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JP Goss Mar 2015
Show me what you can’t tell
From all your eavesdropping nights
The languid-age’s usher is itself
An innocent pusher of wares and waters
Like a dog-eared page, always there but
In the foggy memory of past chapters,
A silent stranger to the binding
Actors in world of 10,000 faces each of sound
And hailing of an old friend, and exits stage left:
I give you Seasons change:
Bitter chills, coming and leaving less, made her sandals
Turn into sneakers, then to boots, all one size larger than before.
I give you Divorce:
They laid prostrate in bed staring earnestly
At an open window on wither side of the room.
I give you Poverty:
The boy ran through the convenience store aisle like
It was the garden of Eden and his mother’s $6.26 in change
Made him hear the voice of God.
I give you I am drunk:
Hey, babe. What are you up to? It’s been like three days since…well
I think I miss you and you are so ****.
I give you I am envied:
All the glitter of pins came through the little slits of her eyes
And that mouth could press its own diamonds.
Steve D'Beard Feb 2013
dented but not broken
in the demon dark
the deep chasms
of the wilderness
and the forgotten recess
silence from tender slumber
has awoken
the synergy of temptations
on their merry dance
sip divines peach nectar
the naked flesh and heaving chest
unleash thy sporadic vital spark
the impressed intent
of thy chosen scent
fuels the interactive nodes
neon infused electronic spasms
that echo in the dark

a subtle jowl in latent jest
as twilights nimble fingers
unbutton what remains of carefree days
and the fallen angels
with such sweet caress
to touch the mystic
unfurl the arc of your rainbow
and shine your rays
on cobbled memories
of Paris in the rain
and Tokyo Blue
hustles in the backstreets aroma
blow the cobwebs a gentle kiss
on days like this
left unchecked and laid to rest

gathered in momentums voice
and uttered as a sensual breath
the nakedness of emotion
the arcane interventions
should not be left to fade
to fill the empty space
they call the void
these technicolour moments
we've made  
stumble on the waves
the fragrances of youth etched
in unedited stop motion
the contours of discovery
sparkle in the ether
the azure eyes
and the open arms
of the ocean
SassyJ Apr 2016
The rattle is shaken and life becomes unfixed
Torrential rains cascades downwards on ancient bricks
These stunning moments have been rediscovered
In wonder all is flustered in awe as the state of silence honks
Love creeps out of tune in time, the unsureness of cold feet
The voice fades, the toned whispers continually erased
Stormed and soaked, stilled and stalked by a heart that stole my dream
Drenched in uncertainty, non-favouring multitudes won't let me be
These flutters flattens and deflated, I stroll and I will not run
The floating fun fares vanishes, the morning bird furnishes
The time capsule evaporated, unstripped and frozen

Ohh, how I wished to plant and harvest inspiration
Wake up with a renewed breath of air, the flowing river
Of the days when the gloom masked, I hated what life had become
How could humanity be so self centred and selfish?
I looked for silence and the banging never ceased
The masses rushed, never to let me be, they snatched my freedom
I inhaled the hope of the freeness and longed for the racing momentums

How so?
That over time the weather collapsed to coldness, the darkness marbled
A nag of the songbirds, as I escaped in the ****** ozone layer
A disconnect of the mind, body and soul; when I saw my spirit sail
A snail sailing on its own course and journey slowly but steady
Reflections and visions of the timeline of growth and fertility
A heart of one, the soul of all, the mind of many, a tongue in sums
The chandelier hanged on a ceiling, high, holding the flickering bulbs
A condense of energy, the modelled nature of a prognostic intervention
A laughter and synergy rests in the symphony of the unsung melodies
Onoma Nov 2023
every seabed was

a seashore,

silver garlands flaring

gills at clouds so

contortive tails could


the tide of wet spines.

pisces momentums.

for the most figurative

Fortune, fortune…fortunate son of prophecy
Preaches his sermon to the masses of relentless ones
A boy child with blond dusty hair, big bulging blue eyes with fair complexion stands by
Listening to the sermonizer as he delivers his powerful words of peaceful kindness
A kingly man speaks ******* as the statements shift forward in a timely matter
Plains of destructive aftermaths, horizons of thronged hysteria
Captivates the surroundings, laying in the background like plagues in biblical portions
“Raise my son, this is the day we shall rise and go onward... the time is now to rebuild”
States the preacher’s blessed father as he be troves his scriptures with tightened grip

Child becomes man that very day, setting forth his striving ambitions
Letting go of his childhood memories with a fight to change what once went wrong
Standing in the darkest hour of his destiny, he becomes tame with greater conviction
It will be no easy task knows the boy; he will set forth with courageous tidings
Bravery will stand the test of time, witnessing the spiritual uplifting momentums

Kingly man stands in the way of his convictions, for he is a self loather
Built to the hilt in muscle and stubbornness filling his belt buckle
His abilities hold him from ever knowing life’s greatest mysteries
Diabolically he counts the steps of world *******, standing taller than any man before him
But it is he who will be overran by Prophetic Son of the Holy Spirit

The land as far as any man can see lay in grey ****** rubble
Ambiance of ash strewn clouds fogged the earth’s surface
Causing transportive means to get choked out, shutting down the crossroads of societies
However to the man child, who stood the chance of defeat. Saw nothing of this sort
He looked out onto the existing landscape and saw roadways paved of solid gold
Trees blooming with fully bloomed cherry blossoms, and fields of floral arrangements
The king did not like anything of the sort, so he tried and tried to foil the rehabilitation
Of the groves of smiling girls and playful boys while the elders cheerfully applaud
However the kingly man became overrun by the source of his own allegations
Turned the cheek and gave way to the man who once was a child, the day stays brighter
on the other side of reality looked around to adore what you have set before your very own eyeful delight
©Aiden L K Riverstone
SassyJ Apr 2016
Found in the fog of a destroyed city
Spinning with ramble and tassels
Clouded covers of amethyst hues

Old stories are never to old to tell
The words we spoke across shores
Under the tree is a home we belong

We forgive as the rains pin on tins
Swallowed in shallow momentums
Did I get it wrong as I saw the light?

