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Lisa Ann Rakow Mar 2013
She is so lonely.
Ever since he died she has.
Toby and Maisie,
They were inseparable.
Now, she is just so lonely.
Why did you have to leave us, Toby?
Lisa Ann Rakow Mar 2013
I love her so
I need to cherish her
Because she could go any time
Don’t go
Joe Cole Feb 2023
Well I made a big mistake when Maisie came to me
At first she was a tiny ball of fluff and oh so cute to see
But Maisie is a Labrador as black as black can be
An appetite to match a horse and a bark to shake the knees
Have you ever had a great fat lump climbing on your shoulders?
Well it ain't no fun I'm telling you cos she's like a ****** boulder
But I love that crazy dog even though she's mad
Despite all her crazy ways she's never really bad
tangshunzi Jun 2014
Se hai effettuato il login per Style Me Pretty questa mattina alla ricerca di qualcosa che stava per allietare la abiti da sposa on line vostra giornata .siete fortunati .Abbiamo un super allegro .super felice .assolutamente stupendo Tahoe matrimonio da Em The Gem e di mettere un sorriso sul

mio volto che non sta andando da nessuna parte in qualunque momento presto .

ColorsSeasonsSummerSettingsRanchStylesCasual Elegance

dalla splendida sposa .Mio marito .Nick .e ** incontrato 10 anni fa a Tahoe come membri della UC Davis Ski Team .Quando diventando impegnati lo scorso agosto .abbiamo concordato la nostra posizione di nozze doveva essere significative e univoche .Tahoe è stata la scelta naturale .dal momento che è dove ci siamo conosciuti e continuiamo a visitare .Dopo la visualizzazione di più sedi Tahoe .abbiamo scoperto la splendida Northstar Zephyr Lodge .Con una splendida vista Tahoe Mountain Vista e la capacità di ospitare comodamente i nostri 200 + ospiti .il lodge Zephyr forma il conto perfettamente .La caratteristica migliore : gli ospiti sarebbero arrivati ​​tramite impianti di risalita !Essendo un nuovo lodge di sci .il nostro matrimonio è stata la prima cerimonia e il ricevimento nella posizione .quindi è stato emozionante mettere insieme tutti i dettagli .

Come graphic designer .si è ipotizzato che vorrei progettare tutto da solo .e io volentieri ha accettato la sfida .Per i nostri colori di nozze .abbiamo scelto il fucsia e giallo senape .Abbiamo apprezzato la felice .combo estate e anche come spuntato contro i colori forestali naturali .Per i nostri materiali cartacei di matrimonio .volevamo un look semplicistica che era spensierata e riflette il nostro spazio .** creato semplici caricature di Nick e io.insieme con uno dei nostri Goldendoodle .Maisie .che abbiamo usato per gli inviti .oltre alla giornata di materiali nozze e segnaletica .Abbiamo inserito dettagli in legno nella nostra cancelleria per riflettere la posizione.** disegnato tutto.dal salvare le date e programmi .fino ai pacchetti Toss riso .

La maggior parte delle decorazioni era DIY .Volevamo semplici decorazioni che mostrare il luogo moderno .ancora rustico e non eclissare gli scorci visti attraverso il soffitto stava quasi per finestre del piano .Abbiamo ordinato i nostri fiori alla rinfusa da un negozio di fiorista locale e .con l'aiuto di amici e familiari .organizzato loro il giorno prima dell'evento con barattoli riciclati.La sede ha fornito bei tavoli in legno che abbiamo accentato con corridori di colore neutro.Ai tavoli .abbiamo lasciato divertente gratta carte pop - quiz e penny per i nostri ospiti di godere .

schede magnetiche da Ikea visualizzare le nostre schede di scorta .Abbiamo fatto il nostro tessuto coperto di senape gialla e fucsia magneti pulsante per apporre le carte per le tavole .Per favori .abbiamo implementato la versione montagna Tahoe di un candy bar : il bar self-service trail mix !

abiti da sposa corti le damigelle indossavano gonne di seta neutri da BHLDN e ciascuno ha scelto i propri piani oltre a scarpe gialle .I testimoni dello sposo indossava pantaloni J. Crew e camicie bianche e senape cravatte gialle per una sensazione causale montagna .La madre dello sposo ha creato tutti i mazzi di fiori e boutonnieres .

