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Simon Clark Aug 2012
How relaxing to sit aboard a small row boat,
Amidst the wide blue ocean,
When suddenly from the salty depths,
There is a stiring potion,
Tiny rings of air are danced up to the surface,
And suddenly a fin appears,
That slender body and delicate stroke,
The kindest sight my eyes have encountered for years.
written in 2009
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
My heart in form of a dimminished sword all rusted throu and pitted with age, found entrenched within an anvil upon a stone.
Lonely eons pass me by, awaiting for fair damsels touch from far away fay Avalon.  
I sense a presence both near and far, it sets my iron core pulsing deep and strong, to feel life stiring within me once more.
Her touch is all it takes to awaken  fully the restored magic and more, to set my heart a gleamming to see me free to be held close.
We quest togeather to slay foul beasts, and right great wrongs of injustice done across the land. To make togeather an epic poem that sings true for generations to come.
The stuff that legends become.
jennifer ann Aug 2014
Bailey sat at the kitchen table. stiring her coffee and staring out of a ***** bay window at an old apple tree covered in snow. "i guess that all of the birds have flown south for the winter." she sighed, hugging herself as the cold wind blew through her. "who cares about those disgusting rats with wings anways?" jacob rolled his eyes and guzzled his coffee down, finishing it all with one big gulp. "i do, they're beautiful." bailey argued. "you used to love birds." she continued. "i used to love birds... before you started feeding them all of the bread." jacob complained with a playful smile. "besides i love voltures and falcons." he smiled. "i feed the birds old bread that nobody wants... and of course you do." B ailey shook her head, grinning from ear to ear.
im going to start writing a short horror story in my free time. i hope u like it.
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
Singing along to the music,
Dancing around in the crick,
Frolicking in the moonlight,
Acting stupid 'cause it's night
And nobody can hear us,
Because the trees wisper "hush,"

Circling the bonfire
Of twigs and sticks,
Fuel to the desire,
To test out some drinks,
Because nobody will hear,
The trees still wisper "hush,"

We'll fall to the ground,
In drunken mounds,
Not stiring till noon,
Even that's too soon,
We hear leaves swaying,
The trees are wispering "hush,"

We drink some more,
And then there are four
Of us still standing,
'Till we start puking,
And the world goes dark,
And the trees wisper "hush,"
Fah Aug 2013
Frogs stand , eyeing the ending oceans touches
             Fruit on shoulder - woman walks in front of tanning visitors from far off places
here to grace the island with beach novels and naps.
       Zip wetsuit , speedboat serenade attempts in vain to drown the roar of ocean and soft coo of dove
nor splash of body in pool or the glimpsed brief conversation in passing from no faced strangers

Low and conspicuous hang the cumulus cloud , or could be base of thunderstorms stiring brew.
          Return , Re - Turn to open ended , natural flow of water lines and bike bells toll , to late night samba and leave the propaganda , tender touches and daytime lunch , with night time conversational munch .
On orders from my younger sister to write what i see , what i feel , what i hear....
written long hand - i'm starting to enjoy this transfer from paper to screen, process of writing evolves  by any means
John B Jul 2019
I'd act as your maypole
An utterance to stir your soul
Meh day at your whims
Say we have gone riding into the echos even throughout the lowlands

The minstrels bello and promenade
Causing youths to parody
Meh day at your whims
Say we have gone riding into the echos even throughout the lowlands

Within and surrounding the loch
Monoliths reach from the heavens and take root
A parcel yet afore we arrive to bare witness
Honest decades passed now we shall bare witness with joy
In A day meh paramour our party will show and you will know we have arrived at your call

I will burn it into meh mind
The energy of your shape across the horizon
And the heavens beyond
Say we have gone riding into the echos even throughout the lowlands

Within and surrounding the loch
Monoliths reach from the heavens and take root
A parcel yet afore we arrive to bare witness
Honest decades passed now we shall bare witness with joy
In A day mah paramore our party will show and you will know we have arrived at your call

Flowing with nimbus a bird of pray scours midgaurd
Caught in torrents a mariner catches fleeting glimpses of midgaurd
Bird of prey stiring air the torrents becomes untenable

Inch toward shore and grasp it to understand it's only soil
With the potential of our end millenarian revelations come within our grasp
However faced with dread nightmares and the vastness of time

I'd act as your maypole
An utterance to stir your soul
I'd act as your maypole
An utterance to stir your soul

Within and surrounding the loch
Monoliths reach from the heavens and take root
A parcel yet afore we arrive to bare witness

I'd act as your maypole
An utterance to stir your soul
Meh day at your whims
Say we have gone riding into the echos even throughout the lowlands
Within and surrounding the loch
Monoliths reach from the heavens and take root
A parcel yet afore we arrive to bare witness
Honest decades passed now we shall bare witness with joy
In A day meh paramour our party will show and you will know we have arrived at your call
Joe Cole Dec 2014
It was the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Not a creature was stiring
Not even a mouse