Unconditioned and astray, all alone
Is it ever too late to unwreck the ship?
For these waters bonds us together
prompty Mar 2016
The spontaneous momentums
of my wild laughter
try to keep up
w/ all these insane rides of my life.

I know me well and I lack discipline.
But that won’t mean a thing tomorrow,
because I’ll live more, and I’ll know better.

When you and I talked for hours on end
we sheltered on each other’s hopes & dreams,
and promised never to fear crossroads in our journey.

We let go of that strange need for constant presence,
because where there is friendship, there is a place
with warmth enough to sleep by the fire.

When you came to me in tears, lost in your own world,
I talked you out of it and showed you mine,
and you smiled: “How can you be so happy?”

And I said:
“I choose the color of my days.”

The universe was a given
from the get-go,
and we are flowers that can choose
to grow, each day.

It has been said before
many times
by different words,

but happiness happens.
TKO Jul 2016
I see sorrow in the snow -- You know? As the flakes' momentums grow and slow, their pathes pluck away at my subconscious woes. Dancing, they are, to the rhythm imposed. They tango to my turmoil and dip to new lows. In their disorder I find solace.
With their most gentle kiss, I'm ushered away in their ballet of bliss.
prompty Jan 2016
The spontaneous momentums of my wild laughter
try to keep up
with all these insane rides of life.

I know me well and I lack discipline.
But that won't mean a thing tomorrow,
because I will live more, and I'll know better.

When we talked for endless hours about
the people that made us who we are,
we found shelter in each other's hopes & dreams
and promised to never fear crossroads in our journey.

We let go of that strange need for constant affection,
because where there is friendship, there is trust -
there is constant love and a place to sleep by the fire.

The music was loud, but we listened.
And I guaranteed to you that happiness could never be found
outside your kind soul.

That all that you needed was already yours
and many good people failed to see that
simple truth.

That the universe was a given
from the get-go,
and that from then on we could become anything
we ever wished upon.

That you and I and the whole world
are flowers that can choose to grow, each day.

And maybe the sun will never know our names,
but he will always be here
to guide us in our every road.
Mitchell Apr 2019
Faking deaths
Our white **** carpet
I got
From my
Voices sided in eroded semblance
Clams or
Oysters ( I never know )
Against poles
Resembling old dead men
Young stoic future men
Depending on one's

Purr - Spective
I was
Am or will be
Some body
One day

Though I hear
Yesterday or maybe
Tomorrow after last or before
Is much greener...
A wider taller more expansive hill

I was will be am
Playful (Did Shakespeare / Like / Milkshakes?)
Though my neighbors
Associates called me/myself
Old & tired
Fetting since
Till i Heard

From said

From said Mother


Said Boss Boss

And from

Who you at
I mean Who are you
Who thinks they can be
Whatever they
Want to be, when they want
TO be.

Subjective importance
Cast by of empathetic programming

Why does one look stupid
When they
Try to connect

We are animals:
Naked, edged, and always eyeing
The bush

Which the other
Will have
Until it's
Last one

On Earth.
Yenson May 2021
Hail the demos of runts proffers turds
from their houses of commoners and plebs
flaying their ripe dumps at Wasteminister Parliament
the oiks and oinks are full of it in endless struggles with poos
Fagins and unison ******* an giving oiks golden showers
the great unwashed carry their excrements to poetry class as floaters
to them it makes ****** sense because floaters rhymes with plonkers
who constipated on fish chips 'n vinegar are hallucination revolution
and are plopping pale faeces with red faces in left an left with runny motions and momentums
hahaha....hahaha......hahaha....can some identify the analogy and references in this satirical poem. it was written in 1968 about space exploration and imperialist who steal diamonds and loot all over our planet  yet point fingers and falsely label others greedy....
Yenson Jul 2021
The Left crawlers miscreants
the bedraggled underground thieves
in sleight of hands moves the greed of low class waster
who takes from the State and adds more from burglaries
without any honest toil but to take more from the workers
they move this greed to the one who worked all week
and never took anything from the State
in dross simple minds the loonies yell
infernal  damage to those with inheritance
these people are greedy and selfish
damage them and drive them paranoid
forget there are lots of ordinary folks
who leave houses money for their broods
the Millibands inherited two millions from father
they have not donated it to their Political Party
no lefty loonie is camping outside the Beckhams
screaming their children stand to inherit millions
the loonies are not protesting in Hampstead
in Knightsbridge, Chelsea and in Kensington
our dear rogues and mad loony commis
are picing on a black man because he's ennobled
this same man had worked from age sixteen
there is no grand mansion or trillions awaiting
this black man to the crazies personifies greed
not the greedy thieves who robs all and sundry
not the rich whites who have gained from industries
no no no, greed is the lone black man
who stood up to thieves and called them thieves
this is the man to discredit and cancel out
this is the man to stress out and drive paranoid
this is the thinking of the leftists narcissists
the crooks and insane liars with neon momentums
these are the racist brits who resent a successful black
they want blacks on the factory floor always second
or else a campaign starts to drive them paranoid
its the commonest weapon of the racists
us, we haven't done anything, its all in her/his mind

— The End —