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Mikaila Oct 2013
"Hi, Therese."
I say it when I go to water my plants in the sunny window
And there stuck in the cords of my dreamcatcher
I notice the little husks of the white flowers you picked for me
Back when the nights weren't even that chilly.
I feel it all again,
And now that I have forgiven your utter silence I have no defense
Against my need to connect.
And the words spill out-
"Hi, Therese."
And it's really not much at all,
Except that they continue in my head all day long.
When I pass by a spot where I saw you
Or when something momentarily triggers a memory
In my head,
"Hi, Therese."
Soft and wistful and more tender than I would like to admit.
Sometimes at night before I go to sleep,
I rest my fingers on the crumbling pedals of those flowers
Just softly,
So that none of their dust trickles down the wall,
And I say to you the things I imagine people say to God before they sleep.
I have never been one for God.
He has never been one for me, either,
And so I have come to see divinity in people, instead.
It isn't a choice, really,
It's just that when I am in dire circumstances, sad, or lonely,
I do not speak to the sky,
I speak to the memory of somebody I would blot it out for.
Sometimes I am ashamed.
But the effect you've had
Reverberates through my life in waves.
I can't explain just why,
Just like I can't explain why I've never thought there was a heaven.
(i found it in your arms. i found hell there, as well. i think they are
two sides
of the same coin.)
I only know that I cannot hold loving you.
It spills out of me at random little times,
And pulls at my carefully mended seams,
And tugs on my carefully chained heart.
So sometimes when I walk into my room and it's sunny and quiet
And I stand by the window watching green leaves eat up the light,
I say very quietly,
"Hi, Therese."
And I feel a little bit less upended.
And really
What choice have I but to speak to you like you're God
When you are as absent
And as essential?
Mikaila Feb 2015
"Oh I know her, she's pretty." Yes, isn't she? Someone else giving you a passing compliment lights my heart up and snuffs it out in the same second. I see your eyes, your smile, and I miss you excruciatingly.
Yes, isn't she?
nivek Jan 2015
Roses sing their colours
loud with joy.
as she walks around the garden,
St Therese strews her promise,
"to send roses from heaven"
Mikaila Nov 2014
Where we live the sun is green.
The birds are singing and the ocean is shining.
But it's okay because we forgot how to feel.
And then the ice cream started to melt.
Because you need so much time to write.
(And I love listening to you sing.)
She wrote every other line and folded the paper over. I did the same.
I've never loved anybody this ******* much.
Mikaila Apr 2014
The rain is making the grass grow thick
And blossoms push through the bark of every tree
And the wind is warm
And the ground is sighing its relief
Because you are home
And home is
Kate Eddy Apr 2019
Do you remember when we first met?
That day I yet to forget,
I sat at a table staring ahead
While not a word to me was ever said.

Then suddenly you had come on by,
Deciding it was worth giving me a try,
We were soon friends before I knew,
I realized that there wasn't a thing I wouldn't do for you.

And every year on fall festival day,
By you is where I'd always stay,
With joy so pure-all could see
That there was nowhere else I'd rather be.

And that is how it always went,
With you Therese my time I'd spent,
Never had I dreamed this would end,
I always thought I could face all God would send.

A cross I've carried 4 long years
Is if this misunderstanding is not cleared,
I will have lost a precious treasure,
I will of lost you Therese-my friend forever.

For me this foreshadowing always looms overhead,
So on careful grounds I've continued to tread,
And until I can make this right
I will always do my best to continue this fight.

This is why I do not go,
For I can not let any pain show,
It'll only prove I can't move on
Or accept the fact that my friend is gone.
I hope that this will eventually reach my friend. Therese I'm so sorry. I hope you can one day forgive me. Therese Holeman--this is to show you what I've turned into since that day four years ago. From Kate.
Mikaila Mar 2014
When you dream of somebody you love,
Sleep until noon.
Sleep until you can't keep your eyes closed anymore.
There is no winter sunlight better than a smile you thought you'd forgotten.
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Marie Thérèse Walter, an imaginative tale.

