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brandon nagley Apr 2016

Certes, where wouldst I be, without the visitant who visited me, hallow and calefacient is mine sweet. Her camaca flaxen brown far east bisayan covering, like the wind upon her bones; Cling's on to wing's crystalline, hovering.


Many callisteias doth she hath, even in her most burdened of day's, light echoes the wall's of her laugh. Her nacre eyne, as a naos doth garnish the sign; spelling "ángelos mou".


I phlebotomized pond's of despair's tether's, I implored God for the mate of mine soul; even pictured this vasílissa in mine pounding blood's fetters. Thus one moment, in death's valley, undeservingly the Trinity whom always was and is; gifted me mine other-half, the woman from Asia's tribal secrets, the one with a aureole surrounding her chest.


Now, after generation's of awaiting, just to touch her luminescence I won't tire, nor debate the timing; for all
Cometh in good time, I just thanketh mine Yahweh.
For its his daughter he didst send, thus me didst he
Openeth mine eyen. O' blest divine, O' blest divine.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) Dedication
Certes- in truth.. ( archaic old word).
Wouldst- would...
Visitant- not many know this word - means supernatural being.
Hallow- as a saint, sacred, holy.
calefacient- something that causes warmth ..
camaca- fine silk fabric
Flaxen- pale yellow,
Flaxen brown -her skins a mix of flaxen yellow and brown two different shades and beyond gold. Heavens golden beauty.
Far east + Asian.
One of her tongues she speaks in Philippines is bisaya tongue.
Also this.plural noun
a group of islands in the central Philippines, including Panay, Negros, Cebú, Bohol, Leyte, Samar, Masbate, and smaller islands.
Expand, Spanish Bisayas  [bee-sah-yahs] (Show IPA).
Crystalline- having the structure and form of a crystal; composed of crystals, also meaning clear...
callisteia- awards given for beauty.
Doth- does
Hath- have...
Nacre- mother of pearl.
Eyne, or also eyen is archaic both for - eyes.
Naos- temple; inner cell of a temple.
ángelos mou- means - ( angel of mine) Greek tongue.
phlebotomized- archaic for bleed, to draw blood from, bled...can be used as bleed. Bled.
vasílissa- Greek for queen.
Fetters- restrain with chains or manacles.
Thus- therefore, as a result of...
aureole- a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy.
The Trinity- the Christian Godhead as one, God in three persons: Father(God), Son(Jesus christ), and Holy Spirit.( same as holy ghost sent to us in time for need and help and to overcome, as the HOLY spirit flows directly out of gods throne. Told by thousands who have died ,returned to tell all same factual evidence...( fun fact, for anyone who knows not christ or the father God.)
Eyen- also means eyes- archaic way.
Blest- archaic for blessed....
SweetJacksonFan Jun 2014
 you would not want to meet

 is not worthy of a greet

 is rather offbeat

 thinks he is so elite

 is a man incomplete

 is very far from sweet

 is full of conceit

 is riddled with deceit

 secretly plays Trick or Treat

 manipulates the Balance Sheet

 knows how to deplete

 has a business that's not concrete

 risks being beat into mince meat

 is a ***** rotten cheat

 does it in the backseat

 likes to turn up the heat

 is not too discreet

 knows how to mistreat

 probably has smelly feet

 I imagine, would secrete gleet

 is the type to *** on the toilet seat

 is a glutton that is not shy to eat

 has a large carbon footprint with his flashy car fleet

 undeservingly always gets a lovely hotel suite

 forever gets granted the nicest plane window seat

 the movie, received tweet after tweet

 the man, was also not short of a tweet

 is enough to make me bleat

 should go into retreat

 whatever you may think, did not reach a great feat

 cannot avoid the Hot Seat

 will get very downbeat

 will suffer absolute defeat

 will become obsolete

**Then God will press delete
21st June 2014 @ 02:26

Do not glorify immoral behaviour.

Alternatively, you can try chanting my poem while beating your chest as demonstrated by Matthew McConaughey in the movie.
brandon nagley Dec 2015

O' dear lord, how gracious thou hast been to me, as thou hath undeservingly given me, Mine Jane, mine queen.