Northstar ha fatto un lavoro meraviglioso appartamento il cibo cena e bevande .Il dessert buffet consisteva di tutti i dolci fatti in casa per gentile concessione di amici e familiari .Macarons .brownies .biscotti .caramelle e dolcetti piacquero molte pance .Dopo una lunga notte di balli .feste e bere .gli ospiti afferrato bastoncini luminosi per illuminare la loro strada giù per la montagna tramite gondola.E 'stata una bella giornata e la notte magica ricorderemo per sempre

Fotografia : Em The Gem | Wedding Planner : . Nancie Schoener | Wedding Gown : Mikella | capelli: Krystle Tanton | nuziale capelli pettine : Prim e Posies | damigella d'onore Gonne : BHLDN| Dress ballare: Anthropologie | Orecchini : Kate ***** | floreale Sash abbellimento : Belle de Benoir | Groomsmen Cravatte : Ashley NEF | Guest Book : Bridewell mercato | Inviti e Giorno della cancelleria : Elsie J | Trucco : Beauty Box Makeup Arte | Photo Booth :pic Box | cancelleria Fotografia : Lindsey Chin - Jones | Muta : J. Crew | Luogo : Northstar Zephyr LodgeBHLDN e J.Crew sono membri della nostra Look Book .Per ulteriori informazioni su come vengono scelti i membri .fare clic qui
Northstar Zephyr Lodge Wedding_vestiti da sposa
Vincent Mar 2016
Oh Maisie:
Your magic and my delight!
whish the sun would be,
and it would be tonight.

And the flowers I will bring you,
the jewels and the gems,
the Silver and gold,
A world without end.

Dear Robert:
You’re lost at sea, I can see:
You’re love comes from lust
And not from me.

Love is not lust.
And is nothing to me:
Love is my need
When you sleep with me.

So Maisie
Oh maybe, I read you so wrong!
Last night you cried
when I sung you that song
Cowboys and treasures,
a measure of love:
The words from the stars
From the heavens above

Oh Robert,
Dear Robert, the news is this:
A chance to touch, feel and
Caress - would be bliss.
Undress me and taste me,
the syrup of love.
The sweetness, completeness,
Is more than you deserve

See you tonight.
Michael John Aug 2018

zowie doodles
maisie may
mali the bad
lily lu lu
and tommy tune..


i recall thursday
in cold blowy bushes
and late victorian


a rather shoddy future
which got worse
victorian morals

and worse

and what then
a succession of
a word a curse!
woe to us!

silver platters..

but upon
my hairy shoulder
youth laughed
but a aways


and you think
and you think
timeless ways
and suddenly
i was 30..


an elephant in
unemployable ant
boats and stoats
and factory


work in progress..
the seconds digress
like love and stars
not even a war

go fish!

a dance with a
great magical
called wishes..

and then 40..!

son,beware the
cat lady
the graceful

whipped 20
or be


and strange things
like comets
come and go


if character been

of me..

as forecast by
teachers and towns
but unknown

grin down..

and by golly
close shaves
around corners
stuff and poetry..

some round..

lithe plain
and of course
not made a million


but all
a sweet card..

a great winding
empty while
of some

shiny circle..
Martin Narrod Aug 2014
We keep on cutting, edges off the blind parts of our hands.
Everyone you don't trust is getting, a little too close, and
Soon you'll be so loud that all of your fears come out.
Each ounce of you, that I packed into sandwich bags
And shoved down my throat, that now while you try
To back out, your bloodied olive-sized organs
Get jammed in my lungs and my ribs. You pretend
That your heart is a bouncy beach ball filled with helium,
But with even the practice you had at lying, I can smell
How new at this you are. Some part of me, childish still
I presume, brushes my fingers through your hair and
Over your ears, then touches this face stuck with splinters
That you've tried to use scissors to combat every thing
Making you feel differently about us now. Now.

Using the contraption from when we started out,
The Jaguar convertible with the top brought down,
Cruising up to San Fran when we thought the sun was out,
But we managed to make it the only Summer where it snowed downtown.
Even with the hummer, you were on my right, looking backwards out
Of your eyes. Glass crystals cut the corners of your mouth, looking back,
I centered my turn-ons by the bruises I bit into your calves.

The number of times I've let you rattle my cage,
******* up my brain. The slave wage you paid,
Main-stage, 'The Rage', for a hand-me-down
Chance to get laid.

