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jiminy-littly Jan 2017
moving inland far away from
the coast temptation doth bring
deeper in land the head seems consumed by everything

nearing the coast it's the heart that sings

though inland, my love, you will find me

away from the bogs or the shoals o' herring

holding you at bay with *****

keeping me next to me

wanting tomorrow to be the better day

my mind, an island for tromping shores
different from desert sands
when the tide of your concern reprimands

on this island the shells
are smaller and there are no dollars,  
the sea, a shrunken plastic expanse of
syringes and lip balm containers,
soft fluid-filled bodies turned into
sopping brown-bag skeletons,

of modern life.

there is a rivulet further up shore

do you feel it?

follow the inlet wind

near a candescent pond

there is a house

open the door

if you fall in

a home can be found.
Alexander k Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

The most misused natural resource is animal emotion
Animal jelousy, animal love, animal happiness, animal libido,
Animal compassion, animal grief, animal ogle, animal ***,
Animal ego, animal fear or stampede, but animal anger utmost
It is a resource of value and virtue if used in prudence
Least vicious off all lest ghoulish natural disposition
Whose exemplification follows below in juxtaposition;
Out of anger a human animal kills
Revenges in full feat of anger
Causing accidents and damages
In employment of anger to uphold ego
A snake will not bite until ignited to anger
But in its calm state it’s an agent of ecological peace
Lioness is herbivorous in their truce but irascibly carnivorous
Buffaloes only crash if catapulted by anger
But romantically crazy in the emotional bliss
Man is fountain of peaceful jealousy
Man is cradle of venerative bigotry
Man is a well of murderous love
Humanity engendered is matchless ocean
Of cantankerous infatuation crushing for doable
And non-doables, deservation of pity,
All these natural ornamentations
That echo vicious virtues of man
Are protégés of perfected anger.
Blazing fire Mar 2015
In the end
we'll realize that
the revenges we took
wars we fought
battles we lost,
were only self-destructing.
Sia Jane Dec 2013
Fourteen years ago, I was entering a new Millennium.
I was a broken girl.
A mere nineteen years of age.
I was celebrating with friends.
There was drink and music and a fancy dress.
I don't recall much, only two photos of that night, sparked from a disposable Kodak camera.
I scribbled out his face, using a black pen.
I did the same with the Polaroid picture I had of us all.
The "crew," those who claimed to be loyal and best friends.
We were all in the image, and I took his face and made it go away.
At the same time I scribbled out her head.
She was the best friend that turned full circle on me.
She made life hell.
She made me never want to be anywhere near any of them.
Both their faces were removed.
Like in the show Revenge, where as she revenges those who did her father wrong, she writes them out.
And I did the same.
Little by little, only my face remained.
No one believed how he was with me.
I never even told them the full story.
Just minor details, and I used to be laughed at, the crazy one telling lies running from the truth.
But what went on behind those doors, will only even be known by us.
And of course the therapist who recalled the details with me, to reform and rejuvenate my tempered mind.
Secrets I shared with her.
In the room, which had a white noise switch, so only us and the walls knew the verses sang.
I'll spare the reader the details of the nights ***** and beaten, another poor girls cries through the night.
And as dusk turned til dawn, on this treacherous love affair, I ran.
And the running took me home, and although safe, he was a presence there for almost a year.
Outside he was waiting, the door bell ringing, the phone blowing up.
I would cry and rip the cards and love letters he so wrote.
I would be on bended knees pleading for release.
I wanted to take it all back, all the screaming, the shouting, being muted and used and abused.
It was so prevalent in my head that I eventually lost all conscience.
So detached during such attacks, no memory really remained.
It was scattered and fallen, and my body mirrored the deterioration of my mind.
Thinner and thinner, I escaped all womanhood.
I shrank, to the point I shopped in the children's section.
It pleased me because I felt safe, it pleased me because he could no longer hurt me.
But that night he did. And I purged in the bathroom for the first time, after he forced me to my knees.
He even had the audacity to come into the bedroom after, and express his concern for the waif I now was.
I told him I was fine.
Decades later, that "fine" response remains.
I dealt with his force and pain, the pain he pushed and locked on me.
And yet every new year, I am reminded of what went so terribly wrong.
Three months down the line, celebrations into 2000, he is thrown out by security.
I actually can't even remember what he did.
I guess he did enough for others to see that he was wronging me.
Yet I always questioned, how could something that felt so right, be so wrong.
I asked my mum earlier; "do you think he is married with kids?"
"Do you think he hurts her?"
All my answers cleared.
Here I am, 2013, alone.
Single since the start, and single at the end.
I hurt.
I am tired.
In many ways, I am thinking that a little pain, for a life time of sleep, could be worth it.

