...

Va ascult *** reprosati,radeti,inghiontiti,bucurosi sau suparati,
Calcati pe voi,calcati pe mine,ignorati si totusi tine...
Gasiti refugiu-n contradictii,fugiti de voi,va luati de dictii
Si astfel tot ma atacati,priviti spre mine indignati...

De ce? eu pur "sange" m-am nascut,fara frica si nu m-a durut
Ati venit,m-ati "educat",fara mila si regret,tot voi m-ati conturat.
Sad in fata voastra-acum,reprosati,ma indemnati pe alt drum.
Ce vina am eu ca v-am ascultat?,fac ce stiu,ce ma-ti invatat.

M-am luptat,m-am ridicat,de unde voi m-ati aruncat,
Si cu aripi noi noute,diferite,...dar dragute...
Am decis sa nu v-ascult,sa fac ce stiu,tot mai mult
Si astfel ne-am departajat,in voi si eu,...TERIFIANT!

V-ati semnat propriu testament,sa va dau iubire vehement,
Va dau tot ce batjocoriti,va dau ce nu vreti pana muriti,
Dar cu timpul s-a schimbat,ati invatat,ati evoluat...
Tot,tot,tot,ce eu am dat,miseilor,ati manipulat...

Am luptat,am incercat,ce simt,pe  voi e insemnat,
Tatuaj fara de voie,nevazut,scris cu lamaie;
Caci il vad,il desclusesc,in oglinda eu privesc
Intorsi pe dos pana la moarte,va citesc ca pe o carte.

Am trecut incet,incet,printre voi,plin de regret...
Sa va iubeasca Dumnezeu,caci in lumea me-as doar eu.
Emotiv,departajat,scriu in stele-ndoliat...
Preamarind singuratatea,cunoscand nici-cand dreptatea!

Greu de inteles,desprins,incalcit parca-n adins.
Zbor acum si scriu departe,bucurand scantei de soapte.
Sad in somn,visez pucioasa,tremur vesnic dupa raza.
Si tipand pe ploaia deasa,ma asez usor,...mi-e greata.
Robin Carretti May 2018
He yells!!
Oh! Hell 

Who do we appreciate
Hormones Ah Vey!

So pick up the
Italian horn phone*
Leave me alone!!!
Harmony and hormones
Are like song

Losing beat
I am the Queen and your
the Dutch masters
Fit 2-B Flustered
Like rabbit hares
Jumps *****

Hey Bills

Ridiculous -Pompous
Jumping- Delicious

No sweat
Her vocals
are a threat

The trampolines
the trend he's Jaws
Did you see
her nasty
50 shades of flaws
green pupils

Meter lady and the *****
Wonka tickets
Humbug grouchy
Hands off but way
to touche-y
picking pockets

Barista coffee jitters
The birds and the
Bees like ***
with Monkey's

All dried up
Nothing to sting
Madhatter of honey
lover ding ****
((Hong Kong))

******* hormones
fishy mermaid tails
ladies eating pork
and beans
At the mezzanine

Fish eggs "Zar" of caviar
By far is the best love
I ever had
Tangerine your
the one for me
If you ever have
half a brain

I will find you
It will take a whole
*****-like City
My speed of Sin city
Someone out there to
feed me
Those up and downs

Hormones crown me
Town $$
Central Park jogging
and stomach wiggling

Highs and lows of work
Even when I am
Housewife NJ

I rather knock on wood
You better be home
Smiling guilty good
This world changed
to plastic
Divine from killer drastic
Those hormones
Disney ****** dunes
Wed me I dare you ((June))
Insane asylum ward
When my hormones
are working

My moods sweet candy
hard demanding
I am the one holding the
Award trophy *God

are tricky
Jumping jelly beans
Trampolines and
Mrs. Jones
She has a thing
going on

New monopoly_

Holy Molly
Oversexed Jolly
Mr and Mrs
She's older
and wiser
Took her Lover's ransom

Her ****** I phones ring
Something has to give
Chinese Din sum
He's jumping off the wall
trampolines whats up
with his *****?
Scratchy felines
Egyptian Nile nine lives
Cats  Meow smile

Love affair Prudence
out to play
The Beatles
Love the Abby lane
And she
out insane__
The comedy will get you all the Rising star time this one is quite different I hope it blows your mind
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Swiftly so much to sweep
Helsing so deep the love hard to keep
Her words were off balance
Poem stanza Mama Mia all formed
Like a ballerina 575 Japanese Haiku
Designer Pucci Sochi releasing
so piercing garden jailed away