****** and God, a forty-hour a week job,
Benchmark No. 1, 'The Saw.'

Tailored into the skins, needle pins and numbness
Attached to the dumbest excuses to run with.
For the ***, the anticipation was sinning enough,
That every once in a while I could afford to be turned off.

The next three days and Maisie,
Your teenage head went crazy,
Every ten minutes you paged me.
The price of admission, I wished,
Would've been the attention I'd give,
A cannibal habit, you kicked. I quit
Bothering you about what your *** size is.

After eight months, of which I said they were probably closer to nine,
Was the beginning of when I could convince you to drive yourself
Into my house. While the closet I could afford ensnared you,
I wore washed up Air Jordan's with skinny black Levi's,
You dyed your hair to gray before going blonde, it went to your hips
But you kept a ponytail or bob.

I'm remembering now, nearly every other day at age twenty-two,
Going to Clark's and ordering hashbrowns with green peppers on Sherman Avenue.
Every resistant bone in my body bothers me, I sit with the transistor between
My first finger and index, tuning the ****, while rehearsing violent seminars
Between you and I that resembled closely The Bay of Pigs. Your fingernails never
Had time to grow long enough to paint. You also never wanted to wear high heels.

This is the first chance without plastic lunch-bags in my throat, that I can chew up my food, without choking on olive pits that have been Getting stuck in my esophagus for the last thirteen years.

Don't hate me.
I know you saw me, you're sawing at me.
But when I see you, I say, "Marry me."
We only have seconds left,
Give me your shallow breaths,
I'll cup my hands and catch the water while you drink from me.
Drink from me, every flavor that you can grip between your teeth.
There are only seconds now, I'm counting 23.
Why won't you love me? Why won't you love me? Why won't you love me?
I choke. I ache. I scream.

3 seconds left.
I wonder if it’s my “morals”, my long-standing beliefs getting in the way, the ones we don’t see eye-to-eye on.
The ones that are the only ones we severely disagree on.
Except maybe God, but that's best saved for another day.
I wonder if it's discomfort whenever I talk of Mai or Heather, and how I crave the bitter tastes they've each given me.
The same tastes I ache for when I'm alone in the dead of the night without any sort of repose.
I wonder if it's the far-off look in my eyes when my mind wanders off, bleeding internally at the thoughts that poke holes in my steel protections.
The memories that shake me right down to my glacial core.
I wonder if it's my smile when I actually mean the glimmer that reaches the corners of my eyes.
The twinkle that is caused by Heather's similar grin or Maisie's heart-wrenching touch.
And I wonder if it's just me, and all my broken bits and pieces, that lead you to make dire decisions and drive you to make vapid actions.
Nomkhumbulwa Dec 2018
They never spoke again,
I have waited a year and a half,
I have reached out time and again,
But there comes a time when enough is enough.

I cannot force them back into my life,
Cannot force them to utter just one more word,
I will always love them just the same,
But their silence causes so much pain.

It feels like a whole population died,
Been wiped clean off the Earth;
And knowing in reality so many think I lied,
Just makes me want to run away and hide.

I cannot do anymore than I have,
I have forgiven them for how they treated me,
I completely understand the culture, though its sad,
I cannot go back and change what happened to me.

I miss them dearly,
I think about them every day,
I think about the pain I caused them,
Now in my history they will forever stay.

I long to have contact with cousins,
Aunties, Uncles, and friends,
But I know this will never happen,
And I will likely never see them again.

Its all so mixed up in my mind,
The events that caused me to be singled out,
If id had the choice, I would have gone to court,
Because then I would have less doubts.

I am disturbed by memories,
And also by the suicidal hanging,
And knowing that my people,
See me at fault for everything.

It makes me feel ***** and ashamed,
That I, and the other women are still blamed,
And for what is it that we have done?
To be born as "women" is all we have done.

Kevin, Maisie, Clare, Anna,
Eileen, Rita, Peter, Barbara,
Candice, Kerry, Alex, Teeny,
Susan, Wendy, Dennis, and Jelly...

Those names are so very few
Of the huge number of relatives I have,
I still remember the day at the refuge,
When you turned me away - even that made me so sad.

If it were not for South African women,
Running the refuge out of sight out of mind,
Then there would be nowhere for Island women,
Nowhere to turn, yet these women were so kind.

But I know the rest of you still look down on me,
As you no doubt look down on many others,
And what did we do to deserve this?
To be born as women; in that you are so disgusted.