O' dear lord, how merciful thou hast been to me, I was in the mire, on earth's ground I tired; thou hath saved me from the fire,
And revived me from deathly sleep.


O' dear lord, how great is thine love, I hung in the shadows, wherein death didst battle, taking me underneath, as thou were above.


O' heavenly Father, born a sinner by nature, I seeked to do thine will later, as tis it needeth done now.


O' Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah, maker of mine Savior, bringing saccharine taste to all flavor's; thou gaveth me the talent to jot down upon paper, the door that thou keepeth open for all mankind.


O' holy one, supernatural, divine, mayest thy word's like eternal honey drip, upon the poor and Meek's lip's, mayest thy reign over-taketh evil; as it soon shalt in it's time.


O' mighty and magnanimous king, mayest Jane and I singeth with thine angel's wherein the tranquility shalt ring, as a million Bell's overcoming hell, freeing captives from their cell's, keeping widow's in thy help, making penniless to hath abundance, keeping material's purely redundant, bringing peace soon upon this desolate place of trial's, none more telephone's or technology, none man-made thing's to better one- as tis they only maketh it worse, let thy comfort be upon thy church, and even them that knoweth thee not. Let the homeless find their abode in thee, bringeth lights as humans to preach in thy holy place, and in metal cities, let the Opulent findeth worldly wisdom, for their riches shalt be naught. Let their treasure's forsake them, as I knoweth to; salvation and true amour' canst not be bought, let the ancient dead arise, as tis the word's cometh up hither soon I knoweth shalt arrive. Let the depressed and those of suicide seeith inside thy eye's the affection thou hast for them, mayest thou comforteth friend's with Friends, and those of none kin. Mayest thou purify me, strenghten me, in past and present sin. Mayest thou blesseth me and mine Reyna in light of heaven, and during this sphere's minutes coming to slim. Protecteth me and mine lass, as the time's art coming to pass, wherein Satan shalt plot against us to win. Grant me and Mine empress matrimony before the time If thou wilt, if not on this globe, in thy kingdom itself.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Alice Burns Jun 2013
Eyes have been following me all day long
So many different shades, uncountable pairs-
But so few variations of the looks given
Some haunting, some giving companionship
But unoriginally, both provoking emotion the same.

I was blessed by just a mere few individuals
Who caught my eye momentarily in unnoticed secrecy
Gesturing appreciation for what I loudly stand for
And continuing my flow of happiness for others to share
But some currents were stopped.

The waters halted in tracks dried up
By desertion of carriers unwilling and uncaring
They pushed the shared joys out to dry land and their imagined flames
And waded to the company of criminals targeting me, and me alone
Latching their imagined fangs to the very passage used in good intention.

I caught a thief in the act
Though she didn't care about concealing her hateful crime
Nor the enjoyment benefitted from reactions provoked
In fact, she reveled in feigning attempt to hide her malice
And went so far as to turn away to sneer.

She drained me today, and drains me still tonight
But, I'm still winning this game I don't play
Knowing that when she turns to marvel at stolen goods
Her lifeless eyes will be met by a familiar pitiful failure experienced earlier today
When my smile, although quivering, remained unturned.

What was leeched out by this parasite of a woman, is not what was sought
I am well learnt in the tastes of beings undeservingly living
And remained lifetimes ahead of her worthless scheme
My dear, I live with the devil who's art you mimic quite insultingly
And tonight, differences aside, we turn together to sneer.
And tearfully I turn my gaze
Upon the Lord Jesus"s face
With desperation in my eyes
He looks upon in silence

"Oh why,dear Lord"-
My voice came forth
"Have fear consumed my life?"
Yet still in silence meets His eyes
Mine without much strife

"Explain to me!!!"I start to shout
And feel love going out-
Out my heart and out my mind,
Yet kindness radiates from Thine

I fall down to the ground ,hopeless
Before His feet my face
Yet no word from his mouth arive
To take my crippling sorrows place

Heavily I weep out loud
I have no shame-im not too proud
And slowly Jesus starts to bend down
And softly weeping -wipes my brow

"Dear beloved child-
It is not my Will to see your fall
By fear consuming you in all
I too bore fear
Yet ask of you to let me own
Your overwhelming fear that's grown
Upon my shoulders now"

