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Anna Vigue Dec 2014
remember who you was
and remember who you wouldn't
remember if you Should'ave
and remember if you Couldn't
the things that happened Yesteryear
are gone like yesterday
the things that will
you could drink in a Frappe

ask the happy What Not
he was gone, like yesterday
the things that will tomorrow
are now gone
like Ice Capades
I love the rhythm and cadence of Alligator Pie, so fun to read.  So I like to play with syllables when I write.  I saw the Smurfs Ice Capades  at my local Memorial Centre when I was a kid.
bennu Feb 2021
don't you play
"mess is mine"
by Vance Joy
and think of me
and expect the tear
that's running down
your left cheek
to mean nothing to me.

don't strike me like lightning
and expect me not
to worship you like a god

in my heart
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011
There isn’t a Mountain to High

Written for two hurting grand parents who lost thier ninteen year old grand
son when he lay down in front of a on comming passenger train.

Dear ones He who walked the Delarosa knows your pain His mind catches the smallest sound of
Suffering and that of the highest roar cascading down as burning lava through each membrane that
You possess when your last ounce of strength has been consumed though he staggered through the
Crowds in Jerusalem bearing the marks of the condemned we know He was the fairest lamb slain
Tophet remains the dark black **** that it left in the earth where the Canaanites sacrificed children unto
The god Moloch by fire they practiced their deranged acts took that which was most precious to God
And man and forever dishonored the sacred trust we have to those most precious gifts it speaks to the
Gross conflict that reigns between good and evil the great brooding of God enters scenes and acts such
As these all of His creative goodness maligned by troubling dark currents that rage in fevered minds
All right thinking has suffered its greatest break down the minions of darkness parade as light the
Mind has no reference point to what is truth or lies in this chaotic bewildered state actions arise and
Occur that form the greatest test for comprehension and ultimately any idea of acceptance can there
Be any deeper depth of morbid disillusionment you enter a place where reality has been suspended
And you must try to function bring resolve to the unquestionable that is where you walk into his arms
The greatest peace and love holds you your spinning mind is calmed the inward turmoil faceless
Nameless is rendered harmless because it has met a greater force it will and can only yield to his
Command let go of your grip this little one is my child you have no authority or say here your work
Has been most horrid typical of your brand of being a tyrant now your power is bridled love takes even
The power of deaths sting no matter the tragic events I’ am peace I have no equal the oppression you
Have weaved is torn asunder I crossed over from eternity to this place in time by rights I alone hold
I give freedom my spirit swirls with awesome glory carrying the wounded to heights and vistas that in
Those distilling awesome light brings a knowing show a peaceful reality even in this difficulty it will
By transcending power allow acceptance without understanding because truth and love are stronger
And they encompass and hold earthy bonds in the sweetest tranquil division the same measure that
Causes the glories of a sunset when the light reflects on the bottom of the cloud and then refracts so it
Is so I ‘am covered in a cloud of glory though darkness pervades lives and tries to prey on them this is
Not possible all that beholds me are engulfed in beauty and settings that out shine the dangerous and
Painful plains of this world and the truth ever is stated that darkness will be turned into light.
chiharu Apr 2018
i picked up the small tube of lipgloss & headed toward the register. "will that be all for you, ma'am?" the woman working the cash register asked me. i nodded as she told me the price : a dollar & ninteen cents. i gave her the exact change & left the store. when she kissed me, i was going to taste like strawberries.
Fenix Flight Aug 2014
All those years ago.
You left my life
without even a good bye.
From fifteen to eighteen
there was a empty hole in my heart
where you are meant to be.
My big brother.
Why did you have to leave me?

You thought it was for the best
You thought I didnt need you.
But guess again.
I still need my big brother.

You came back when I was ninteen
Promised me you would never leave again.
I took your word for it.
You never go back on your word.


But here you are leaving my life again
Just when I need my big brother the most.

How dare you do this to me
You ******* *******!
But I love you with all my heart

You're my big brother Hawky
I need my brother.