I begged I needed to feel guided
Maid hard-love of slavery
to the requiem the chariot of horses
Jumped like eyes of the demon
She pleaded with what corruption
Planes fired with struggling
Hearts became stronger

The taste was the different side
wicked fun animation
The men were changed
cruel love aviation

Needing the right ammunition
Prince Zar became 666 Stalin
Leadership of blackmail
Lips got sealed with more
love friction
Make your poems roll in
The Trump Tower polls in
Holy Gods Italian Collisuem
Every hour Poem maid


The maid she had his words
Less communication so
***** what transcends
Your life depends?
"Delicious" Monsterous"
Only words "Devious"
maid Beauty and the beast
to digest

Destiny short poems of ecstasy
Oh! My She-locked
No heart or morals all locked
He wanted to steal her poems
Being conned into the heist
Higher walk with the rest

Poem Requiem palace
Hannibal Rising test
Watching her movements in
her lipping

She was home "Cruella" sweeping
Willow tree weeping new maid Priscilla
The Reign suffering minds of madness

Being ruled sweeping tears to clean up

Such wicked dirt Damon the ***** work

knowing to shut up what a ****

Feeling moved around "UHual"

Choked upon on my I-pad appalled

The masquerading social media mind

of Jekyll and Hyde poems

Her getaway poems not to be fooled
Terraced thousands of poems died

All betrayed upon with more deep lies
Important words to keep them alive

Saturday night poems stay alive
Stakeout Apps Presidency
Like a heart snack breakout
This was far from democracy
The "Quickie Requiem" for a
poem tricked over taken away

My best dream

Gripping love slightly in between
Doctor words to heal the King
his beeper the right timing
Save the poem not the Queen
Love Requiem what a headache and things not to keep or words get silent why can't we speak like a migraine or a grain of the Egyptians sand to be pleaded with such corruption how does it change to love and affection
Saša D Lović Apr 2015
tren razuzdan razuzda sve zauzdano
što se uz vrisak pun sujete
rastajaše od uzdi svojih
poput deteta
kome se seče pupčana vrpca
ili radnika koji viče
burazeru proburazi mi aortu
a konj je plemenita životinja
i pauk koji zalud plete mreže
jer je konj brat vetrov
i pauk uzvikuje
dan i noć tvoje ime lucifere
zar si nem
dok čovek prži jaja
a ona mu se obraća
kao inferiornom biću
želi deset na oko
zalud grca čovek
u procepu znatiželja
rađaće nam telad  telad
takve više nema
miriše joj butine
da to je miris ruže
konji ržu pauci cvile
vlažnih ruku odlaze u rasejanje
vetar drami
put jednostavan
i **** ga pozdravlja
jer njegov brat je konj
duplim dekom mu vida rane
jadan li je put
kupite moje uši u prodavnici mešovite robe
lomne su iluzije
dok čovek kiti jelek
trepavicama njenim
uzeglom štrudlom napoio je konja
loman i radošću prevejan  mudrac
cmizdreći dao je ime njenoj duši
protkanoj hemoroidima
koji krvare
gore je smeštena smeša
blažen je onaj koji puva
kad procuri šulj
teško ju je doseći
opet se u snu  javlja
kibicerski smeće
i maže na krišku hleba
mrtvog mačora
teško ju je doseći kaže
sa uma najvažniju stvar
stvar je ona koja mu dolazi glave