© Sia Jane
When I watch the living meet,
And the moving pageant file
Warm and breathing through the street
Where I lodge a little while,

If the heats of hate and lust
In the house of flesh are strong,
Let me mind the house of dust
Where my sojourn shall be long.

In the nation that is not
Nothing stands that stood before;
There revenges are forgot,
And the hater hates no more;

Lovers lying two and two
Ask not whom they sleep beside,
And the bridegroom all night through
Never turns him to the bride.
When I watch the living meet,
And the moving pageant file
Warm and breathing through the street
Where I lodge a little while,

If the heats of hate and lust
In the house of flesh are strong,
Let me mind the house of dust
Where my sojourn shall be long.

In the nation that is not
Nothing stands that stood before;
There revenges are forgot,
And the hater hates no more;

Lovers lying two and two
Ask not whom they sleep beside,
And the bridegroom all night through
Never turns him to the bride.
Aaron LaLux Jun 2018
Greatest Ever (GOAT)

The greatest ever,
don’t hesitate for the Haters,
I stand here united in love,
while you’re divided as the Equator,

or better yet division equations,
no hesitations I’ve got now don’t care who has later,
baskin in the Florida sun while ballin’ in the fun,
on a beach in Miami with my belly in the sand call me a Gator,
got Florida sun shine in a New York state of One Mind,
in California at Greystone getting more wine from the waiter,
feeling like He-Man at Castle Greyskull getting great skull,
both reckless and tasteful variety the spice of life I like to savor,
and yeah they call me a player but better a player than a hater,
and yeah they call me selfish behind my back then face me and ask for favors,
but I cut through the BS with my lightsaber half Luke Skywalker half Darth Vader,
with no time to waste and no mind to spare so catch me now or see you later,

in the meantime you can find me at the beach,
between just laid and self made plotting revenges and favors,
went from being on the street on my *** with no glass to Best Ever,
fully clothed now with all the bells and whistles from minor league to major,

dressed the nines with my thumb on the button,
and my finger on the trigger,
and I won’t hesitate to detonate,
on any fool that flexes hate because I’m the Greatest Ever,

I’ll spell it out for you,
and that is the truth,
for real for really,
I’m the GOAT,
setting records and making goals,
so while all the losers are lost in hesitation,
I’m non stop always on the go,

the greatest ever,
don’t hesitate for the Haters,
I stand here united in love,
while you’re divided as the Equator…

∆ LaLux ∆
Geetha Raj Nov 2011
On my window sill, perched is a winged being
Unhappy to be sharing space with another form of life
Perplexed as I am, at what my next move might be -
Like it, I do not know what it is like to be bereft of being.

They say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder -
So I behold, and obscurity I see
Chaos and rivalry makes me cringe in my space
Hiding from circles – invitingly tainted.

Yet beauty I had seen amidst the chaotic life
Life – a symphony orchestrated at his free will
Though some notes were beyond my taste
I try to nod along, as if imbibing its grace.

My palms capture the monsoon after the blazing summer
Dark skies are torn open by the mighty thunders
It mellows down, pouring in as cold welcome showers
For halting hectic lives, it also makes some scream.

The earthy fragrance which follows induces in me – sleep
And paves its way smoothly within my tired frame – deep
I see myself relax, though my silence loud-ens
Embracing my soul it blocks out even seldom words that peep.

My life, a duet, maybe composed by time
But sung by me – and I hadn’t followed the rhymes
I tweaked a few tones, I’ve upset the hymn
Wrongly pitched a few notes - maybe missed a few lines!

A silent sigh somehow escapes my pursed lips
As the hurt which instilled it, eats into my will
Though I know I had tried to face it like a man -
I had never run away nor brought about any harm.

I hold no account for the countless days, bygone
Nor try to justify reckless moments, the past has now worn.
I know I have had my razing revenges – few
But I also know I have stood up for all my deeds, lewd.

I have created many bonds for my kids to take along
And broken a few too, for which into pillows I have sobbed
I may not have lived life, the way it was meant to be –
But I know I have lived it true, so now I recede!
Written on 15th June, 2011.
Here, I was trying to capture the emotions of a man who is about to take his life, by jumping out of his office window. As he sits, the rain pours which makes him recall his life in a jiffy!
jeffrey robin Nov 2010
sweet child...wait a little longer

we are very self-absorbed now

very somber in reflections

on how we have been wronged

by false lovers and the tales they weave


we are very absorbed now in these

reflections....(did i say that already

yes yes...i see ...i did)

but we are

so very self absorbed


dear sweet child

(oh but i are older now

out the door


sent  to fight

in some war somewhere)



as i was saying

we are so self-absorbed

in the wrongs false lovers

have done to us.............

our revenges and the like

you know

its hard to think of you sometimes

where are you?

oh yes

i said it before

out to war


(i read about war long ago in high school

or something



im sure i did

read about war somewhere)



what was i saying

oh yeah

about the pain

false lovers have caused me


a knock on the door?