Don't leave my life
You promised.
My "big Brother" has sorta fallen off the face of the earth. after writting a letter saying goodbye to his family that they are better off without him. I am freaking out! I need my brother.  
(this all started taking place after he almost lost his father figure. He started retreating back to the cold hearted ******* That I first met. Now he is doing this vanishing act. and I am freaking out)
~for Jonathan Larson (2)~
where poets dare to tread
knowing the jeopardy to
themselves when their truths
are outed by the light shedding
come the morning’s birthing,
my ending unwritten,
the methodology unknown
the tabulations final sum
identified by a =  
couplet doublet line
underlining, undermining,
tho the sign indeterminate,
pos or neg,
worse yet maybe,
zero sun-shiny outed,
must be one of but just
them three tri-bipolar optionalities

the script unwrit
the possibilities vast,
alone nursing home,
an empty dull
barely furnished,
studio apartment
an unnoticed blah, blah blah;
that’s ok

there will be no vast array,
conclave of family & friends,
his stateless status
formed by a choice reenforced by time,
a man chose a solitary tilt,
till it
was a deathly rigid reality factual,
free willed
the irony sweetbitter,:
he who loved love
sometimes writing wrinkles
of only love poetry
but was
by its consequences continual
in and out, deep or not at all ,
but only periodic,
alternating decades from
age ninteen

his leavings will be
his trail,
dusted under,
and his sense of wonderment
at the atomic elemental
extant and yet undiscovered,
is where will live his
only wisps of his whispers,
heard  ‘pon the backs
of rushing to nowhere
guest gusts of
canyon winds
of his york;
city of naissance

do not protest
nor deviate with debate,
the future unpredictable
and yet curved hewn from,
made from straight block stone
of absolute clarity
of speckled Barre gray granite
mistake this not
for bewailing,
catlike caterwauling,
ever even the bitters,
of short-lived
the in~between now
and resting place finale
but follow a path of words,
an Appalachian Trial
roving  through forest & civilization,
multiple states,
safe and dangerous
worldly, wormwood wordfuls
all jumble uttered simultaneous

so we dare to ask out loud,
will I die in dignity,
the answer a stale prequel
question obvious answered
in his heritage-styled genes,
with another wink
of a question;

what is dignity?
alone, surrounded by
no one,
matters not,
headstone irrelevant
for this good morning
of cherishing
words and tunes,
adding a line
here and there,
is dignity enough,
and this,
well known to him,
within his collapsing vein's depths,

so the answer
smooth planed and plain:

this is dignity
one more time,
one more winding
spiraling downwards

and a
never ending~never the less

Lyrics by Jonathan Larson
“Will I/ Life Support

Will I?
Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?
Looking into your eyes
In a beautiful forest filled with butterflies.
We weren't alone.
We decided to move to a different zone to talk.
We took walk on the sand, and we're wearing no socks.
The sand was warm on the soles of our feet, and we had a plan.
We wanted to clear our minds, and leave everything behind.
We thought about visiting the ocean metaphorically, and literally.
All we can think about is the bright light in the ocean.
I wanted to go on this adventure with you, and me even if we fail or win we know our adventure will begin.

I embrace you in my arms.
I can feel the sun touching our skin.
I want to us to discuss our sins, and put them in a bin covered with dirt.
We might be black widows, but I don't want the posion to hurt.
I know in the past we created webbing to catch unfaithful prey.
I want it to rain to stop the pain, and wash away the past today.
We know we're jumping into a perilous fray.

When the clouds begun to move away.
I could see the blue sky, and birds fly south.
We started to kiss each other mouth to mouth.
I wanted no poison, or no sin.
I wanted to feel refreshed, and I wanted to breath again.
All I can think of is a breath of life like husband and wife.
We need an antidote.
We believed in hope.
We had to remove this poison, and set sail upon a new horizon.
Like a tailor and sailor that's sowing up the past.
We knew we had to sail fast, and avoid rocks so we can talk.

The concealed secrets we kept in our ***** pockets, and the dilapidated ships that we touched with our hands and lips.
The ones we harboured away for years, will start sinking into the ocean because the truth that was aloof has fallen through the roof.
There should be only two ships,lips, and hips to steer in the ocean, sea, or pond.
I want to be the one, so let's begin to travel in the hot sun.
I want us to have a future, and we need to be captains.
I want us navigate safely again into the ocean.