to je vrdalama
ona zauzdava tren
En trenes poseídos de una pasión errante
por el carbón y el hierro que los provoca y mueve,
y en tensos aeroplanos de plumaje tajante
recorro la nación del trabajo y la nieve.
De la extensión de Rusia, de sus tiernas ventanas,
sale una voz profunda de máquinas y manos,
que indica entre mujeres: Aquí están tus hermanas,
y prorrumpe entre hombres: Estos son tus hermanos.
Basta mirar: se cubre de verdad la mirada.
Basta escuchar: retumba la sangre en las orejas.
De cada aliento sale la ardiente bocanada
de tantos corazones unidos por parejas.
Ah, compañero Stalin: de un pueblo de mendigos
has hecho un pueblo de hombres que sacuden la frente,
y la cárcel ahuyentan, y prodigan los trigos,
como a un inmenso esfuerzo le cabe: inmensamente.
De unos hombres que apenas a vivir se atrevían
con la boca amarrada y el sueño esclavizado:
de unos cuerpos que andaban, vacilaban, crujían,
una masa de férreo volumen has forjado.
Has forjado una especie de mineral sencillo,
que observa la conducta del metal más valioso,
perfecciona el motor, y señala el martillo,
la hélice, la salud, con un dedo orgulloso.
Polvo para los zares, los reales bandidos:
Rusia nevada de hambre, dolor y cautiverios.
Ayer sus hijos iban a la muerte vencidos,
hoy proclaman la vida y hunden los cementerios.
Ayer iban sus ríos derritiendo los hielos,
quemados por la sangre de los trabajadores.
Hoy descubren industrias, maquinarias, anhelos,
y cantan rodeados de fábricas y flores.
Y los ancianos lentos que llevan una huella
de zar sobre sus hombros, interrumpen el paso,
por desplumar alegres su alta barba de estrella
ante el fulgor que remoza su ocaso.
Las chozas se convierten en casas de granito.
El corazón se queda desnudo entre verdades.
Y como una visión real de lo inaudito,
brotan sobre la nada bandadas de ciudades.
La juventud de Rusia se esgrime y se agiganta
como un arma afilada por los rinocerontes.
La metalurgia suena dichosa de garganta,
y vibran los martillos de pie sobre los montes.
Con las inagotables vacas de oro yacente
que ordeñan los mineros de los montes Urales,
Rusia edifica un mundo feliz y trasparente
para los hombres llenos de impulsos fraternales.
Hoy que contra mi patria clavan sus bayonetas
legiones malparidas por una torpe entraña,
los girasoles rusos, como ciegos planetas,
hacen girar su rostro de rayos hacia España.
Aquí está Rusia entera vestida de soldado,
protegiendo a los niños que anhela la trilita
de Italia y de Alemania bajo el sueño sagrado,
y que del vientre mismo de la madre los quita.
Dormitorios de niños españoles: zarpazos
de inocencia que arrojan de Madrid, de Valencia,
a Mussolini, a ******, los dos mariconazos,
la vida que destruyen manchados de inocencia.
Frágiles dormitorios al sol de la luz clara,
sangrienta de repente y erizada de astillas.
¡Si tanto dormitorio deshecho se arrojara
sobre las dos cabezas y las cuatro mejillas!
Se arrojará, me advierte desde su tumba viva
Lenin, con pie de mármol y voz de bronce quieto,
mientras contempla inmóvil el agua constructiva
que fluye en forma humana detrás de su esqueleto.
Rusia y España, unidas como fuerzas hermanas,
fuerza serán que cierre las fauces de la guerra.
Y sólo se verá tractores y manzanas,
panes y juventud sobre la tierra.
Vincent Salomon Jul 2017
Infames secretos; que se dilatan en el zar
Infames ojos, de parpadeos rápidos y miradas caóticas
Rubia platino, de tez victoriana.
Prófuga del amor; secreto de azares y de bares,
Añoranzas bucólicas y sonrisas fatuas
De amor profundo hacia el pasado, de labios malva.

Incesante, llamando y buscándote a través de mí
En el tiempo tácito y taciturno de noche dionisíaca.
Apología a Herodes, o elegía de mis pasos muertos.
La rubia platino se reía y ahí, todo me consumía,
Añoranzas bucólicas, de vidas no vividas.

Perdido en naufragio, moribundo en desasosiego,
Errante, pensante petulante e incapaz emisario de camelos.
Cómplices de nuestras acciones, rubia platino, pero víctimas
Prófugo de mis remotos recuerdos; miradas tibias.

Continuaba riendo, en el onírico espacio de mis pensamientos
No he conocido su risa, y sin embargo
                                                         ­                                  [...ya la extraño]

La lluvia pesada cae sobre charcos huecos sin reflejo
Miro, de reojo, en ellos, te observo

Y me pierdo.
Saša D Lović Apr 2015
o reči moje
od uglja crnje
zviždukom zmijskog jezika moga
zar ste se vratile
da sudite meni
ili onako šeretski
oko groba mi plešete
Classy J Aug 2018
Cardio vascular triple ontondra going in like a diamond back anaconda.
Going berserk like I’m Jane Fonda, turning to the dark side just to see why exactly the devil wears prada.
Working protocol like carter, and knowing I just might die a martyr.
Piecing the clues together to conclude it was the hedge scissors in the ballroom and was perpetrated by the gardener.
I’m as reckless as archer, yet as serious as Kevin Cozner. I’m bizarre like the schemes of jafar, yet I got a killer instinct like a jaguar.

