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Tony Tweedy Mar 2022
I stand upon a familiar shore,
of white sands and ocean waves,
looked upon so many years before,
you and I joined as true loves slaves.

Salten sea breeze fresh upon my face,
casting mist and haze like some dream,
where I see that other time in this place,
bound forever, or so it then did seem.

In this place I now stand so all alone.
as if drawn across rolling dark water,
to calmer days once warmly known,
before love like tide ebbed unto it's slaughter.

Days when loneliness was an unknown.
where sun was warm, and seas were still,
before any storm squall gales had blown,
or wave and wind wrought it's winters chill.

You alone were there to share my time,
I recall beauties smile upon your face,
beauty before tears performed their crime,
it was you that made this a perfect place.

But this sand now beneath my feet,
leads nowhere I would wish to go.
My memories now of loves defeat,
in a time my heart still longs to know.

Sand worn away and faded coastal dreams,
waves roll and ebb high upon the shore,
eroded memories by times cold extremes,
Never to know the beach as in those years before.
Even memories fade and become shadows of what they were.
The years erase thought the heart still knows that something was lost.
Tony Tweedy Mar 2022
I stand upon a familiar shore,
of white sands and ocean waves,
looked upon so many years before.

Salten sea breeze fresh upon my face,
casting mist and haze like some dream,
where I see that other time in this place.

In this place I now stand so all alone.
as if drawn across rolling dark waters,
to calmer days once warmly known.

Days when loneliness was an unknown.
where sun was warm and seas were still,
so long before any storms had blown.

I recall your smile there upon your face,
and you were there to share my time,
it was you that made this a perfect place.

But this sand now beneath my feet,
leads nowhere I would wish to go.
My only memory now of  loves defeat.

Waves roll and ebb high upon the shore,
sand worn away and faded coastal dreams,
the remains of the beach,
that was ours before.
Even memories fade and become shadows of what they were.
The years erase thought the heart still knows that something was lost.
Santo silencio profeso:
No quiero, amigos, hablar;
Pues vemos que por callar,
A nadie se hizo proceso.
Ya es tiempo de tener seso:
Bailen los otros al son,
Que piquen con buen concierto
Al caballo más altivo
Picadores, si está vivo,
Pasteleros, si está muerto;
Que con hojaldre cubierto
Nos den un pastel frisón,
Que por buscar pareceres
Revuelvan muy desvelados
Los Bártulos los Letrados,
Los Abades sus mujeres.
Si en los Estrados las vieres
Que ganan más que el varón,
Que trague el otro jumento
Por doncella una Sirena
Más catada que colmena,
Más probada que argumento;
Que llame estrecho aposento
Donde se entró de rondón,
Que pretenda el maridillo
De puro valiente y bravo,
Ser en una escuadra cabo,
Siendo cabo de cuchillo;
Que le vendan el membrillo
Que tiralle era razón,
Que duelos nunca le falten
Al Sastre que chupan brujas;
Que le salten las agujas
Y a su mujer se las salten;
Que sus dedales esmalten
Un doblón y otro doblón,
Que el letrado venga a ser
Rico con su mujer bella,
Más por buen parecer de ella
Que por su buen parecer,
Y que por bien parecer
Traiga barba de cabrón,
Que tonos a sus galanes
Cante Juanilla estafando,
Porque ya piden cantando
Las niñas, como Alemanes;
Que en tono, haciendo ademanes,
Pidan sin ton y sin son,
Mujer hay en el lugar
Que a mil coches, por gozallos,
Echará cuatro caballos,
Que los sabe bien echar.
Yo sé quien manda salar
Su coche como jamón,
Que pida una y otra vez,
Fingiendo virgen el alma,
La tierna doncella palma,
Y es dátil su doncellez;
Y que lo apruebe el juez
Por la sangre de un Pichón,
Laura Amstutz Jul 2017
mine favoritpersoner har altid været dem
med sand mellem tæerne
og bølger i tankerne
(for ikke at glemme salten på deres læber)
jeg synker al skylden for disse ting
- bliver kvalt
ligesom vandmelonfrøene
man ikke måtte sluge
som mor altid sagde
disse frø voksede til planter
der aldrig visnede
jeg har gemt kys som valuta
og skyld er bare frø
og kys er bare læber
men hvad er valutakursen på hukommelsen
Hazel Jan 2018
For du var gift i glasset, salt i såret. Du var djævlens engel, og sandhedens mester. For du kunne hade og elske, få og miste, ofte som det passede dig.
Jeg var glasset der bar giften, jeg var såret der smagte salten, jeg var facadernes mester, jeg kunne hade og elske, give og miste.
Du var skyggernes herrer, solens profet og gudernes Lucifer.
Du bar din smagløse kærlighed i dine lunkne hænder…
En mi rincón le insuflo a mi fagote
vientos de libre poesía.