Disgusted with me for questioning abuse,
For speaking out for the others,
Disgusted that I have broken the "silence",
For women are not to be "free", I have discovered.

For if women are to be "free" - then they must be alone,
Discarded by all and everyone,
For "causing you pain",
For "shaming the Island's name".

I still love you -
And always will,
You hold a special place in my heart,
That no one else can fill.

.....I was born a woman - entering this World having already committed the crime....and for that I am sorry.
Random middle of the night piece.
Lisa Ann Rakow Mar 2013
I loved him so
His sister Maisie, too
But something happened to Toby
Love you
Meg Thompson Feb 11
oh big eight, there you are.
my brightest sun
my little number one
my astronaut
my artist
my curious one
how far you've come.
how much you've grown
how beautiful you are
to all the laughter
you are my greatest treasure
I love you Maisie
happy birthday
Joe Cole Feb 2023
These days I still wander the fields and forests
But only from the comfort of my arm chair
On a warm early spring day like today
I can still smell the heady scent of the pine trees
And watch the world class acrobatics of squirrels at play
The fresh green shoots of bluebells brush my boots
As I wander deeper into the forest following unseen paths
I sit under the spreading boughs of a stately oak
For a cigarette and a mug of sweet tea from my flask
My Mollly dog has long gone but Maisie now rest her head on my boot
I'm comfortable here in the woods, happy in my own company with pad and pencil in hand
All of this from the comfort of my arm chair because I can no longer wander in the woods
marvin m brato May 2018

Tested poet of sound relevance

jubilant man of vivid observance

many seen the beauty of poetry

just him being a prolific writer

real sharper might and faster

2. Ferg

Fine lady of an ingenuous mind

ever so passionate and so kind

rare breed of talent with a heart

gentle maiden that can not hurt

3. Rameshta

Religious kind of a man

always wise I'm a fan

many things he sees

every soul or bees

he being poet

tells tales

as poem

4.. Maisie

Most ingenious poet that tell

all sentimental things that spell

interesting emotions quite intimate

sends messages from within so innate

inducing the surge of passionate feelings

ever so real thoughts of most human beings

5. CCadmO1

Coordinator and founder

Called JRNightingale

a man of mission

delivers right

only number 1 (best) !
Robert Staines Mar 2021
Cold winter's blast had clad the streets
of lovely Looe in shrouds of white;
and eerie calm befell the Gulls
above the harbour and the lights

Behind each window, curtains peeked
As Children gazed with wondering eyes;
For garden, street and harbour wall
A million Diamonds seemed to prize

The Children ran to don their coats,
But Parents wisely bade them stay;
And after breakfast promised each,
To join them in their winter play

And so with hats, and scarves and gloves,
The Children in a happy band
With laughter and without a care,
Enjoyed their winter wonderland.

Dear God; Your ways mysterious are;
For on that scene of childish play,
You took from us a shining star;
An Angel fit with You to stay.

See through the streets on many a gate,
A sea of ribbons, Pink and True;
To celebrate the life and times,
Of Maisie Duncan, Child of Looe.

Now at the time of Snow-Drop blooms,
As winter wanes and soon departs;
We smile as we remember now,
A Child who loved, and touched our hearts.
Four years ago to the day, the 'Beast from the East' storm bought a very rare snow storm to the English Sea Side Town of Looe. Children did what Children do - and were playing in the Snow - when a Vehicle lost control on a hill and a young girl tragically died. The people of the small town of Looe were deeply affected by this, and decorated the town with Pink Ribbons in memory of the young girl.
Meg Thompson Dec 2024
Last night
You bought me a new beanie because you thought I would like it and would keep me warm, plus you know how much I love them.
A Reese’s chocolate lava because they’re my favorite at the corner store you stop at.
To be loved is to be seen.
Last night you picked me up, high in the air, me giggling while you held me close to your chest high in the air.
We play wrestled and I giggled. I giggled. And I giggled.
Last night we spoke about my fears & you gave me reassurance.
Last night we had a slim jim war and I nearly died laughing.
Last night you taught me a wrestling move.
Last night you felt my heartbeat through my wrist and you rubbed it because my heart was beating so fast and you wanted to slow it down.
Last night I cried because how sweet you were saving all the notes I’ve written you and how close you held them to your heart.
How you carry me with you wherever you go.
Last night you danced with Maisie and I as we all laughed and smiled.
You’re a dream come true.
Thank you for last night.
I love you with all my heart Chris

— The End —