Gathering support like I’m goku, for my bars are superb where other rappers bars are tasteless like tofu.
I’ll keep these rappers in their place for I’m a master like shifu.
My only weakness is that I love having snusnu, but I keep my light and dark centred like some kind of ancient guru.
You can either accept my point of view, or kiss my rear view. Although I have zentoku, I’m also not afraid to initiate a cou.
For I don’t fully trust people so don’t worry it’s not necessary a issue I have with you.
It’s just business, and I’m in the business of self preservation, and just like Batman I always have to use caution.
Now I know why I’m on probation, because I don’t feel safe in my own nation.
I guess I just forget how to be rational in tense situations, and that’s why I’m always on stress leave or on vacation.

What can I say I have strong opinions and passions, and I’m so sick of words but no actions.  
People say I’m unrealistic and idealistic, and they say I’m overthinking things that are actually quite simplistic.
And then I get Teachers wanting to diagnose me as autistic,  society trying its best to group me into negative statistics.
Counsellor worried about my tendency of being nihilistic, religious Pharisees angry that I call em out on being so legalistic.
But **** it, some won’t ever understand it or like what I have to spit.

I have a creative mind which doesn’t fit in with the norm, and my stubbornness won’t let me conform.
I have intrinsic perspective that roars like a thunderstorm, and just when people think I’m done and out I unveil my ultra instinct form.
Look listen up *****, I’m adamant about these clips, and I got an entire empire to run so **** all the haters man for to me they are like blips on the radar, classy j you know I gotta play hard when it comes to calling out all ya hickish mater's.
I’m just a gargantuan indiaho that shuts down all these racist ***** *** gringos.
But a lot of people mistake me as an Español but ya better get your head examined because your a estupido feo!

I’m not that elegant but I’m intelligent with my gambling chips, but a lot yawl can’t see that because my essence is that of an eclipse.
Imma put ya into a perpetual stasis if you think you can replace this! Classy j is my alias, my thoughts are spontaneous, and if ya must know my zodiac sign is a Taurus.
So some may say that I have a short temper, so that must mean I’m to blame just like a Templar.
Or that I’m as brutal as a zar, but I’m just a outspoken poet that sometimes pulls the wrong strings on humanities guitars.
But **** it I’ll still go ******* these tracks, I’ll go hard like palpitations that may shock ya but we both know I’m just spitting the facts.
Getting ya hooked on me like imma aphrodisiac, but don’t get too excited or else ya might give yourself a heart attack.
I’m a mathematic on the tracks, I’m uncommon like unsalted gluten free ramen.
I put my time in, and when you see me with a gun on me in the streets ya best know I’m wildin.

Straight gutta **** boy imma get on your nerves like I’m Alvin, but you better be prepared because imma freak like Charles Manson. There will be no chance you rappers can defeat me, because just like John cena I always kick out before three.
You can’t see me, you can’t see my destiny so don’t come up to me all high and mighty thinking you have the right to judge me!

So I ask you are you God?
Didn’t think so, unless you have a God complex like Kanye and his main **.
Only God may judge me for what I say and for what I do, so throw the first stone if no sin has ever afflicted you.
Oh yeah that’s right your a human too, so you can take your entitled self-righteous easily offended *** outta my sight before I do it for you! I’m sick of people feeling like I owe em something, but here’s the the truth ******* I don’t owe you nothing.
I won’t apologize for being honest, I won’t apologize because I have freedom of speech and I use that freedom to demolish this society that is as deadly as a hornets nest.
Gledam neku seriju na Netflixu "Black Earth Rising" o genocidu u Ruandi.

Pitam se sta tebe vise privlaci afrika ili japan?
Mene definitivno afrika.

... sledece nedelje da vidim da li od 7. maja mogu da krenem.
Pridruzices mi se, zar ne?

Zamisli kroz 50-100 godina kad neki novinar bude hteo da napise neku pricu o logou. I sta mu treba? pa kao i svakom novinaru neka zanimljivost. I ? Zar zelis da razocaras buduca pokolenja novinara?

Pitas se kako ce znati za tebe, pa za 100 godina svasta nesto ce da se desi, razvoj AI recimo, sve veze koje ti i ja sada ne shvatamo bice razotkrivene i jasne.

Aj daj neku asocijaciju

Treba da bude nesto univerzalno, nista sto ima veze sa briselom.

Kao sto si videla meni su inspiracija bili znaci navoda ". Nije to slucajno, podsvest radi svoje, tvoje obracanje meni je uvek pod znacima navoda.

Mozda moze biti nesto drugacije?

Da imas nekog pred kim mozes da se raspadnes na najsitnije delove.

Zar ne?
...po svemu sudeci i ti si u minusu, kako je onda moguce da kad takav jedan minus ide u susret drugom minusu se ne desi plus. Prava misterija, zar ne?


— The End —