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Nikkie Jan 2021
I slept pretty well in bed last night.
But something startled me, made my heart beat very fast.
At first I couldn’t figure out what was happening.
Then I realized I was dreaming of you.
Is it at all possible, that you were dreaming me?
Is it possible that you pulled me telepathically into your bed?
I was eased into your comfortable embrace;
laying underneath you in total darkness,
we were both unrobed steeped in passion.
We didn’t look into each other’s eyes,
because the darkness held all control.
Both of us knew that the time had come,
for us to close that mysterious gap.
You caressed my face and kissed my neck,
you kissed my lips and magic happened.
Our bodies were electrified, our souls caught fire,
and your kiss sent chills all over my body.
My heart was beating faster and faster,
my body was yours and nothing else mattered.
I guess I couldn’t take the energy that surged,
from your body Into my soul.
When you kissed me again, I came to my senses.
My body went into some sort of shock,
the moment felt real, but I knew it was not.
So I told myself to wake the **** up!
When I opened my eyes, I was back in my bed,
covered in sweat, and eyes wide open.
Heart still beating incredibly fast,
while my spirit slumbered in widespread shame.
Nat Lipstadt Jun 2013
Whispering her smile
Looking beatific,
Looking arousingly terrific,
Uninvited but invitingly,
Place my pointer finger
Upon her breast, ******* already attentive,
*****,  she preps to dance and to
Leave me

Bid her despedida,
For my adieu is tinged
With desperation internal raging,
For tantalizing, J'accuse,
Guilty as charged

My tango muse,
Off to dance in dives,
Where all the men are
Strangers, who paid in cash,
With creased and stained $20 bills,
To soil themselves, to dance with my woman,
Paid far in advance.

For consorting with the enemy,
I renounce her not, but guilty charged,
For mesmerizing, J'accuse,
Guilty as charged

She'll return, after three,
Undress before me,
Purportedly sleeping,
Pointedly, slowly, knowingly,
To insure I scent the sweat
That tango demands,
The ****** side effects,
The Argentines invented,
Accoutrement rituals,
Excuses to invent dance,
In order to pleasure intensity,
For teasing w/o mercy, J'accuse,
Guilty as charged

She chambers her body bullet,
Sliding in unrobed,
For a negligee would be
Negligent in her condition,
Laughing at my pretend closed eyes,
She whispers,:

I return here, to you
For one reason alone
Despite soul and body, exhilarated,
While gone, you have been composing
About me without permission,
Of  this, of thee,

I know you have penned
Which long after the dance thrill has chilled,
Will belong to me forever,
I will kiss you now so I may taste the
Words  that are mine, until next week,
When I will be guilty again
Of charging your imagination
The intro:
"Let's state the facts:
She gorgeous, she's hot,
She goes tango dancing after 10 PM
With bad boys from Argentina and the Ukraine"
First Poem of the Day: Yes Ma'am!

See Part I, "Ditty This, ***** Little Boy!"

Serial poet
Bus Poet Stop Apr 2015
tired of my drooping Hanes,
my slept-in choice for greeting
a new morning tad overexposed,
my weekend breakfast table
body's accoutrement,
"coverup" she deemed accurately
as in-suffice,
my nighttime slept-in choice for
welcoming the new morning
as a single continuum,
exposing my true colors,
thus declaring biblically,
"Let there be night, let there be day,"
in a manner of speak

she-woman wryly declares
over her slim sizing
yogurt Greek and half of a laugh
of a banana downsized,

"You need some loungewear"

pondering this ponderosa-sized ponderosity,
grasping its monstrosity insulting me,
coffee pouring, Eye, a
first responder
contemplate irresponsibly,
thinking to reply with bravado,
that on said day,
when Eye accrete
such a class of clothing
so nomenclatured as
upon my person,
or in my ward-so-unrobed found,
unasked for,
Eye will require transgendering

but my tongue bites me,
so instead
draw down on my John Donne,
on the subject of
food, good taste
and being unclothed,
and instead
bequeath the she-woman
this riposte...

"Full nakedness!
All joys are due to thee;
as souls unbodied,
bodies unclothed must be
to taste whole joys.

wisely retreating than be
not wanting
a world war conflicting,
with coffee mugged, Eye return/hide,
under the bed's blanketing comforter,
thinking of the taste of whole joys
of her body unclothed,
when later, she creeps in next to me,
to practice the serious art of
Putting the Vin in Vignette
We stand unrobed where daylight splits the air,
Her thighs a bramble, mine are smooth and spare.
The mirror's glare reveals what we both share:
One breast a plum, its twin a rounder pear.