Marie Thérèse lifted up her golden hair
And placed a clip on the left to hold back a fringe.
She came through the city of Paris, in the hot sunshine wearing simple sandals
And a Summer dress.
At the door of her lover's house she paused,
Wondering wistfully how he would greet her.
Would she find him laden with canvas
Impatient for her love or her pose.
He was an artist, fabulously famous,
Married, with son, to a noble woman.
She was his mistress at seventeen.
The thing from which he drew inspiration.
That moved her to tears.
On a street in Paris whilst shopping,
Browsing the Galleries Lafayette,
They had met by chance in an instance,
Her face attacking his skin.
Tall, athletic and graceful,
A beauty with Grecian profile,
Fascinated, he was, by her movement,
The space between her eyes.

Unhindered by his pronouncement,
She offered to model there in;
And so began the beginning,
Of changes,
That altered art from within.
The price of art is expensive,
Its development claims many lives,
For Marie Therese it was lonely,
After Picasso said goodbye.
She lived with their daughter,
Maya, born out of love,
But ten years of giving,
Only made her sad.
After he died,
She knew, her time had come.
Knowing the world was empty
With his power gone.

Love Mary xxxx
Tim Gronek Sep 2013

I never know when they will appear
I am always pleasantly surprised when one is near
Their color, their beauty, their shape and form
Are all individually unique as they are born

Sprouting and budding all over the bush
There is more room needed so one bud needs to push
The wind comes along and the bush begins to bend
Making more room for the buds-there is no end

First one opens, then two, and three
Their petals are just bursting to be set free
Here comes number four, five and six
Adding even more color to the already beautiful mix

Their beauty is in stark contrast to their many thorns
Their scent fills the air once they are born
Such beauty and elegance are not to be missed
Make sure smelling the roses is on your list

ST Therese knows the value of the rose
She places them near us as we doze
When we awake and see one of these special flowers
Know that ST Therese has been by-taking our grief away with kindness and power
Mikaila Apr 2014
Every time I see a photo of you
I think you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
And every time I see your face in person
I realize that you are so much more than even
Mikaila Nov 2014
When I was 14
I loved a girl named Amanda.
She swore she'd die for me.
She held my hand.
I never kissed Amanda:
She was with a boy named John.
For 3 years, we burned together like a flame,
Never touching.
And then one day, she understood, and ran away.
She loved me,
And I loved her,
And she ran away.

Then I found Mickey.
She did touch me.
When we kissed I felt gravity shift
And so did she.
And we held on,
We held on as hell rained down
We held on and hurt each other.
We bled
We fought
We loved
We reached for one another
With a need so immense it destroyed.
We fell apart
And then fell back together inevitably, involuntarily.
I looked at her like she was my god.
She looked at me like I was her judgement.
Eventually there came a time when there was nothing she could not hurt me with
And my love for her became an accusation in her eyes.
She ran, too. She boiled herself in guilt
And threw the scalding remnants in my face,
And I was blind,
And I loved her
And she loved me
And we never spoke

Therese kissed me on her anniversary with Nick.
I'd never had anyone look into my eyes
With such joy.
She broke down my resistance
Melted it.
When she touched me I shook.
I told her I loved her
And I saw a craving in those eyes
For exactly what I offered
And it
Leveled me with longing.
We danced for months, for nearly a year.
She would kiss me in the dark on the little bridge by the lake
And tell me she shouldn't
And kiss me again as if she couldn't stop.
I drowned in her.
If I could have pried my ribs open and offered her my heart,
I would have.
I said things to her
That shocked me.
I kissed her palms.
And she looked at me with those eyes
Full of joy.
Slowly, she opened before me like a rose,
She told me who she was.
She showed me what she hid.
And then one night
We sat at her kitchen table drinking ***** with juice
And we said everything.
She showed me her diary
That she keeps in fear that she will forget who she is.
It said, "Galaxies" on the inside cover.
She'd never shown anyone before.
She kissed me, she tucked my hair behind my ear,
She smiled at me,
And every time my heart broke with love I saw it hit her
Like a kiss, like a drug.
She held my hands, said they were beautiful
Said she wished she had hands like that
And I said take them
And she saw me mean it.
She took a black pen and wrote "Galaxies" on my left thumb,
Right next to the scar I got the day after Mickey left.
Later we pressed our skin together as if it could make us the same,
And I have never felt so safe or so whole.
She was like velvet
And through everything her eyes held that joy that squeezed my heart.
I knew she was afraid.
She was afraid because she felt it when I touched her.
She felt it when I loved her,
And she wanted it
Too much.
And so when she said she couldn't,
I already knew.
I haven't heard from her in a very long time.
She loves me.
I love her too.
And she may not come back.

