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Tim Gronek Oct 2013

It starts with thoughts from the past
Sort of like a play with a violent cast
You never know how it will begin
All you know is you can never win

The actors turn out to be people you know
They consistently hurt you when you are low
There are put downs and fights to lower your self esteem
They become common place and can bring you to your knees

Your body looks for ways to deal with the impending pain
It’s one of the only ways you just might remain sane
Like a hot kettle with its lid about to blow
You have to let the pain out before you explode

First one tear, followed by tears two and three
Streaming down your face setting the pain free
Pretty soon a flood of tears start to fill your weary eyes
Much like the heaviest rain that is going on outside

Let them fall, let them come as much as you can
Don’t try to stop them thinking crying isn’t for a man
A good long cry can release the pain you feel
While at it, there’s a good chance you might begin to heal
Tim Gronek Oct 2013

It’s difficult to be invisible to most
I have become quite adept living as a ghost
I never felt wanted as a child
There were feelings of pain that weren’t so mild

Being the middle child you get lost in the mix
Like an old watch that loses time with each one of its ticks
You pinch yourself just to make sure you are alive
It feels like the sting of a bee from a nearby hive

Yes, you are definitely alive and real
Why is it others cannot tell how you feel
Sitting all alone curled up in a ball
I just want to be recognized; that’s all

Throw me the ball just once I say
Don’t pick me last when it comes time to play
I am here in front of you waving my arms as much as I can
It’s no use, you still don’t see me the way I had planned

I’ve learned to deal with being hurt and left out
It comes from years of crying no doubt
If I could ask for just one thing as I pray
It’s for someone to finally listen-I have much to say
Tim Gronek Oct 2013

I cannot hold things in much longer-this I know
All feelings of anxiety, anger and fear must go
I sit on the edge of my bed just wondering how
Having an urge to get rid of these feelings right now

But, how, what am I to do
I need to think things through
In time an idea will come to me
That will set these horrible emotions free

Suddenly, I look down and see a box on the floor
What it contains is a single item and nothing more
I lift the box and bring it up to the bed
I do it very quietly and nothing at all is said

The box contains a knife that is brand new
I open it and stare at it knowing what I must do
I take the knife out while opening its blade, too
I could feel the adrenalin rushing-this was nothing new

First one cut, then two as they started to bleed
The release of pent up emotion is what I need
I get a tissue to soak up the blood that I see
It’s through these cuts my hidden emotions are finally set free
Tim Gronek Sep 2013

Is anyone ever truly happy or content?
Just as one thing goes right another is apt to go wrong
Setting one back further on the road from which he came
Taking the proper steps back can seem, oh, so very long.

Yet, we travel that road where we started
Over and over again to make all things right
Our determination is bound to get the best of us
We will not fail if we choose to use all of our might

Once we get over that bump in the road
We can continue on in any direction we choose
We’ll never know what is in store for us next
Stepping carefully forward-we have nothing to lose

Yes, we may trip, fall, or even get lost
But, we must continue walking on this particular road of ours
As the good Lord wanted us to use it to move forward
Knowing we’d be carrying our heaviest burdens hour after hour

When we fall, He will be there to pick us up
He built the road so He knows where we will falter
He will get us safely to the end of our road
As long as we worship Him at the foot of His altar!
Tim Gronek Sep 2013

I never know when they will appear
I am always pleasantly surprised when one is near
Their color, their beauty, their shape and form
Are all individually unique as they are born

Sprouting and budding all over the bush
There is more room needed so one bud needs to push
The wind comes along and the bush begins to bend
Making more room for the buds-there is no end

First one opens, then two, and three
Their petals are just bursting to be set free
Here comes number four, five and six
Adding even more color to the already beautiful mix

Their beauty is in stark contrast to their many thorns
Their scent fills the air once they are born
Such beauty and elegance are not to be missed
Make sure smelling the roses is on your list

ST Therese knows the value of the rose
She places them near us as we doze
When we awake and see one of these special flowers
Know that ST Therese has been by-taking our grief away with kindness and power
Tim Gronek Sep 2013

Sable is lying on top of me digging into me with her claws
This can only mean morning is here as she swipes me with her paw
Get up Daddy- It’s time to go on our walk
That’s what she’d be saying if she could only talk

Misty Grace is watching all of this unfold
She lets Sable do the ***** work if the truth be told
We’re hungry and it’s time to rise and shine
Get up now or we will all be behind

Half asleep I get up and start my day
My two little girls just want me to play
It takes food to quiet them both down
Misty barks; Sable cries-welcome to my world of morning sounds

I grab the leash and call out Misty’s name
It’s time for our walk-every morning is the same
Misty takes the lead as Sable takes up the rear
The three of us walking-our destination is near

I look up to the sky seeing the sunrise with all its beauty
As Misty Grace and Sable take care of their morning duties
God has painted a beautiful sunrise with the stroke of a single brush
As we enjoy it, the three of us realize we are no longer in a rush!
Tim Gronek Sep 2013

As I enter the park I see this majestic tree
All alone standing there so very strong and free
It’s as though a magnet draws me there
Knowing I have a weary soul to bare

I think of the generations of people it has served
Standing there with its many limbs being so curved
Kids playing, shade offered, picnics beneath
Dogs sniffing, grabbing a scent from the grass underneath

What this tree must have seen in all these years
Children climbing, lovers underneath sharing their tears
Drug deals, dogs fighting, random ***
Never knowing what it might see next

This strong humble tree is over one hundred years old
It holds a multitude of secrets if all be told
It never makes a sound as it stands there all alone
Unless the wind stirs up causing some wonderful tones

I can go to this tree to meditate and escape my daily life
While others have come to it to carve their initials with a pocket knife
Whichever you choose this old tree will be there for you
Just walk on over to it- You have nothing to lose
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