Time’s cursive scrawls on skin we’ve learned to bare—
Her stretchmarks ripple, tides, my palms embrace.
No clues hide the faint silver in her hair—
My thumb traces the laugh-lines on her face. 

Past phantoms fade—two clocks now beat as one.
Her skin, once chilled, now thaws beneath my sighs;
My stony silence ripens into sun;
Time-frozen hearts melt in each other's eyes.

Your mouth—a fig split ripe—now drinks my moan:
We fuse to one fierce sun, no dusk, no dawn.
Leroy J Harris Apr 2014
Allegiance stood aside,
As did red and black suspicion.
John opened the door with his voice,
While Cornelius stood unrobed, his command nullified,
He didn't stop them,
Polearms bought without coin,
Stolen from thieves plundering life itself,
Uncrossed and moved aside for seven reasons.
Sarah Kunz Nov 2016
This dimension of living is endlessly shrouded in mystery.
We are the midwives to our own platform of living and we have the authority to liquidate it and start upon a new tier at any moment.
I know but only what my eyes have unrobed  to show me.
All around us isolated winsome lives of their own fabric and hemming are kerneled into the crust of our worlds existence.
We are so distinctly separate yet intrinsically connected.
We tend to weave our lives in a way to circumvent the albatross that is free-floating and searching for a host.
It is so simple to sector yourself away from the things that pose fluster to your character.  
But we infallibly need each other, we must uncloak ourselves from the throttling labels.
Once you make peace with the construction of this world you are unfettered and free.
All of these sumptuous luminescent minds quarantined away serve no good.  Live your life with decorum and ease and let this light scintillate to invigorate others. This revolution is not rooted in vociferous speeches and affronts, but by merely emitting your unadulterated authentic self. Excavate yourself of the toxic of society and you will become the voltaic entity.
Make haimish comfort with the idea of uncertainty and live life simplistically.
Folks of the United States go out and vote!! You scrummy swell friends, the country yearns for your awakening!
laoda Dec 2019
You talk lots about Love
But what does it look like?
As pretty as you,
Or as kind?


Like   the painting in the mirror
In       your favorite nightclub
Like   the unrobed reflection
In       your  morning bathtub

Raw,   unreservedly charming

Like     the towel, clung to your waist
That     while you walked to the bed, sliding
Like     the heavenly lips of yours
That     parted when pleased, singing
This was originally posted on my twitter. Also in a collection where lovers talk nonsense so....
Kurt Philip Behm May 2017
The words better naked,
  the song better clothed

My feelings stripped bare,
  my lyrics exposed

I flash and I streak,
  the melody warms

Now fully unrobed,
—my song to adorn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)
Daniel Magner Oct 2017
I'm indisposed,
unrobed, symmetrical with the floor,
absorbed in the little spaces between things.
An eye blink--
the dust sets,
and the link to this world
pulses then fades.
The last waves of its power
emanate, once immense,
now thin.
I  s  e  e  p back in,
to my hands,
to my eyes,
to my lips.
Grip the edge of the bed,
Daniel Magner 2017
Yenson Apr 2021
Go terrorize the dangling bits
below your waists
your maidens terrorize you enough
about them
this we know for sure case its always
in the talk of the towns
they love them at first only its never
enough to take them there
its always quick to fast off to light
the fire and sizzle
always too soft to stand hard and row
so down use your mouths
or we get the toy boys and the toys
or have as many as we need
please don't start what you can't finish
lets just skip any attempts
I have friends who live on cloud nines
what good my cloudless nights
yes you know all about the terrors you feel
when it comes to standing firm
when it comes to secrets you hide unrobed
when it comes to being men
and how you cover your inadequacies by
picking on those you envy
and salve your wounded pride and low esteems
by thinking in deluded heads
We are terrorizing the **** outta that target
we are voiding his ever ready magnum
we are cramping his adequacies
we are cancelling the real deal
yeah! all that makes you feel alive
it takes your minds of small things
that which always terrifies you
and the women.....
yes, it make you feel alive
Man Nov 2021
Naked death
Unclothed, unrobed
Scythe still sheathed
Christ unrisen
In his infinite wisdom
Stayed his hand
And the Cosmos remained silent

— The End —