Love is not told by touching.
Love is not told by kindness.
Love is not told by staying or going.
Love has no caveats, no clock, no rules.
Love is.
Love is in the eyes: They never lie.
It doesn't matter how chaste,
How cruel,
How brief.
Love is.
It is not required to be joyful, or easy.
Love is not bound to give

What is love.
Can one just walk away?

(In response to Victoria Kelleher's poem "Love")
christmas power

i am talking about greame thorne’s only TV performance, you see it was show

called christmas power at elizabeth bay and it was hosted by john bradley, you see john brought

10 young performers in to sing christmas carols to celebrate the reason for this day

and it was set out to be an annual TV event every christmas event, but it never made

it to the 2nd year, so here we go

john’  welcome to christmas power, a show to celebrate the magic of christmas and

i will bring in 10 performers to each sing their favourite christmas carols

first up here is kenny butler aged 11 singing silver bells

he sang it well and said at the end, how about that

john’  thanks kenny and let’s see how mrs santa claus is going, here is therse berlin with mrs santa claus

and therese sang that song with absolute grace and beauty and then john introduced, greame thorne (me)

and tim mcgrath, and they will sing silent night, and they blew away the crowd so beautifully and then

after that, the next singer was bert somers with i am sending a letter to santa claus, and every note was

played so great, and then john bradley sang jingle bells and rudolph the red nosed reindeer as santa came

out to say hello to everyone on tv australia’s first christmas show, and as santa left the stage, john brought

greg harrison out to sing hi ** silver lining and he sang that so great, he was asked by church groups to

do future shows and then john bradley brought daryl simmons comes on stage to sing away in a manger

and drove the crowd completely wild and got a standing ovation and then john bradley brought out harry stone

aged 12 and he sang we wish you a merry christmas and greame thorne(me) came out to sing good tidings we

bring to you and your king, and harry got audience participation as well as a standing ovation

john brought out the 8 th singer madelline rupert, aged 5, with white christmas, and yeah mate yeah

this was the greatest version ever, and maddeline was amazed with all the crowd really cheering her performance

and now john bradley brought out the 9th singer 10 year old jacob stone, brother of harry, and he sang

jolly old st nicholas, and everyone joined in singing and gave him a standing ovation, and then john

introduced molly ringwould to sing the christmas list, and this was a very moving performance and blew the

crowd away and at the end she got a standing ovation, and now, it was time to announce the christmas power award winner

and they rolled the drums, and therese berlin won the award, and they gave her a plaque and $500, and

this was the end of the first and last version of christmas power and there is no real proof of this show as the

tape was stolen and thrown out to sea, pretty much what happened to greame thorne (me), so there isn’t proof

but i remember this was an excellent previous life memory i have, and
Mikaila Dec 2014
It's 2 am
And something familiar inside me spreads its wings
And ***** drunkenly against the windowpanes,
The ceiling fan
The moldings.
And I do not know how to tell it
There is no out.

It's you, isn't it?

No, it can't be, you can't linger like this.
Not safe-
You are not allowed
In here.
You are not allowed to snare me in beauty and complexities and answers
And make me feel.
I'm not sure you know
Your words stick around after you have gone.
They course through me, filling up my bones
And try to force their way back out through my skin
My fingertips
My lungs.
And I try
To be still.

