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Tom Spencer Jul 2018
white clouds swell up
anvil bloom

a lowering gloom
scuds by

stacatto drops
on the windshield

powerline sway

radio crackle

sheets of tenor sax
and blunt

gusts of cool
I lower the window

and steer
into the storm

Tom Spencer © 2018
Torin Feb 2016
I want to be a sparrow
Not a worry in the world
Just a song to sing
A song of vacillating notes
That comes as natural to me
As breathing

I want to be a sparrow
But instead I'm a crow
Cawing calling to the night
Not a beautiful song with stacatto notes
No music for the soul
But a warning

I am a crow
I am not beautiful
I am not lovely
I am not something lovers write about
Only mythology
A stigma surrounding
A mystery
When I long to be understood

I want to be a sparrow
Because people understand them
A dove, a pigeon
A bird of paradise
An eagle, a hawk
A falcon
But I'm a crow
Sjr1000 Jan 2014
You can't see it
You can't taste it
You can't feel it
Or smell it
But it doesn't mean you
Can't sense it
Know it.

A breeze of moments
A one way street
A steady river
Always the same
Always in a state of change
Only moves in one direction.

Youth and its expansion
Age and its contraction

Time swirls around us
Through us
Dragging us along
One moment taking forever
The next moment
A fading light in the distant past
No wonder of endings I think a lot.

Yesterday 10
Tomorrow 80
Seems like forever
But never really is
In stacatto bits
Of memory
Some true
Some false
Some recovered
Some not at all.

Continuity of self and I
We are
That black hole
Like a galaxy
Down the drain...
Geno Cattouse May 2013
Some squawking and stacatto squeeling a retched
Cry and there you are.
Small bundle covered in a heated bassinette.
The race is on.

One more sent down from central casting.
Two eyes one nose. Two ears two hands and feet. If all is a go.
Make your. Mark son.

Girl interrupted.
Blue as a berry. 6 weeks early.
Premature delivery
Could not be more girly.

My son. My daughter

Two more limbs on the tree.

Up the beanstalk you will climb

To see what you can see.
L Apr 2015
There is struggle in every beginning.
What to write in these blank pages?

We get stuck in every white space we see
We stop in every blank space
We stare
We try to start

Words don't come easy

We struggle for ideas
We fumble for words

The thought process stops.


The ideas flood our brains
The ideas pour
The brain leaks of ideas
But we struggle for structure

For there is none in these blank pages, white spaces
There is none.

We try to achieve form and flow
But there are none
All we have are fragments
of thoughts
of words

It's a stacatto of ideas.

Without rhythm
Without melody
Without harmony
For there are none in these blank pages
There are none in these white spaces

The words
are just lines
are just dots
are just strokes
that will never make sense

In these white spaces
In these blank pages

This beautiful mess.
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
My words make magic happen
Creating potent spells
That conjure the ineffable
And fathom poxy hells
Syntax refines meaning
Meanings deep as wells
Stacatto sound in symphony
A music that appeals
Lyrics that tell the story just right,
Drums that beat along with the heart,
Piano that appeals to the soul,
Guitar that lights up the dark,
Singer that gives the poetry a voice,
Dancer that sways to the sound,
Sound that shares every emotion,
Violins that call to the angels,
Harp that shares the love with everyone,
Flute that hits the highest pitch,
Symphony that's perfectly timed and tuned,
Melody that takes the lead,
Harmony that is depending on the melody,
Crescendo that's sent to the farthest places,
Stacatto that throws the crescendo back,
Forte that is big and bold,
Pianisimo that is nice and calm,
That is the sound of my dream,
That is the feeling of joy,
Music that influences all,
All that influences the music,
Where would the world be,
Without all theses glorious sounds?
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
Existence in its fullest bloom
Sings sweetly out to me
Awakening of Spring a tune
Which knells out merrily

Birds beget stacatto sounds
Their transcendental song
Which rings across the Earth, around
Its ways, up and along

And if you strain you’ll hear the work
Of solitary bees
Vibrating in the background
At a most peculiar frequency

Sharing their sweet treasures
As they circle flowers' girth
A contribution too vast to measure
For they do the work of earth

When thunder shakes the firmament
It riots through my brain
Only stopped by lightning
That heavenly refrain

Where nature dwells songs do swell
The sounds are in the plenty
Ranging from the rancorous
To the sweet and to the dainty

Crescendo of the summer
That noisiest procession
My sad ears dote on its gay notes
Which rise in supersession
Raina Grace Oct 2014
Black clouds hide the very sun
aimless in darkness we run
until, a wonderous sight, we see the light
and waves of growing pain
become stacatto drops of happy rain

somedays down at the beach
the ocean makes a mighty speech
water glistens, people listen
and put away the moment's mind
to ignore the voice of time

come with me
friend of mine
what we cant quite look for
we'll surely find

some nights, silver dreams of silk
from starry skies above are spilt
into a place free from space
where creatures of art are wild
somewhere man becomes child