a guy in uniform

holding some letter

hope it doesnt interrupt

my sacred musings

about my pain
Blood Soaked Dreams
Rivals over my nightmares
Truth revenges over the falsifying fact
As rumors fly through my mind
Overtures of enriched fables
Embark on minds’ eye
As it wanders off into depths
Of the journeys awaiting
Peddling right past the path
Interstate mind flare, as it all gets twisted for U-turns
Questioning the mind-erased populous
As one would say… Where to go; Who to be
One’s enjoyment of rightful thought
As freedom expresses its pureness
Theory of moments
Fore the next second could change it all
The belief in the strength of becoming
Only gives the mind its purities
Focusing on the indulgence of knowing
That all will remain okay
Knowing the courageous path to take
A path which enriches the soul
The opening of my beautiful wings
To show all that it’s a brand new day
A lustrous event is about to begin
The striding momentum
Has strengthened its bouts
The meaning of reality
Its blissful harmony
With its surroundings
As life’s doors opened up
To shed a brand new light
A journey opens up
To play in favor
To Truth of Being!!!
©Aiden L K Riverstone
Tammy M Darby Aug 2013
Costumes though they be many
A changeling you will never be
Your world is that
Of shadows and ghosts
Bearing down upon you
Revenges weight

Of hearts blood spilled
In rivulets of red
Sadness and fear
A shadows tear

Laid low
Forced to bow and kneel
Your king
Took your hand and led
You followed blindly
As the dark ones began to sing

Now you regret
Deeds without thought
In the web of deciet
The souls you caught

Bitterness replaced the need of covet
The rewards of cruelty
Lives laid to waste
Sipping the wine
Turned to vinegar
How do you like its taste

Voices of the shadows dripping sweet with promises
It will be the sounds that take root in your mind
Now full of coin you have attained the status sought
How truly little you have gained

So shall your life
Pass through hells gate
The game is over
The shadows await

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
Larry B Nov 2010
Autumn leaves dance in the wind
As it's breath awakens the trees
The limbs tremble in defiance
As they try to resist the breeze

The trees shiver in the cool morning air
As the dew gives way to the frost
They know their armor will soon be gone
For all of their leaves will be lost

Winter stands ready to enter the stage
And for Autumn to relinquish it's hold
It's time for Winter to abandon it's slumber
And Autumn must welcome the cold

Winter demands Fall's allegiance
Like a General shouting commands
Autumn must follow it's orders
For the time of change is at hand

Winter's cold winds show restraint
As Autumn surrenders in shame
The trees bow in silence
With only Winter to blame

Winter takes it's rightful place
'Til Spring revenges Fall's death
But Winter will battle until the end
'Til it breathes it's final  breath
Richard Martin Apr 2013
This is where it all began,

The civilization of man,

The stones, the walls and the trees,

The sunny clouds and distant breeze,

This is where it all got started,

The sky, the water, the uncharted,

This is where the crow and eagle fly,

The winding roads and blissful nights,

This is where the weather changes,

The storms, the lightning and hail revenges,

This is the place of many, yet few

The place of rest and solitude,

This is where wars are won and lost,

The place where waves roll and toss,

This is where the blood veins flow,

The place of pearl, white and snow,

This is where I may roam,

This is the place I call home.
mark john junor Feb 2016
madness had taken her in the night
she danced naked in the moonlight
screaming of revenges and mysteries wet
when she finally fell to exhaustion's sleep
i tended her fevers but could not ease her mind
which flew like a black raven in the rain
here and there without sense of reason
crying out its displeasure's and it discomforts
a bead with a hole for an eye
her mind was down there in that hole somewhere

she fled in the daylight
and i tried to follow her on down to the swamps edge
but i could not follow the trail further cause it was
into madness she raced with careless abandon
and in the swamps breeding breathing bleeding
that her footfall lead

long days passed without a sign
as i camped there by the dark edge of sanity
waiting for her return
waiting for my loves sweet arms to find me once again
but my only companion was a black raven
he came to talk to me
all those long days under the sweltering sun
and after a time his words became clear to me
after a time his thoughts became mine
told me to dance to the song of the rain
told me to run and seek the sun
in the swamps dark halls

now we are here
living in our own world
and its alright
cause we have our friend
a black raven with a eye like a hole
with a mind like gravel
a mad dream to be sure
but it is ours alone
Pause, and nothing moved for your presence made my world still.
All eyes gazed a single face whose heart I did own is what I thought;
Your world of lies comforted me and I chose not to move into reality.
Many came and went but you still remained as mine and I was envied.

All of sudden on a day I never thought would arise, you asked me to move;
While I lie asleep on the verdant gardens of your colorful canvas, reluctant to go.
For losing you even for a second was a nightmare, living without you, a curse!
And with tears and sobs I did leave, cursing that witch who casted a spell on you!