Something about who you are upsets the balance of me
And the thing I have learned to cage stretches and begins to press out,
Having heard the echoes of permission to exist.

I've swallowed a thunderstorm like a pill
And it has seeped into every vein and capillary
And made it all chaotic and full of motion.
My skeleton hums and vibrates like a struck tuning fork.
I am aware of the power in me and it demands release
And I have no answer for it
Like always.

I have no answer for you,
Go back to sleep.
Your screams would break my bones
Your song would still my heart
Your embrace would crumble me to dust.
I have no answer for you,
For if you emerge we are both finished.

It shudders.

I shudder.

And all of me except my body rises up an inch
And crashes back down like the tide.

I think of how I always end up painting with my fingers
No matter how many brushes I have
Because I need to feel the colors.
I think of holding hands briefly
As a child
With a beautiful, silent marble statue in the museum
And enduring the rebuke for wanting to feel its skin.
I think of the moment before a kiss, when I'm so close I can feel the heat of her lips
And how I have to pause there and let that moment smolder
Even though it adds to a longing that will not diminish with contact
Only grow.

Whatever lives in here with me writhes and reaches for the inky black windows and the whitewashed fields beyond.

I think of Ellen wiping her friend's tears away with her thumb- a tenderness I'd never seen in my life until then.
I think of pressing Therese's palm to my cheek and wishing with all my heart that I could give her every breath I'd ever taken.
I think of you kissing the scars of a girl you didn't know.

The idea of it
That unnameable moment of rising
Undoes something inside me
And the house fills up from the basement to the eaves with what I can't rein in.
It consumes me, it drowns me.
I forget where the surface is.
I forget that there is a surface.
I leave the house and fill the sky,
My fingers sifting through the cold velvet of night
Desperately searching for an answer,
For an assurance that, somewhere, this longing has a limit
And will not engulf the universe with its agony of feeling,
Forever hungry to the point of pain.

I find no edge.
Is this freedom? Is this the last moment?
Is it
To hurt?

And then
Just as suddenly
It all returns to me at once
Slams into my chest
And my temples itch with electricity:
Once again I hold the tension of every wish I never dared to speak.

I turn out the light.
"She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something." - Eleanor & Park
Mikaila Feb 2014
Dear Therese,

I don’t wear my glasses anymore.
Seems insignificant, right?
But I walk around this place
Unable to see beyond conversation-distance
And unwilling.

I don’t wear my glasses anymore
I don’t put in my contacts,
I just walk around, half blind.

And it might seem like a silly thing to write a poem about,

You’re not here.

I don’t wear my glasses
Because I know I won’t see you.
I know that if I search ten faces on the way by
Or a hundred
I will never find yours,
No matter what.

I don’t wear my glasses

Terry Collett Jan 2014
His wife said, you’re too
Nice to people, too

**** nice, you ought to
Be like Rocky; he

Don’t take no **** from
People, he tells them

Where to get off and
Is down their throats far

Quicker than they can
Say, boo boo, but you,

You’re just too nice, you
Even open doors

For dames and give them
The big friendly smile,

And give them the bright
Eyed sparkle. He let

His wife’s words float on
By like butterflies,

Focussed on the art,
His word management,

Giving form to his
Notions, painting out

Scenes, putting plots to
New ideas, and for

Another thing, his
Wife added, what’s with

The dame in the ****
Photos everywhere?

Who’s she? In the frame
By the bed, on your

Cell phone, tucked away
In your pocket book?

