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amme Mar 2018
I imagine a biological plant,
I reach for It but can't touch It beacuse It's only my imagination.

I picture the same plant and reach to grab it but this time It's in 2D.

Now I am holding the plant. I can see and feel It got many features trying to prove itself being realistic but
It got no smell, no dirt, no life. It's just a prop.

Unlike your plant..

I can feel the warmth, the edgy imperfections, the good intentions of your plant.
I can see the healthy strains, the perfect ratio, the water flowing through your plant.
I can smell the unique aroma, the soul essence, natures soil all over your plant.

So I inject my plant with drugs, steriods and testoserone to match yours.
Look at my plant now world!
- Its just GMO'd.
Trying to be real made my plant more fake than It ever was.

How am I supposed to spread my seeds when my plant is so dysfunctional?
It would only create more confused and broken plants and eventually the world would be destroyed.

"Evolution could only come after a revolution"
Is a quote stuck in my brain.
Should I let my plant rot for the better
or should I keep watering It hoping for the best?
I really dont know anymore.
baz Feb 2016
Don’t look at his arms now.
Stiff and swollen, small muscles
curled in like a mountain:
needing someone to open the gym
an hour to workout.
That arm held the weight,
made the ladies say
ripped and attractive.

Don’t think of his heart
behind thick abs flirting
with girls, his voice
drowning in grunts and moans,
his daily routine.

Think of the bodybuilder who slid
3 steriods down scaffolding esophaguses,
every meal,
who stood up to Death the Dealer
for more hits to take on.

Keep him the image of the unhealthy,
straight-backed on the gym floor
in sickness, sighing
from his choice.
Keep his image holding
needles, syringes, and pills,
bringing your heartbeat down
not on the muscle,
your mind’s logic sweeping off fantasies.
Replacement Poem Exercise. From Carole Simmons Oles's "Stonecarver".
Jolene Perron Jan 2011
Have you ever really looked,
at the people all around.
With stories and lives,
their minds profound.

The teen mom,
with a baby on her hip.
Thin and lanky,
bruises and a fat lip.

Struggling to get away,
from the abusive man she's with.
She screams all night long,
"I've had enough!"

And the man, abusing,
the teen with the baby.
He might just be struggling too,
maybe, just maybe.

All he knows is abuse in life,
that's all his father did.
To his mother, all along,
since he was just a kid.

The man in the corner,
sitting alone today.
Wondering if his life,
if it will ever be okay.

His friends, they pressure,
him into the drugs, the steriods.
They tell him "Just one hit,
what are you, scared, boy ? "

The girl down the street,
struggling to fit in.
Her clothes, her looks,
they don't match the other kids.

She's different, she's dark,
and she keeps to herself.
But she wants to be like them,
it's a need she can not help.

Lying beneath the surface,
there is a storm inside.
In him, in her,
even one that is mine.

Everyone struggles,
to be who they are.
To get what they want,
to make it this far.

Have you ever looked,
at the people all around.
Their minds, complex,
their stories, profound.
GailForceWinds Oct 2014
Why is he with her?
How can he profess his love for her after speaking those same words to me just days before...
Yes, I ended it.
Yes, I wanted this.
But how can he be so happy with her...
Did I think I was that special?
She disguises herself as a love guru, displaying their love as a circus, the two of them in the center ring...
The sweetness is making my stomache turn, like cotton candy on steriods...
I have to let the obsession go before it destroys me.
I am at the cirus walking the tight rope... it's getting shaky, my balance is off, I feel myself beginning to fall,
I'm falling into the blackness, but there is no bottom...
I hear the circus music playing as I continue to fall into the darkness which seems endless....
Will I ever stop falling... and if I do, where will I land...

— The End —