When we opened up our seashells
We placed the shell close to our ears.
We we're feeling guility and in fear.
We we're in hell on a bus with no breaks.
We knew we had to evacuate before it was too late.
Our minds felt waterlogged with lava.
I would miss the times we sat under the guava tree.
I want you to be with me.
We needed to unplug this bug.
We needed to get rid of this heat.
We needed to warm up our cold feet.
We could of drowned.
I want us to be crowned.
I want us to be in power, and i don't want our relationship to be sour.
I want us to be King and Queen since we we're ninteen.
After all these years we should've armed the guards with spears.
They will guard us, and inform us not to trespass on the woman or mans grass because we know we will get cut by glass.
We we're out for the thrill, but we realized with our eyes and lies the poison eventually spilled on the table, and we had no more adult cable.
We couldn't run the show anymore.
There was no need to be on this channel because this would dismantle our ship, and the relationship.

We lived in despair with unclean underwear.
We smelled like rotted pears.
Like lies growing on the grapevine.
We broke our fishing lines.
We received no loot.
We know honesty bears fruit.
We will sow the seeds on the ground.
I love to have you around.
I know we can grow as big as a beanstalk.
I am happy we had this talk, so lets walk into the ocean.
I want a proverbial rehabilitative wave to wash over us, and cleanse our sins.
We won't fail swim because in our hearts we know we can win.
We love this adventure anyways.
All we can see is our destination in the distance.
I't begins to shine and intertwinewith resistance.
We feel immune all negative elements, that makes us prismatically optimistic.
With this positive energy I can feel you all over me.
I can feel the sea shells and star fish near our feet.
I love way we solved our dilemma; I feel like we will never cheat on our test in the future because we our faithfully cleansed by Poseidon's tidal wave to wake us up so we earn our diploma's.
If God couldn't help us, another God in the water could make our relationship swim, and sail in the ocean once again.
Ottar Apr 2014
I got up,
at five ninteen,
the day was mean,
it was wet,
the puddles had
I was befuddled,
if it was worth the walk,
then I looked down at my
feet, and she looked up at
me, and I could see, she
did not care for rain,
but staying home
              was insane,
and would not do,
she had to do number one
              and number two,
with hooded jacket,
me in my hat,
her in her reflective vest,
out we went to test,
not only our resolve,
but with water,
        did we disolve,
the pace was quick,
the rain was wet,
so was the road,
make me croak,
     call me toad,
as we went past the
hospital, three
paramedics walk quick
to the senior mental
health unit,
it was not unique,
I had seen that before,
looked at the door,
nothing to be seen,
walked on until,
I heard a yell, like a scream,
turned over my shoulder,
what did I spy,
an older guy,
barefeet, hospital pants,
no shirt to speak of,
doing an angry dance,
pointing in my direction,
I turned and walked away,
muttering, I was heard
to say,
"where are those hospital
staff, when you need them"
rounded the corner with haste,
if he chased after me and
we came face to face,
I wandered through the scenarios,
as I did frequent shoulder,
like passing traffic in a car you know,
but he was a no show,
                                    so this was not
what in could have been, it was an unevent,
kept my morning wet and pristine,
and the tip of my umbrella,
                             would only stay, water wet.
Lets talk...Liquor

A Taste so bitter but good to the soul....
Look how much money I can make you fold...
Liquor I am the *** of gold and the story goes...
You can get me in a six pack twelve pack...
Hell they even got me in a thirty rack...
I might even get jacked and also smacked...
Spirits talking over its just the alter ego...
It heals the pain so but it really just grows...
Huh I remember Paul williams said...
For once in my life I have someone...
But that someone was a beautiful brown...
Tall and profound turned a wise man into a clown...
Bring true feelings out all around who's down...
For me mr spirit i am is that you talking to me...
Once I got a taste I became a toxic waste...
Better with a cigarette to up the chase...
Help Face your Problems everyday in this world...
I influence men women boys and girls...
I was banned in the ninteen twenties...
But I made my way back  into the communities...
I can be cheap or I can be expensive...
But it's up to you so be selective...
I fill joy into depression so keep on pressing...
Til you in a jail cell and I won't post no bail...
I can make a man beat his wife to hell...
I can make can make light into darkness...
See what I did just there huh none can compare...
A good chug of me I might be in your family tree...
See me sitting next to granda Jimmy...
I come in forms of many whisky scotch Brandy...
Just a few so enjoy my luxurious company...
You can't **** me but I will be here forever more a century...
So take heed to me and my imagery...
This is America so I'm tryna to scare ya...
Drink me til you drown your liver but I'll still be
with ya....
Way down under huh
Signed Mr Liquor...

— The End —