Vale, vale la pena:
(como no brinquen multitudes en algarabía
-bárbara tribu diapreada de achiote-
y aunque no salten soledades de Góngora y Argote...):

¡surta clara, serena,
sincronizada, esbelta Arquitectura,
Música pura,
libre Poesía!

En mi rincón le insuflo a mi fagote
vientos de libre poesía!

Vale la pena, vale:
y así chillen don Pánfilo, don Zote,
doña Carraca, doña Chirimía:
¡toda la trinca! todo el cotarro! El zafio lote!
¡como apruebe la Onfale
cuya rueca devano, Esfinge Obscura,
sóla Aventura,
mía Fantasía!

En mi rincón le insuflo a mi fagote
vientos de libre poesía.

Vale, vale la brega:
¿muy ronco el timbre para el flébil estrambote
de mi Balada? ¿muy áspera la voz? ¿la
muy tosca? ¿a los oídos es azote
mi troya nocharniega?

¡no me importe!: si ríspida y si dura,
de ésa sólo se cura
la Musa mía!

En mi rincón le insuflo a mi fagote
-don Pánfilo, don Péndolo, don Zote,
doña Carraca, doña Chirimía-
vientos de libre y pura y de díscola y recia poesía.
SøułSurvivør Aug 2015

sage trees and salten stars
upon a pepper sky
once i walked
with my true love
through the fields rye

parsley groves and hills of clove
sweet rosemary hair
we walked through the fields of rye
and smelled the savory air

embracing in the cinnamon
the world of heat and steam
it was stream of consciousness
it was just a dream

i looked at my love's lemon eyes
smiled at him and said,
"i really must have dinner
before i go to bed!"

:-) soulsurvivor
4:00 in the morning
and I woke up hungry!
LJW Jun 2014
blossoms like cad fish lingering
beneath salten seas lost
yellowing days
desperate for remembrance.

creeping thyme crevicing
through sandstone
jumping gardens of
mist spray.

broken teeth alongside
coffee and news
old printed cities
chilled by traffic noise.
SøułSurvivør Mar 2022
Weeping reminds us
We are naught but
Salten sea.

Write of Passage
Tu risa pertenece a un árbol entreabierto
por un rayo, por un relámpago plateado
que desde el cielo cae quebrándose en la copa,
partiendo en dos el árbol con una sola espada.

Sólo en las tierras altas del follaje con nieve
nace una risa como la tuya, bienamante,
es la risa del aire desatado en la altura,
costumbres de araucaria, bienamada.

Cordillerana mía, chillaneja evidente,
corta con los cuchillos de tu risa la sombra,
la noche, la mañana, la miel del mediodía,

y que salten al cielo las aves del follaje
cuando como una luz derrochadora
rompe tu risa el árbol de la vida.
SøułSurvivør Dec 2024
sage trees and salten stars
upon a pepper sky
once i walked
with my true love
through the fields of rye

parsley groves and hills of clove
sweet rosemary hair
we walked through the fields of rye
and smelled the savory air

embracing in the cinnamon
the world of heat and steam
it was stream of consciousness
it was just a dream

i looked at my love's lemon eyes
smiled at him and said,
"i really must have dinner
before i go to bed!"

Write of Passage aka
Invisible inc aka

4:00 in the morning
and I woke up hungry

sage trees and salten stars
upon a pepper sky
once i walked
with my true love
through the fields rye

parsley groves and hills of clove
sweet rosemary hair
we walked through the fields of rye
and smelled the savory air

embracing in the cinnamon
the world of heat and steam
it was stream of consciousness
it was just a dream

i looked at my love's lemon eyes
smiled at him and said,
"i really must have dinner
before i go to bed!"

:-) soulsurvivor

— The End —