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Joyful BiteNGO Aug 2015
When: pen & paper are the closest ears tht could listen.
When the sheets rub the tears n my heart relieved.  
When the battles choose to remain unspoken.
Till When..ever the pain fades away.
Thts When my simple words will begin exuding joy.
Written during one of those long nights.
Joyful BiteNGO Jul 2015
Caught my eye
Got my pupils dilating
The heartbeats had to increase
Smiles exchanged but words minced
I should have brushed it off
Or progressively cancelled the thoughts
Ain't stuck in a fantasy
Though it got into my head

Wonder why I've got to overcome
But the heart's got to be guarded
Jealously protected to keep my mind at peace
The feedback doesn't count
Infatuations aint meant to last
What's to be blown away by the wind
Never worth chasing after

So I surrender to time
To wash it all away
That sanity may have its place
And risks of losing the handsome friend lowered
The beautiful friendship to blossom
One to be cherished for a lifetime
Joyful BiteNGO Jul 2015
Here I am laying down,
aint amused, bored & lonely...
N it all multiplies as I keep devicing
my own ways to chase it away.

Oh.. I don't deserve this..
I'm the happy girl
How can my day be gloomy?
In need of a means to chase this..away.

Then you remind me..
I'm the one who moved away.
From your presence arrogantly.
Here I am learning the hard way.

Yearning to draw nearer now.
Its cold out here
Deafening loneliness
Pure sadness, it has to end today!

My joy, peace & spot in ur presence..
I claim back, the world has no place 4 me
And my heart sings gladly
For Jesus in ur presence I'm here to stay.
#lonely #noMore #Joyful #Peaceful #InHisPresence
Joyful BiteNGO Jul 2015
The chances of finding a love thts true
Where it seems next to impossible
Crazily minimal, so I should count myself favored
A love tht uplifts me when everything's weighing me down
Loving that draws me closer n closer to my creator
Love that maximises on the strength n less on my unending flaws
Loving thts unseasonal, timeless..for ever <3
Sacrificial & fully committed.
True love fueled by the Savior Himself.
Great blessing it is.
#Love #Blessed
Joyful BiteNGO Jul 2015
Amidst of all my oppositions,
My every trouble.
You say I should be still.
Even when my heart's constantly yearning,
to rush to its own way without reasoning
Despite the unending dissapointments..
I know I should be still.
Be still my heart,
Wait patiently upon the Lord.
#HeartAffairs #Life #ChristMyStrength
Joyful BiteNGO Mar 2015
What love is this that forgiveness's always granted even undeservingly
Loving despite the scars and burdens I carry
A love that sees beyond my flaws

A love that covers my multitude of sins
This love that grants me power to command my future
A love that leaves me restored but not wounded
Love that stirs me up bringing forth greatness

The love of God
Irreplaceable at all costs
Who else would die on a cross for me
Yeah! Love that found me when I knew Him not
He loves you and me, all the same.
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