come with me
and what we'll see
we won't quite know
until we're free
title thanks to Robert Waggoner
Tammy Boehm Sep 2014
You were my quiet chaos
Calm storm in the heart of a girl
You led me skittish
Ungainly beautiful
Like a newborn fawn for you
Lose me in this wilderness
Reminisce that kiss
Lips parted never met
Would you have lingered
Hot and sweet in my mouth
Like green chile praline brittle
Your idiot savant I played
serious for you
Danced in my dreams to your beat
stacatto pulse alone together
But like real magic
You disappeared
Rumors of you
Sleeping under your daddy's truck
same jeans and tees
worn at the knees
Curls tangled around your face
Your eyes that fevered chill
Where earth...
and stars...
and forever collide
I could see beyond infinity
Yet you'd look at me
Soul empty the well dry
was it the ****, the speed or the need
Casual intimacies
I was totally partial to you
Wild inside but you never knew
Left me parched in the pouring rain
The last day
Breath on my cheek
Words you didn't speak
My skin craves you hugging me fierce
Dreams broken they slip away
Aching for a second chance
Stinging question lingers in my brain
Will you kiss me
You'll never ask again...
TL Boehm
for Chris Martinez
Chris was a drummer in HS. He was a reclassified senior and I was a junior. We recruited him into our "garage band that never was" only to find that he was pretty much "gone" for all his talent. He dropped out of school and broke my little cheesy heart. He asked me to kiss him once. I told him no....end of story...
Evi Dent Halo Sep 2017
In: is taste
Adventure and pain,
Anthraxian paste.


Entreat. What a treat
Treat take, speak in slur
Speak high pitched, and poised like verb.


And be a being-
Taste the granules my good sir.


Why in place
Of talk and words
Can leaves appear, and usurp their roles?


Unconnected, perfected in posture
Stand tall as statue in excellent valkra.


Moulding our children
Our wives and women
Our sons-
And silent heathens we hold within.


Capped soul,
Capped soul.
Effect: brushed with steal wool.


Biases become belief
Dreams- reality
And still reliant upon it.


"It" is the driving force in our lives
We cant let go or compromise
Always controlling, for joy- for pain
Pulsating fever, in brain
Pulsating stacatto
A memory always wiped away-
(Or manufactured, for a brighter day.)


Mercy on us
Another arrives
To cure your new self/served alibi.
(White coat wizard
Bless me I tell...)
Bless me I tell...


All of my,
Feet are sick
From walking these plains
These cold hard ******
The road is rough
In this city white...
This city so stark white...


Inside, they all seem alive!
But its a waking dream
Glazed over eyes.
(Vertical dismemberment,)
No more trash pail
This whole land is a landfill.
(Theme: the pill)
FINV "Capped Soul." v5 (6/6/17-7/22/17) by E. D. Halo
It's a seldomly funny story
You went toe to toe
With me, perceiving me as a foe
But your efforts turned out like the desolate terrain below
Barren and forgotten
All this brovado
But you couldn't accumulate a following like Demi Lovato
I'm going in Stacatto
You're still out of tune
It gets deeper in June
In my eyes it's always Noon
I biffercate the time of day
But I act the same
I'm a beast people attempt to tame
But they just blame
I saw them before they came
You can be won over and think I'm lame
But I don't need to worry
I got my own story
I wish people would stop trying to plagiarize
It shouldn't take a lawsuit for them to realize
It's not right
These minds aren't as bright
As they tell themselves
They barely know themselves
I get it, it's easy to lose yourself
Just don't take it out on me
I'm simply existing
Finding my own way to the brick
Without being a huge *****
You think you know it all but you don't know a lick
I try to stay silent and slick
You come up with retorts and insults quick
But it doesn't make me upset or sick
I just laugh
I've seen this over and over again
Rinse and repeat
Not quite the the deja vu I wanted
The entertainment factor wears off fast
I knew it wouldn't last.
Joy Munde Aug 2018
Chaos...the order undeciphered
Pain and pleasure
Our way of life
That tint we can't wash away
So hold not my hands
For physical touch is meaningless
Touch my soul,
See the colour within
Hold my heart
As you listen to it's stacatto rythm
Let me dwell in your gaze
Let our locks to sanity break loose
Follow my lead
As we go through our unchattered path
Guide my step...
Through this trail we hold dear
Fear not 'coz of the darkness,
For me and you...
In our silent convo
We shall make the dance
Our first dance to our world.

Bobby Houston May 2016
Female Conversations

She talks in stacatto, stenographical bent
Flowing along without pause
Her mind flits from one thought to another
Avian style in a birdlike frame of ideas
Rapier fast in her intent
Before I can tune into her words
The subject’s changed again
Lost in the progress of the process
I frown in puzzlement
But she’s moved on
And when I finally comprehend
She speaks of something different
And now I’m totally lost
But laugh at her commitment
A lateral thinker to the last
I feel as if I’m drowning in
The ocean of her mind
But she is swimming fast to shore
She’s left me far behind
My wife
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2021
Born into
a dying moment
dry breathing
and distant sounds
the Echoplex
of stacatto reverberations
as Causeless care
is Shuffled lightly
each dealt
a sovereign play
of words - deeds
becoming seeds
the Flatline screen
the rooted vein
of blood -fed
averted versions
by abbrogated
in colluded
Instituted falsification
leaving each one
only the thinnest
of self- satisfying sanctuary
those deepest recesses
of absolution
that place
that never sees no sun
rooted deep
by rote remote repetition  until received - until believed there was nothing... Nothing nothing ... nothing we could have done.
gravelbar Jul 2019
Gone asiatic, never look back kid
Tattoo gun fires, hard drive rewire,
wire splice space shift
Grabbing hot pans to get a grip
Black coffee goes drip drip drip
Can't touch that wiskey no more
not even a sip
Stacatto tip, flip, cashier check back track alley cat
Fat rat on the hunt for a *******, let the cheddar slide off
Rough, never soft, Egyptian cotton and musk
Done from dawn until dusk, bust out rustoleum rain drops
Grasshopper hops, and we still spinning
World on collision, course, of course we should be worried
Things are moving quickly but we're still all in a hurry
Take your time and eat lime and don't develop scurvy
Scurry, out from under, cockroach hot dog coach on the VA front lawn, blew his brain off
For what

— The End —