For the one who thought that forever is eternity, you showed it’s just a second.
You found me not worthy enough to deserve an explanation.
You termed our five years of togetherness as infatuation;
And mocked me by calling her your true love, the one you met five days ago.

Soon after you left he held my hand, aware of the fact that you owned my heart.
He fulfilled all the promises you did to me and he knew I would never be his.
And now that I have decided to be his, why do you ask me about the heart you broke?
You know I can’t see you suffer, and so does she; so no revenges to be taken anymore.

She was an angel in disguise who saved me from a monster like you!
I have no words to thank her all I can gift her is you and only you.
I promise to be always there by you but I’m his one and only anymore.
No regrets but just memories of stranger, that's you.
anu Jan 2018
Is Pain becomes part of my life
Or my life becomes part of pain ?

Anyhow knows well that nothing changes
And hope these are not God's revenges !!

Just cried enough for myself
More than that what can I do for thyself ?

Once I thought I can't live anymore
But I think I can't live no more
Without the hope that I can't live anymore !!
My first positive touch in negative poem !! Thanks @ samiyanadha
pooja upadhyay Mar 2017
night in a room,
staring at a saddle roof

a race between watering eyes and a shower,
a *******, can just show her glower

life is all about changes,
she is left with just revenges

floor is wet with dew,
she've failed because of a beau

darkness is standing in a queue,
feelng like truth was never true

book in hand,
pages fold
with every page things get old

eyes are glued on memories,
every page is speaking its story

little girl is dancing in a ball room,
with dulcet tones her hearth get bloom

a bed lamp bight to sunset,
and a ball gown turns to gorgette

it was just a play of woolgather,
still those memories ***** me up as a needle

a little princess is dying,
she've forgotten flying
Ana Mocanu Jul 2020
Today seems just fine
to drink from a rainbow.
To pour thoughts in colours
that shine above shadow
to walk them backwards
the time’s request
for that lifetime’s protest
that’s been empty of conquest.
To dance on its edges
get freed from revenges
that disturbed the spectrum:

Idyllic momentum!

Today seems just fine
to drink from a rainbow…
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Rejected because of prejudices
Landed in Hongkong in search of opportunities
Unicorn Chan had his CV distributed
Finally landed the role he desired

Raymond Chow just parted
With the legendary Shaw Brothers
Started his own company
In Golden Harvest

Bruce and the Shaw Brothers
Regarding payment at loggerheads
Golden harvest invested
In Bruce Lee's talent and Skill

2 film deal signed
$ 15000 the amount
Shoe string budget
Filming in Bangkok targeted

Starred in The Big Boss
Ice factory worker
Investigating drugs and ******
Stunts like never seen before
Ready for release by October
Made on a budget
One hundred thousand dollars
Was an instant hit at the box office success
50 Million at the global box office
500 times the cost recovered

Fist of Fury
Added more glory
To Bruce lee
Same team reteamed
Used Nunchaku for the first time
Holding audience spellbound
Story of revenge set in Shanghai
Japanese colonization the backdrop
Budget of one hundred thousand dollars
Boxoffice receipts over 100 million dollars
1000 times the  investment
Bruce became his own competition

The Way of the Dragon
Showcased his complete talent
Apart from starring in the film
He also wrote produced choreographed and produced the film
Living in Rome Italy
Threatened constantly
To leave the property
By the mob boss and his flunkies
They appeal to their uncle directly
Bruce Lee arrives in Rome
And gets the job done
Climatic Battle with Chuck Norris
Filmed at the Colosseum lasting 9 minutes
The greatest fight sequence
The whole world will reminiscence
Made on a budget of  130000 dollars it grossed 130 million dollars
1000 times the investment
Global Superstardom attained

Enter the Dragon
First Hollywood production
Warner Brothers distribution
Poetic justice done his prediction
Sent to an island fortress suspected of corruption
Under the guise of a Martial arts tournament
Goes there to do an investigation
Gets the job done with complete anhilation
Revenges death of sister
Befriends John Saxons character Roper
Action blitzkrieg
Never before seen
Scene after scene
Making the audience scream
Hall of mirrors ******
Till today packs the impact
Greatest Martial arts movie of all time starring
The greatest Fighter of all time
850000 dollar budget
Grossing 350 million
Returning 400 times the investment

Game of Death shot the climatic battles
Every floor of a building
A different opponent waiting
Each using g a different style
Against Bruce Lee, 's no style
Greatest action scenes ever filmed
Audience still surprised inspite of watching his earlier films
Different versions available
Wiyh an alternate title
Grossed 43 million when it came out
The yellow jump suit he wore
Mimicked in films to the core
Final film to get a release
Stardom reached beyond belief

— The End —