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M y love is like a red, red rose
Y oung with the dew-kissed promises of spring.

L aden with unique perfume,
O n a slender stalk it blooms
V ery near the edge of a sunlit garden,
E ndlessly transforming but always the same.

I  offer you this rose in hopes that
S someday fields of them will shine.

L oving you turns ugly weeds
I nto rare exotic blossoms that
K iss the summer breezes with their scent
E ven as they wither and turn brown.

A bsolute perfection is my love and this red flower.

R each out and touch this rose I offer-
E very thorn is gentle and not sharp-
D o  not fear of hurt from it.

R ather fill your senses with the joy of it,
E ndlessly fresh within your hand, and never
D ying, only changing to become more sweet.

R eceive this gift I bring to you and
O nly let me be that rose
S o  that my soul lies in your hand and heart for all
E ternity.
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The title comes from a traditional folk song.  The rest of it comes from me.
Anna Alycia Aug 2021
B urn glittering with
L ight,
U nder the starry sky,
E ndlessly as my love.

L oving you are blue,
I ntensely, irately,
G etting more and more.
H opping you
T o see when I'm still burning with light.
Ever thought you had friends you'd know until you die?
I did.
I wish with all my heart that a clock could be rewound,
revisit old mistakes, erase them and rewrite.
Life isn't like that.
Life is a ***** in heat scratching away at mental scabs.
"Friends are the family we choose ourselves"
It's a fridge magnet quote for a reason.
Fickle, feckless,
Idiotic individuals
Needing a
Damn hard
* Stepford friends*.
14:59 BST
Jacobo Raymundo May 2013
Never ceasing to shed light upon my dreary days, you're the sun to my sky, the flower to my garden
Endlessly loving and caring, feeling and seeing, you have the heart of an angel and the face of a goddess; divine duality
Vast degrees of beauty emanate from you, meet my eyes, and melt my heart
Early hours of my mornings are filled solely with thoughts of you such as this moment while I compose
Rarity, uniquity, you're one of a kind my rose. You hold a place in my heart that no other can hold simply because nobody else is vaguely comparable to you

A** lthough the earth is treacherous and destructive to your pristine beauty, I have great faith that you will remain purely innocent
Loneliness should never be felt by you for if you look to your side I will be there whether in spirit or in body
Olfactory senses tingle with delight as you draw near; your scent is one I have yet to forget
Never fear the night for I will stand guard with a lantern in hand: no demon shall trespass your glorious soul; even if the cost may be my life, I shall fight for you to my last breath and beyond
Every day I'm here with you, oh it is so so true look around, you're *never alone
silvervi Sep 2024
T-rust lost.
I-ronically hopeful.
R-espectfully alone.
E-ndlessly worried.
D-irty promises.

— The End —