And tearfully I turn my gaze
Upon the Lord Jesus"s face
My hand is taken to be placed
Within a hand that bares the hole
Left from being the sacrifice
To take our sins upon Him whole
Yes now even my fear- its so

"I came to give you life abundant
To live in peace you see
Cast even now your fear upon me
I"ll carry it-so you"ll live free

Know now that you aren't ever alone
I am with you -till I lead you home
Release this cross you bare on your own
I've carried one..before alone,
Because I love you as my own"

And tearfully I gaze upon
The Lord-my saviour whom has come
And feel peace to rest within my soul
The fear I once felt-now is gone
His arms around me tightly drew
And undeservingly my life begins anew!
Know that nothing you may carry alone in this life-is too big to be given to Him-to free you from its hold!"How gratefull be I -Thank you Jesus"
Yes , "if not for you"
Then comes all the banter
All of the glory
That we so undeservingly

I once surprised a waterbug (actually a roach only tinier) on my kitchen counter . I grabbed a handy jar and lid and scraped the pest into the jar intent on its oblivion . I left it on the counter intending to starve it to death . After a week had gone by it's exoskeleton turned white . All movement had stopped but it was still alive . To me it appeared it was in a state of meditation , motionless as if contemplating the most cosmic questions imaginable . This went on for another week before I began to respect the dignity of this amazing insect . Then I felt compassion and regret over what I had done so I put a drop of water in the jar to see what would happen . At first the insect remained motionless then went over to the water but stopped right at the edge and to me it appeared to give thanks before drinking any . I thought that was strange so I put a piece of bread in to see what would happen next . The same thing again happened . At first nothing and then the approach and stop and again the appearance of grace before consuming . I was so impressed I let it go after it had had its fill . Then I realized we are waterbugs compared to God and we are put into a jar here on Earth and we are starved for the words of God (Ye shall not live by bread alone but by every word that commeth from the mouth of God) and finally we are to give thanks for everything we receive in exchange for love , grace , forgiveness and ultimately life .
Jordan May 2014
Synthetic eyes crystalize an unforseeable magic

A deceptively sound mind warps and unbelievable logic

A body willingly disables as victim to an unchained spirit mystic

Hereby deemed 'society's most unfit,' this one is undeservingly crowned 'the lunatic'

Whether it's the brain that's fried or the mind that's been set free

A different viewpoint of the world is someone's whole reality

We all work in mysterious ways nobody else can see

No mind is any less, more incorrect, than that of society
Joyful BiteNGO Mar 2015
What love is this that forgiveness's always granted even undeservingly
Loving despite the scars and burdens I carry
A love that sees beyond my flaws

A love that covers my multitude of sins
This love that grants me power to command my future
A love that leaves me restored but not wounded
Love that stirs me up bringing forth greatness

The love of God
Irreplaceable at all costs
Who else would die on a cross for me
Yeah! Love that found me when I knew Him not
He loves you and me, all the same.
Nik Bland Jan 2017
I have never seen such tears or heard such gentle cries
And never meet one deserving of the tears that leave your eyes
No lover, right or wrong, worthy of the sobs that bury joy
No creature that encapsulates the beauty you employ
Yet hear I stand gazing on this artistic travesty
A trifle that has broken you so undeservingly
For mere mem are not worthy of the tears that angels shed
My only wish that wings will rise from all the pain you've bled
Nancy Delgado Mar 2015
Wondrous nature 

Yet so damaged and broken

Still, You choose to re-construct the broken concepts of grace unknown

I reach out into the sky, beholding the stars that shine so eloquently
So effortlessly, oh how will it be on the day I meet eternity?
Oh, have you got eyes to see?
See thee interesting Story unfold across ancient galaxies, the root of all our being
Truly we are eager for a New song, unaware that the Melody in the air is our revival and that every spark of inspiration comes from the same One who collects our tears in a bottle.
Won’t you look up? Stretch your arms up and see, we are not so distant from our stars.
They are even now but a mere foreshadow of what awaits those who behold and know they are in Eternity’s hands and were never really their own therefore bestowed thee art that nature's Maker so freely gave for it reminded them of the gift they undeservingly held within.
Look up, Eternity is near.
Isabela Ramos Jan 2017
It's the same thousand year old story
On a continuous loop
Spinning out of control
Yet too familiar to be unrecognizable

The same beginning...