Because I had already caught him
Colm Aug 2018
The wild sigh
How it wavers and whips
Through the freshly cut sky
No man to see
Or to follow it
As it flees
And it fly's
Like a harvest scythe
Beneath the gentle breeze
It cracks
And whips
Stiring the sleeping mouth beneath
With it's shadowy eyes
How the fisherman
Doth crave the catch
So also does escape
The fly
Whip whip. Roll roll.
Tyler A Sullivan Mar 2018
My mother was worn down
By another fleeting frantic morning
My brother bounced 'round
And erupting with around
Earned himself another scorning

I lay between sleeping soundlessness
And wakeful motion
And me in my restfulness
So comfortable and not yet dressed
Was committed to my devotion

To be obstinate through disruptions
ignoring the turmoil of my mother
my brother's scheming decptions
His  boiling youthful eruptions
the sounds of smacks that fell upon my brother

And me now stiring
Smiled at the swelling scene
And now aware of what was occurring
Laughed with senses keen
And still not prepared
To intervene
Stretched and stared
At the battered fiend
Kaley Dec 2016
I'd rather be blunt then
a serpent stiring up..

Id rather not fit in
To all this madness
To begin with..

Id rather take my chances
To risk what I thinks important..

Id rather tell you why
Then show you lies..

Are the eyes more important
Do you trust what you see?..

Are the ears just as worthy
Do they hear everything perfectly?..

Is your mouth just as innocent
Yet the tounge sharp as a blade..

Is are brain so intelligent
Or do we make mistakes?..

We are only human
but with that being said
Thats No excuse to give up..
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Your sound

Listen each morning,
To the creaking of the bed,
A body turning in its waking;
Cars clip on as the street lights,
Glow colder into day;
I hear the door handle turn,
Feet pad down the stairs,
To the coffee jar and toasted bread;
The aroma drifts upwards,
Stiring my senses.
This familiarity is you,
The person I trust.

For Rog love Mary **
KV Srikanth May 2022
Superstar starring screening
Seconds seem slowing
Surround sound seating
Superlative scenes sustaining
Stagecraft  superior signifying
Spectators Startled  Staggering
Subsequent show seeing
Showstopping skill  showcasing
Suave sartorial  styling
Stunned silence signalling
Spirited  synchrony Soul stiring
ECH Apr 2018
What do you do when
you have so much to say
but don't have the words
to express yourself
thoughts begging to be released
but their efforts continue
to be useless
trapped in the prison
that is my mind
itching to be released
but to no avail

What if you go to find your voice
only to realize
you don't have one
or at least one
that you can find
one that is working

What do you do when you
get lost in those thoughts
fighting to be free
from your own mind
unable to escape
because you have no voice
to release them
so many thoughts and ideas
but nowhere to go
sometimes it feels
like my mind is full of
endless thoughts
and I am afriad of
losing myself within them

What would I do if
I found my voice
would I even recognize it
or would I just stroll
past it like
it is a stranger
not even realizing that
it is what I have
been looking for all along

What do you do
when everyone around
you talks loudly
while you sit beside them
quiet and forgotten
still trying
to find your voice

What do you do when
you have gone with
out saying anything
for so long that
your friends forget
that you even have one
forget that you have
an opinion too

How do you express all
these feelings without a voice
these feelings stiring
around in your head
just waiting to be set free

How will you control
yourself when you actually
find your voice
so much time spent without one
so much time and thoughs
that want their turn
in the spotlight

If I found my voice
would I even
remember how to use it
remember how it works
or would I just
continue on in
life silently
still not saying
anything at all

If I found my voice
would I even want
to use it
or would so much
time have gone by
that I have no
need or want
for it anymore

What if by the
time I found my
voice I had
nothing left to say
all those words
that fought to be free
forgotten and lost
in my mess of a mind

What if I
just stopped
trying to find my
voice and let it
come to me
maybe by the time
it finds me
I will know what it is
that I want to say
Ike E Davis Mar 1
Like him

I am an animal
Let's not forget
You are animals too
We co-habitate
On this rock, of blue
We really have not
Gained any wisdom
Over these ages
of Adam
And how many historical events
Have passed,
and yet ;
We don't learn from them.
I'm blue in the face
From speaking and shouting
"Are any sane people left?"
Crowded, pushing in..on me
No air,, can hardly breathe,
Clawing !
my way forward, just to get some space.
Here there is no footing,  my heels
Begin to slip,
and the more the herds a'stiring, the longer the trip
Looking back over the road ,
broken people are exposed
and lessons Spoken
come out as a belch
Protect yourself,  women and children first.

— The End —