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SelinaSharday Jun 2018
Flowing up to the surface
Submerged under the waters..
Chocking gasping for a bit of air..
swollowing.. suffocating.. On Life..
Just can't even imagine the reasons behind the tragedies...
Of what evils lurks in earthly places..
With the ability to rearrange and change peoples faces.
After all the hearing and the witnessing.
The feelings and the knowings.
All the seeing of evils news....
I didnt realize I was chocking emotions deeply bruise.
Anxiety snatching the ability to breath where its comfortable..
Breath normally..
Panic sneaks its way in..makes me uncomfortable in my skin.
Pulse rushing pulsating.
All of a sudden the sheer emotion of losing.
Can't see another day lighting the way..
Soul feels the falling when you realize
there's so much suffering..
Arms gone limp all passed out..From the exhaustion.
This is when God holds yah in His arms.
Calming down irregular heart beats.
God breaths His air into you. His breath is your air..
as he breath Life back into you.
Resuscitate He is the air you breath.
Without Him you can't breath there's no air without Him.
He pulls you up to this worlds surface..
This worldly ocean called life.
Where day by day moments felt like drowning.
He gives you inspiration and sets within you a song.
Tells you to keep holding on..
The ocean is still there
but for now..I have been brought up to the surface.
hear it on soundcloud copy n paste link below
S.A.M @h.e.r 2018
resurface again
Awesome Annie May 2017
I speak for him
in  soft  whispers
delicate annunciations
     that linger
on my   craving   lips.

I lust for him
With   trembling   hands
    of feeling him
under my   eager   palms.  

I breathe for him
  in   breathless  gasps
startled by    his   disposition
   inhale and
swollowing profound ecstasy.

I hope for him
When   his  world
bleak and desolate
      Amity discovered
a beacon of   immense   light.  

I love for him
beyond   comprehension
and far   past    reason
this rectified heart to beat
   for him.
Ameerah Holliday Aug 2011
Your body is a story
waiting to be told.
Secrets unanswered,
treasuses unknown.

Your mind is a temple
treated with respect.
Undying intrest, unknown

Mystery and magic your
soul screams a release.
As mine is trapped in yours
echo, shattering my peace.

Endless screams of sorrow,
flow through you with fear.
Shattering waking moments,
swollowing back tears.

Dreaming dead, you never wake
And you can never see.
Trapped, darker parts
Forever in misery.

You dream in hope through
mystic fog, a cloud of life.
I die. Painfully. Forgotten
part of your never-ending strife.

Dreaming dead you'll always be,
and so forever shall I.
Waiting for the moment
My memories will die.
She follows the sun as it rises
in the morning sky
her hair blowing through the winds
caressing her skin and down her
body to her feet
as they run in the sand

sweating and panting she staggers and
falls into soft tender arms and is laid down
and kissed until she is breathless still

the smell of wildflowers is all around her as
she looks above her to see the sparkling sun
and sees not what is caressing her
melting her into a stupor

blinking she tries hard to see and feel what
has her captured and swollowing her
so deeply into a sensual fantasy while she hears
the sounds of water and the smell of those wildflowers

she must remember this place so that she may come
back to this land and swelter in it's glory
with the sky beaming down on her warming her

That's it,it's the sun that has warmed me and left me
to dwell in it's splender and joy.
Underneath the morning sun, those wildflowers
will never fly from my senses.
Coptright@2010 By Madeline C. Baxter
Ellyn k Thaiden Mar 2014
The windows to your world
Start to slowly close shut
Fingers move less nimbily
Brain clicks into auto pilot

As the world gyrates around you
You stay perfectly still
The noise is distant, miles away
Almost an out of body ordeal

Your feline or canine friend
Snuggled close to youd back
Pillows surround the body
Thoughts drifting more and more of track

Floating into the darkness
Upward into the sky
You ponder your life
And ask the important questions like "why?'

Finally it engulfs you
Swollowing you whole
Mr. Sand Man's job is done
And he has checked off all his goals
Andrew Siegel Jun 2016
I called you honey bun
and you gave me ample sample
of what sweet felt like
on heart and tongue
You knew just how to please me

Simple sweat and glaze amaze
smiles and tears and soft elbows in nooks
Sunshined through your dress on days
rattled and shook my pans with a look
You showed me what it meant to want

Honeyed lips and slick with oil
Our hot crossed hours heaven spent
Tender meat and blood boil
Your flaxen strands like peppermint
All of your spices made me weak

You called me bread maker
Working the dough I didn't knead
Sifted and shook me like a Quaker
Swollowing flesh and core and seed
Then slipped on your apron and walked out my door
Faizel Farzee Oct 2019
The hopeless dark of the world is slowly swollowing
It's attempting to posses my numbing soul
Lustfully beckoning like a lost lover's embrace
Whispered honeyed voices calling screamingly
Ive Searched every locked prism within my mind
Behind every burning thought
Sadness and loneliness is all that could find

My happiness is shedding sorrowed tears
Stained by the fight of life
Drowning in oceans of hidden fears.
True feelings with every step that I take
Knowing it brings us closure but not devoid of hate
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Deep down we yell
Screaming for a love
Some will never get
Dragged around are feet we walk
Heads are below are chest
Yerning for company
Swollowing are throats
Sarounded by the world and yet
We get more attention. From a plant
No one is around me but many are near
Hurting in so many ways
It shows out load and clear
People ask but don't listen
Turned away cause its not what they wanted to hear
Fake smiles and silky talk
But inside we don't get it are selves
Its just the way it is
Some people just have it
Sadness is in their blood

— The End —