She doesn't merely embody beauty
She is a very real piece of it
She is the dust floating through space
Breathing life into all within her reach
A Queen

The same middle...

Her enchantment must be squashed
The fate of it all rests on her shoulders
The weight of it crushing her womb
She births the men of the world
Men who represent humanity

The same end...

The world cannot go on
Not without her ultimate sacrifice
And the many others along the way
She trades pleasure for heroism
Love for security, and all the rest

In the end
The only phrase the people can muster
For the queen, mind you
All of the queens of the world

Off with her head!
Aeia Jun 2014
for you was i created, by you am i unmade
five by five, what you've left of my mind
and i don't think it's a fair trade
but five by five is not near enough time
for these scars to go from inflict to fade

for you was i created, by you am i unmade
hour by hour, i fold my mind and forget
you smile at me, undeservingly, and say:
'don't get upset, don't fret, it's just a threat, my dear-
don't get saucy; get stupid, you're just a pet; lay here!'

for you was i created, by you am i unmade
bruise by bruise, it happens too soon
-these marks are not always displayed
much like confetti; my psyche is strewn
pattern on the floor in the shape of a blade


{for you was i created, by you am i unmade}
Timothy H Oct 2016
my mistrusting eyes
throw stones
undeservingly in your direction
they're from
an old case
that should have been dropped
years ago
why i haven't been capable
of shaking it off
im not entirely sure
but no matter
you seem entirely capable
of doing so for me
Sitting here in dusty  clothes
Wondering why you pushed
I thought you loved me
So you said but here
Here I am with scrapped elbows
I didn't fall out of love, I was pushed out

The fallout of this betrayal poisons all memories
How are you to remain an angel in my sight ?
Bruised knees and knuckles are  what I get
What I undeservingly get  protecting your heart from
the fall
The push I mean,
I didn't fall out of love, I was pushed out

You broke more than my heart
How do I pick myself up  with these broken hands
Swollen ankles that can't withstand this heavy heart
Swollen eyes that can't see past this
And hope for the future that got lost during the fall
I mean the push,
I didn't fall out of love ,  I was pushed out

You pushed me out of love
I still wonder why
love regret fall sad
Yenson Aug 2021
The Apex is the point
the stand-out signal that fronts
the beacon radiates in sizzling brilliance
cutting through usurping darkness in luminous strike
as Alfa carries the charisma and uniqueness of the foremost
in sublime royalty live the divine providence of the chosen few
and thus the hordes and commoners shall write myths and fables
mired in frantic obsessions borne of the envy of minds insignificants
the enchanted lure of basking in the reflected glory of one in a million

some are born great as some achieve greatness while some are known
to have greatness ****** on them deservingly or undeservingly
and as life and the vagaries of randomness sits in selection
very few are called to stand in the reverent Light of Zion
or case the enlightenment of the sages that see beyond
and then to cloak the gilded ermine of regal fleece
the colossus emerges who shines in pure grace
and commoners will rile in vengeful angst
puke trash talk and green bile in fury
for a paragon stands amidst
pale tall midgets and dogs
it is the way of things
the power of the
the sick
in pain
Rachel Feb 2020
It is the subtle
Clang of your doubt
That rings relentlessly in my ear
Shouting silently
As I unpack your weight into
Small biteable pieces

I look for the smile
I left tucked away behind my teeth
Pushing it out to make this unpacking
Seamless, painless,

You smile too,
Undeservingly so,
Your teeth like claws dragging my eyes from your eyes
To the suitcase of your mess
My broken pieces
Laying dumbfounded in your hands

So unrecognizable,
I use what’s left of my heart to feel the pieces that I still call me
Pieces you couldn’t have reshaped
no matter how hard your blow
The sharp two-edged sword of your tongue
Can only reach me when I am near

You take the part of me too black to take back
And I take the part of you, you never gave
Each of us stealing
An allusion of who we were
The smile still etched on our faces
And the suitcase a little less full

— The End —