Are you some kind of
Religious fruit? He

Looked at his wife (she
Was a looker, had

A nice face and cute
***) and watched her mouth

Move, saw her tongue, like
Some small snake go in

And out and how fine
Her eyes were in the

Morning sun, how they
Shone some, and he said,

You know, your mouth moves
Quite prettily, your

Lips, they’re like parting
Thighs and how I just

Love the way your head
Tilts slightly to one

Side just like some odd
Inquisitive bird,

And by the way, the
Dame in the photos

Is St Therese, and
She’s just there to bring

Me comfort and to
Remind me how pure

And heaven sent a
Woman can be and

That there is more to
Women than meets the

Eye, but his wife stood
And shook her head, and

Not another word
By his wife was said.
2010 POEM.
Rose Dec 2011
i'll just let the words fall out
of my fingertips

i can't believe
that baby.
and me,
silly therese
would give anything
to trade places
and raise him right

i read
somewhere on the internet (so
who knows how true
this will prove) they are
planning to add
fertility control agents
to our water supply

just going to poison us all,
it's no big deal
i can't help but wonder
what the **** these up-
standing americans
are thinking
                                                       ­       we ****** 3,000 babies a day

last year, alone
those "providers of the alternative"
(an alternative which soon will be mandatory-
providers of communist limitations)
made one billion dollars in revenue
and here i am, living off of cereal
with a side of
they-must-feel-bad-for-us food
thanksgiving left overs

we are guinea pigs
i feel
there is no one looking out for us
"the number of children a woman wishes to have is up to her
with no interference from the gov'ment"
dear mr president said that,
(well, something along those lines
i've never been very good at verbatim)
then he put sterilizers in the reservoirs

i'm going to bring a child into this world
some day
and the government won't know he exists
although i'm sure that by then
we won't have a government
we will be in chaos
and unsure

not no one looking after us
"Johnson's position on abortion took a drastic shift after seeing an ultrasound of a 13-week-old unborn baby struggling for life inside the mother's womb before being killed... and later turned pro-life. The abortion provider initially got a gag order on her to keep her from disclosing inside information about the questioned organization's practices.";=372681&fb;_source=message
Rose Nov 2011
I will not stand
To be any less than
A necessity.
You need me to live.
Go on,
Say it.

Fast forward to
Frozen leaves in the pond -
Cold takes the life from you
and the small fish -
I should be down there with you,
Like we promised

Did you hear, we're breaking news!
and can you hear the children on the loose?
They are skating their blades
Over where you lay-
I often imagine you
Weighted down by your own panic and regret
Little to do with the stones I've tied you to
Reaching your empty hands towards me
Gasping, pleading, needing

This world turns me and the air
Into thin ice - striking and stinging
Like a smack in the face
I'll always be able to find you
Underneath, at least

Oh, my lover at the bottom of the water
Frozen face in the contortion of "Therese!"
I didn't think I was capable, physically
But what strength love has left me!
They can't see what I've done,
and you're not missing anything
Don't worry.
SassyJ Jan 2017
I came to your hometown team
inserted in hallucinatory dreams  
inspired sweaty with fused realms
Is it real that you stole Mona Lisa?
At the heart of Louvre in 1911
Is it true that you sneaked her?
was it for a muse or a lover to use?

She would have viewed you sideways
then make love to you at the coffee table
Her beauty enthralled yours in entirely
blending on easel with pencil onto a canvas
Her palate would have swooned your palette  
Her very kiss would have paralyzed in ecstasy
abducting your perpendicular in angular zones

Then you framed it on Guillaume Appollinaire
The poet play wright whom face you just forgot
under the oath, in the sweet name of freeing art
from the prisons of extortionate museums fixtures  
the same exhibitions holding your name and fame
charging fees for a walk around the rhythm of art
a melody not each an every artist will be granted

You made the goddesses and then reduced them to dust
Fernanda soothed the childhood nightmares to lust
Olga the ballerina whom you couldn't share the assets
Marie-Therese the 17year old who hang herself to death
Dora Maar who fought so hard to get your affection
Francoise who left law school for your immortalisation
Jacqueline your passion who you wooed with a dove
Art is a lie that makes us realise the truth (Pablo Picasso)
Reflections after a visit to Pablo Picasso Museum Malaga (38 collections). I wrote a more positive one  on the visit to the Pablo Picasso Museum in France now deleted but will repost....

— The End —